Lightroom :: DNG Files Created No Longer Display Thumbnails With FastPictureViewer
Mar 13, 2012
I've been using the FastPictureViewer Codec pack so that DNG and camera RAW files show as thumbnails in Explorer for quite some time. Upon upgrading to LR4, DNG files no longer display as thumbnails, but as the generic Windows icon for an image.
Upon researching the issue, and upgrading the Codecs from the supplier (which still did not fix the issue), the supplier tells me the following:
What we solved [in the update] was a crash with the new files. Adobe did not document their changes, so there is not much we can do except ignore the files. This is what happens when owners of proprietary formats decide to change stuff without notice.
If you turn off the "fast load" and "lossy" options the DNG will still be created following the published 1.3 specification and will work with 3rd party software including ours.
The "new DNGs" are for Adobe private use only at the moment. We don't know (beyond vague promises on employees personal blogs) if they will ever document what they did and publish an updated specification, they are certainly under no obligation to do so. The decision they took not to release updated DNG specs even before LR4 came out was a deliberate one.
While I resolved the problem by turning "fast load" off, I find it highly disturbing that Adobe has made undocumented changes to the DNG format that break 3rd party software. I thought the whole idea of DNG was that it was an OPEN FORMAT and was to prevent situations such as this. At least this is how they sold it to the public and their argument against "proprietary camera manufactuer RAW formats" that could "change at any time".
When using LR3 to create DNG files from my RAW files, those files would show me thumbnails of my image in Windows Explorer. I am running Windows/7 (64) and have installed a CODEC from "Fast Picture Viewer" that allows thumbnails from RAW & DNG files to be shown. It seems, however, that the thumbnails do not show for DNG's created with LR4.
To Remedy this I uninstalled the CODEC. Downloaded the most recent version and installed it but this did not fix the problem.
I then went to the user forum for the CODEC product and searched for my problem. I found a thread who's solution is to turn off "Embed Fast Load Data" when exporting to DNG and it fixes the problem. I tried this and indeed it did fix it. The responder went on to say ".....When this option is enabled the files created are no longer DNGs (just an undocumented private format of Adobe that no one else can read to this date)". This statement surprised me as it is counter to what I understand Adobe created DNG to be. Can I get some input on this comment as if true it is very troubling.
My second question is that I see where to turn off the "Embed Fast Load Data" in the LR Export module, but where do I do the same thing in the Import module when I'm selecting import mode "Copy to DNG"?
If indeed the DNG files created by LR4 are proper DNG files and this CODEC is just flawed in some way, any better way to allow image thumbnails to be shown in Windows Explorer?
I have used Photoshop Elements 3, 5, 7 and 8. In each one I could see the thumbnails of multiple files in the "Folder Location" display in Organiser. Now in PE10 I can only see the thumbnails for one file at a time. Why and how I can display the thumbnails of all files in "folder locations?
LR4 seems to have a bug when importing images from a camera where it randomly does not display a thumbnail of the image before invoking the import process. Usually it is whole blocks of images following a few that are properly shown. Perhaps it is dropping the communication link to the camera early?
Furthermore, once the images are imported, different images are not displayed in the thumbnail panel with filters off.
I have been doing identical import procedures on all previous versions of LR without any similar behavior.
I have Lightroom 4.4. and Windows 7--both of which have been working fine for several months. Starting a few days ago, however, thumbnails have refused to load for any NEW photos I import. They appear gray/blank in both Grid view and the film strip. However, if you click on any of the film strip thumbnails (while in either Grid view or Develop mode), that thumbnail and corresponding image WILL load--until up to three have done so. Then they begin disappearing again, allowing you to view no more than three images' thumbnails at any one time.
I can't review a shoot via Grid mode this way. I'm also afraid to use Lightroom while it's misbehaving, for fear of corrupting the catalog somehow (though all the images appear to be there). Searching this forum, I found several people who experienced having all of their thumbnails blank out and who were able to correct this by either reinstalling or removing their color profiling software. However, 1) I did this (and it didn't work), and 2) it isn't that all my thumbnails that have disappeared. All the thumbnails and images imported prior to the bug, still initially display correctly.* And I can get three thumbnails of the newer images to appear at a time.
*The asterisk is because after I poked around some more, I realized that if I opened other folders and began post-processing images from older uploads (vs. just viewing them), the thumbnails that initially displayed correctly everywhere also blank out and begin appearing in this up-to-three-at-a-time fashion.
This is the error message I get when I try to upload my raw files into LR4 from my Canon 5D MarkIII:
"The files are from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format support in LR. (7)
ex file # 5B9A0008.CR2
I recently upgraded from a 5D classic to the MarkIII. Jpeg's upload fine. I've googled, looked in the manual, searched for LR update and nothing has worked.
I take a lot of images for time laspe sequences andI have just upgraded to LR5 and the issue I am seeing is after inporting or developing the images the only thumbnails that update are those I curently amm looking at in the library. I can scroll down after leaving the machine for hours and they only update when currently scrolled. This is really annoying and just taking ages to do anything. I have downloaded LR5.2 RC but there is no change that I can see.
when i convert raw photos from my olympus omd em5 into DNG's and export them to my external hard drive , i do not get any thumbnail previews , they can only be seen if i view the files through lightroom4 import , if however i export in other formats such as jpeg ,tiff etc.. i get a preview thumbnail . Iam using latest imac and running osx 10.8.2.
LR4 has a longstanding bug where it can no longer edit RAW files in Photoshop CS6.
Most (including me) appear to be using a work-around where a copy is made of the Photoshop CS6 executable and slightly renaming it. this is then plugged into LR4 as a third-party editor. A far from convenient or professional affair!
