Lightroom :: How To Display And Compare More Than Two Images In Same Time
Jun 11, 2013
I have LR 4.3 and now 5. how to display and compare more than two images in same time, including 100% view. I can with "Together" or some word alike. (Ensemble in the French version), but I cannot zoom all images together at 100%. This is only possible in the "comparison" module but for only 2 images at a time…
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Jun 28, 2013
I have Lightroom 4.4. and Windows 7--both of which have been working fine for several months. Starting a few days ago, however, thumbnails have refused to load for any NEW photos I import. They appear gray/blank in both Grid view and the film strip. However, if you click on any of the film strip thumbnails (while in either Grid view or Develop mode), that thumbnail and corresponding image WILL load--until up to three have done so. Then they begin disappearing again, allowing you to view no more than three images' thumbnails at any one time.
I can't review a shoot via Grid mode this way. I'm also afraid to use Lightroom while it's misbehaving, for fear of corrupting the catalog somehow (though all the images appear to be there). Searching this forum, I found several people who experienced having all of their thumbnails blank out and who were able to correct this by either reinstalling or removing their color profiling software. However, 1) I did this (and it didn't work), and 2) it isn't that all my thumbnails that have disappeared. All the thumbnails and images imported prior to the bug, still initially display correctly.* And I can get three thumbnails of the newer images to appear at a time.
*The asterisk is because after I poked around some more, I realized that if I opened other folders and began post-processing images from older uploads (vs. just viewing them), the thumbnails that initially displayed correctly everywhere also blank out and begin appearing in this up-to-three-at-a-time fashion.
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Mar 25, 2011
Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".
Running Windows XP 64, Lightroom 3.3.
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Jan 6, 2013
is there a program that can compare 2 images?
for example 2 raw converted and give me information about contrast and color *****
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Oct 18, 2013
I'm working together with a photographic studio in order to study better ways to cut subjects in their photos. So, instead of using the ways we use to cut. We have taken 2 photos for the product. The first is only the background, and the second is the beackground with the product. Look at the attachments in this message. It's a simple example (not taken in the studio, with control of lights and so on, but should work for testing purposes).
Looking at the 2 images, you can see the bottle and his reflex or shadow is the unique content that changes between the 2 scenarios. If you try, for example, place each file as a layer, group them into a smart object then use stack modes, you can take off the bottle from the scenario. We are trying to find a way to get the inverse (leave only the bottle). So, if finding any combination of technique that works, we could speed time in the cutting process by already taking images this way.
(perhaps a combination of blending, use of channels....), anything that could compare the 2 images and calculate the different pixels (this case, the bottle)? or perhaps reach an alpha channel that makes easy to perfectlly cut the image.The difference blending mode, for example, makes a calculation of pixels, but I did not get so much sucess working based on this blend
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Feb 27, 2012
The problem I have is that my cameras internal clock drifted out and I need to adjust the capture time of a number of images by an odd amount i.e not an integer number of hours.
That is alter the capture time on multiple images by an amount such as -1h 25m 35s and they are RAW image files.
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Jul 24, 2013
How would i accomplish this procedure in lr5. I know you can click on an image and drag it to the target folder. But for multiple images this is the ?
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Feb 23, 2014
I have been using Lighroom for many years.
Now I have scanned my old dia pictures and want to change capture time for multiple images in lightroom 5.3. It works for one image whem I in library view use Metadata, Edit Capture Time... and set the date using "Adjust to a specificed date and time". If I try to change for more than one image by marking them and edit the capture time it fails. The pictures gets both different date and time.
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Jul 15, 2012
I would like to be able to export large numbers of images at a time with the same size, compression, etc. and be able to save these export settings so I can use them again. Does LR have this ability? What is it called?
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Jan 16, 2014
I have been using Extensis Portfolio for years and have thousands of images with [flat] keywords. Is there a way to import all these images along with their assigned keywords into Lightroom 4 at one time? I do have the files exported along with an excel spreadsheet that includes a field for filename, one for image title, and one for all keywords (non-hierarchical), with one row per image.
