Photoshop :: CS5 / Can No Longer Write Metadata To Raw Files
Mar 8, 2013
we write metadata to jpegs and Raw files- saving to Raw database not as sidecar .xmp files. We are no longer able to save the metadata to Raw files. There is no error message, the data writes like normal and the user who writes the metadata can see it but when you open in another computer the metadata fields are empty, however the jpegs do have the new metadata. Was there a setting change at some point? This has been going on for a couple months and I cannot find an answer anywhere. Again, we batch write to RAW+Jpeg, the jpeg files save the metadata but the Raw files look like the data saved but is not visible on any computer other thant he one that added the new metadata. This is occurring on multiple computers, both Mac and PC.
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Oct 12, 2013
I have converted a large number of Canon and Nikon raw files to DNG using Adobe DNG Converter (version
Using Lightroom 5.2 I wanted to change metadata in these master DNG files. I import the files into a catalog, select all, modify the metadata, then invoke the Metadata->Save Metadata to Files... For many (but not all) of the files I get the following message:
"Could not write metadata. Unknown file formats."
The DNG files reside on a Synology NAS server. If I copy them to a local disk I do not get the above error. But I would like to make metadata changes to the files on the NAS.
I do not have problems importing or viewing DNG files from the NAS. Why does LR 5 have problems writing DNG metadata to the NAS? How can I fix this?
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Jun 20, 2013
I have a couple of users who are saving a render job to a network share using After Effects. Towards the end of the render, they get a warning saying "failed to write xmp metadata" It does not ruin the render or anything. It just shows the warning. They have full access rights to the share. What is causing this error?
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Jan 22, 2012
In Lightroom 2, I entered data into the Location field. When I transitioned to 3, the Location field then changed to Sublocation in the Default metadata panel, but it had my data in there. Recently now the Location column in Library Filter does not list the entries in this field, it just shows everything as Unknown Country. How do I fix this, or have the data show in the Filters?
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Sep 12, 2012
I am unable to write Tag data to NEF files with Elements 5.0 even though it says this is possible. I have just changed my laptop to a Windows 7 operating system. Will upgrading to 10
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Aug 11, 2013
With previous version of Photoshep Elements there was a command under file: Write tags to images that was updating the Tags field in the files.
Where do I find the same in Photoshop Elements 11?
I tried Save Metadata but it does not works (and the files are NOT protected)
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Apr 7, 2013
Is CS4 now obsolete? If there is something I need to do to reinstall an updater or some such thing--easy peasy step by steps instructions for this granny--nothing that refers to roots (do you mean carrots?). . I hate to think a program that cost over a $1000 has gone the way of the dodo.
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May 25, 2012
I have Nikon D60 and recently started shooting in raw when I discovered that Photoshop allows you to then edit the files to a much greater extent before converting them to .jpg.
.nef files used to open automatically in Photoshop (in a separate window, seemingly a sort of add-on designed for raw files?). Now when I try, the software tells me that they are 'the wrong kind of document'.
What's changed / broken? Or have I suddenly forgotten a vital step....?
I've tried downloading a newer version of camera raw, to no avail...
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Jan 2, 2013
I created an file by combining a number of images into a panorama. As is expected, the panorama picked up the IPTC metadata from one of the source images, and saved it into the resulting file.
If I had saved the file as a psd or tiff, I could easily use Bridge or Lightroom to change the IPTC metadata after saving the file. But Lightroom doesn't even read psb files, and Bridge won't let me change any of the metadata (the metadata appears to be read-only).
The only way I could figure out to change the metadata was to use exit tool. It seems very strange that a third-party tool is required to make rather simple changes to what is (I believe) a proprietary file format of Adobe. Or am I missing something?
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Mar 6, 2013
LR4 has a longstanding bug where it can no longer edit RAW files in Photoshop CS6.
Most (including me) appear to be using a work-around where a copy is made of the Photoshop CS6 executable and slightly renaming it. this is then plugged into LR4 as a third-party editor. A far from convenient or professional affair!
Why does the Adobe Labs ADOBE RAW beta not update RAW in LR4 but only CS6?
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Jul 30, 2012
After some fooling around with LR4, I went out and bought Martin Evenings PSLR4 'book', did some read and started looking for a photo to play with...
I discovered that all of the photos on my usb hard drive were either write protected or the image type was not supported-they're all .jpg. I had done some Copyright stuff on a few photos the day before...fooled around with import and export and some other exploring.
