Photoshop :: Overwriting PSD Files Causes Them To Be Invisible In Finder

Mar 16, 2012

OS X - 10.6.8
Photoshop CS5.1 (From CS5.5 Suite) AND Photoshop CS5
When we open a PSD file, then save the file overwriting the previous version, the file becomes invisible. I can use Terminal to set the file to visible, but when we save it again it becomes invisible again. We were initially working on a network, but it also happens when we try to save it to the desktop. When the files are saved under a new name, or in a new location, they are visible, it's only when overwriting. We have 14 Macs working on the same network, but it's only happening on one. We tested it with the same files on another Mac overwriting on the network, and it worked fine. Files that are overwritten and become invisible are then invisible to every computer, not just the one causing the issue.
This is happening with both CS5.1 and CS5.
The only work around we've found is to either individually set the files to visible, or set all files to visible. We can't leave all files set to visible because several people work on each computer every day, and one of them is bound to start deleting every file that they don't know what it is...

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Not Overwriting Original Files In CS6

Aug 22, 2012

It doesn't always happen but when I use save for web to save an image it goes through all the motions as normal but when I go to view the image, I find that it hasn't overwritten the original file. It has happened to other people in the studio too so it might be something to do with our setup?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing - New Files Created Inside Action Are Overwriting Each Other?

Sep 8, 2013

I have 100's of flat images that I have to chop up into 3 parts and save as individual pieces to then load into a separate piece of software.

My problem is that when I start the batch, the 3 new images it creates for each image are simply overwriting each other when saving.

The options for serial numbers etc in the destination field of batch seems to only work for the original file opened, not the 3 new images the action creates/saves.

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Photoshop :: Opening Files From Finder

Aug 25, 2004

When I double click on a Photoshopfile in Finder, Photoshop CS opens, but the file doesn't. It's the same when I try to open files from Quark XPress. Is there a option I have missed? Or is there something wrong with my PS? I use OSX.3 on a G4.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Publish Command And Overwriting PDF Files?

Aug 8, 2013

With Autocad 2013 we have found an unconsistant problem with overwriting PDF files with same name.  This only happens with publish command (ie, can just plot 1 layout to pdf and overwrite no problem).  The funny thing is, it doesn't happen all the time - just 50% of the files (and yes, the file is not in use when attempting to overwrite).

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Photoshop :: Mac OS Finder Fails To Display File Icons For Most Files?

Mar 5, 2013

I'm running PS CS6 on a new 27"imac. When saving documents in CS6, the majority of times no icon is saved only the file name when viewed from the finder. Around 10% of the documents saved will have an icon, the remainder will not. This is across the board with all file types. If I open up a document through CS6 I can see the file icon in the CS6 as I search, it's just through the finder that I can't.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Files Don't Appear In The Mac Finder?

Feb 25, 2014

I create a file, save it and can't see it where I saved it. I go back to Ilustrator to resave and it asks if I want to replace the file that's already there. I press OK and go where the file should be and again it's not there. I open InDesign to see if I can access the file from it's "place" dialogue box and I can't see it. I tried renaming the file but Illustrator asks me if I want to replace the file with the one using the name I never used in the first place.

I don't know where I put my files when I save them. I've been doing this for 20 years

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Illustrator :: Mac Finder Previews For AI Files Not Working

Nov 27, 2013

[I'm using fully updated OS X 10.8.5, using Illustrator CS6 16.0.4]
In the Finder, all my .AI files show up only as a generic AI file icon. Trying to Preview the files in the Finder also only show the generic icon.
I've tracked down the QuickLook Generator locations, and found that I've got a generator named "illust.qlgenerator". But when I run in the this command: "qlmanage -t <ai file>" tells me this:
[WARNING] Plug-in at file://localhost/Library/QuickLook/illust.qlgenerator/ is 32bit
[ERROR] Can't load plug-in at file://localhost/Library/QuickLook/illust.qlgenerator/: The bundle “PDF” couldn’t be loaded because it doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture.
That Quick Look Generator is only 32-bit, which seems to be causing problems.
When I moved it to a different folder to disable it, then the native PDF.qlgenerator takes over, and puts the obnoxious grid behind the previews.
Problems with the OS X PDF QuickLook generator: Obnoxious grid behind the actual content instead of resizing to maximize the thumbnailNative .AI files saved without PDF compatibility show no preview, just "This is an AI file without PDF content"To get the preview, saving with PDF compatibility would double the file size. Double.And I still get the grid. 

