Photoshop :: CR Files Will No Longer Show In Bridge And Will Not Load Into CS6
Nov 27, 2012
I had a problem with bridge CS6 dynamic link failing and had tech support finally discuss the problem by phone They had me reinstall PSCS6 and Bridge among other things like setting the permissions differenty. It worked ok when I opened it again after those changes and then I closed the apps and opened them again the next day (today) but now the CR files will show no thumbnails nor previews in bridge and will not load into PSCS6. I get now the following error messages
These are files that are on my system and not from a camera plugged into the computer. They had worked just fine before the reinstall and permisisons changes the tech had me do. They open in the preview app and look fine so I know they are not corrupted files and I have tried different saved versions of the same (or any other CR file) and none of them will now open and Camera raw itself seems no where to be found. My prefences in camera raw have not clanged.
I tried image processor in bridge to make them PS files and got the following error message.I tried to load one of the CR files from the finder dirretly and got the following error message.
Okay, so basically I selected some 40 images in .bmp to load into Photoshop, but it stops working and closes. I don't have any other versions installed and I already tried installing it again, with no avail. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Should I also try installing Bridge again?
Sometime in the past few days my files that have been made with Fireworks will not show up when I use Bridge. They used to show up just fine so I don't know why they suddenly won't show up now. how to fix this so they will show up like they used to?
I recently upgraded from cs5 to cs6, I have downloaded upgrades for photoshop, bridge, camera raw, and adobe dng converter.
My problem is that the raw dng, and raf raw files from my fuji x-e1 camera are showing up in bridge as icons only, and not as thumbnails. How do I get the files to show as thumbnails. if I double click they will open in camera raw and i can see the pic there.
I am not able to see or open Raw files from my Canon 40D in either Photoshop CS3 or Bridge CS3. At first I was able to open RAWS in Photoshop and then I followed directions on the internet at how to manually replace a Camera Raw Plugin so I could open it in Bridge and now neither of the apps work with RAW. In photoshop It says that the file is not supported.
I looked up what plug in I needed and it said 4.2 for a Canon 40 D. I also followed the instructions in the read me file that was with the plugin download. No results from it. I even tried to switch it back to the old plug in to see if I could atleast get back the capiblility of opening it in Photoshop even though bridge was not working...still can't open it in either. What am I missing?
I am using VSX5 Ultimate. I installed a program called drop box and another called Helium. After installing these programs, VSX5 will no longer load. The intro screen does not even come up. I click on my short cut and my mouse pointer spins for a few seconds, then nothing. I have checked my programs and I do not have browser protect, browser manager or babylon. I uninstalled the two programs I mentioned above and restarted my computer but nothing happens still. Should I try uninstalling VSX5 and reinstalling?
If I want to load images into the bridge, if I put a stick to the pc it always connects me to Lightroom. What can I set that the windows appears that I can choose if I want to open it with bridge. I use a PC
Before migrating to a new computer, when I clicked to open PS CS3, Bridge would automatically open (as I had programmed in the preferences). Now I am getting an error message that the beta is no longer available. I payed for the upgrade to PS CS3 extended. I can click on the Bridge icon in the system tray and Bridge opens just fine. I have uninstalled all previous versions of PS. I deactivated the old PS on the older computer and re-activated it on the new computer. I can't find out where I need to go to get rid of the error.
I am an experienced cs5 user and just installed cs6. When I select an image in Bridge, I just get an icon in the preview box and the file number. I have never seen this in cs5.
We recently switched from CS2 to CS3. One of the first things I noticed was the absence of the Favorites (the ones you organize in Bridge) in the Adobe Dialog of all applications (we have the Master Collection). Is this a bug or a deleted feature compared to CS2.
Or maybe is it something you have to manually switch on and off in Bridge or somewhere else, but I cannot find it. I thought it was a nice feature in CS2 and loved working with it. So where did it go to?
I lost my program [C] drive and am in the process of reloading everything including CS2 and Bridge. I can't remember or find where I cause the fle names to show under the thumbnails. I hope some body out there has a better memory than me.
These formats no longer show on my IPad 3 at one time they did. I have created slideshows that are linked through a URL to my website for several years now I have created them in 720p format and been able to veiw on my IPad 3, IPhone, Web etc. Recently however, they are not viewable - I get a play button with a slash through it. However, if I create a slideshow with the paremeters 960x540 it does work on the IPad 3. All these formats still work on my IPad 1, which makes me think it has something to do with the new OS?
I have Photoshop CS6 and Elements Premiere 11 and both were showing estimated file sizes properly up until a couple of weeks ago, and both stopped at the same time. Using Image, Mode I have verified on both that the images I am trying to save are 8 bit and not 16 bit images. I am on Window 7, 64bit.
Is CS4 now obsolete? If there is something I need to do to reinstall an updater or some such thing--easy peasy step by steps instructions for this granny--nothing that refers to roots (do you mean carrots?). . I hate to think a program that cost over a $1000 has gone the way of the dodo.
I have Nikon D60 and recently started shooting in raw when I discovered that Photoshop allows you to then edit the files to a much greater extent before converting them to .jpg.
.nef files used to open automatically in Photoshop (in a separate window, seemingly a sort of add-on designed for raw files?). Now when I try, the software tells me that they are 'the wrong kind of document'.
What's changed / broken? Or have I suddenly forgotten a vital step....?
I've tried downloading a newer version of camera raw, to no avail...
we write metadata to jpegs and Raw files- saving to Raw database not as sidecar .xmp files. We are no longer able to save the metadata to Raw files. There is no error message, the data writes like normal and the user who writes the metadata can see it but when you open in another computer the metadata fields are empty, however the jpegs do have the new metadata. Was there a setting change at some point? This has been going on for a couple months and I cannot find an answer anywhere. Again, we batch write to RAW+Jpeg, the jpeg files save the metadata but the Raw files look like the data saved but is not visible on any computer other thant he one that added the new metadata. This is occurring on multiple computers, both Mac and PC.
LR4 has a longstanding bug where it can no longer edit RAW files in Photoshop CS6.
Most (including me) appear to be using a work-around where a copy is made of the Photoshop CS6 executable and slightly renaming it. this is then plugged into LR4 as a third-party editor. A far from convenient or professional affair!
Why does the Adobe Labs ADOBE RAW beta not update RAW in LR4 but only CS6?
I'm a hobbyist photographer with lots of personal photos and some I might use for work related projects. I'm just getting started with LR and want to make sure I start right.
1. What metadata fields should I consider using that may be useful in the future? None of my images currently have metadata applied. 2. Will star ratings and labels from Bridge show up in LR?
After sending files to Photoshop for further editing, use simple "save" command to return them to Lightroom. That used to work but now only JPEG files do round trip, not raw files (DNGs) although round tripping to Elements works fine. Photoshop is saving them to my catalogue instead.
Adobe agent spent more than an hour tinkering with my computer before giving up. Tried to blame use of DNG but this is an Adobe invention. Also said to use synchronise folder command as a work round but this restores deleted files as well. He promised to "escalate the problem" and I would be called back, but that was a week ago.
I have Elements 10. Whenever I try to edit, brighten, enhance in any way animated GIF files with Photoshop, after I save the files again on my computer, the files no longer are animated, I.E they don't move no more.
I save the files as GIFs. The files were originally saved to my computer right, they moved like they should. How can I edit animated GIF files and still have them be animated?