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Nov 5, 2012
I have been using Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) with my Canon EOS 30D, an 8 MP camera, for a while now. I would make non-destructive changes to the raw file (.CR2) in ACR where the changes would be stored in an adjoining .xmp file. Jpegs of the unedited and edited camera raw files would be created so I have a before and after versions of the images that can be viewed anywhere.
Now I have a Canon EOS 5D Mark III, a 22 MP camera and the raw files are much larger. I’m looking at using camera raw on jpeg files for some for my more casual photo shoots in order to save disk space. From what I have read, I can use ACR on jpeg files and that the changes would be stored in the metadata in the jpeg file. Is there a way for the changes to be stored in an adjoining .xmp file so that the original jpeg file is not modified, much like it is done with the .CR2 files?
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 on a Windows 7 machine. All software is up-to-date.
Also, I have found that Adobe’s camera raw handing is different than the raw handling of the photos using Canon’s software (DPP). Is there a way to make ACR closer to what Canon’s software does?
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Aug 20, 2012
Trying to use Photoshop Elements 10 Organizer to update date taken and add tags to picture files. Organizer is supposed to write/update the original file properties with this updated/new metadata, however, it seems to be pretty haphazard. I've tried selecting pictures and using the menu option to "Write keyword tag and properties info to photo" (CRTL + W). It processes and states it is updating the files, however, after it completes, you can access the source file in Windows Explorer and view properties but none of the changes (date info or tags) has been updated in the file.
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Apr 20, 2013
Using photoshop elements 6.0 - converting raw photos files to dng, how/where do I add metadata?
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Nov 27, 2012
I had a problem with bridge CS6 dynamic link failing and had tech support finally discuss the problem by phone They had me reinstall PSCS6 and Bridge among other things like setting the permissions differenty. It worked ok when I opened it again after those changes and then I closed the apps and opened them again the next day (today) but now the CR files will show no thumbnails nor previews in bridge and will not load into PSCS6. I get now the following error messages
These are files that are on my system and not from a camera plugged into the computer. They had worked just fine before the reinstall and permisisons changes the tech had me do. They open in the preview app and look fine so I know they are not corrupted files and I have tried different saved versions of the same (or any other CR file) and none of them will now open and Camera raw itself seems no where to be found. My prefences in camera raw have not clanged.
I tried image processor in bridge to make them PS files and got the following error message.I tried to load one of the CR files from the finder dirretly and got the following error message.
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Jul 6, 2012
I recently installed Lion OSX 10.7.4 and can no longer print image files from Photoshop
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Dec 21, 2013
After sending files to Photoshop for further editing, use simple "save" command to return them to Lightroom. That used to work but now only JPEG files do round trip, not raw files (DNGs) although round tripping to Elements works fine. Photoshop is saving them to my catalogue instead.
Adobe agent spent more than an hour tinkering with my computer before giving up. Tried to blame use of DNG but this is an Adobe invention. Also said to use synchronise folder command as a work round but this restores deleted files as well. He promised to "escalate the problem" and I would be called back, but that was a week ago.
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Oct 7, 2012
I have Elements 10. Whenever I try to edit, brighten, enhance in any way animated GIF files with Photoshop, after I save the files again on my computer, the files no longer are animated, I.E they don't move no more.
I save the files as GIFs. The files were originally saved to my computer right, they moved like they should. How can I edit animated GIF files and still have them be animated?
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Jan 29, 2013
I can no longer import .nef files via the Photo Downloader. It is only importing .jpg which I rarely shoot.
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Oct 3, 2011
I have mi server in a OS X Lion machine, and I can´t open and write .max files from network drive (read/write error like a corrupt file).
At first time I thought in a permissions problem, but after try different options with owners and users, I can´t found a solution.
Working with a Network drive hosted in OS X server?
I have 10.7.1 with server add, users created and server drive mapped to Z: in windows. I can read/write textures and other files except .max
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Oct 9, 2013
I am testing PSP X6 (I have all versions since V7) and now I get wrong files with the PNG Optimization. This functions used to write files with the extension png but now it writes png files with the extension pspimage. If you try to open such a file you will get error messages.
PSP seems to be back with version X6 with again destroyed old functions. It seems so as if will not buy the update this time. With each new version I get new bugs in old functions.
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Jun 21, 2012
I wrote a small script in python to write dxf files out. I want to add this to a button on the ribbon. I got that sorted out and can get my button to appear where I want it. I am having trouble calling the script from the button though.
