Paint.NET :: Any Way To Shift Pixels By A Specified Amount?
Dec 19, 2011
Often, especially when I'm working with screenshots, I'd like to be able to set the canvas size, and then paste in a larger image and move it to a specific point. This would allow me to automatically cut out the Windows portion of the screenshot, menu bars, scroll bars, whatever, while still keeping the actually interesting pixels in the same place from screenshot to screenshot.
In the past, what I've done is essentially to create a selection mask:
Paste the image into the backgroundCreate a 2nd layerSelect over the interesting pixels on the image in the 2nd layerInvert the selection in the 2nd layer and fill it with a solid colorRepeat:
Make a magic wand selection of the un-colored pixels in the 2nd layerSwitch to the background and copy the selection to the clipboardWork with the copied pixels (in another Paint.Net window, or another program)
Paste the next image into the backgroundSwitch to the 2nd layerBecause of the manner in which Paint.Net handles the canvas, this workflow would be greatly simplified if I could programmatically move pixels:
Select the interesting pixels in the first imageCrop to SelectionRepeat:
Work with the pixels remaining on the canvasPaste the next image (select "Keep Canvas Size")Shift Pixels so that the interesting portion of the image is on the canvasI looked through the entire menu structure in 3.5.10 several times, and didn't see anything that would obviously produce this transformation. I'm aware of the Ctrl+<arrow> method for moving by 10px, which is certainly better than just using the arrow keys. And I've seen references to the Panelling effect plugin which performs a similar function, but (without having tried it) I expect it would not produce the desired effect if I wanted to create negative/empty space on one or two sides of the shifted pixels, or if one of my images was smaller than the total desired area.
Is this already available in Paint.Net, and I just missed it? Or is there a plugin that accomplishes this specific transformation without additional side effects?
I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?
I need to make a texture for google SketchUp that can be imported into RCT3. But the amount of pixels need to ve a square. Eg 256 x 256. How do I do this?
while i was outside my dad opened a jpg.. and the inches seemed LARGER ..
so i zoomed in the same %.. and it wasnt pixelated.. there were More pixels in the inch.. so i pasted something from my previous work.. and Indeed. it was SMALLER.. so i had to redo the whole thing.. it was bigger work.. but the print was very improved.. my question is.. how can you control how many pixels are in an inch.. if you can at all.. and if you cant how do you explain what happened..
I am needing to deliver to a software company one VERY long PNG that contains different animated states or steps of a volume knob for a user interface.
I have 127 animated steps/states in 127 PNG files. SO what I need to do is to discover an action or automated way that I can import each file in, then move it +X amount of pixels.
Specifically it's a 40px by 40px volume knob and there needs to be a 1px space in between each state. SO... basically... that means my end result document would be a 5,207px width document (40 times 127 plus 127).
Does this make sense?
My goal is to find the most efficient way of doing this. I was able to create the many different file states from After Effects.
Somehow I must have activated an option to only be able to move any object a certain distance at a time. For example, I have a circle that I want in a certain position but I can not move it there with my mouse. Instead it insists on moving 18,9 pixels in any given direction whenever I'm moving it with my mouse. To get a specific position I have to enter its position manually.
I have a big wallpaper and i would like to set the firm logo in the left bodom corner with something like 40 pixel from the left border en 100 pixels from the bodom corner.
i'm not good using photoshop, i just installed the pre realease cs6 and trying to find a way of shrinking the marquee selection by certain amount of pixels from the selection border i found expand selection but it doesn't allow me to type nigative value
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
When creating vector shapes and holding shift the shape do not snap to pixel. Snap to pixels is turned on. Initially when do not hold shift shapes is pixel perfect. As you can see in the image first 2 shapes are made free hand.
Just made this wallpaper, original size was 1440*900 Every avatar inside that pic are individual image file and I input them by Add layer > Import from a file, one by one = =''
Question is, how to make the job easier?
Like some plugin which allow you to select multiple image files and sorted it by some pattern...Does it exist?
Windows Vista Home Premium, 2GB RAM, 200GB free HDD space, HP Laptop Adobe Photoshop CS3 (with/without 10.0.1 patch) Epson Stylus Pro 4800 via TCP/IP connection
I am still having the following three problems:
1. When holding down the shift key and clicking near the edge of the screen with a paint/clone/repair brush, the screen jumps to another area of the image (light years away it seems) - PS7 and CS2 moved a fraction of an inch in comparison.
2. When printing to the Epson Stylus Pro 4800, no matter how many copies I indicate that I want, I'll inevitably get more...sometimes many more. From my other PC, a dual P3 with 4GB of RAM running Win2KPro and PSCS2, this does not happen (using same file).
