Photoshop :: Using Shift Key To Extend Line Or Paint Stroke
Aug 2, 2012
I've been using a very old version of Photoshop for the last 10 years and I'm used to using the shift key to extend a line or paint stroke. By that I mean, I use the paint tool to make a dot and then hold down the shift key and make another dot elsewhere and that creates a straight line. I just purchased CS6 and that function doesn't seem to be happening. Is this something I need to activate in a preference?
I'm doing painting (clone brush). The problem after I finish I realize that i only paint single frame (current frame). I want to extend the duration of the stroke , how to do this? do i have to redo all the paint using autopaint? is this the best way I can do?
I'm trying to use it instead of my photoshop «not very legal» version.
There is a feature I really like in Photoshop and GIMP which is the ability to draw a line using pen/brush/eraser/any tool using the SHIFT modifier key. This really miss me in Paint.NET. You click somewhere, you move the cursor elsewhere, holding SHIFT you click again, and (using the tool you currently have selected) a perfect line is drawn between the two points.
When we hold Shift while painting with the brush or pencil tool the stroke is constrained to a 180, 90 or 45 degree angle.
ever since CS4, when we do this, a faint brush line appears to connect the end of the first stroke with the beginning of the next creating all sorts of unwanted effects. This happens regardless of where we make the next stroke.
The only way of not having this happen is to keep reselecting the brush tool (keyboard shortcut B) after each stroke. When there are many lines to draw, doing this creates unnecessary delay in workflow.
What is the default setting for base line shift in the Character pallet?
Mine is always default to 51.66pt but I believe this is incorrect. I have looked on other photoshop users computers and they seem to have 0.8pt. How can I reset the default if this is incorrect??.
Currently there are a total of 3 viewports in an L formation. The fourth viewport, will go in the upper right. But first, I have to get these aligned.
I think the viewports themselves are fine enough. The problems arise because the model is in Model space so, construction line (as far as I can tell) didn't want to snap to a line, (on the model,) in Paper space.(vertical or horizontal) So, I can only see the construction line, in one viewport at a time. Which means, the construction line is not visible in the viewport immediately to the left. So, I can't extend the construction line across both viewports, to to snap them to the construction line.
How do I extend a line to a block or trim? seems like every time i trim or extend the line to a block the line won't recognized/notice the block. what can i do?
1. With the Direct Selection tool, select an anchor point on the segment you want to adjust.
2. Drag the anchor point to the desired position. Shift-drag to constrain the adjustment to multiples of 45°.”
Question: How do I proceed if I’d like to extend a line on one side by its endpoint, while I want to keep its original angle instead of 45° degrees?
And: assuming we’re not working with a standing-alone line, but as part of a construction, as you can see on the screenshot. The point should be move to the intersection on both lines (green and turquois).
I thought, maybe working with functions in GRAPHER – but I hope there is an easier way directly in ILLUSTRATOR.
When I use the extend command, only the selected line segment extending to the current line segment but can not be extended to the extension of his line, where is the setting not right? Another computer I will be able to extend the line to the extension part.
I had thought this would work with no problem. I know the elevation I need to start an arc at and an elevation at a point along the arc. I drew that portion of the arc and then extended the arc to a line where I need the arc to end. I had expected the arc to extend along it's current grade the way a straight Feature line would. But the end dropped to 0.
I undid the extension, listed the FL arc to get the grade, extended it again and used the Elevation Editor to set the previous grade. But why didn't the extension work? I checked for other FL in the site that might cause this but there were none.
I have made a Family that is based off the Metric Structural Framing - Beams and Braces template. When I import my Family into a project and create a instance of the Family (which is a channel) the channel doesn't extend the whole distance of the geometric line. Its always 1500mm long (thats the default length in the .rfa file). See below image for my problem:
I made my extrusion inside the Left Elevation view and not inside a Floor Plan view; simply because it is easier to create the complex geometry of it. Maybe this has affected its inability to stretch to the length of the line? How can I edit my family so that the extrusion will stretch the whole length of the line/beam?
When you make a diameter or radius dimension it always has this static extension line shown in red when you move the dimension far enough away. I can not seem to extend this extension line at all it is always the same length no matter what variable I change. How to lengthen this extension line?
