Photoshop :: Opening Files From Finder

Aug 25, 2004

When I double click on a Photoshopfile in Finder, Photoshop CS opens, but the file doesn't. It's the same when I try to open files from Quark XPress. Is there a option I have missed? Or is there something wrong with my PS? I use OSX.3 on a G4.

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Photoshop :: Overwriting PSD Files Causes Them To Be Invisible In Finder

Mar 16, 2012

OS X - 10.6.8
Photoshop CS5.1 (From CS5.5 Suite) AND Photoshop CS5
When we open a PSD file, then save the file overwriting the previous version, the file becomes invisible. I can use Terminal to set the file to visible, but when we save it again it becomes invisible again. We were initially working on a network, but it also happens when we try to save it to the desktop. When the files are saved under a new name, or in a new location, they are visible, it's only when overwriting. We have 14 Macs working on the same network, but it's only happening on one. We tested it with the same files on another Mac overwriting on the network, and it worked fine. Files that are overwritten and become invisible are then invisible to every computer, not just the one causing the issue.
This is happening with both CS5.1 and CS5.
The only work around we've found is to either individually set the files to visible, or set all files to visible. We can't leave all files set to visible because several people work on each computer every day, and one of them is bound to start deleting every file that they don't know what it is...

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Photoshop :: Mac OS Finder Fails To Display File Icons For Most Files?

Mar 5, 2013

I'm running PS CS6 on a new 27"imac. When saving documents in CS6, the majority of times no icon is saved only the file name when viewed from the finder. Around 10% of the documents saved will have an icon, the remainder will not. This is across the board with all file types. If I open up a document through CS6 I can see the file icon in the CS6 as I search, it's just through the finder that I can't.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Files Don't Appear In The Mac Finder?

Feb 25, 2014

I create a file, save it and can't see it where I saved it. I go back to Ilustrator to resave and it asks if I want to replace the file that's already there. I press OK and go where the file should be and again it's not there. I open InDesign to see if I can access the file from it's "place" dialogue box and I can't see it. I tried renaming the file but Illustrator asks me if I want to replace the file with the one using the name I never used in the first place.

I don't know where I put my files when I save them. I've been doing this for 20 years

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Illustrator :: Mac Finder Previews For AI Files Not Working

Nov 27, 2013

[I'm using fully updated OS X 10.8.5, using Illustrator CS6 16.0.4]
In the Finder, all my .AI files show up only as a generic AI file icon. Trying to Preview the files in the Finder also only show the generic icon.
I've tracked down the QuickLook Generator locations, and found that I've got a generator named "illust.qlgenerator". But when I run in the this command: "qlmanage -t <ai file>" tells me this:
[WARNING] Plug-in at file://localhost/Library/QuickLook/illust.qlgenerator/ is 32bit
[ERROR] Can't load plug-in at file://localhost/Library/QuickLook/illust.qlgenerator/: The bundle “PDF” couldn’t be loaded because it doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture.
That Quick Look Generator is only 32-bit, which seems to be causing problems.
When I moved it to a different folder to disable it, then the native PDF.qlgenerator takes over, and puts the obnoxious grid behind the previews.
Problems with the OS X PDF QuickLook generator: Obnoxious grid behind the actual content instead of resizing to maximize the thumbnailNative .AI files saved without PDF compatibility show no preview, just "This is an AI file without PDF content"To get the preview, saving with PDF compatibility would double the file size. Double.And I still get the grid. 

Is there a native Illustrator QuickLook Generator? I don't want to uninstall and reinstall CS6 just to find there's no difference. Does CS6 install any better previews than I'm getting? Another Mac user with the same setup shows beautiful full-color previews of the same AI sample files without requiring PDF compatibility or the obnoxious grid.

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Lightroom :: DNG Files Don't Display In Preview Or Finder But Okay In 5

Aug 23, 2013

Virtually all of my DNGs from the last four years do not display properly when previewed in OSX's Finder or opened in the Preview app. Everything in Lightroom works just fine. I note that the "linear" option is off (seems to be the default) when I import from the SDHC card to LR. I have LR "Copy as DNG" and I apply nothing other than a renaming of the file (
I've dumped the files in Library/Quicklook but that doesn't do anything.
All the importing has been done with the latest version of ACR (Camera Raw 7.1 is the latest I have).
When I use Quicklook (spacebar) in the Finder or open the file using Apple's Preview app, all I see is a large black rectangle sometimes with some "noise" appearing in the frame. Yet LR has no trouble and I can export as jpeg or tiff without any issue.
I'm running 10.8.4 fully updated. I've dumped all the caches and cleaned everything using Onyx and restarted. Still not working.
The only thing I've noticed is my older DNGs (which came from a Fuji S9100) are 12-bit (and I -can- see those files in Finder preview and the Preview app!) whereas the newer DNGs (from 2009 and newer) which were shot with my S100fs are 14-bit. All the newer DNGs have the problem.
I've uploaded one of the "problem" images: [URL]

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Illustrator :: Cannot Link Files In CC - Finder Window Closes By Itself After Installing Maverick

Oct 23, 2013

After installing Mavericks, I can no longer link files in illustrator CC as the finder window closes by itself after one second or if I click on anything. It was happening with save as also, but that seems to have rectified itself by reinstalling the program.

