Paint.NET :: How To Select And Show All Pixels Of Same Colour

Mar 24, 2013

I've managed to pixelate an image down to 128x128 pixels and have the amount of colours to 64.
However, I'm trying to get it that when I select a coloured pixel that all the other pixels of that colour are highlighted.
The magic wand seems to be the sort of tool I need but it highlights all colours/pixels that are similar; I want all pixels that have the exact RGB as the pixel selected.

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Paint.NET :: Ordinary Layer Shift (move Pixels) By Multiples Of Pixels Is Not Sufficient

Feb 5, 2013

I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?

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Illustrator :: Select A Colour From Colour Wheel

Jun 4, 2013

I would like to be able to select a colour like you can in photoshop. The swatches are very limited. I would like to select it from the colour 'wheel', where you can move up and down the slider to select the value and then move over the circle to select your colour? Or where can I find a huge swatch of colours?

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GIMP :: Colour To Alpha Leaves Behind White Pixels?

Jul 19, 2011

Whenever I try to use the 'Colour to Alpha' tool, while it works on most of the image, I always get little white dots left behind, and have to spend ages use the eraser tool to get rid of them.

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Illustrator :: Change Colour Of Pixels In Raster (PNG) Image?

May 29, 2013

I have just begun using Illustrator CS6.  I have a very simple image (.png file) that I would like to annotate with some arrows and some text.  This file is what I guess you would consider a raster image (no vector graphics) that has a very limited color range.  It has less than ten basic colors plus a gradient fill (shades of gray) in a few places. 
I want to use illustrator to annotate this image with some lines with arrows and some text, but first, there are a few stray lines that I would like to eliminate.  For example, there is a black line that I would like to "erase" by replacing all the black pixels in this line with white pixels.  I tried to do this by selecting the "Paint Brush" tool and then selecting white as both my fill and my stroke color.  After doing this, I position the cursor over the pixels I want to change but the cursor appears as a circle with a line through it, and it doesn't do anything.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Colour Negatives - Removing Orange Base Colour Of Film?

Dec 19, 2011

I have copied some colour negatives using my digital camera. What is the best procedure for removing the orange base colour of the film prior to converting them to positives?

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Paint.NET :: Colour Tint Tool - Specific Colour Scheme For Image?

Jul 16, 2013

I use EdHarvey's colour tint tool and it changes colour of the whole image, I'm looking for something similar but it only changes selected colour, so that the image is left with mutiple colour scheme rather than just one, any addon that can do this?
From this example, you can see the figure on the right is in a brownish colour scheme, what tool can I use in order to make it's colour scheme blue like the figure on the left?

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Photoshop :: Select Pixels By RGB Values?

Feb 26, 2006

I have a portrait shot on a grey cloth background and I need to remove the grey background.

Replace color is useless, as is the magic wand.

However the BG is comprised of pixels that are all VERY close to neutral ie

Red -231
Green - 232
Blue - 231


I am trying to find a way to select only those pixels that are within 1 or 2 from the other components, ie it would select for the above selection:

Red - 230-232
Green - 231-233
Blue - 230-232

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Photoshop :: Way To Select Matching Pixels On 2 Different Layers?

Jul 10, 2013

If I shoot 2 different portraits (of 2 different people), against the same background (a complex one not a backdrop), using a locked frame on a tripod, giving me the same exact background in both pictures, with only the portraits changing.
If I then take these 2 pictures, and create layers out of them in the same Photoshop document, and align them perfectly on top of each other.
Is there a way (action, plugin, script, etc...) to select the pixels that did not change between the 2 layers? In other words, the pixels that create the background of both pictures? And would it make it easier if I shoot the background alone, and then the portraits, and then follow the same steps?

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Photoshop :: Show Pixels When Resizing Images

Mar 2, 2012

where is the button to show pixels when resizing images? Microsoft paint has it on default but Photoshop cs4 doesn't.

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Photoshop :: Select All / Copy Or Flatten - Row Of Pixels Missing?

