GIMP :: Can No Longer Affect Line Created With Shift

Aug 21, 2013

I created a straight line using the shift,click method. Now nothing I do will affect it. When it failed to be made invisible by toggling the layer I thought I created it in I systematically went through each layer in the image, turning them visible, invisible in case I lost track of where it was created, but even though those layers became visible/invisible as they should, nothing happened to the line. I tried to create a layer above it to just cover it up, but even though the new layer was on top, the line showed through. Although this line used to be needed it is now essentially a blight on the rest of my image, which is massive. I dread the idea of having to start from scratch. I can't simply erase it because it doesn't seem to be associated with a layer. Originally, the image was created in 2.6, I think (but am not sure) that this is the version I used to make the line, but when I got a new computer I downloaded 2.8, and after this discovered the problem. Everything else works normally, is responsive,etc

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GIMP :: Can't Affect Line Created With Shift

Aug 21, 2013

I created a straight line using the shift,click method. Now nothing I do will affect it. When it failed to be made invisible by toggling the layer I thought I created it in I systematically went through each layer in the image, turning them visible, invisible in case I lost track of where it was created, but even though those layers became visible/invisible as they should, nothing happened to the line. I tried to create a layer above it to just cover it up, but even though the new layer was on top, the line showed through. Although this line used to be needed it is now essentially a blight on the rest of my image, which is massive. I dread the idea of having to start from scratch. I can't simply erase it because it doesn't seem to be associated with a layer. Originally, the image was created in 2.6, I think (but am not sure) that this is the version I used to make the line, but when I got a new computer I downloaded 2.8, and after this discovered the problem. Everything else works normally, is responsive,etc

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Illustrator :: CC Alt-Shift (duplicate And Resize) Functionality No Longer Working?

Nov 21, 2013

why this simple shortcut is suddenly not working in Illustrator CC?
I try to use it to duplicate an empty circle with a coloured path while scaling it down (with the intention of using Ctrl D to continue the progression). The shortcut simple resizes the path without duplicating it.

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Lightroom :: DNG Files Created No Longer Display Thumbnails With FastPictureViewer

Mar 13, 2012

I've been using the FastPictureViewer Codec pack so that DNG and camera RAW files show as thumbnails in Explorer for quite some time. Upon upgrading to LR4, DNG files no longer display as thumbnails, but as the generic Windows icon for an image.
Upon researching the issue, and upgrading the Codecs from the supplier (which still did not fix the issue), the supplier tells me the following:
What we solved [in the update] was a crash with the new files. Adobe did not document their changes, so there is not much we can do except ignore the files. This is what happens when owners of proprietary formats decide to change stuff without notice.
If you turn off the "fast load" and "lossy" options the DNG will still be created following the published 1.3 specification and will work with 3rd party software including ours.
The "new DNGs" are for Adobe private use only at the moment. We don't know (beyond vague promises on employees personal blogs) if they will ever document what they did and publish an updated specification, they are certainly under no obligation to do so. The decision they took not to release updated DNG specs even before LR4 came out was a deliberate one.
While I resolved the problem by turning "fast load" off, I find it highly disturbing that Adobe has made undocumented changes to the DNG format that break 3rd party software. I thought the whole idea of DNG was that it was an OPEN FORMAT and was to prevent situations such as this. At least this is how they sold it to the public and their argument against "proprietary camera manufactuer RAW formats" that could "change at any time".

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AutoCad :: Making A Line Longer With No Dims On Line

Nov 9, 2012

When making a line longer with no dims on the line whats the best way to do this? Stretch command or grab one end point and type the legnth you want the line to be longer by? ie: 2" long line needs the be 2-1/2" long

I will use the stretch command without problems. 2" long line: stretch command: type .5, line is now 2-1/2" long

We have a drafter (uses 2011LT) that will grab one end point stretch the line in the direction they want the change, type the added length and the line goes to the added length..2" long line: grab right side point stretch line to right: type .5, line is now 1/2" long

They use quick properties but they don't type the change in it, they type it in the command line.

