Revit :: 2014 - Thumbnails In Windows Explorer No Longer Show RFA Files
Jul 25, 2013
Thumbnails in Windows Explorer no longer show .rfa files after installing Revit 2013.
The computer still has Revit 2013 installed, and thumbnails worked before installing 2014.
I've been using Corel Draw and Photo-Paint for many years, on many versions of Windows, and as far as I remember, Windows Explorer has always shown a thumbnail for a .cpt file instead of the plain icon.
I've now got a Windows 7 machine (professional version 64 bit), and .cpt files show up as plain white icons, instead of thumbnails.
I have is that after so long thumbnails in windows explorer stop loading just shows generic Autodesk image(.ipt, .iam, .stp, .idw, .dwg ect.). Causing me to be unsure on which file I'm actually opening. Causing me to have to restart the computer.
What is weird is you are able to see the thumbnails in the thumbnail of the parent folder but when you open the folder they aren't shown. If you open up properties it shows a thumbnail.
Closing and opening a new window doesn't fix this error.This was an issue I had experienced with 2011 and am still experiencing with 2013.
Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
I've been using the FastPictureViewer Codec pack so that DNG and camera RAW files show as thumbnails in Explorer for quite some time. Upon upgrading to LR4, DNG files no longer display as thumbnails, but as the generic Windows icon for an image. Â Upon researching the issue, and upgrading the Codecs from the supplier (which still did not fix the issue), the supplier tells me the following: Â What we solved [in the update] was a crash with the new files. Adobe did not document their changes, so there is not much we can do except ignore the files. This is what happens when owners of proprietary formats decide to change stuff without notice. Â If you turn off the "fast load" and "lossy" options the DNG will still be created following the published 1.3 specification and will work with 3rd party software including ours. Â The "new DNGs" are for Adobe private use only at the moment. We don't know (beyond vague promises on employees personal blogs) if they will ever document what they did and publish an updated specification, they are certainly under no obligation to do so. The decision they took not to release updated DNG specs even before LR4 came out was a deliberate one. Â While I resolved the problem by turning "fast load" off, I find it highly disturbing that Adobe has made undocumented changes to the DNG format that break 3rd party software. I thought the whole idea of DNG was that it was an OPEN FORMAT and was to prevent situations such as this. At least this is how they sold it to the public and their argument against "proprietary camera manufactuer RAW formats" that could "change at any time".
I am using AutoCAD 2011 and am not getting my AutoCAD files thumbnail preview in windows explorer. I did reinstalled it but no use. All other programs like PDF, MS office files are showing thier preview but AutoCAD don't.
When using LR3 to create DNG files from my RAW files, those files would show me thumbnails of my image in Windows Explorer. I am running Windows/7 (64) and have installed a CODEC from "Fast Picture Viewer" that allows thumbnails from RAW & DNG files to be shown.  It seems, however, that the thumbnails do not show for DNG's created with LR4.  To Remedy this I uninstalled the CODEC. Downloaded the most recent version and installed it but this did not fix the problem.  I then went to the user forum for the CODEC product and searched for my problem. I found a thread who's solution is to turn off "Embed Fast Load Data" when exporting to DNG and it fixes the problem. I tried this and indeed it did fix it. The responder went on to say ".....When this option is enabled the files created are no longer DNGs (just an undocumented private format of Adobe that no one else can read to this date)".  This statement surprised me as it is counter to what I understand Adobe created DNG to be. Can I get some input on this comment as if true it is very troubling.  My second question is that I see where to turn off the "Embed Fast Load Data" in the LR Export module, but where do I do the same thing in the Import module when I'm selecting import mode "Copy to DNG"?  If indeed the DNG files created by LR4 are proper DNG files and this CODEC is just flawed in some way, any better way to allow image thumbnails to be shown in Windows Explorer?
I had to make a new system. and now ..after installing PS CS..I cannot see thumbnails of the files. I normally see them and see thumbnails for JPEG..but not the PSD's with a newer version of PS. I remember reading about this bug..and a reg setting some time ago...anyone know what it takes to fix this..? (my win pro media has ALL updates and is legal..just bought it)
ver 9 PS CS2 -
Do i have to install the old PS 7.0 to see them..?
