Photoshop Elements :: Including Date In Photo Caption And Being Able To Use Search Function For Date?
Nov 27, 2012
I have included both a text and a date as part of the photo caption on each of my photos. When I have attempted to search for a specific date or year, however, nothing comes up. For example, if I search for my photo on "Fido 1985", I can find Fido, but if I simply enter "1985", I get nothing.
I'm now trying Elements 12 (free trial) to see if the interface for subsetting the set of images by date is any easier than PSE 10, and I find it even harder to use - in fact, it does not seem to work at all. I select Find -> By Details (Metadata) and select by Catalog Date after 12/29/13 AND before 12/31/13 (see screenshot)
which results in no matches, even though I have a few dozen pictures with catalog date of 12/30/2013, such as this one, with the date highlighted:
I also turned on the Timeline, but it does not have the resolution to select specific dates
I've got some 500 photos in a folder which were imported on two different dates. I've created a new album on the right hand side under "Organize" and just the photos I want are in there. When I look at the folder on the right, all the pictures are there. But I can't call up just that folder; instead what I get on my screen is all 2500 photos in all my photo albums! Not what I want! What I want to get is all the photos in the order in which they were taken on the actual day as all 500 photos were taken at the same day. And I want to be able to view just the 500 photos in that folder by the time those pictures were taken. But, when I imported the second batch of photos it showed the date the file was created rather than the date the photo was taken so, basically, I've got one batch of photos showing the date they were taken (which I downloaded via a link a few days later), and one showing the date they were copied!
I recently set up Elements 12. Prior to this I used elements 11. In that catalog I have more photos that I don't want. So I decided to export the ones I want then import into PSE 12. As I do this many of the dates on the pictures change from the date taken to the current date. I have tried several different ways and can't stop the dates changing. I am putting them into mobile albums in PSE 12 if that makes a difference.
I currently use a different photo organizer and wish to migrate to PSE11, provided it meets this criteria. I have over 200K images that have already been tagged, and I need granularity in searching for items. I normally search in a cumulative fashion, where each criterion I add further reduces the number of images that meet all the criteria. Does PSE11 have a "meets ALL criteria" option, or rather, does it only display results that "meet ANY criteria" that I may have specified? In other words, the more criteria I add, the less images I should see that are filtered based on ALL the criteria.
In version 10, I could create an album, add photos to it, and then right click on the album name and select "Sort album by photo date", or something like that. This was very convenient when I had more than one source of photos for a certain event, like a vacation. This would change the "album order", which made it very convenient for creating photobooks or other projects where I wanted chronological order. I don't want to view by "Oldest first" in media view 1st before I save the album.
I am using PSE10 and I have just upgraded from lion to mountain lion 10.8.2. Previously when I clicked "write keyword tag and properties info to photo" it seemed to just do that. Since the upgrade to mountain lion when I click 'write keyword tag and properties info to photo" it also changes the date the photo was created to the date the info was written to the photo .
How I can get it to write the keyword info *without* changing the date the photo was created?
All of a sudden I notice that when I open a file in Autocad Architecture, it shows the file creation date and not the actual last save date. Only thing I can think of is I reinstalled 3dsmax Design and I wonder if that changed something. I attached a screenshot for reference.
Building Suite Premium Win 7, ultimate i7 1.86ghz, 4meg ram ATI 5730
Has it become a possible option to automatically grab the Date-of-shoot (instead of the DAYToday) when renaming files (that should show shooting- date) in LR5?
I want to define en expiration date in registry, after that date the some LISP programs does not allow to run. I think that suitable commands are SetEnv and GetEnv.
define a ExpDt variable that contains Expiry Date as a string. And add some statements inside of the LISP program to call this variable and check it with today's date.
I should define once time in autocad:
(setenv "expdt" "130101"); YYMMDD date for validation period (2013.01.01)
and check this every time that a lisp program should be execeute:
(getenv "expdt") ; if today's date(with YYMMDD format) ">" expdt then lisp program doen not allow to run and should be halted.
for e.g. on 2013.02.28: "130228" > "130101" ==> so the lisp function should be halted and will not work!
(without any alert or message)
a sample list function: (how can implement on this lisp function?)