May 1, 2013

In some CS6 PSD documents (but not all), when I Select All (no feather) and then Copy, the result in the clipboard is one pixel smaller in height than the original—the bottom row is missing. This is verified by pasting, selecting the layer's contents, and reading the Info window, or by starting a new document which defaults to the clipboard image's size. One pixel too small. In addition, when I paste on top of the original (which usually my intention) you can see everything shift up by one pixel. (Showing that the image has been cropped at the bottom, rather than scaled.)
I am viewing everything at 100%.
Any guideline as to when this bug does or does not happen? I can't find a pattern--maybe it's any Copy that can fail and not just Select All? It seems like it may happen on a previously-scaled document (which I know messes up the text tool semi-permanently). But I hate having to go through the extra step of double-checking the dimensions of every single copy and paste. I'm really trying to get somewhere near my old CS3 productivity, but it's a struggle with all the new bugs!
(This is different from the bug where rectanbgular selections loose one pixel of vertical when you release the mouse button at 100% zoom, although it does sound related. That longstanding bug happens 100% of the time, but at least you can see in the Info box that it has happened—one more constant act of double-checking that PS6 work seems to need. Whereas in this bug, the Info window shows the correct full size of the document after you Select All—but when you Copy, the result has lost data.)
I see now that in the same document, something similar also happens when I simply flatten the document: a single-pixel row turns white... but at the top.
Flattened/background layers seem to be immune from the copy/paste height loss, so I thought I'd just flatten the image I want to copy... but the flatten itself loses data.

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GIMP :: Using Select Color Tool On Pixels With Transparency

Mar 28, 2012

I was using but I've found it too limited. The GIMP has much more power and I can do a lot more with it, but I've found a few things I can't figure out how to do.

For example, when I use the Eyedropper tool () to choose a color, GIMP doesn't seem to include any transparency in the selection:   

The Colorpicker just chooses the color at 100% opacity. Is there any way to change this so that my new foreground color includes the transparency level?

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Photoshop Elements :: Select Pixels To Copy In Layers?

Mar 9, 2014

I have a photo open in Expert with a blank layer above it.  I selected the quick selection tool and drew a complete circle around the object I want to copy from this photo and to paste the selected area to the layer.  However, I get a pop up box stating that the copy command cannot be completed because no pixels we selected.
I followed book and online instructions on selection tool uses while in Layers and can't seem to get past this pop up box.

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Photoshop :: Ctrl + Click Doesn't Select ALL Non-transparent Pixels

Jun 18, 2012

How can I select ALL non-transparent pixels from a layer?
- Ctrl + click doesn't work (it seems to have a 50% tolerance - my opacity 7% and 40% pixels don't get selected);

- The magic wand tool with 0% tolerance does work (when I click on a transparent pixel it selects ALL opacity 0% pixels around it and then I just have to inverse selection), BUT my image has a lot of holes with transparent areas and selecting them one by one would be tedious.

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Photoshop :: Auto-select Layer Within 10 Pixels Of Shape Impossible Without Having To Zoom In?

Jul 3, 2012

I have been using CS6 for a while now and one problem that I keep encountering is the auto-selection of shape layers. Trying to auto-select a layer that's within 10 pixels of a shape layer is impossible without having to zoom in. This is a little hard to explain without images... Cue image...
If you try to recreate the above image, where the black 20x20px rectangle is a shape and the red 38x38px rounded rectangle is rasterized pixels, you will see that auto-selecting the red rounded rectangle is impossible at 100%.
Is this intentional and just an issue for me? Selecting pixel layers in CS5 was never this annoying. It seems that shape layers have an invisible 10px area around them stopping you from selecting anything below them. This is so frustrating with pixel UI work.

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Photoshop :: How To Select All Instances Of A Certain Colour At Once?

Aug 15, 2007

how you can select all the instances of a certain colour in a picture.. e.g. If I click a certain shade of grey in my posturized image.. i want PS to show me all the places with the same colour..

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Paint.NET :: Pre-select Highlight And Auto Select (like Photoshop)

Mar 25, 2011

Wondering if theres a plugin/feature for asto highlighting (sort of a preselect object) as in photoshop.