How do I extend a horizontal line like such... _________ outwards from both directions left and right simultaniously, basically giving the effect that it is growing longer from both ends out, like such ______________________________. ( and still looking very clean and as the same line, as it extends )
Windows Vista Home Premium, 2GB RAM, 200GB free HDD space, HP Laptop Adobe Photoshop CS3 (with/without 10.0.1 patch) Epson Stylus Pro 4800 via TCP/IP connection
I am still having the following three problems:
1. When holding down the shift key and clicking near the edge of the screen with a paint/clone/repair brush, the screen jumps to another area of the image (light years away it seems) - PS7 and CS2 moved a fraction of an inch in comparison.
2. When printing to the Epson Stylus Pro 4800, no matter how many copies I indicate that I want, I'll inevitably get more...sometimes many more. From my other PC, a dual P3 with 4GB of RAM running Win2KPro and PSCS2, this does not happen (using same file).
3. If I close a file that is showing full-window (not necessarily full-screen), and another image is still waiting to be worked on in the background, the full-window image does not change when the file closes, but the navigator version of the image changes to the next image waiting in the background. I have to resize the window to force a rewrite of the screen with the correct image.
I use Photoshop 7 & do a lot of cleanup of bitmap/tiff images, such a logos & symbols that need cleaning up around the edges etc. Holding the shift down while drawing with a brush in eraser, etc. mode creates a straight horizontal line & that makes cleaning a horizontal edge easy & quick.
Is there any keystroke combinations that will draw a perfectly straight vertical line?
Selecting or filling a region of non-uniform color is a common need. Adjusting tolerance is one approach, but I find that it is often problematic. Sometimes you have to play with the tolerance to get the right value. (New paint bucket features described for 4.0 should work with this.) Other times there is no single tolerance value that will give the desired results.
I wish that the paint bucket would simply behave like a real paint bucket in the sense that I could drag it through adjacent regions to fill them all with the same color value. This would give the same result as clicking in each of these regions in turn, but it would be faster and easier, especially in cases involving small or narrow bands of color that are difficult to distinguish visually. I come across such situations frequently. The same thinking would apply to the magic wand.
I imagine accomplishing this by perhaps holding down Ctrl or some other modifier key as I do my dragging. This would not interfere with expected behavior by people who have trouble clicking without moving the mouse.
I created a straight line using the shift,click method. Now nothing I do will affect it. When it failed to be made invisible by toggling the layer I thought I created it in I systematically went through each layer in the image, turning them visible, invisible in case I lost track of where it was created, but even though those layers became visible/invisible as they should, nothing happened to the line. I tried to create a layer above it to just cover it up, but even though the new layer was on top, the line showed through. Although this line used to be needed it is now essentially a blight on the rest of my image, which is massive. I dread the idea of having to start from scratch. I can't simply erase it because it doesn't seem to be associated with a layer. Originally, the image was created in 2.6, I think (but am not sure) that this is the version I used to make the line, but when I got a new computer I downloaded 2.8, and after this discovered the problem. Everything else works normally, is responsive,etc
I'm TRYING to move over into Photoshop after a happy ten years with Paint Shop Pro. I was doing fairly well finding equivalent tools and techniques in PS until I hit a brick wall. If I work on a file in PS the colors will shift and no longer blend into an existing PSP design.
I created a straight line using the shift,click method. Now nothing I do will affect it. When it failed to be made invisible by toggling the layer I thought I created it in I systematically went through each layer in the image, turning them visible, invisible in case I lost track of where it was created, but even though those layers became visible/invisible as they should, nothing happened to the line. I tried to create a layer above it to just cover it up, but even though the new layer was on top, the line showed through. Although this line used to be needed it is now essentially a blight on the rest of my image, which is massive. I dread the idea of having to start from scratch. I can't simply erase it because it doesn't seem to be associated with a layer. Originally, the image was created in 2.6, I think (but am not sure) that this is the version I used to make the line, but when I got a new computer I downloaded 2.8, and after this discovered the problem. Everything else works normally, is responsive,etc
We are using Civil 3D 2010, Version 4.1 and it is being used on both WinXP and Win7.