I had a problem with bridge CS6 dynamic link failing and had tech support finally discuss the problem by phone They had me reinstall PSCS6 and Bridge among other things like setting the permissions differenty. It worked ok when I opened it again after those changes and then I closed the apps and opened them again the next day (today) but now the CR files will show no thumbnails nor previews in bridge and will not load into PSCS6. I get now the following error messagesÂ
These are files that are on my system and not from a camera plugged into the computer. They had worked just fine before the reinstall and permisisons changes the tech had me do. They open in the preview app and look fine so I know they are not corrupted files and I have tried different saved versions of the same (or any other CR file) and none of them will now open and Camera raw itself seems no where to be found. My prefences in camera raw have not clanged.
I tried image processor in bridge to make them PS files and got the following error message.I tried to load one of the CR files from the finder dirretly and got the following error message.
In Connect I see only blank thumbnails of my .cdr files. The nice thing of this program should be thati can scroll through my files and look at large thumbnail So I know what iám working on.
No developments on this I suppose? I thought maybe that with Windows 7 MS might have reached an agreement with Adobe but it seems not as psd icons still show the generic logo. Bridge is irritating with W7 as you can't get into "Libraries" - their contents won't show. I keep hoping that one day we'll get back the thumbnails in Explorer.
At some time in the past when I saved a psd file I would have an icon or thumbnail in explorer. No it doesn't save those thumbs. Actually it saves them but they appear to be corrupt. Â I'm running win7 and I have a dll (don't remember which one) that allows for the preview thumb in explorer so I know it's an issue with cs5.
If I'm right clicking on a file in LR and choose "Show in Explorer" an Explorer Window opens with the Libraries, but not with the folder containing the file I choosed in LR.
Since upgrading to LR 3.6 I am unable to export .jpg photos from Windows Explorer directly into Lightroom 3.    I always use to be able to right click on any photo and 'open with' Lightroom 3 (.exe) before this upgrade.  Also, in the library files I could do the same with my RAW photos - i.e. right click on one of them and 'open with' the LR3 icon in the list, but am unable to do this now.  I know I can open up LR3 and import the photos, but I simply prefer going into Windows Explorer to pick and choose the ones I want. My OS is Win 7.
Recently I installed an update to Corel X6 after I had updated CS6 of Photoshop. Now despite choosing Photoshop as the default application, jpgs open in Acrobat. Â Just choosing Photoshop as the default application doesn't change anything. They still open in Acrobat unless I first start Photoshop and open the file I want.
I have CS6 running under W7 64bit. For some reason, when I open up WE from within CS6 to select a file to work on, WE always opens maximised. I think this is new on my system.Â
Is there any way to get it back to open not-maximised, Same problem occurs when I open WE in CS4 but not in PE11. Googling hasn't produced an answer yet. My display is large and searching across the whole of it is a chore.
Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer!) show that VideoStudio was installed into a sub directory named "Documents," yet that sub directory is empty except for the VS sub-folders.
I want to know whether or not I can delete that particular folder named "Documents" (which includes those VS sub-folders) SAFELY.
All my VideoStudio files are in my own custom-named folder, and seem to be working quite well from there.
NOTE: I tried to provided a jpg graphic showing my situation, but this forum limits the upload file size to a ridiculous 256KB's, which is the size of a postage stamp!
I'm not able to drag and drop images of any kind from Vista Business Windows Explorer into Photoshop CS3. Is there a known fix for this? I am already running the application as Administrator.
Is there a way to set Windows Explorer viewing options so that when viewing files in Windows Explorer in the "Thumbnail view", you see the thumbnail of the PSD file rather than the generic/default PSD icon?
I have created a pic in Gimp with layers. When I save it to my desktop (layers merged), it does not appear either on the desktop or in Windows Explorer. If I try to save it again, it flags it as already existing. When I try to open the file in Gimp, it does appear on the desktop and can be opened; however, the file icons are grayed out. I'm assuming the grayed out icon means something.