3. If I close a file that is showing full-window (not necessarily full-screen), and another image is still waiting to be worked on in the background, the full-window image does not change when the file closes, but the navigator version of the image changes to the next image waiting in the background. I have to resize the window to force a rewrite of the screen with the correct image.
I've been using a very old version of Photoshop for the last 10 years and I'm used to using the shift key to extend a line or paint stroke. By that I mean, I use the paint tool to make a dot and then hold down the shift key and make another dot elsewhere and that creates a straight line. I just purchased CS6 and that function doesn't seem to be happening. Is this something I need to activate in a preference?
I'm TRYING to move over into Photoshop after a happy ten years with Paint Shop Pro. I was doing fairly well finding equivalent tools and techniques in PS until I hit a brick wall. If I work on a file in PS the colors will shift and no longer blend into an existing PSP design.
On the new smoke for mac however, I am getting luma shifts after doing a lot of reveal/cloning backgrounds etc.
This does not happen all the time, and not consistently, I find if I paint for a while and go back and forth, the image becomes much darker, not always the entire clip, sometimes just the frame I'm painting.
I'm trying to use it instead of my photoshop «not very legal» version.
There is a feature I really like in Photoshop and GIMP which is the ability to draw a line using pen/brush/eraser/any tool using the SHIFT modifier key. This really miss me in Paint.NET. You click somewhere, you move the cursor elsewhere, holding SHIFT you click again, and (using the tool you currently have selected) a perfect line is drawn between the two points.
I have made a drawing but ive noticed the hands on the figure seem to long, how can i make the change by moving hand pixels to where i think looks better.on the drawing,
I have taken pictures for my husbands company, and one of the distributors wants pictures sent to them in jpeg, and stated the pictures must be 500 x 500 pixels and 300 DPI. I have not been able to make the height and width both at 500 pixels. Can this be done? I have PSP X4.
I use Paint.NET for cut background from photos of Mask for this nice project: Masks In photoshop i can use expand selection for cutting 1 pixel more then i just selected. In Paint.Net i usualy skip this step and images has white/black thread around the mask.
Example: [URL]...
How to correct this problem, is there way to expand selection for 1-3 pixels ?
Is there a way to defringe the pixels like I've seen in photoshop? (only know this because I was googling how to do this on, and came across this)
So is there a plugin or advanced way to do this that doesn't include me clicking magic wand 5 million times?
I need to know how to make these pixels in the picture go away. I tried making the background black but It makes it look ugly. Is thier an eaiser way to do this?
I have some simple images with 5-10 different colors in them. I wanted to be able to count the number of pixels of each color in each image and compare the results.
I have PSPX3U. Just installed it on my new computer last week. I can't be sure, but I do believe I let it update. I then had the bug where Filters Unlimited filters don't work properly on a raster layer. I had this problem on my regular X3 (not ulltimate) after doing updates. My only option was to un-install PSP and re-install it and not update.
Now on this new computer, I did uninstallinstall and re-installed. I honestly don't remember, but I do think I still had a problem without doing any updates. I think I did one of the updates and my Filters Unlimited was back to working the way it should.
Now today I was working on something and found out that I have the dropping pixels bug. I thought I saw something off the other day. I do know this is a problem and I do see there's a fix. But it says that you have to install update 4 first.My PSPX3U version is
I'm afraid of installing the updates because I can't afford to hae that filter bug again...but I also can't afford to have the dropping pixel bug.I tried to look at the updates to see which one(s) I would need to install, but only the first one tells you if you have a certain version then you don't need it. I couldn't find this for the others...unless I'm not looking in the right spot.
I want to reduce the number of pixels in a photo so I can send it as an avatar to another forum. How do I do this? Older version was easy but I can't find method in present update.
I made one image (a landscape type drawing) in one file, and another image (a computer drawn person) in another file. Apparently my original background sizes for the two files were WAY different and when I tried to "paste into new layer" the person I'd drawn onto the landscape image, that person's head covered the ENTIRE landscape! Of course I held Shift, grabbed the corner and tried to downsize the person to fit the landscape.... and lost TONS of detail in the process, leaving my little person looking extremely pixelated and difficult to recognize.
Is there a way to make the landscape and the person fit each other without losing detail?
I've managed to pixelate an image down to 128x128 pixels and have the amount of colours to 64.
However, I'm trying to get it that when I select a coloured pixel that all the other pixels of that colour are highlighted.
The magic wand seems to be the sort of tool I need but it highlights all colours/pixels that are similar; I want all pixels that have the exact RGB as the pixel selected.
The DPI is modified from 96 to 192 and the image pixels is also scaled to twice resolution.But the screen the images size changes from 3 inch to 6 inch, when 100% zoom.This is wrong, the image should be displayed in what the size the image is.