(defun c:3() (setq w t) (while w (setq a (getpoint " pick point:")) (setq p1 (list (- (car a) 0.5)(- (cadr a) 0.5))) (setq p2 (list (+(car a) 0.5)(+(cadr a) 0.5))) (command "erase" "w" p1 p2 "") (command "INSERT" "*3" a "" "" "0") ) (if (= a nil)(setq w nil)) )
Why does the capture date in the metadata panel not match the capture date seen in the grid extra view and how do I fix it? The images that I have in my library are digitized negatives and I've corrected the capture dates and times to be accurate; however, the capture date and in the metadata window shows what I've changed it to and the date in both the grid extra view and the Metadata>Edit Capture Time... options both reflect the date the image was last modified. Not all of the images in my library are this way and some show the correct information. When sorted by Capture Time, all images fall exactly where they should in the proper order (based on the changed, corrected edit time and not the modified date). I saved metadata to the file with the new date but it didn't fix it.
I print most of my photos as 4x6 snapshots and keep them in folders for easy viewing. I'd like to be able to print the date in the lower, right corner similar to a photo that's been taken with a camera with a date back. I know this is sacreligious to some, but it's very convenient to have the date where it's readily visible.
I use your program & believe that it is the best photo editing application year-to-date beside Adobe Photoshop & it's FREE.
Since the Q2 your website had stated the version 2.7.2 had been released @ 04/15/2011, however I can't find anywhere @ your website to download this recent version & continue to take advantage of it.
How do I simply change a photo capture date to unknown in Lr 5.2? I scanned some photos that somehow automatically got the scanned date input as capture date and I need to reset it to unknown.
I need to print a large number of photos with the creation date appearing on the photo. I would like to avoid having to manually add the date on each photo. Is there some setting or some way to do this automatically ? I am using Adobe Photoshop Elements version 11.
Sometimes (atleast 2 times) when I take photos late, butween about 10-11 PM they are created in a folder with the date for the following day.
Last time this happend was yesterday (2013-06-05). Almost all photos was automaticlly in folder for 2013-06-05 for the import but 10 photos shot between 10.07pm - 10.43pm was put in the folder 2013-06-06.
Im using Lightroom 4.4 Swedish version.
Is it at date/time-proporties in Lightroom which is wrong (not Swedish-time) or what can it be?
I recently upgraded to PSE 11 from PSE 9. I actually did this by buying a new comptuer and putting PSE 11 on the new computer. I used the Windows File and settings transfer wizard to move all my files to the new comptuer. So inside MyPictures folders, they are in the same location as in the old comptuer. But when I soft by date order, it sorts by the date of the file (which seems to be random based on when windows copied the file to the new comptuer) instead of the created date.
Furthermore, on the old comptuer, in PSE9, i set the date and time of each picture so it would be right. This seemed to set the created date (which was missing for a lot of my scans or was the date of the scan) and made the PSE9 organizer sort them correctly. Seriously, are people expected to do that months of work again every time they move to a new computer? or am I suppose to have tell my wife, "deal with seeing your kid's pictures in random order -- Adobe thinks that is best."
Is there a way to set all the timestamps in windows to the created date of the picture in one swoop?
How do I get my thumbnails in Media to show the file name of each photo and also the date taken? Right clicking on the thumbnail reflects that the "show file info" box is checked. I have Elements 11 (was using Elements 6) and the operating system in Windows 7 and the photos are in jpeg format.
PSE 11 Organizer does not show the correct dates for video files (MJPEG) taken using my still camera. As you can see from the following image, the files have a date for "media created" (this is the date the video was taken) , "date created" and "date modified". Obviously I want the files sorted by the "media created" date. Windows Live Photo gallery does this perfectly. However, PSE 11 Organizer doesn't seem to see the "media created" date and just goes by the "date created" / "date modified" date which is no good.
I am using PSE 11 on a MacBook Pro, OS X (10.3). I have a lot of old pictures to edit, and they are in date order, which is how I want them.
However, when I edit a picture and save it, it moves it to the bottom, with today's date instead of the original date. I have them set to save with the original as a version set.
Is there any way to retain the orignal dates, short of having to go in and reset the date on every picture after I save it? I really want them to be in date order under their original dates.
BTW, I used earlier versions that were Windows-based, and this didn't happen. When I saved them, the version sets stayed where they were.