Lightroom :: DNG Files Don't Display In Preview Or Finder But Okay In 5
Aug 23, 2013
Virtually all of my DNGs from the last four years do not display properly when previewed in OSX's Finder or opened in the Preview app. Everything in Lightroom works just fine. I note that the "linear" option is off (seems to be the default) when I import from the SDHC card to LR. I have LR "Copy as DNG" and I apply nothing other than a renaming of the file (
I've dumped the files in Library/Quicklook but that doesn't do anything.
All the importing has been done with the latest version of ACR (Camera Raw 7.1 is the latest I have).
When I use Quicklook (spacebar) in the Finder or open the file using Apple's Preview app, all I see is a large black rectangle sometimes with some "noise" appearing in the frame. Yet LR has no trouble and I can export as jpeg or tiff without any issue.
I'm running 10.8.4 fully updated. I've dumped all the caches and cleaned everything using Onyx and restarted. Still not working.
The only thing I've noticed is my older DNGs (which came from a Fuji S9100) are 12-bit (and I -can- see those files in Finder preview and the Preview app!) whereas the newer DNGs (from 2009 and newer) which were shot with my S100fs are 14-bit. All the newer DNGs have the problem.
My Ricoh GR creates DNG files that have previews in the Finder. But because the file sizes are big (and I don't need them so big), in Lightroom I reconvert them to Lossy DNG (using compatibility with Camera Raw 7.1 or later). Now, after this conversion, these new DNGs don't have any previews in the Finder anymore.
So, the problem must be with the DNG converter in Lightroom!
I'm running PS CS6 on a new 27"imac. When saving documents in CS6, the majority of times no icon is saved only the file name when viewed from the finder. Around 10% of the documents saved will have an icon, the remainder will not. This is across the board with all file types. If I open up a document through CS6 I can see the file icon in the CS6 as I search, it's just through the finder that I can't.
When saving images in CS6 I can see them as preview icons of the image in finder by itself, but if I open a file in photoshop to find an image, i only have titles and not the images. ALSO when I go to upload an image to blog or facebook, again I have no image icon of what is there, only a blank space and a file name. I HATE THIS as it makes it takes too much time to figure out where the picture is. I am a graphic artist and a painter and I cannot work like this. Does not matter what type of file.. tiff, png, jpg etc... there is no image to see when opening through photoshop or any upload situation. I am able to see the images from FINDER by itself or if I am placing them into MUSE or INDESIGN.
Why I cannot see them to load on blogger or facebook or to open them in photoshop.
Mac OS X lion 10.7.4 NVIDIA GEforce 7300 GI 256 MB 2x2.66 GHx Daul Core Intel xcon 10 GB 667 mhz ddr2 fbdimm
I opened my catalog today and went to one of my folders (2011/9 September). I noticed that there were pictures in the folder that did not belong and had the wrong name attached to them. I was surprized so I right clicked selected "Show in Finder" the folder 2011/9 September opened the photo was not in the folder.
Knowing the folder it should be in I went there and sure it enough it is there with it's original name.Went back to lightroom optimized the catalog... still there. Deleted folder in Lightroom, reimported, but the files came back.
The folder on the finder has 96 pictures, the folder in Lightroom shows 146.I can deal with removing the 40 odd files in this situation but I am afraid it will occur in one of the folders where there are a couple of thousand images.All my other folders seem fine for now, what would cause this issue?
This seems to be happening to large files in general, but happens more often when saving down from CS6 to CS3 (for preflighting). The files will save, then throw this error when re-opening. The preview of the file in the Finder will disappear and the file becomes useless. We are on Macs running 10.6.8 and Illustrator CS6 (fully patched).
I create a file, save it and can't see it where I saved it. I go back to Ilustrator to resave and it asks if I want to replace the file that's already there. I press OK and go where the file should be and again it's not there. I open InDesign to see if I can access the file from it's "place" dialogue box and I can't see it. I tried renaming the file but Illustrator asks me if I want to replace the file with the one using the name I never used in the first place.
I don't know where I put my files when I save them. I've been doing this for 20 years
When I double click on a Photoshopfile in Finder, Photoshop CS opens, but the file doesn't. It's the same when I try to open files from Quark XPress. Is there a option I have missed? Or is there something wrong with my PS? I use OSX.3 on a G4.
OS X - 10.6.8 Photoshop CS5.1 (From CS5.5 Suite) AND Photoshop CS5
When we open a PSD file, then save the file overwriting the previous version, the file becomes invisible. I can use Terminal to set the file to visible, but when we save it again it becomes invisible again. We were initially working on a network, but it also happens when we try to save it to the desktop. When the files are saved under a new name, or in a new location, they are visible, it's only when overwriting. We have 14 Macs working on the same network, but it's only happening on one. We tested it with the same files on another Mac overwriting on the network, and it worked fine. Files that are overwritten and become invisible are then invisible to every computer, not just the one causing the issue.
