Lightroom :: 4.4 / Only 3 Thumbnails Will Display At A Time In Both Grid View And Film Strip
Jun 28, 2013
I have Lightroom 4.4. and Windows 7--both of which have been working fine for several months. Starting a few days ago, however, thumbnails have refused to load for any NEW photos I import. They appear gray/blank in both Grid view and the film strip. However, if you click on any of the film strip thumbnails (while in either Grid view or Develop mode), that thumbnail and corresponding image WILL load--until up to three have done so. Then they begin disappearing again, allowing you to view no more than three images' thumbnails at any one time.
I can't review a shoot via Grid mode this way. I'm also afraid to use Lightroom while it's misbehaving, for fear of corrupting the catalog somehow (though all the images appear to be there). Searching this forum, I found several people who experienced having all of their thumbnails blank out and who were able to correct this by either reinstalling or removing their color profiling software. However, 1) I did this (and it didn't work), and 2) it isn't that all my thumbnails that have disappeared. All the thumbnails and images imported prior to the bug, still initially display correctly.* And I can get three thumbnails of the newer images to appear at a time.
*The asterisk is because after I poked around some more, I realized that if I opened other folders and began post-processing images from older uploads (vs. just viewing them), the thumbnails that initially displayed correctly everywhere also blank out and begin appearing in this up-to-three-at-a-time fashion.
On LR 3.6 I cannot view my photos on the film strip in the LIBRARY setting. On DEVELOP I can view on photo at a time on the film strip (the rest of the photos are not viewable). This is a new problem which has only occured on the last two imports.
When in the develope module I have the film strip at the bottom of the page, I export the current image to CS 6 and then save from there. On returning to LR the last image saved is always at the right hand end of the film strip. You then have to scholl all the way to the left to find your next image to edit. Is there away of stopping this happening..
I have a number of older pictures in my library that don't have Capture Date in the metadata. Windows Explorer Propoerties typically shows info like this, for these files:
Created: Tues, Mar 11, 2009 <time> Modified: Wed, June 12, 2002 <time> Accessed: Thu, Sept, 13, 2006 < time>
In my experience, PSE assumes the "Modified" date as capture date with files like this. (A good assumption, for these pics Im looking at now.)
From what I can tell, LR also uses the "modified" date when sorting these pictures' thumbnails. And when I do Metadata > Edit Capture Date, it shows the Modified date as the Original (all good so far).
BUT, in Grid View of the Library module, I have View Options set to show capture date in the Bottom Labal, and here it shows the "Created" date. (So it like 2009 pictures are getting placed next to 2002 pics, in what's supposed to be a chronoligical sort.)
LR4 seems to have a bug when importing images from a camera where it randomly does not display a thumbnail of the image before invoking the import process. Usually it is whole blocks of images following a few that are properly shown. Perhaps it is dropping the communication link to the camera early?
Furthermore, once the images are imported, different images are not displayed in the thumbnail panel with filters off.
I have been doing identical import procedures on all previous versions of LR without any similar behavior.
I've been using the FastPictureViewer Codec pack so that DNG and camera RAW files show as thumbnails in Explorer for quite some time. Upon upgrading to LR4, DNG files no longer display as thumbnails, but as the generic Windows icon for an image.
Upon researching the issue, and upgrading the Codecs from the supplier (which still did not fix the issue), the supplier tells me the following:
What we solved [in the update] was a crash with the new files. Adobe did not document their changes, so there is not much we can do except ignore the files. This is what happens when owners of proprietary formats decide to change stuff without notice.
If you turn off the "fast load" and "lossy" options the DNG will still be created following the published 1.3 specification and will work with 3rd party software including ours.
The "new DNGs" are for Adobe private use only at the moment. We don't know (beyond vague promises on employees personal blogs) if they will ever document what they did and publish an updated specification, they are certainly under no obligation to do so. The decision they took not to release updated DNG specs even before LR4 came out was a deliberate one.
While I resolved the problem by turning "fast load" off, I find it highly disturbing that Adobe has made undocumented changes to the DNG format that break 3rd party software. I thought the whole idea of DNG was that it was an OPEN FORMAT and was to prevent situations such as this. At least this is how they sold it to the public and their argument against "proprietary camera manufactuer RAW formats" that could "change at any time".