Is there a native Illustrator QuickLook Generator? I don't want to uninstall and reinstall CS6 just to find there's no difference. Does CS6 install any better previews than I'm getting? Another Mac user with the same setup shows beautiful full-color previews of the same AI sample files without requiring PDF compatibility or the obnoxious grid.

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Lightroom :: DNG Files Don't Display In Preview Or Finder But Okay In 5

Aug 23, 2013

Virtually all of my DNGs from the last four years do not display properly when previewed in OSX's Finder or opened in the Preview app. Everything in Lightroom works just fine. I note that the "linear" option is off (seems to be the default) when I import from the SDHC card to LR. I have LR "Copy as DNG" and I apply nothing other than a renaming of the file (
I've dumped the files in Library/Quicklook but that doesn't do anything.
All the importing has been done with the latest version of ACR (Camera Raw 7.1 is the latest I have).
When I use Quicklook (spacebar) in the Finder or open the file using Apple's Preview app, all I see is a large black rectangle sometimes with some "noise" appearing in the frame. Yet LR has no trouble and I can export as jpeg or tiff without any issue.
I'm running 10.8.4 fully updated. I've dumped all the caches and cleaned everything using Onyx and restarted. Still not working.
The only thing I've noticed is my older DNGs (which came from a Fuji S9100) are 12-bit (and I -can- see those files in Finder preview and the Preview app!) whereas the newer DNGs (from 2009 and newer) which were shot with my S100fs are 14-bit. All the newer DNGs have the problem.
I've uploaded one of the "problem" images: [URL]

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Illustrator :: Cannot Link Files In CC - Finder Window Closes By Itself After Installing Maverick

Oct 23, 2013

After installing Mavericks, I can no longer link files in illustrator CC as the finder window closes by itself after one second or if I click on anything. It was happening with save as also, but that seems to have rectified itself by reinstalling the program.

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Photoshop :: CS6 13.0.5 - Files Being Saved To SMB Volume Have Alias And Invisible Bits

Jul 31, 2013

We are running CS6 13.0.5 on multiple Mac Pros, most Mac OS X 10.8.3 but one 10.8.4.  We've experienced the issue on both OS'es.
Sometimes when saving files to our primary share (an SMB share on an EMC Celerra) the files are having their alias and invisible bits (for Finder) set.
Not the flags (chflags), the bits (can be changed using SetFile in Mac Dev Tools). 
So these files are showing up as hidden aliases.  Seems to be no problem saving locally.

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Illustrator :: Creating 100s Of Invisible Cache Files OS X?

Jul 11, 2013

We have 8 designers all running identicle systems, but one user is constantly using up their disk space quota, I've traced the problem to the fact that when they use illustrator it writes loads of 16.8 Mb files to their Library > Cache folder all called .afpdeleted followed by a series of numbers.
This doesn't happen with any of the other users.
He is using:
Mac Pro 2.66Ghz 12Gb RAM
OS X 10.7.5 ( this is as far as this mac can be updated)
Network Home Login
It is happening on illustrator CS6 and also on illustrator CC. What is happening and why it is only happening to this one user?

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Lightroom :: Files In Folder That Are Not In Finder Folder

Jan 19, 2012

I opened my catalog today and went to one of my folders (2011/9 September). I noticed that there were pictures in the folder that did not belong and had the wrong name attached to them. I was surprized so I right clicked selected "Show in Finder" the folder 2011/9 September opened the photo was not in the folder.
Knowing the folder it should be in I went there and sure it enough it is there with it's original name.Went back to lightroom optimized the catalog... still there. Deleted folder in Lightroom, reimported, but the files came back.
The folder on the finder has 96 pictures, the folder in Lightroom shows 146.I can deal with removing the 40 odd files in this situation but I am afraid it will occur in one of the folders where there are a couple of thousand images.All my other folders seem fine for now, what would cause this issue?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Overwriting CS5 And Can't Get Actions

Mar 22, 2012

My actions aren't backed up as an action file, they were just sitting comfortably in my CS5..I have installed the CS6 beta and it has taken over CS5, I am now unable to open anything in Photoshop CS5 as it goes directly into CS6.
I have lost my actions and I want them back, as well as my other settings. How do I get these back?
ALSO, the magnification zoom drop down box that was at the top of CS5 (25%, 50%, 100%, 200%) does no longer exist. Is there a way to get this back? I use to use this frequently!
I am on Windows 7 64-bit

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Photoshop :: How To Keep Gradients From Overwriting?