They donot stretch first they just grab the point and move to the right and type .5" and the 2" line is now .5" lone when it should be 2-1/2" long. They do not have the dynamic input on. could that be the issue? When I do the same my 2" line becomes 2-1/2" long. What would be causing the difference? This just started a few days ago after we did the update for 2011LT

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AutoCad :: Changing Of Units In Model Space Does Not Affect Length Of Line In Paper Space

Dec 26, 2012

Wile using acad2011...

In model space I set the units form my dwg (cm), draw a line (100units). Next i go to paper space, create a viewport. When the viewport scale is set to 1:1 the ploted line is 100mm in length (not 100cm). Why is this so? How should I correct this? Changing of units in model space does not effect the length of the line in paper space.

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Photoshop :: Base Line Shift

Mar 17, 2005

What is the default setting for base line shift in the Character pallet?

Mine is always default to 51.66pt but I believe this is incorrect. I have looked on other photoshop users computers and they seem to have 0.8pt. How can I reset the default if this is incorrect??.

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Photoshop :: Using Shift Key To Extend Line Or Paint Stroke

Aug 2, 2012

I've been using a very old version of Photoshop for the last 10 years and I'm used to using the shift key to extend a line or paint stroke. By that I mean,  I use the paint tool to make a dot and then hold down the shift key and make another dot elsewhere and that creates a straight line. I just purchased CS6 and that function doesn't  seem to be happening. Is this something I need to activate in a preference?

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Photoshop :: Shift+Click Brush Line Not Working!

Nov 21, 2007

I'm shift clicking the lines but they just won't connect!

Using version 8.

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Paint.NET :: Drawing Line Using Current Tool When Holding SHIFT

Aug 16, 2011

I'm trying to use it instead of my photoshop «not very legal» version.

There is a feature I really like in Photoshop and GIMP which is the ability to draw a line using pen/brush/eraser/any tool using the SHIFT modifier key. This really miss me in Paint.NET. You click somewhere, you move the cursor elsewhere, holding SHIFT you click again, and (using the tool you currently have selected) a perfect line is drawn between the two points.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How Can 3D Line Only Be That Much Longer Than 2D

Apr 4, 2012

From my lidar point cloud, I created a surface with 1 & 5 foot contours.  I then put in a feature line between two hills to represent a fenceline.  I go to look at the properties of that 487 foot feature line and the 3D length is only 1/2 foot longer than the 2D.  The min and max elevations difference is 22 feet.  So how can the 3D line only be that much longer than the 2D? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile Line And Band Text Shift In Viewport

Sep 23, 2010

We are using Civil 3D 2010, Version 4.1 and it is being used on both WinXP and Win7.

This is an issue that has been coming up at different times with profile views and them shifting when viewed from our viewports in our layout tab.  It looks correct in the model space.  But it shifts to the right 10' in the layout tab.  We have 7 tabs in this drawing.  I have looked through all of the profile view settings and it does not seem like any of these are the issue.  I created a new viewport in the same tab and received the same shift to the right.  I then created a new tab in the same drawing (not copied from the one that has the issue), created a new viewport, and the shift is not there.  The PSLTSCALE, MSLTSCALE, and LTSCALE are all set to 1 in all of th tabs.

Woudl there be a layout tab setting that is causing this? This is happening on all of our machines with this drawing so I know it is not a specific user/machine issue.  I have attached a .pdf showing the three cases described above if that were to provide any additional insight.

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Photoshop :: Draw A Straight Vertical Line Like Horizontal By Holding Down Shift+tool?

Sep 8, 2002

I use Photoshop 7 & do a lot of cleanup of bitmap/tiff images, such a logos & symbols that need cleaning up around the edges etc. Holding the shift down while drawing with a brush in eraser, etc. mode creates a straight horizontal line & that makes cleaning a horizontal edge easy & quick.