I would like to have the date taken readily visible when i scroll through my library. At one point I could see a timeline on the side that was very useful. I would like that again or have the date visible on each thumbnail at all times. How do i set this?
When I open my lightroom, I am not able to view any thumbnails to select for importing. I am able to view slideshows though? How do I view my thumbnails so I can import?
My wife's library has over 30,000 photos in it. We've started developing a problem where the images in Library View are all the exact same photo, even though it's nowhere close to being the same image.
you click on a date and the thumbnails load, but as you click on the image, it pauses and then shows you the real image in the Navigator (in this screencap, the image has not yet refreshed in the navigator).
i tried rendering previews, but it didn't fix the problem (after hours of the processing). I've rebuilt the catalog when moving to a larger harddrive, but I don't want to reimport everything to a new catalog because i don't want her to lose her edits to her photos. i'm not entirely certain if "Optimize Catalog" will fix the problem.
LR3.5 on Win7 Laptop with 8Gb of ram and a 2.5 i5 processor
I have LR 4.3 and now 5. how to display and compare more than two images in same time, including 100% view. I can with "Together" or some word alike. (Ensemble in the French version), but I cannot zoom all images together at 100%. This is only possible in the "comparison" module but for only 2 images at a time…
I’m not sure where the problem lies but when I view images in Lightroom 3.6 in the Grid View they are out of focus. If I view a single image in the Loupe View it’s fine. This doesn’t happen in any other application I run. My PC has an ASUS GTX 550 Ti graphic card
Today I was browsing through my images library and I noticed that some of the images are dimmed. By dimmed, I mean that they appear desaturated... as though LR4 is trying to tell me something about the image... but I don't know what.
If I click on the image I can edit it. It appears normal when it is the "current image" (bright colors again). But as soon as I make another image the "current image" the other image goes back to the dimmed look.
Being able to see the keywords assigned to each photo in grid view would be incredibly useful to me for managing my photos and videos as I add new keywords. Just seeing the "this photo has keywords" tag does not work. I need to see the actual keywords, without having to click on each individual photo to see them.
I am having trouble finding the location I need to prevent LR 5 from moving around my grid screen after using the paint brush tool or any tool to change it's rating. I would like to focus on tagging/organizing my rated files as my priorty but without my screen shifting to the image that's changed... if it would just dissaper to the proper loaction I would be much happier than having to scroll back down to where I left off.
I have been using LR since version 2 and since upgrading to LR5 I can't find a way to view the jpeg files next to the raw file. in grid view it just shows RAW + JPEG on a single photo but I want to split them so I can see the jpeg type. I changed my preferences to 'treat jpegs as separate files' but what do I do with all the files I already imported and corrected?
I am using LR 4.2 (on Mac) and have been using LR since 2.0. Yesterday all the badges on all my photos disappeared in Grid View. I didn't change any prefernce settings, or update that I am aware of. When I go to View > Grid View Styles> Show Badges, that option is checked, however it is grayed out. On the Mac that usually indicates it is not a viable option.
I've restarted the program but the problem remains. how to bring back badges?
Out of the blue, when I re-import Photoshopped files back into LR3, they fail to appear in Grid View. But they DO APPEAR in the 'Import' screen, grayed out, as normal. So why is LR suddenly not showing them in Grid View.Here's a screenshot of the import window that clearly shows the image that does NOT appear in Grid View. Notice that image# 2012_3_4-Edit.tif resides immediately next to it's original 2012_3_4.tif file. It obviously is part of the catalog, LR knows it's there but it does not appear in the Grid. I really need a solution to this because I've build my workflow around moving files around with LR and this is a major setback for me now.
I am organizing my photos, and used a plug-in that keyworded all my duplicates and put them in a Smart Collection. I would like to see the folder path for each duplicate photo within the details of the grid. That is, without having to r-click and choose "show in explorer" for each photo.
I am unable to drag-n-drop from Grid View.Maybe I am not understanding correctly but I thought it should always be possible to grab an image in the Grid View and drop on a folder or collection on the left.