Dec 10, 2007

I recently upgraded from CS to CS3 and I can't for the life of me figure out how you set the gradients so they add on top of each other rather than overwriting.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Invisible Fonts In Existing Files

Nov 11, 2011

New laptop. Windows 7 64 bit. Corel #3.

When I open up existing Corel files the fonts are missing. The fonts are there in other applications, just not in t Corel. We have other machines with Windows 7  and X3 and they work fine.

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Photoshop :: Overwriting File In An Action

Apr 27, 2004

I made an action that saves a JPEG using Save for Web and it overwrites the existing file. Unfortunately when I run the action or use it in a batch it asks me if I want to replace the existing file.

How do I make it overwrite the existing file?

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AutoCad 2D :: Overwriting Dimension's Text?

Nov 25, 2013

I need to overwrite the measurement of quite a lot of dimensions. I do this by double clicking on a dimension and entering properties and writing the text there. However, this takes forever and I need greater efficiency.

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AutoCad :: Setting For Overwriting All Colors?

Jun 2, 2012

Is there a setting that you can change in AutoCAD that will allow you to change all colors in a x-ref file, even if the "By Layer" color has been changed in the x-ref?

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Lightroom :: Overwriting Existing Web Galleries?

Apr 1, 2013

I'm finding that when I export a web gallery and overwrite an existing gallery (folder) the some contents of the previous folder remains.
I'm using LR 4.3 (on a Mac) and exporting using the Turning Gate web gallery.
I choose to export a gallery that overwrites an existing gallery folder which contains folders of images labeled Photos and Thumbnails (the folders have contents). The newly exported gallery does not include any images (I choose use selected photos but have none selected). LR asks me if I want to overwrite the existing folder and I click OK.
When the new folder is opened the Photos and Thumbnails folders have the images from the previous gallery. Why would this happen if I choose to overwrite the existing folder? In other programs overwriting a folder means the whole content is being replaced, not just certain things.
In the past I've also discovered that images from previous exported galleries will remain in a folder in the above scenario even if I export a different selection from the gallery. Should I report this as a bug with LR, or is exporting like this a (mis)function of the gallery?

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Photoshop :: Previews For PSD Docs In Mac Finder

Sep 23, 2012

I have no previews for just PSD docs in the mac finder for a week or so now. I can see other types of doc previews. I run snow leopard on a mac book pro that is about 2 years old.

Oddly enough the trouble BEGan for me after running a normal maintenance script in ONYX (I clean the cache about once a week or so). Could be coincidence. I just installed the little "patch' from adobe but that does not work. I can see the previews in the com/4 view but in com/3, where I usually hang out, there is no preview and pressing the space bar for quick look is the same, with no preview.

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Photoshop :: Edge-Finder Tool?

Aug 10, 2006

I have used Microsoft Picture It! and when I started using photoshop, I really missed somethign called the "Edge Finder Tool." The Edge Finder found the edge of something in my image so that I did not have to manually select it with the lasso.

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Maya Animation :: How To Prevent Blend Shapes From Overwriting Each Other

Sep 15, 2011

I have a rigged human character with many corrective blend shapes, which sometimes overwrite each other. For example, the corrective blend shape on the finger, when activated, "un-does" the corrective blend shape on the elbow, when both the finger and the elbow are bent.

I have tried the input editor, and can change which blend shapes overwrite what other blend shapes, but they still overwrite each other.

My next step is to try and paint the areas which the blend shape affects (stop the finger blend shape from being applied to the elbow). However, when accessing the "Paint Blend Shape Weights" tool, most of the target blends do not appear in the list. Two target blends do appear, but the two which appear are seemingly random and have nothing that sets them apart from the other blend shapes which do not appear.

When creating new blend shapes from the same base mesh, the new blend shapes also do not not appear in the target blend list.

When attempting to duplicate the problem (with several cubes), the issue is not present.