This is an issue that has been coming up at different times with profile views and them shifting when viewed from our viewports in our layout tab. It looks correct in the model space. But it shifts to the right 10' in the layout tab. We have 7 tabs in this drawing. I have looked through all of the profile view settings and it does not seem like any of these are the issue. I created a new viewport in the same tab and received the same shift to the right. I then created a new tab in the same drawing (not copied from the one that has the issue), created a new viewport, and the shift is not there. The PSLTSCALE, MSLTSCALE, and LTSCALE are all set to 1 in all of th tabs.
Woudl there be a layout tab setting that is causing this? This is happening on all of our machines with this drawing so I know it is not a specific user/machine issue. I have attached a .pdf showing the three cases described above if that were to provide any additional insight.
Often, especially when I'm working with screenshots, I'd like to be able to set the canvas size, and then paste in a larger image and move it to a specific point. This would allow me to automatically cut out the Windows portion of the screenshot, menu bars, scroll bars, whatever, while still keeping the actually interesting pixels in the same place from screenshot to screenshot.
In the past, what I've done is essentially to create a selection mask:
Prep: Paste the image into the backgroundCreate a 2nd layerSelect over the interesting pixels on the image in the 2nd layerInvert the selection in the 2nd layer and fill it with a solid colorRepeat:
Make a magic wand selection of the un-colored pixels in the 2nd layerSwitch to the background and copy the selection to the clipboardWork with the copied pixels (in another Paint.Net window, or another program)
Paste the next image into the backgroundSwitch to the 2nd layerBecause of the manner in which Paint.Net handles the canvas, this workflow would be greatly simplified if I could programmatically move pixels:
Prep: Select the interesting pixels in the first imageCrop to SelectionRepeat:
Work with the pixels remaining on the canvasPaste the next image (select "Keep Canvas Size")Shift Pixels so that the interesting portion of the image is on the canvasI looked through the entire menu structure in 3.5.10 several times, and didn't see anything that would obviously produce this transformation. I'm aware of the Ctrl+<arrow> method for moving by 10px, which is certainly better than just using the arrow keys. And I've seen references to the Panelling effect plugin which performs a similar function, but (without having tried it) I expect it would not produce the desired effect if I wanted to create negative/empty space on one or two sides of the shifted pixels, or if one of my images was smaller than the total desired area.
Is this already available in Paint.Net, and I just missed it? Or is there a plugin that accomplishes this specific transformation without additional side effects?
On the new smoke for mac however, I am getting luma shifts after doing a lot of reveal/cloning backgrounds etc.
This does not happen all the time, and not consistently, I find if I paint for a while and go back and forth, the image becomes much darker, not always the entire clip, sometimes just the frame I'm painting.
I am making a 15x22" print of a map of Baltimore and am not sure what pt size to maket the lines separating the neighborhoods. I want to be sure the lines are visible from far away, and, since this is my first time printing something this size.
I am programming an Illustrator plug-in for flexible modifying the width of stroked lines created by the Paintbrush Tool or Pencil Tool. The way of width modification should be similar to the "Width Tool".
Now I would like to have access to the painted area of the stroke lines, which I want to modify. With the Width Tool it is possible to modify the borders of the painted area very flexible. That is the same I want to do in the first step, but I do not know how to access these borders of the painted areas of stroke lines. I would like to know which Suites/functions are responsible for dealing with the painted area of stroke lines.
I do perspective drawing for interior designers and do the coloring in Photoshop. Think of old fashioned painting with a brush/copic marker against a ruler to get a straight line, but with varying thickness or opacity. I would like the same effect in Photoshop.
The closest that I have come is to press Shift before the brush stroke. That constrains the stroke, makes a very neat line AND allows me to vary the line/brush thickness as I paint.
Often the lines may need to be at an arbitrary angle which is NOT 90 or 180 degrees. The only way I know of for getting that brush stroke in the correct position is to make sure that each stroke is on a separate layer. Select the stroke/transform/rotate. Quite a few steps as opposed to the one it takes to draw the line in the correct position and angle with a brush/ copic marker on paper.
This becomes time consuming and difficult once you have many lines to paint and if you need to be accurate (as with perspective drawing). If you are working on a very large canvas the point of rotation can sometimes be very far from where you are working (i.e. on a vanishing point) and difficult to see without a lot of Zooming and moving around on the canvas.
To Stroke a path with the brush gives an unrealistic and even line thickness which does not look hand painted. Using a ruler while drawing on a Cintiq? That may give the desired effect and be much quicker than selecting and rotating.