I would like to have the date taken readily visible when i scroll through my library. At one point I could see a timeline on the side that was very useful. I would like that again or have the date visible on each thumbnail at all times. How do i set this?
Why does the capture date in the metadata panel not match the capture date seen in the grid extra view and how do I fix it? The images that I have in my library are digitized negatives and I've corrected the capture dates and times to be accurate; however, the capture date and in the metadata window shows what I've changed it to and the date in both the grid extra view and the Metadata>Edit Capture Time... options both reflect the date the image was last modified. Not all of the images in my library are this way and some show the correct information. When sorted by Capture Time, all images fall exactly where they should in the proper order (based on the changed, corrected edit time and not the modified date). I saved metadata to the file with the new date but it didn't fix it.
I have a number of older pictures in my library that don't have Capture Date in the metadata. Windows Explorer Propoerties typically shows info like this, for these files:
Created: Tues, Mar 11, 2009 <time> Modified: Wed, June 12, 2002 <time> Accessed: Thu, Sept, 13, 2006 < time>
In my experience, PSE assumes the "Modified" date as capture date with files like this. (A good assumption, for these pics Im looking at now.)
From what I can tell, LR also uses the "modified" date when sorting these pictures' thumbnails. And when I do Metadata > Edit Capture Date, it shows the Modified date as the Original (all good so far).
BUT, in Grid View of the Library module, I have View Options set to show capture date in the Bottom Labal, and here it shows the "Created" date. (So it like 2009 pictures are getting placed next to 2002 pics, in what's supposed to be a chronoligical sort.)
Any user who uses Facebook to showcase image galleries knows that Facebook changes how images are displayed from time to time. One month it will be on a black background and the next on a white background. And then they put overlay's on top of your images and they change things around whenever they wish. There is not rock solid consistency from Facebook on how they display your images across devices or over time.
What I am trying to do is to add some consistency to how my images are displayed by adding my own border to my images.
Ideally, I would want Lightroom to add a border for me based on some setting under the export manager. But as far I know there is no setting to do this? (Why doesn't lightroom have any border options anywhere yet for anything it exports? This would be relatively simple I think.)
Here is the only way I know how to solve my issue.
First, my other considerations: I want to keep my original images in my catalog in tact and as is w/o a border and with layers if it is a .psd file. I do NOT want to destructively add a border to the catalog images, only the images that end up on Facebook. I also want to add my watermark image to the final image so that it is done as the last step so that the bottom part of my watermark shows my web site address over the white border on the bottom of the image. Using a droplet and the watermark in the same step does not work properly because it applies the watermark before it runs the action, not after.
I have created an action to add a x pixel white border by: Merging (flatten) all layersCreating a new unlocked background "image" layerExpanding the canvas by x pixels.Creating a new white filled layer and moving it to the bottom of the layer's pallet.Adding a 2 pixel black inside stroke to my image layer and adding a drop shadow. I created a droplet from this action and put it in the droplet folder for LR.
Now for the repeated steps that I am going through...
Select the images that I want to write to Facebook.Export these images to a new folder using the droplet.Import the folder of all of these images back into Lightroom.Move the new images with borders on them into the correct LR FB publish service.Publish the photos using the sharpening and watermark settings.Delete the .psd files created in Step #2.
The steps that I would like to avoid are #2, #3, #6
I have Lightroom 4.4. and Windows 7--both of which have been working fine for several months. Starting a few days ago, however, thumbnails have refused to load for any NEW photos I import. They appear gray/blank in both Grid view and the film strip. However, if you click on any of the film strip thumbnails (while in either Grid view or Develop mode), that thumbnail and corresponding image WILL load--until up to three have done so. Then they begin disappearing again, allowing you to view no more than three images' thumbnails at any one time.
I can't review a shoot via Grid mode this way. I'm also afraid to use Lightroom while it's misbehaving, for fear of corrupting the catalog somehow (though all the images appear to be there). Searching this forum, I found several people who experienced having all of their thumbnails blank out and who were able to correct this by either reinstalling or removing their color profiling software. However, 1) I did this (and it didn't work), and 2) it isn't that all my thumbnails that have disappeared. All the thumbnails and images imported prior to the bug, still initially display correctly.* And I can get three thumbnails of the newer images to appear at a time.
*The asterisk is because after I poked around some more, I realized that if I opened other folders and began post-processing images from older uploads (vs. just viewing them), the thumbnails that initially displayed correctly everywhere also blank out and begin appearing in this up-to-three-at-a-time fashion.
Has it become a possible option to automatically grab the Date-of-shoot (instead of the DAYToday) when renaming files (that should show shooting- date) in LR5?
I've got a Lenovo Thinkpad R500 running Windows Vista.
I seem to be having an issue with my display driver. Everytime I open Adobe Photoshop, I get an error that photoshop has encountered an error with my display driver, and it does not display images properly (they seem to be very low resolution).
I checked my drivers, and everything is up to date. I even ran Windows Update just to be sure.
Is it possible to display the 'shot date' of photos witin a Slideshow. In showing a slideshow, I'm being asked; "when was that pix taken?". It would answer these questions by having the shot date shown.
I run PSE 12 on my Mac with OS 10.9. I am able to display a grid by clicking view, then selecting grid from the dropdown. However, the rule of thirds, golden ratio, none and grid buttons at the bottom of the display have no effect. I am unable to select thirds or golden ratio. Any thoughts on how I can activate these buttons, especially the the rule of thirds?
how do i make the grid more visible?To explain... if i work in an office with a high degree of ambient light, i find it difficult to see the grid lines!So how do i make them more visible?