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Jul 21, 2013
How can I display images that are not included in any collection (some filter or smart collection)? A smart collection with parameters "Collection - contains - empty field" does not work. Lightroom 5.
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Oct 7, 2012
I wish to create DNG files for my existing Lightroom catalogue, but also wishe to retain the original camera RAW images. If this can be done, how I go about it as I seem only to be able to find an option for conversion to DNG only.
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Jun 17, 2013
In LR5, when two images are selected in Library view, the results in the Keyword Tags panel are incomplete. In my instance, two images were selected. They have some common keywords and those are properly displayed. However, the keywords assigned to only one image appeared with an asterisk in previous versions of LR, a behavior I would like to see continue.
In my instance, one keyword for, we'll say, Image A only, appears but with no asterisk, it should display an asterisk. And, one keyword unique to Image B does not appear at all when both images have been selected, it too should appear with an asterisk.
I'm on a Mac running 10.8.4 and LR CC.
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Mar 8, 2012
I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade. Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.
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Mar 15, 2013
I have not been able to find why multiple identical images are displaying in gridview when filters are applied. There is only one image in the folder. This obviously makes it difficult to apply images to keywords.
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Jul 12, 2012
LR4 seems to have a bug when importing images from a camera where it randomly does not display a thumbnail of the image before invoking the import process. Usually it is whole blocks of images following a few that are properly shown. Perhaps it is dropping the communication link to the camera early?
Furthermore, once the images are imported, different images are not displayed in the thumbnail panel with filters off.
I have been doing identical import procedures on all previous versions of LR without any similar behavior.
Macbook Pro 10.6.8
LR 4.1
Canon EOS 40D
iPhone 4s
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Dec 15, 2011
I have been comparing the embedded JPEG images with ones generated using the various profiles supplied with Lightroom. I expected the embedded JPEG to "agree" with the one generated using Camera Standard but that has not been the case with Nikon D700 and Nikon V1 files. I am now wondering if my expectations are too high.
A possible difficulty in making the comparisons is not knowing what control slider settings and Tone Curve I should use. What is the correct procedure?
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm sure this is wrong. In LR5.3 while in Survey or Compare modes when I assign a pick or reject flag to a "more selected" image the rest get tagged as well. I'm certain that is not right, that those modes are different than when multiple images are in the Gallery and limit flags to the most selected image. Given the purpose of Survey/Compare is entirely based on flagging individual images from a group. Just started happening.
Did I accidentally change a configuration option somewhere and, if so, how do I correct? Or is this just a flakey bug?
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Apr 11, 2012
I have a modest collection [19,500] that has a good number of same images but in different folders; need a way to find these duplicates based on image only [not by metadada, nor by file name, etc.].
Like an image recognotion function that could take a selected JPG and then scan the collection and ID any duplicates and where located.
Chasing these down manually is mission impossible; big issue is that same photo has different name in different folders.
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Feb 8, 2012
if it's possible to span the compare mode across two monitors, so the curent select is on the left, and the candidate is on the right?
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Mar 18, 2014
i started my first project in lightroom, and i use to change the look of my images in the development section every day again (a bit here, a bit there).
when i press before/after, LR5 only shows the version i did yesterday and the one from now, today, how can i see the unedited version of the image, which i imported last week?
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Apr 30, 2013
Is it possible to split the window in LR4 horizontal when using the compare tool?
I would like to compare panoramas and it is quite difficult with a vertical splitting.
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Apr 15, 2013
I am currently selecting 10 objects from a picture and then I delete the background. This leaves just the 10 objects of interest in the image.
I have hundreds of these images and would like to compare the number of pixels or diameter of the objects across the images for each of the 10 objects. Is there a way I can automate Photoshop to go through a directory of images and measure the pixels of each of the 10 objects, and then export those measurements to a file?