The API tells me that the button has an OnExecute() event that I should listen for to call my script. I have been searching on how to do that from python but I haven't had any luck.
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Oct 28, 2012
I am running Mac 10.6.8 and recently upgraded to PS6. I can no longer print to my Epson 3880 nor can I open NEF files. I have applied all udates from Apple, Epson and Adobe.
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Sep 5, 2013
I am transitioning to using RAW files more often. I add metadata, including GPS info, captions etc. Then invariably I need to get JPEGs to someone and have to go through the hassle of exporting the RAW as a JPEG with the metadata.
Is there a way I can get that metadata into the sorta sidecar JPEG file on my Mac without having to go through the export process?
I suppose I could designate the preference that on import the RAW and JPEG were treated as separate files; could I then just copy the metadata in? I haven't really worked with separate JPEG+RAW before. Would it happen automatically if I stacked them? Haven't really explored that.
It just seems that every time I have decided to use the RAW invariably I need the JPEG and if I don't have LR available (say I'm working on someone else's computer but accessing my own files)
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Mar 18, 2013
Curious to know why and what is causing the metadata in files to change outside on lightroom. I will save a selected bunch of files and then moments later the end up with the metadata status of being changed outside of lightroom. They are not being opened in photoshop nor bridge. What would be causing them to be changed outside of lightroom and have the metadata status switch to "Changed on Disk"
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Sep 4, 2013
This is the error message I get when I try to upload my raw files into LR4 from my Canon 5D MarkIII:
"The files are from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format support in LR. (7)
ex file # 5B9A0008.CR2
I recently upgraded from a 5D classic to the MarkIII. Jpeg's upload fine. I've googled, looked in the manual, searched for LR update and nothing has worked.
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Feb 9, 2012
All metadata was lost when files were uploaded and sent. By metadata I mean image captions and keywords. I inserted metadata via Image - Properties - Comments while in GIMP xcf, saved files to JPEG, and uploaded. Metadata looked OK in JPEG before uploading and is still there in my files, but didn't survive the upload.
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Feb 9, 2011
I Upgraded recently from LR2.6 to 3.3. Many of my images have an Exclamation Mark on them, following the upgrade, informing me that there is a Metadata Mismatch.. When I click on it I get this Dialogue box:
Firstly I think LR developers are playing with potentially important information with a lack of care and consideration. I looked at the metadata in 'File Info' in Photoshop before clicking anything: the creation date was the date the file was created and much of the camera data was missing. After I clicked Overwrite Settings all the original data was back on the file. How this came to pass exactly, but it shows metadata is an easily lost thing. If Adobe care about their customers I would think they would make it more clear what was at stake here!
Secondly I would like to know if there is a way to search for all images with this issue to save me having to go through and do it one by one, possibly thousands of times?
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May 20, 2013
In Library Module of LR4.4 under Vista 32, I have corrected a "Capture Time" of a single jpg Photo via the "Edit Capture Time" dialog. The new date correctly shows up in the "Date Time Original" EXIF field of the Metadata panel on the right.
Now, I want to sync that date to other jpgs which all come with incorrect "Date Time Original" - so, I highlight the above photo, mark the other ones to less light grey, press "Sync Metadata". THe dialog of "Sync Metadata" appears, showing the new date under "ICPT image" as "date created" - so far so good. I mark that field, and press the ok button and the sync runs. After that, no change is shown to the respective field of any of the photos metadata fields to be sync'd, no sync has actually happened, and even the "Save Metadata to file" command does cure this situation.
Using the command with a single target file instead of multiple ones does not work either.
Why can't I update a set of superold pictures to their correct "date created" date via Metadata sync? This Metadata sync does not sync.
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Oct 28, 2013
A while ago I edited some dng´s in Lightroom and saved the metadata to the files. Now I need to do some changes and the dng´s look just like the RAW files (unedited). Where do I find the metadata that was saved to the dng files?
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Sep 23, 2013
I just experienced an unusual occurrance. I am using lightroom 5.2 on windows 7. I have been using lightroom since the original beta.
I just finished hours of editing DNG files. I selected all the thumbnails and dragged them to a collection. I noticed that after dragging them down that all the thumbnails showed the icon that there was a conflict in metadata. I selected all the thumbnails and reset the metadata. I lost all my edits.
Unfortunately, I had not yet saved a new catelog.
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