I have kinda got used to this in PS but am hoping theres a PDN equivalent?

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Xara :: Shape Won't Show Fill Colour

Nov 12, 2012

How do I get XXDP7 to show the fill colour of a shape?

The outline width is zero and transparent, but the pallete on the bottom of the screen fails to show the fill colour.

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Xara :: Colour Select / Erase Tool Stability?

Sep 5, 2013

find that this tool is less than stable for their use? When it works, I'm quite happy. It's just that it seems to work <20% of the time for me.

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Illustrator :: Brushes Doesn't Work When Select A Colour On CS6?

Apr 11, 2013

I'm new on illustrator so I'm still messing around with it.
The brushes seem to only do white lines whenever I select colours and try to draw with them! How do I make the brushes work properly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Select Set Face Colour Simultaneously?

Mar 19, 2013

Is there any way to change the colour of all faces in a select set simultaneously?

The method I am referring to is when you select faces in a part document, rickt click and select properties from the context menu, a dialog box pops up called "Face Properties" which prompts you to select a colour and click OK. when this is done all of the faces are changed at once.

How do I replicate this via the API?

Currently I have it iterate through each face in a part document and apply the colour override one by one which can take a while when there are about 1000 faces. You can see each face changing as you go.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Multiple Select Attribute Colour?

Nov 11, 2011

Lisp program, by selecting on screen multiple block attribute and to change those selected (by picking) attributes to colour 252.

At the moment, I'm using a custom macro : ^C^C-ATTEDIT     C;252;;

But if I've got a lot of attributes to change, it takes awhile to complete.

I know about BATTMAN but I do not want to change the block entities in that way. The reason I want to change the attributes to colour 252 is because here at this company we do existing drawing in colour 252 and any new equipment on its proper layer colours.

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Paint.NET :: How Many Pixels Selection Has

Feb 20, 2012

is there a way to know how many pixels my selection has?

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Paint.NET :: How To Move Pixels On Art

Jul 8, 2013

I have made a drawing but ive noticed the hands on the figure seem to long, how can i make the change by moving hand pixels  to where i think looks better.on the drawing,

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Photoshop :: Opening Image In CC And Select Pixels With Any Method - Image Starts To Blink

Sep 12, 2013

The entire image is what is blinking, while the photoshop tools remain on.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Changing Pixels To 500 X 500 And 300 DPI?

Aug 1, 2013

I have taken pictures for my husbands company, and one of the distributors wants pictures sent to them in jpeg, and stated the pictures must be 500 x 500 pixels and 300 DPI. I have not been able to make the height and width both at 500 pixels. Can this be done? I have PSP X4.

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Paint.NET :: How To Expand Selection For 1 - 3 Pixels

Jul 21, 2011

I use Paint.NET for cut background from photos of Mask for this nice project: Masks In photoshop i can use expand selection for cutting 1 pixel more then i just selected. In Paint.Net i usualy skip this step and images has white/black thread around the mask.

Example: [URL]...

How to correct this problem, is there way to expand selection for 1-3 pixels ?

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Paint.NET :: Unwanted Pixels On Outside Of Picture

Jul 9, 2013

Is there a way to defringe the pixels like I've seen in photoshop? (only know this because I was googling how to do this on, and came across this) 
So is there a plugin or advanced way to do this that doesn't include me clicking magic wand 5 million times?

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Paint.NET :: Remove Transparent Pixels?

Feb 18, 2013

I need to know how to make these pixels in the picture go away. I tried making the background black but It makes it look ugly. Is thier an eaiser way to do this?

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Paint.NET :: Counting Colored Pixels

Feb 4, 2011

I have some simple images with 5-10 different colors in them. I wanted to be able to count the number of pixels of each color in each image and compare the results.

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Paint.NET :: Change The Amount Of Pixels?

Jan 21, 2013

I need to make a texture for google SketchUp that can be imported into RCT3. But the amount of pixels need to ve a square. Eg 256 x 256. How do I do this?

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