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Lightroom :: Files In Folder That Are Not In Finder Folder

Jan 19, 2012

I opened my catalog today and went to one of my folders (2011/9 September). I noticed that there were pictures in the folder that did not belong and had the wrong name attached to them. I was surprized so I right clicked selected "Show in Finder" the folder 2011/9 September opened the photo was not in the folder.
Knowing the folder it should be in I went there and sure it enough it is there with it's original name.Went back to lightroom optimized the catalog... still there. Deleted folder in Lightroom, reimported, but the files came back.
The folder on the finder has 96 pictures, the folder in Lightroom shows 146.I can deal with removing the 40 odd files in this situation but I am afraid it will occur in one of the folders where there are a couple of thousand images.All my other folders seem fine for now, what would cause this issue?

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Illustrator :: Linked PSD Files Not Found When Opening AI Files Via Shared Folder

Mar 17, 2013

My main user folder on the iMac is set to be shared (read/write, including all enclosed files) with my MacBook Pro. The job is a series of one-page InDesign files (they are newspaper advertisements). The IDD files contain a series of Illustrator files with linked PSD files.The idea is that we can both work on the .idd and .ai files in the same folder at the same time.
It's all working fine EXCEPT that whenever an .ai file is opened on the MacBook, Illustrator doesn't know where the linked PSD files are. We can update the link, but when the .ai file is then opened on the iMac and saved, the same thing happens the next time it is opened on the Macbook.
I don't want to embed the PSD files into the .ai files as sometimes I have to modify them and they can be linked to up to 20 .ai files.
G5 iMac OSX 10.7.5 / Macbook Pro OSX 10.8.2 / networked via FireWire cable / file sharing on, laptop user has Administrator status, all files are read/write, permissions include all enclosed files / CS6

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Photoshop :: Previews For PSD Docs In Mac Finder

Sep 23, 2012

I have no previews for just PSD docs in the mac finder for a week or so now. I can see other types of doc previews. I run snow leopard on a mac book pro that is about 2 years old.

Oddly enough the trouble BEGan for me after running a normal maintenance script in ONYX (I clean the cache about once a week or so). Could be coincidence. I just installed the little "patch' from adobe but that does not work. I can see the previews in the com/4 view but in com/3, where I usually hang out, there is no preview and pressing the space bar for quick look is the same, with no preview.

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Photoshop :: Edge-Finder Tool?

Aug 10, 2006

I have used Microsoft Picture It! and when I started using photoshop, I really missed somethign called the "Edge Finder Tool." The Edge Finder found the edge of something in my image so that I did not have to manually select it with the lasso.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Hangs / New Files Or Opening Existing Files

Apr 7, 2013

Date/Time:       2013-04-07 14:58:28 +0200
OS Version:      10.7.5 (Build 11G63b)
Architecture:    x86_64
Report Version:  9 
Command:         Illustrator
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS6/Adobe Illustrator
Version:         723 (16.0.0)
Parent:          launchd [132]
PID:             10493
Event:           hang
Duration:        0.83s
Steps:           10 (100ms sampling interval)
 Pageins:         19
Pageouts:        0

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Photoshop :: Why Is There A Discrepancy Between Image Size And That Of The Finder

Apr 26, 2013

Same photo is showing smaller image size inside Photoshop than what the finder is indicating. I am using Photoshop CS6. Mac OS X v10.7.5.

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Photoshop :: File Sizes Shown To Be Twice As Big In Finder?

Mar 27, 2013

I work with 2 different Mac Pro towers.  The one at my home has Photoshop cs4 and the one at my studio has Photoshop cs6.  The other day I noticed that Finder on my studio computer shows the file size to be twice as big as the finder on my home computer.  The pixel dimension size doesn't change, just the file size.  It shows up that way after I save it on my studio computer. If I take that file home and resave it on that computer then the Finder shows the smaller file size again.  I guess the questions I have are: Is the file size is actually increasing and if so, what could be causing that to happen?  Photoshop shows the files to be the same size, but in the Finder window is where I see the difference. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 (MAC) / Locate Open Image In Finder?

Apr 16, 2013

Every version of Photoshop on MAC platform before CS6 gave me a path to my image in the finder when I right-clicked or Control Clicked on the title bar. Now I get information I can easily get elsewhere and there's no intuitive way to get my path information.
This is inconsistent with other CS applications as well. after saving an image it works, then if I leave the image open, click on another image, then click back to the one I just saved, the option list is different when I right click.

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Photoshop :: Workspace Shows Finder Screen

Feb 16, 2012

For some reason, in CS3 I have an opening in the editing space which allows other applications, or the finder, to show through.
How can I grey out that space so it isn't transparent?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - No Mac Finder Drag And Drop In OS X Lion (v.10.7.x)?