This is happening with both CS5.1 and CS5.
The only work around we've found is to either individually set the files to visible, or set all files to visible. We can't leave all files set to visible because several people work on each computer every day, and one of them is bound to start deleting every file that they don't know what it is...
[I'm using fully updated OS X 10.8.5, using Illustrator CS6 16.0.4]
In the Finder, all my .AI files show up only as a generic AI file icon. Trying to Preview the files in the Finder also only show the generic icon.
I've tracked down the QuickLook Generator locations, and found that I've got a generator named "illust.qlgenerator". But when I run in the this command: "qlmanage -t <ai file>" tells me this:
[WARNING] Plug-in at file://localhost/Library/QuickLook/illust.qlgenerator/ is 32bit [ERROR] Can't load plug-in at file://localhost/Library/QuickLook/illust.qlgenerator/: The bundle “PDF” couldn’t be loaded because it doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture.
That Quick Look Generator is only 32-bit, which seems to be causing problems.
When I moved it to a different folder to disable it, then the native PDF.qlgenerator takes over, and puts the obnoxious grid behind the previews.
Problems with the OS X PDF QuickLook generator: Obnoxious grid behind the actual content instead of resizing to maximize the thumbnailNative .AI files saved without PDF compatibility show no preview, just "This is an AI file without PDF content"To get the preview, saving with PDF compatibility would double the file size. Double.And I still get the grid.
Is there a native Illustrator QuickLook Generator? I don't want to uninstall and reinstall CS6 just to find there's no difference. Does CS6 install any better previews than I'm getting? Another Mac user with the same setup shows beautiful full-color previews of the same AI sample files without requiring PDF compatibility or the obnoxious grid.
Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".
After I updated to 3.6 I could no longer preview the pictures on the card or camera regardless of the format. Prior to 3.6 I had no problem.. I did not change ,y preferences but I checked them to be sure and can see nothing that deals with this.
After installing Mavericks, I can no longer link files in illustrator CC as the finder window closes by itself after one second or if I click on anything. It was happening with save as also, but that seems to have rectified itself by reinstalling the program.
Using LR4.2 - "Show in Finder" is surprisingly not working from any views on any of my pictures. The finder does not launch at all, nothing happens. The pictures are located on an attached external drive.
when connecting a Fuji FinePix SL1000 to LR 5.3, I cant see the preview pics of the .raf files. So it's quite hard to figure out which ones have already been imported or are not worth to be imported. When I connect my EOS 6D I can see the Thumbnails of the .cr2 files. Is there anything that needs to be configured in order to show the previews?
Lightroom Library does not see a subfolder in the Finder. It sees and has imported all the other subfolders. The subfolder shows up fine in the Finder and in Bridge. How do I get Library to see it?
My LaCie external drive does not show in my Finder window on a MacBook Pro.It (LaCie) does shows up under the Apple icon (USB) port. How can I make it show in the Finder? Computer is running/working fine.The upshot is that my photos all have question marks now. Are my photos lost if my external is broken?I have no pictures on the hard drive of the computer--all on this external drive.
I just started using Lightroom 4.1 Trial version (coming from Aperture). I exported JPEG versions of some images using an ICC profile. On my iMac running Lion 10.7.5 the pictures do not show a thumbnail, the file on the desktop just shows "JPEG". I could not open the file with the Preview App, but I am able to open it with DPP (Canon software)? Also the file shows that it has 0 x 0 dimentions when I click Get Info even though it is about 25 Megs in size?
The message I get is "The file “Edit-739820120223Canon EOS 7D.jpg” could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize."
LR has stopped importing my Nikon d600 raw files, first says no preview available then when I click import it says not supported. I have upgraded to ver 4.4 but still have the same problem.
I am an amateur photographer. I just purchased a brand new NIKON D3300 took a few pictures, signed up for the Adobe annual Photographers Creative Cloud annual program and my first task to have Lightroom import a few test photos fails and I have no clue why my raw + jpgs can't be imported. at the outset In Lightroom I also got a "Preview unavailable for this file" message for every image file when I pointed to the memory card I had connected to my computer:
The files are not recognized by the raw format support in Lightroom. (35) DSC_0376.NEF DSC_0377.NEF DSC_0378.NEF DSC_0379.NEF DSC_0380.NEF DSC_0381.NEF DSC_0382.NEF DSC_0383.NEF DSC_0384.NEF DSC_0385.NEF DSC_0386.NEF DSC_0387.NEF
I've also attached a screen shot. I would really like to use Lightroom and all the Adobe products but I have no clue why it won't work with my NIKON test pictures.
How do you join a multi-word keyword so it is recognized as one keyword? i.e. If you want "New York", not "New" and "York." Do you put it in quotes? Isolate it with commas? Other?