Is there any keystroke combinations that will draw a perfectly straight vertical line?

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AutoCAD LT :: Multi Line Text No Longer Visible / Works

Jul 26, 2011

I've been running AutoCAD 2006 since it came out and have been running it on Windows 7 since it came out.    I've never had any problem runnning my LT version.  Today, all of a sudden I cannot type text in the multi-tex box. The cursor moves in the box but nothing is shown.  I click okay but cannot select anything.  It's like the cursor is moving but not laying down text.  I've changed the different fonts, colors and even changed my background from Black to While and still cannot see any text.

My single line text tool continues to work just not the multi-line text box. 

I also tried restarting my computer and tried opening existing files.  The multi-line box problem occurs on other files to.

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AutoCAD Express Tools :: Line Properties No Longer Work (via Layers Or Directly)

Aug 31, 2010

All of a sudden, though I've change nothing, my line properties are messed up, here are some of the issues

1) My line type no longer works (via layers or directly)

2) My text section within line properties no longer shows up in order to access 'text overide'

3) I can no longer change the line color.

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AutoCAD LT :: No Longer Edit Using Pull Downs For Layer / Color / Line Type

Apr 24, 2013

Shortly around the time I signed in to Autodesk 360 I began to have problems with how I interface with the program.  I have AutoCAD LT 2013 and, having used the programs for 20 years, I use the AutoCAD LT Classic format for tools and menus.  Also due to how I learned CAD in the early 90s and with many abbreviated commands, I use the keyboard extensively. 

1. Certain actions using my mouse have stopped working (i.e. Right-click to edit hatch or blocks). Basically a "recent input" menu comes up each time, showing a short history of my commands. 
2. When I click on an object, from the top bar I can no longer edit using the pull downs for Layer, Color, Line Type, etc.
3. I can only edit via the Properties menu or through typing in commands.  However when I go to change a setting in the Property menu, the boxes with an ellipsis do not respond at all.

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GIMP :: No Longer Get Previews For Images?

Feb 18, 2013

I no longer get previews for images I want to open in Gimp for Mac 2.8.6

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Line Appears When PDF Created

May 9, 2012

I have a drawing that seems to be creating a line when the drawing is PDF'd. i have purged, Audited and recovered the drawing and the unbound xref files. The line does not appear in any preview nor in model/paper space. attached is a screenshot of the pdf file.

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GIMP :: Focus Is No Longer On Main Window

Jul 8, 2011

I'm not sure if Gimp developers are able to assist, but running Gimp inUnity seems to be a bit problematic at times. Because of the global menu,focus on the correct toolbox / area is needed. Furthermore, Unity / Gimpseems to apply the focusing a bit unintelligently. For example, if I moveto another workspace and return to the Gimp workspace, the focus is nolonger on the main window, but rather on the toolbox.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Roof Display Created Diagonal Line?

Jun 10, 2011

I quickly created a roof and changed the view display to "sketchy".   When I show the roof in top view diagonal lines are shown on the sloped surfaces.  How do I get rid of them?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Mapdist Command - Measurement Different From Actual Created Line

Dec 14, 2012

When using the mapdist command the measurement is different from the actual line that I create. The map coordinates and the maptrack coordinates match. When I open a older drawing there is not an issue. Did I somehow change the origin of my template.

Here is sample from the command line

Command: _mapdist
Specify first point:
Specify second point:
Distance = 12.7513 (Foot)
Azimuth = 38 degrees (forward), 218 degrees (reverse)
Delta X = 15.0000, Delta Y = -0.0381

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3ds Max :: Created Some Shape With Line Tool - Edges To Be Slightly Softer

Aug 31, 2012

I created some shape with line tool and added extrude modifier to it. After being converted to editable poly I want edges to be slightly softer. But turbo smooth creates a big mess. Swift loop won't work. Is it because sides are single polygons? Is there an easy way to add edges inside them?