Sep 9, 2012

PS Elements 10, v.10.0 (20110831.m.17215)
27" Mid-2011 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, 12 GB RAM, Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4
I have a very simple question, for which I can find NO answer: since I upgraded my Mac OS to Lion, I can no longer grab an image -- or, most importantly, several images from several locations on my several drives -- then drag and drop them on the PS Elements 10 icon in my Dock, or on the PS Elements 10 icon in my Applications folder, and have PS Elements 10 automatically boot open, and load these images into the Editor workspace. I try it, and PS Elements 10 just sits there and refuses to open.  I could do this in Snow Leopard, and I can do this in Lion with EVERY other app I have (providing I'm dragging and dropping files that the apps recognize). As I have many images in many files, this is, obvious

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Photoshop :: ACR Files Not Opening In CS6?

Feb 4, 2013

I recently purchased CS6 and loaded it to my desktop PC running Windows 7 and everyhing is fine.
I recently purchased a new laptop and loaded a second copy to it (running Windows 8). When I process a RAW file and try to open it in PS6 about every 4th file does not appear in the PS6 workspace. The file details show in the top left corner, the background layer appear, I supposedly can save this file but I cannot see anything. When I close PS6 and re-open it and re-open the ACR file, then open to PS6 if works fine.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Opening RAW Files

Dec 9, 2012

I have Photshop CS6 Extended but when I click on the .cr2 which is the RAW file I keep getting an error message "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document"

I have tried installing the camera raw plugin Photoshop Camera Raw 7.1

Installation failed. Error Code: U44M2P7

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Photoshop :: Opening RAW Files In CS5?

Mar 19, 2013

CS5 won't open RAW (NEF) files from camera on list (Nikon D3000).  My updates are current.  What next?

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Photoshop :: Not Opening NEF RAW Files?

Sep 18, 2012

I am running CS4.  I have downloaded all recent upgrades.  I have upgraded my camera body from a Nikon D90 to a D7000.  Photoshop will not open the D7000 RAW NEF files.  Jpeg files are fine.

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Photoshop :: Opening Files In CS6

Apr 7, 2013

Yesterday, before closing down, I uninstalled P/S 7, CS2 and CS3 to gain space, but do not know whether that action is relevant to my problem. Today I find that JPEGs will not open in Photoshop, and in Bridge only by going through Camera Raw. Photoshop will open tiffs, while Bridge will open some, but not all tiffs, through Camera Raw only. This problem follows many months of trouble-free operation of CS6.

My operating system is Windows 7 Ultimate. I have downloaded the latest patches for CS6, and have set the Bridge Preferences item on File Associations to Default.

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Photoshop :: Opening JPG Files With CS5?

Sep 29, 2013

I am using win 7 and CS5.  I have both JPG and RAW files; however all of a sudden when I attempt to open some JPG files, they somehow are vertically truncated only opening halfh the picture. 

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Photoshop :: Opening Raw Files In PS 7.0

Jul 17, 2009

want to open raw files. Add on?

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Photoshop :: Opening Eps Files In Ps7

Mar 15, 2004

This problem just started recently on my PhotoShop 7.

I try to open an EPS file that was created in Illustrator or Freehand (or any other EPS that is not a Photoshop EPS), it opens up
as a blank document, like a transparent layer (you just see the
gray and white checkerboard background).
This happens whether I try to open the file by FILE>OPEN or if I drag the EPS file over the PS7 icon.

I tried everything and looked everywhere but without success.

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Photoshop :: Opening Jpg Files In CS4

Jan 22, 2009

I had bought CS4 and Lightroom from Adobe.

My raw files ( nef as well as dng) open fine on it, however when they are converted, there is a mesh in front of the image.

My jpg files previously adjusted in CS2 also do not open properly with same mesh in front of them.

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Photoshop :: Opening Files In Cs3

Jun 18, 2009

I cannot see open files in the workspace on cs3, the file will show thunbnail in the layers box but will not open in workspace.

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Photoshop :: Opening Files

Jun 5, 2009

I have two different psd files I cannot open. I last worked on these files May 30th.  For each of them I completed a detailed mask, added a path and saved the files without changing the name. Today I went to work on my project and could not open either file.

When opening the 1st file I got this error message: Could not complete your request becaus the file is not compatible with this version of Photoship. When opening the 2nd file I got this error message: Could not complete your request because it is a not a valid Photoshop document. 

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Photoshop :: CS4 Opening Raw Files From 50d

Jul 18, 2009

I just bought a 50D and did a wedding. I have a new photoshop CS4.  I just downloaded the most recent update. None of my RAW images will open in photoshop. They open in the Canon software that came with my camera, but won't open in Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Opening PS 7 Files In CS2

Dec 2, 2008

working with Photoshop 7.

I have CS2 at home and have been having trouble getting certain 7 files to open in my CS2.

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Photoshop :: Opening .dds Files

Sep 20, 2008

I have a question about opening a .dds file to make skin for a car in RACE 07.

I have already installed the NVIDIA DDS plug-in and it used to work on PS CS2. Now I tried it on CS3 and at first it said that it was an unknown file format or something (don't remember the exact error). So I first re-installed the plugin. When that didn't work, I copied the dds.8BI file from the Plug-Ins folder in the CS2 folder to the Plug-Ins folder in the CS3 folder on my external HDD. Then I had the same error on both photoshops: "Could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file."

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