When I try to open a .ipt file that is posted here in Inventor 2013, I get an error.
I have tried on several different files and it will not open them. I dont have any problem opening my own files, just the ones that other users have posted here.
All of a sudden I notice that when I open a file in Autocad Architecture, it shows the file creation date and not the actual last save date. Only thing I can think of is I reinstalled 3dsmax Design and I wonder if that changed something. I attached a screenshot for reference.
Building Suite Premium Win 7, ultimate i7 1.86ghz, 4meg ram ATI 5730
I have included both a text and a date as part of the photo caption on each of my photos. When I have attempted to search for a specific date or year, however, nothing comes up. For example, if I search for my photo on "Fido 1985", I can find Fido, but if I simply enter "1985", I get nothing.
I've got some 500 photos in a folder which were imported on two different dates. I've created a new album on the right hand side under "Organize" and just the photos I want are in there. When I look at the folder on the right, all the pictures are there. But I can't call up just that folder; instead what I get on my screen is all 2500 photos in all my photo albums! Not what I want! What I want to get is all the photos in the order in which they were taken on the actual day as all 500 photos were taken at the same day. And I want to be able to view just the 500 photos in that folder by the time those pictures were taken. But, when I imported the second batch of photos it showed the date the file was created rather than the date the photo was taken so, basically, I've got one batch of photos showing the date they were taken (which I downloaded via a link a few days later), and one showing the date they were copied!
I recently set up Elements 12. Prior to this I used elements 11. In that catalog I have more photos that I don't want. So I decided to export the ones I want then import into PSE 12. As I do this many of the dates on the pictures change from the date taken to the current date. I have tried several different ways and can't stop the dates changing. I am putting them into mobile albums in PSE 12 if that makes a difference.
When I was in Library mode, I would click on Survey View twice and it would give me an option to jump to a certain date I took a picture or jump to pictures taken with a certain camera model. I think I clicked something and now Lightroom doesn't give me that option.
My original digital camera (Nikon E880 point-and-shoot) did not insert the date that the picture was taken into the metadata. How can I add the date that the images were taken with this camera in Lightroom 3?
I'm searching for a way to see only photos that were shot at a specific date but any year. More specifically I'm thinking of a "today in history" kind of filter that would let me see photos that were shot on current date throughout all the years. Is there any filter option/plugin or anything else available that would let me achieve that? Doesn' matter if I have to type in a date or if it is automatic. I have tried text search but it seems I can't find partial dates that way.
I've imported scanned photos into LR4 and have changed the capture dates to reflect the original capture date of each photo imported. My LR Library is sorted by Date folders. How do I automatically get these photos sorted into their respective date folders?
When i import photos (using data data cable) into lightroom (4.1) from my Nikon D7000 (with latest firmware), the capture date/time appears in lightroom +3 hours as compare to original shot.
I usually organize photos date-wise in light room, so pic taken on 26-Jun @ 10pm will be shown under 27-Jun (with time 1am) in light room.
Computer date/time is +3 and accurate (OS: Win 7). Nikon D7000 also configured as +3 and date/time is accurate.
- I am in Kuwait which is +3 - When i do the transfer by taking out memory card from camera and inserting it into the camera, it works as expected and i get the exact date/time in lightroom.
In the thumbnail view the newest pics are at the bottom, the oldest at the top. But in my list of folders on the left panel, they're sorted by name, and I get figure out how to sort that list of folders so the newest ones are at the top. Like it is in Picasa basically.How do I perform this elementary sorting operation?
I have imported a series of old jpegs into Lightroom 3.6 taken in 2002-2003 and I noticed an unexpected date on the thumbnails in the Grid view.
In the Library View Options (Ctrl-J) I have selected to show the Capture Date/Time on the thumbnails.
Since the pictures do not have Exif data I had expected that Lightroom would show the regular system date/time of the picture files. Bad luck, Lightroom is showing the Date/Time of the FOLDER containing the picture files instead of the date of the files themselves.
So last week on 06-01-2012 I created a folder on a harddisk and copied a series of jpegs in there with a file date of 20-06-2003. Lightroom however is showing 06-01-2012 on the thumbnails. Not excactly what I want.
I seem to have a big (and very weird) problem with dates in Lightroom. This relates - for the moment at least - to images dating back ten years, to when I had my first digital camera, a Nikon D100.
My belief is that the photo in question, one of many, was taken at around 2pm on the afternoon of 17th April 2004. Note the following from the image (EXIF data):
- The "date/time original" shows 17/04/2002 13:58:48 - The "date/time digitized" shows 17/04/2004 23:15:29 - The "date/time" shows 17/04/2004 23:24:17
The same image in Windows explorer (see second image) shows: > Date 17/04/2004 23:15 > Date Taken 17/04/2004 23:15 > Date Imported 17/04/2004 22:24
Given the subject matter of the image, it is 100% certain this image was in fact taken in April 2004.
How can it be, then, that the "original" shows a date two years earlier? Why would Lightroom use this field (the ONLY one showing 2002 when every other shows 2004)? And why does Explorer correctly show the date but Lightroom does not - surely if anything one might expect the opposite?
This is urgently needed to be resolved as I am making a photo book for my wife's 40th and, as it turns out, I am putting all the photos in all the wrong years!