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GIMP :: Re-synthesizer No Longer Is Working - The Input Texture Is Too Small

Apr 30, 2013

even on gigantic images I seem to get this error EVERY TIME NOW! it doesn't matter what image and I DO NOT know what this 'input texture' that the error is talking about! there is NO option for an input texture!

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GIMP :: Can No Longer Change Background - Option Vanished From Toolbar

Apr 5, 2013

I am trying to fix a problem for a friend in that she can no longer change the background in a project. This particular option has vanished from her toolbar. She has reset the tool bar but the problem persists. I believe she's using the Windows version.

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GIMP :: Editing Text Will No Longer Apply Italic Nor Bold Effects

Oct 1, 2013

When I am editing text, GIMP will no longer apply italic nor bold effects. (Underline works though.)

I just upgraded from 2.8(.2?) to 2.8.6, and now I have this problem. I also just upgraded from Win XP to WIn 7 and upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit, so I don't know if that is a factor.

I have files I created with the last version of GIMP that I can open and see the text properly formatted, but if I adjust the text the formatting disappears and WILL NOT come back.

GIMP won't print anymore either. My printer is set up correctly and I can print from other programs, but when I print from GIMP, it LOOKS like it went through, but the printer fails to do anything. I wind up having to tell GIMP to print to the microsoft xps writer (which DOES work) and then open the xps file I just made and have windows print it.

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GIMP :: Making Piece Of Text Glow - Layers Are No Longer Normal Rectangle

Dec 1, 2012

I am trying to make a peice of text glow by going to Filters>Alpha to Logo>Neon, but after I do that The rest of it goes away (including the black backround) and on the right, the layers are no longer the normal rectangle, they are very short and long rectangles.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Created Sheet Does Not Show Vertical Alignment Data (Line And Curves)

Sep 15, 2013

i  have an issue in with my created sheets that does not show vertical alignment data. everything on the bands shows up nicely but the lines, curves and labels profile are missin.

see the attached image. you can notice from the image that there is no a signle data..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Vertical Curve Information Not Showing Up On Profile Created From Corridor Line?

Aug 9, 2012

I created a road centerline profile and corridor and then created a profile of the two curb lines from the corridor. The road profile that I made has a vertical curve in it but the curb profiles do not show that information, just grade breaks every 25 feet based on the corridor sampling distance.

I would like to have the vertical curve information on the curb profiles.

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GIMP :: Created Script To Convert In A Batch

Oct 15, 2012

I have created a script to convert in a batch, about 2000 images, the problem is that gimp-file-save ignores image settings and uses its own defaults, so the image that has 6 layers, after being scaled, has only one layer!

the image is in format dds I am using gimp 2.8.2

the script:

(define (SECresizeTexture filename width height)(let* ((img (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable img))))(gimp-image-scale img width height)(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img drawable filename filename)))

as you can see, this is a generic script, I would like to avoid using the specific dds load/save because of increased complexity and for being specific to dds...

is it possible to set some format based on the original file? I could use the dds file save, parsing output from "identify -verbose filename" (imagemagick), but that will be a lot of trouble...

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GIMP :: Unable To Change Line Color In Line Nova

Oct 23, 2012

I found out that you can't change line color in the line nova because a fix to prevent white on white or something like that. Is there another way to change the line color.

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GIMP :: Set Path Preview Line To Show Straight Line

Oct 12, 2012

I've just recently caught up to 2.8 (From 2.4 something or other believe it or not ) and amongst a couple of things I have to say I don't like is the fact that previously when setting a path, if I wanted it to be either perfectly horizontal or vertical I could see by the steps in the path preview line whether it was or not.

With the new version, initially at least, that's no longer the case. As I tend to work with straight lines a lot of the time it's proving to be a bit of a pain. Is there any way to set the path preview line to show the steps again to indicate a straight line.

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