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Feb 2, 2014
I'm trying to change "capture time" of multiple photos to a specific time.
I know that there is "Edit Capture Time" feature under Metadata. But when I try to edit multiple photos, it says that "Modify the capture time stored in the selected photos by entering the correct time adjustment for the photo displayed to the left. Other photos (but not vidieos) will be adjusted by the same amount of time". And it really does.
For example,
If A file's capture time is 1/11/2011
B file's capture time is 1/11/2012
C file's capture time is 1/11/2013
I would like to change their capture time to 1/11/2014. All the three files.
But the current "Edit Capture Time" feature of Lightroom just adds three years to each file like this:
A file's capture time -> 1/11/2014
B file -> 1/11/2015
C file -> 1/11/2016
So their capture times remain as different ones. And this is not I want...
I've googled a lot and tried several programs other than lightroom as well, but the "Capture time" recognized by lightroom could not be changed by other programs.
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Mar 25, 2013
I am updating capture time based on GPS Time (a bit OCD, I know) but when I change Capture Time the Date Time Digitized value does not change. This in in LR 4.3 and is not affected by whether on not the Catalog is set to 'Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files'.
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Oct 13, 2011
direc3d 9 resets to defaults. annoying, everytime i start max- have to set to my prefferences (anisotroping and texture sizes)
direct3d 10 "display all triangle edges" on/off makes no effect, i still see all triangles, that confuses "use cashed drdx meshes" removes those triangles but they appear entering polygon editing on some files those two checkboxes seems to have no effect at all, i see lots of triangles i dont want or need to see
mobile ati radeon 5650 latest drivers,
8gb ram,
intel i5 cpu (swithcable graphics, yes, i work with ati graphics card! not intel
max 2011 64bit design SP2
win 7 64bit
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Mar 18, 2013
I am creating a mockup of a mobile phone operating system, and need to display a clock in the top right corner. Is there anyway to have the phone recieve real time updates through the computer, or internet's time?
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Jul 27, 2013
I have been trying to figure out if I can make capture time changes to adjust for time zone errors or the daylight saving time mistakes where the capture time in the Metadata panel is off by 1 hour or so, and then have these adjustments saved permanently to the original files (master photos). This works for JPEG files and it also works for DNG files (after converting from CR2 to DNG). But it doesn't seem to work for CR2 files directly. If I used the "Save Metadata to file" option from the Metadata menu I might just get sidecar XMP files.
Then I found this option "write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" in the Catalog Settings. This seems about right. But what does it do? I tried enabling that, created a new catalog and then imported some new CR2 files. I then changed the captured time and tried the Save Metadata to file option. It still spits out these sidecar files. It doesn't actually write this to the CR2 files.
Or does it? Perhaps I am not seeing it in Windows Explorer? Like IPTC vs. EXIF? I'm not sure Windows reads both. These are like different types or sections of metadata information about a file. So I just wonder what the benefit or consequence is of having this option enabled? Whatever it is, it is not very apparent. And as you can see from the screenshots above the capture time has not changed (not been saved) when you look at the file in Windows Explorer. Any changes are held in the XMP sidecar. Even thou I have enabled this EXIF option in Catalog Settings.
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Dec 11, 2011
I have upgraded to Video Studio X3. I am making a simple collection of photos into a film. I have imported them all into the timeline but a warning message that they were too large to accept the default 10secs display time.
How do I apply a standard display time?
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Apr 16, 2012
at my old job i could type in 'dim' followed by 'status' and get a page-by-page list of all of the various settings, and the next page would only come up once i hit the space bar, giving me time to look at the current page before moving on. but at my new job when i do it the entire list comes up all at once, which is not good since the entire list does not fit on one page, meaning i don't get to see the first half of the list (or or maybe more). what setting do i need to change in order to see the list one page at a time?
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Nov 6, 2012
I am using Elements 10.
How do I display two open files at the same time? I need to drag a layer from one to the other.
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