Revit :: Missing Material Cut Properties In Door Family?
Jan 7, 2012
I have created a door family that has a concrete fill that replaces the insulation in an insulated precast wall. When I cut a section through the jambs looking down it looks correct but when the section is looking up the concrete fill pattern is not visible.
I would typically cut my sections looking up so that the exterior face is down in the view as it will be cast.
How can the dimensions for the system family door be shown in the door schedule?
I tried to make a instance paramater, type parameter, both through shared parameter for the doors in the family file, but they are still not showing up.
As Revit insert a door it cuts the wall starting at the flooring level upward door height but in real building the door openning starts from the top concrete
Can I tell revit to start cutting the wall bellow flooring (leaving the door wing to start from flooring) or how can i add this feature to door family...i would like to control the height of the cut below flooring (e.g be a parametric).
Three pdf's attached. I can't get the glass in the glass sidelight to display in the project plan view, and a threshold-like thing is shown in the project plan view that shouldn't be there. The frame (jambs, sidelight sill and head, and door frame head) and glass sidelight were assembled in the family editor using extrusions.
Is there a door family out there that contains double opposing doors. These are very common in healthcare settings and I'm not finding a family to make this work.
I don't know if this is possible, but can a door family read the rating of a wall and also have it read in the door schedule? I have tried applying a shared parameter on the door family and adding it in the project. I am not understanding how I can link the two together.
I am creating a folding door model and would like to use a parameter called EXERIOR WALL OFFSET. I have used this parameter before but am having trouble getting it to work within my family. The only difference is that I created one frame/jamb instead of 4 seperate profiles. The question is, why can't i get the jamb to move within the wall using the exterior wall offset parameter? It seems to move the sash/panels just fine but the jamb is constrainted somehow.
I built a basic facade system as a family in Revit 2012, but the materials won't stick. Every time I try to edit the family and assign a material, the material doesn't show up in the Revit file it's loaded into. Then, when I open the family back up to try editing it again, the material that I assigned to it five minutes ago is already reset to default, despite my saving and reloading it several times.
I assigned my students to create lighting fixture family. I wanted them to create a drop-down list of materials within the family to allow a user to select from the list of materials. This is accomplished by using a nested family - the inserted family has the materials defined. The drop-down list appears just fine in the properties, but we aren't able to apply it to the extrusion. I have tried inserting each family type and using the Label parameter, but Revit won't allow the link.
I am trying to take a custom counter I created as a family and have it show a material in my project. It seems that no matter how I apply the material parameter to the family type object, type or instanced, the material does not change in the project when I apply any new material. I have opened up other countertops I have used from the Revit Default Casework Family and I can't seem to find a difference in the setup between mine and Revit. I wanted to use an instanced parameter so I can change the material per room where the object is used.
I am creating a fireplace family in Revit Architecture 2012 with wall host (Speciality equipment with Wall host). I selected the template created the family, but in mean time i can't understand the wall is having delete option.(i.e it is released from host). I am surprised to see that in the family type, the wall host is missing.
I need a file called Curtain Wall Dbl Glass.rfa. It's missing in the Doors folder in my UK Fmaily Library in my software. I've found one on the web. I've copy/pasted it onto my Desktop. How do I now load it into my Revit project ?
I need to tag my roof soffits, exactly the same way I tag my ceilings to show the height. At present, I have tried to use a ceiling, roof, and multicategory tag to tag a roof soffit and it does not work!!!
Autodesk, how do you tag a roof soffit? send me a roof soffit tag.rfa to start from? The category does not exist in the OOTB family templates.
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
I have recently modified the CC of a part family so that different materials for the same part can be chosen. When I exit the editor and place the component I can see the choice of the materials in the dialog box - no problems (See 1st attachment" But when I go to another users PC they cannot see any of the new materials in the "Place content center" dialog box!?!
For information, we are running Inv. 2011 with Vault Professional 2012
The CC libraries are stored on the server and we have one custom library to which I have publish the modified part family.
The custom CC has been fully synchronised with the Vault server.
The materials.xml containing the new materials used in the part family has been downloaded to the users local workspace.
Inventor 2014 Pro SP1, Vault 2014 Pro SP1 Windows 7, 64-bit Intel Xeon 3.6GHz 32GB Nvidia Quadro 4000
When creating new category, there's Parameter tab for creating new parameters. Now when publishing iPart, created category parameters must be mapped to family table columns. But why? What are they used for?
I have edited a family with the CC and created a new family in my library. I am happy with the FILENAME & MATERIAL & PART NUMBER. These are perfect in our Parts List.
However, the description in my Parts List is as per the Family Properties, Family Description (see attached).
I would have thought this would be achievable, as M5 & 25 are the "size designation" driven from the table.
I was performing some FEA analysis and was getting some strange results. So I investigated into my material properties to find that mine were INCORRECT! I looked at some of my co workers material libraries and they seemed to be correct. How do I go about possibly resetting my material properties. I just installed inventor 2014 about a week or 2 ago. I have attached a screen shot of the incorrect material properties.
I've got a question about the key generating function in inventor.
I'm trying to design some keys in a shaft for a project in working on. In that design the steel alloy I'm using is important so that the design doesn't fail. The only problem is Inventor uses some unit called "Allowable Pressure" to perform this calculation. All the material data sheets I've looked at don't have a material property by that name. Is this a material property or perhaps something else?
I am new to Revit and a long-time Autocad Architecture user. I was wondering how to create (or if one exists) a door with a sidelight. The door is a hollow-metal door and frame with a glass panel sidelight that will be hosted in a wall.
Not too sure if this is a curtainwall family or something else...
I have a problem trying to import objects to load their correct material properties. The textures are all there but I have to reset there specular properties everytime. Even if I import the same object straight after I export it with the materials properly set, I still have to reset them all over again. Is there a setting somewhere like in Customize that I can change to make the objects maintain their properties on import?
I am having trouble changing a property of a solid body in one of my iparts. I have a concrete block which has been created as an ipart and 6 bars running through the concrete block. I am looking to change the material properties of the bars to Alloy Steel but i'm having trouble finding any option to do so. I have changed the material properties within the ipart table to concrete, i'm not sure if this is conflicting it.
I am trying to add the typical category of "glazing" to a door schedule, but when I add a door with glass into my project, I cannot make this information show up on my schedule. I need typical information such as "!/4" Temp" and "1" Insul" under the category of glazing. I added the "Door: Glass" heading in the schedule, but nothing appears when I add a glass door into the project. I was able to easily do this in AutoCAD Architecture.
So I've created a door schedule and added all the parameters I needed. But to get the "room name" to list and be associated with the door tags I had to choose either if the doors were going to a room or from a room, so I chose to, however, some of the doors swing are leaving the room so instead of tagging them with the corridor we want them associated with the room. But I can't edit the column the room names are in. If I click on a cell it gives me a drop menu on the side of what I can choose for that cell and it doesn't have the listed room that I need. It does not let me just type in the cell is there a way to fix this?! The blue highlighted name shows my option of what I can list as the room name or I can leave it blank, it lets me click inside the cell as if I could just put text in it but it actually doesn't show anything that I type.