Why does the Adobe Labs ADOBE RAW beta not update RAW in LR4 but only CS6?
For some reason today it just stopped paying the audio from my Nikon D300S video files. I tried importing a new file but that won't play either and I reloaded the program and that won't work either. I know the audio is that as it will play in Windows.
Suddenly I can no longer sort JPG and RAW files together by capture date. I have two Canon SLR's shooting in RAW and one Canon point an shoot shooting in JPG and want to collate the photos in LR4, which I was able to do up to now. I cannot find out what I did to make this happen or correct it in LR preferences.
After sending files to Photoshop for further editing, use simple "save" command to return them to Lightroom. That used to work but now only JPEG files do round trip, not raw files (DNGs) although round tripping to Elements works fine. Photoshop is saving them to my catalogue instead.
Adobe agent spent more than an hour tinkering with my computer before giving up. Tried to blame use of DNG but this is an Adobe invention. Also said to use synchronise folder command as a work round but this restores deleted files as well. He promised to "escalate the problem" and I would be called back, but that was a week ago.
Had the operating system of my Macbook cleared, then reinstalled my copy of LR3. After first import from Nikon 7000, received message that raw files of this camera are not compatible with my LR. Puzzling, for I have loaded on this computer with this copy of LR3 from this camera thousands of raw files.
So I just downloaded and ran the updates for lightroom 3 (now 3.6) and now when I open folders to view my picture files, the canon raw files are no longer associated with lightroom. Let me further explain.
After shooting, I would plug my card into a card reader and see which pictures I wanted to view in lightroom. I shoot in jpeg and raw so I could view the jpeg thumbnails to see which raw files I wanted to open in lightroom. The raw files would be "labeled" with the LR icon and I would then doulbe click the raw file I wanted and by doing so it would initiate the opeing of LR. However, now the raw files do not have the LR icon assocaited with the raw files and I can longer clcik the raw files to automatically open lightroom.
I created a straight line using the shift,click method. Now nothing I do will affect it. When it failed to be made invisible by toggling the layer I thought I created it in I systematically went through each layer in the image, turning them visible, invisible in case I lost track of where it was created, but even though those layers became visible/invisible as they should, nothing happened to the line. I tried to create a layer above it to just cover it up, but even though the new layer was on top, the line showed through. Although this line used to be needed it is now essentially a blight on the rest of my image, which is massive. I dread the idea of having to start from scratch. I can't simply erase it because it doesn't seem to be associated with a layer. Originally, the image was created in 2.6, I think (but am not sure) that this is the version I used to make the line, but when I got a new computer I downloaded 2.8, and after this discovered the problem. Everything else works normally, is responsive,etc
I recently scanned several old slides and saved them as dng files. But some of the editing functions don't work on these files - specifically gradient filter, adjustment brush and HSL adjustments. I don't really want to have to save them as jpgs before editing them - that defeats the purpose of having saved them as dngs.
Admittedly, I am fairly new with Lightroom but I am totally at a loss to explain what has happened. I wanted to create a new catalog to move some files into. I went File>New Catalog and then in the "Create folder with new catalog" dialogue box, I typed in my new name and hit "save". Boom. Lightroom closed right down. When I opened it back up, all of my folders and catologs were gone. Nothing appears in the navigation section on the left side other than the headings, "Catalogs", "Folders", "Collections", etc and they are empty. In "My Computer" all of the folders are still there with the DNG files in place, but LR will not show them to me. why I can no longer access my catalogs?
As part of my workflow I import through Lightroom, then edit into Photoshop. This creates file 1 & 2 of 2 in my Lightroom. After editing all of the selected pictures into PSD files I routinely provide clients with smaller JPG's. I do this by opening the PSD flattening, shrinking, sharpening and "save as" into JPG's.
This does not create a third file in Lightroom and when I go to import the new JPG's Lightroom does not see them. I can open a Finder window ( I use a MAC) and see the files, but cannot get Lightroom to see them to import, then export to other media.
My photos will no longer display on the web, just a box with an X. I must have changed one of the jpeg options inside 'save for web' window. I'm designing webs with Expression Web 4 and I'm using Internet Explorer...
would like to have Gimp open a specific folder (in my camera's SD card) and display thumbnails of the JPGs in that folder, so that I can click on the one I want to work on and have it open full size.
I'm running 2012, and once in a while while in an assembly, I can no longer select the part in the display (alike to selecting the part in the browser) and instead can only select faces of parts. I think I might be hitting something when I right click, though I'm unsure. How to reverse it?
Corel Connect not showing thumbnails.I have the paid download version of CorelDraw GS X5 installed on a PC running Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit. I found that the Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension only shows in the CorelDraw installer when "Custom" is selected versus "Typical," even though the shell extension shows in Control Panel. The latest twist is that Corel Connect will show photo thumbnails on the hard drive, but will not show thumbnails for photos on a CD or DVD. Other than a different file structure, a DVD or CD is read only. If I copy a photo from a DVD to the C: drive, Corel Connect will show the thumbnail on C:. Windows Explorer shows the thumbnails on the hard drive, CD, or DVD. Corel Connect will not show thumbnails of the Corel .CDR files on the hard drive, CD, or DVD in Vista but it will show them in Win XP.
Why doesn't Corel Connect display .jpg thumbnails on a DVD or CD? I think there is a bug in the Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension in Windows Vista.
Some of the thumbnails do not display a picture in Organizer but only in Editor which makes it very difficult to organize and choose which to work with.
I have just installed Photoshop Elements 11 and the new photos which I have taken are displaying as hourglasses in the organizer. When I click on the photos they display as a photo. How can I get then to display as thumbnails in the organizer. I have windows 7