Ocean View Ocean Front Over the Water
I try to do this in Library Mode, Keyword Creation box, I get 2 words.
Example, I type Los Angeles and get: Angeles, Los
Nothing I try works. I know it is common since I imported 200,000 images and I see lots of word combos used as keywords.
I would like the caption or title to show as an overlay on exported jpeg files. How do I do it? Do I need to do it in Photoshop or can I directly do it in Lightroom 5 CC.
I always rename pictures after import with YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_SEQ-NR, now I would like to find out, which pictures were not getting renamed or where the filename is equal to the original-filename.
I've been using the FastPictureViewer Codec pack so that DNG and camera RAW files show as thumbnails in Explorer for quite some time. Upon upgrading to LR4, DNG files no longer display as thumbnails, but as the generic Windows icon for an image.
Upon researching the issue, and upgrading the Codecs from the supplier (which still did not fix the issue), the supplier tells me the following:
What we solved [in the update] was a crash with the new files. Adobe did not document their changes, so there is not much we can do except ignore the files. This is what happens when owners of proprietary formats decide to change stuff without notice.
If you turn off the "fast load" and "lossy" options the DNG will still be created following the published 1.3 specification and will work with 3rd party software including ours.
The "new DNGs" are for Adobe private use only at the moment. We don't know (beyond vague promises on employees personal blogs) if they will ever document what they did and publish an updated specification, they are certainly under no obligation to do so. The decision they took not to release updated DNG specs even before LR4 came out was a deliberate one.
While I resolved the problem by turning "fast load" off, I find it highly disturbing that Adobe has made undocumented changes to the DNG format that break 3rd party software. I thought the whole idea of DNG was that it was an OPEN FORMAT and was to prevent situations such as this. At least this is how they sold it to the public and their argument against "proprietary camera manufactuer RAW formats" that could "change at any time".
I recently bought a Nikon D7100. I took some test shots and imported the images to Lightroom 4.4, then generated 1:1 previews for all the images.
Previews zoomed to 1:1 in Library Mode are noticeably soft. The image below is a screen shot of the Library preview:
Moving to Develop View produces a higher-resolution 1:1 preview. The image below is a screen shot of the Develop preview:
Look at the bricks and window screens to see the difference.
This difference occurs immediately after import (with a User Preset applied during import). Once any Develop work is done, the Library preview updates and displays at full resolution.
This problem makes doing initial editing/selection of images time consuming, because I can't determine the sharpness/quality of imported images until I've done some kind of Develop adjustment on each image.
I have come across - the 1st time - a series of mpg video clips which, assembled into a project file on a 3rd party usb memory stick, irregularly freezes the preview image and sound while playing, usually in the 1st or 2nd clip in the file. Searching for a reason, I have played the file on two machines across both usb2 and usb3 connections, and using different versions of VS, and the freezing of the play occurs in all of them. At different places in successive events. The same thing happens with individual clips in VS, and individual clips in other video player software like media player and VLC.
I've no reason to believe that the software or even the files are causing this. At least, not yet. The only common element seemed to be the memory stick, so I copied the files from the 3rd party item to one I know is usb3, opened the project file and after re-linking, played it. Same thing happened in the 3rd clip. The results to date suggest that the player software (any of them) in doing the background data load from the memory stick at some point is taking too long, and thus the freeze. Which led me to review the file formats and size.
The freezing files are interesting - mpg format, but way bigger than I had expected for the duration involved. For example, one of the freezing ones is 1min18sec duration and 99,791Kb in size. Compared to a 51sec 22,224Kb file taken on a different camcorder. The duration versus size differences are substantial (for only a 27 sec duration difference the size difference is nearly 5 times), and one wonders why? Both of them loaded into VS show as MPEG-1 format on a right click properties display.
As far as I am aware, mpeg-1 is the same as avi format, and mpeg-2 and mpeg-4 are compressed and thus smaller versions of the same file length without loss of quality. Why mpg file should freeze during play in VS X6, X5, media player and VLC, on a desktop and a separate laptop machine?
I am using MacBook (late 2008) OS X 10.9.2 and recently upgraded to Lightroom 5.3 from Lightroom 4. After a while, some photo started to show exclamation mark at the right hand corner of the photo (*.CR2 raw files in NAS) in grid view. When I click on the exclamation mark, it shows a dialog with following message; "Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo". So, I moved previews.lrdata, which is about 9GB, to the trash and restarted the Lightroom 5, expecting Lightroom 5 to create a new previews.lrdata. However, it won't create any preview at all.
exclamation mark at the top right hand corner of the photos in grid view.
Other than rendering this scene, I was trying to see if I can get the object in model space to show the details of the material I have in the browser more accurately.
I butchered the .dwg trying to compress it to an uploadable size, so I hope it can be viewed..