How to prevent the blend shapes from overwriting each other, or how to fix the issue with the targets not appearing in the paint blend shape weights list? Attached is a screen grab of some of my blend shapes visible in the blend shape editor on the right, and them not being present in the paint blend shapes weights list on the left.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Overwriting Points Importing Fieldbook

Jan 4, 2013

We're moving [slowly, painfully] from LDD to Civil 2012. When importing a survey fieldbook in LDD, my method has always been to "clean up" the fieldbook during the import. Rather than search through the fieldbook text file manually, I'll let the import process find the duplicate, overwritten points, or errant linecodes, and then exclamate them or change them in the fieldbook and, if necessary, reimport the fieldbook. Figures and breaklines use the initial coordinate, for instance, so sometimes a reimport is (was) necessary.

So our survey crews "overwrite" points in the field for bad rod heights, angles, descriptions, etc... During the LDD import process that point number is flagged and I am given the option to overwrite/average/etc.... In Civil 3D I seem to be stuck with an average of the two observations, and I'm not even alerted about which point numbers come from these "multiple observations." So I've no idea without sifting through the often substantial list of point numbers which points have duplicate data connected to them.

I've combed through the import options and I just don't see what I'm looking for, which, in a phrase, is to be alerted when there are duplicate numbers in the fieldbook.

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Photoshop :: Why Is There A Discrepancy Between Image Size And That Of The Finder

Apr 26, 2013

Same photo is showing smaller image size inside Photoshop than what the finder is indicating. I am using Photoshop CS6. Mac OS X v10.7.5.

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Photoshop :: File Sizes Shown To Be Twice As Big In Finder?

Mar 27, 2013

I work with 2 different Mac Pro towers.  The one at my home has Photoshop cs4 and the one at my studio has Photoshop cs6.  The other day I noticed that Finder on my studio computer shows the file size to be twice as big as the finder on my home computer.  The pixel dimension size doesn't change, just the file size.  It shows up that way after I save it on my studio computer. If I take that file home and resave it on that computer then the Finder shows the smaller file size again.  I guess the questions I have are: Is the file size is actually increasing and if so, what could be causing that to happen?  Photoshop shows the files to be the same size, but in the Finder window is where I see the difference. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 (MAC) / Locate Open Image In Finder?

Apr 16, 2013

Every version of Photoshop on MAC platform before CS6 gave me a path to my image in the finder when I right-clicked or Control Clicked on the title bar. Now I get information I can easily get elsewhere and there's no intuitive way to get my path information.
This is inconsistent with other CS applications as well. after saving an image it works, then if I leave the image open, click on another image, then click back to the one I just saved, the option list is different when I right click.

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Photoshop :: Workspace Shows Finder Screen

Feb 16, 2012

For some reason, in CS3 I have an opening in the editing space which allows other applications, or the finder, to show through.
How can I grey out that space so it isn't transparent?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2011 - Overwriting / Modifying Control Point?

Feb 2, 2012

We have been processing/adjusting our field control observations in an outside program (Star-net) and then importing the control into our C3D Database through an import event (PNEZD File). Once the control has been imported we import our field data (.fbk file) through an import event as well. The problem that we are having is once you process a .fbk that uses one of those control points it "locks" the control point, so the next day when we get another field download and the control is re-adjusted, we can't update the control points in the C3D Database.

The only way we have found to get our newly adjust control into the C3D Database is too delete all of the "import events" that use the control point and then import our new control. This is a HUGE hassle.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - No Mac Finder Drag And Drop In OS X Lion (v.10.7.x)?

Sep 9, 2012

PS Elements 10, v.10.0 (20110831.m.17215)
27" Mid-2011 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, 12 GB RAM, Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4
I have a very simple question, for which I can find NO answer: since I upgraded my Mac OS to Lion, I can no longer grab an image -- or, most importantly, several images from several locations on my several drives -- then drag and drop them on the PS Elements 10 icon in my Dock, or on the PS Elements 10 icon in my Applications folder, and have PS Elements 10 automatically boot open, and load these images into the Editor workspace. I try it, and PS Elements 10 just sits there and refuses to open.  I could do this in Snow Leopard, and I can do this in Lion with EVERY other app I have (providing I'm dragging and dropping files that the apps recognize). As I have many images in many files, this is, obvious

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Photoshop :: Accurate Duplicate Images / Photos Program Finder

Aug 26, 2012

Looking for an accurate duplicate images / photos program finder. I tried quite few but none of them were accurate.

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