AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Incorrect Material Properties
Jun 14, 2013
I was performing some FEA analysis and was getting some strange results. So I investigated into my material properties to find that mine were INCORRECT! I looked at some of my co workers material libraries and they seemed to be correct. How do I go about possibly resetting my material properties. I just installed inventor 2014 about a week or 2 ago. I have attached a screen shot of the incorrect material properties.
I've got a question about the key generating function in inventor.
I'm trying to design some keys in a shaft for a project in working on. In that design the steel alloy I'm using is important so that the design doesn't fail. The only problem is Inventor uses some unit called "Allowable Pressure" to perform this calculation. All the material data sheets I've looked at don't have a material property by that name. Is this a material property or perhaps something else?
I am having trouble changing a property of a solid body in one of my iparts. I have a concrete block which has been created as an ipart and 6 bars running through the concrete block. I am looking to change the material properties of the bars to Alloy Steel but i'm having trouble finding any option to do so. I have changed the material properties within the ipart table to concrete, i'm not sure if this is conflicting it.
I am looking for ways to add actual custom materials - not (just) in appearance, but in actual material properties (elasticity, etc). I have looked at wiki and searched this forum (and others) but I haven't been able to find anything of the sort... but the properties of the few aluminium alloys available are not those that we use... besides that we need them at specific temperature ranges (and honestly, I haven't been able to find any temperature controls in the FEA yet either.) And.. is there a more direct, faster, way to assign materials then [big I Pro button] > iPropperties > Physical? Right click on the solid and selecting "material" seems so much more ideal.
' material thickness from multi-value parameter called ShThk
If ShThk = 0.3125 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("5/16"& Chr(34)) Else if ShThk = 0.25 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("1/4"& Chr(34)) Else if ShThk = 0.1345 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("10ga") else if ShThk = 0.105 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("12ga") else if ShThk = 0.1793 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("7ga") End If
how Inventor Materials are used in your companies, what is your customization level and usage level.Do you use Inventor Materials as they come out of the box ?Do you create your own materials?
Do you modify the properties of existing Inventor materials without changing the material name?Do you show material names on 2D drawings (in parts list etc)?
I have a problem with materials not evenly displaying across modified polygons.
I started with the dynamic object SPRING, duplicated it then converted both to editable polys. I attached the second poly to the first and bridge two ends to create a continuous spring (there is a reason in another project rather than just changing the height of the 1st spring).
When I apply a material, in this case a standard material that has the diffuse mapped to a bitmap that is a colour spectrum, I find that instead of having one continuous colour gradient from top to bottom, the spring has 3 definate areas that it applies the gradient to. The 3rd bridged area which itself is only a few polys, has the entire spectrum applied just to it.
I basically want a single change of colour from top to bottom that matches the material.
I'm thinking there are hidden settings when you attach polys together, that doesnt reset the overall mapping.
Below is a snapshot of the problem, where you can clearly see the gradient that applies itself through the top spring, bottom spring, and differently again in the bridged section. I couldn't provide the working file (.max), as the site doesn't allow this upload.
I have tried just about everything and the mass properties center point of gravity is coming out incorrect.
I have created a box 300x300x300 with the center of the box at 0,0,0 (for testing the cg) . The result I get is not 0,0,0 one of the values always comes out to be not zero, depending on the orientation of the box. Is this a bug?
Dim cg As Point3d = T.MassProperties.CentroidMsgBox(cg.X & vbCr & cg.Y & vbCr & cg.Z)
I can delete every unused material except one in the Material Editor.I am trying to make the custom Material library and somehowI have got the Material I cannot delete. URL....
I am in the samill building buisness. While designing I thought it would be nice to show logs on our equipment. Is there anyway to show bark on drawings to show the texture on the final drawing?
I have a problem trying to import objects to load their correct material properties. The textures are all there but I have to reset there specular properties everytime. Even if I import the same object straight after I export it with the materials properly set, I still have to reset them all over again. Is there a setting somewhere like in Customize that I can change to make the objects maintain their properties on import?
I have created a door family that has a concrete fill that replaces the insulation in an insulated precast wall. When I cut a section through the jambs looking down it looks correct but when the section is looking up the concrete fill pattern is not visible.
I would typically cut my sections looking up so that the exterior face is down in the view as it will be cast.
I want to set up my drawings so that the title block displays properties from the model. I want to set this up so there will be drawing properties to extract into Vault. So I want to know what other Inventor and Vault users are doing to get model properties into Inventor drawings: Using model properties in the title block and nothing to extract in Vault or Copy model properties so Vault has data to extract.
I want to know what the best in class practice is? What are others doing? I do not want to use iLogic I was out of the box Inventor functionality.
I'm using Inventor 2013. I created an assembly where I did a lot of top down modeling (meaning components in the assembly were created in the assembly. All but a handful of the components are adaptive to other components). When I went to make my drawings for having the components made, I started noticing that some of the dimension values were wrong. I could go into the model and verify the features, but when dimensioning on the drawing it would not match. Furthermore, this didn't occur on every dimmension on the drawing. Not even half of them were incorrect, but it only takes one to really mess up a part.
I've attached a screen shot of what I'm seeing. The 15.2 and 5 dimmension are correct, but obviously those don't add up to 31.37. I know I can manually override this dimmension, but only if I know to do it. I tried to do a drawing of another part in the same assembly and eventually found a similar problem.
Finally, I created a step file of the 1st part (to strip away the adaptivity) and when I created the drawing again, the problem went away.
My question is, is there something I did in the assembly / creation process that would have caused this?
When i attempt to open an IGS file i get "an unnnamed files contains an incorrect path"
I thought it could have been a corrupted file but its not.Tried to create my own IGS file (successful) attempted to open that and failed.Downloaded an IGS file from Autodesk, failed as well.I was having issues opening other files but i updated the video drivers on my Dell M6600.
I am having a problem with an assembly not showing the correct total mass of all of its components and sub-assemblies. The value is out by nearly 20%, over 3000kg!
I have narrowed the mass discrepancy down to a derived part of a sub-assembly. But this incorrect mass is only present when I navigate to the derived part's iproperites via the browser tree of the higher level assembly where I am having the mass problem. It is as though the top assembly got some of its mass property information from a previous point in time, i.e. possibly before the derived part's mass properties were updated, and now refuses to look at the current information.
By the way, I have opened up and checked the mass properties of each sub-assembly and the derived part; and when opened individually these show as correct. I have also tried 'Rebuild All' with no success.
Is it possible for mass properties in an assembly to become corrupted?
From the inventor file menu how to get an in correct recent files list? I get a list that i never worked on. When I carefully take a look, it shows a combination of couple files i worked on and a many files that my colleagues worked on.The tool tip shows it reading from c: empxxxx
I have a roll formed sheet metal part set to use a k factor of .5. The blank size should be (hand calculated) 7.924. Inventor is giving me 7.892. I made a new part with the exact same geometery as the first and set it to also use a .5 k factor, this one develops correctly to 7.924.
I checked all the dimensions multiple times. What am I missing here?
The ribbon layout has changed by itself so that it now displays smaller icons and I have to click on drop down arrows to access sub menus - I had it correct displaying the icons with the sub menus next to them but it seems to have changed.
I have worked through ALL the options available in the ribbons appearance etc. and this doesn't change them.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
We're seeing strange behavior on all of our workstations when using a Refold feature on a sheet metal cone. Surfaces are (very incorrectly) being added at the top and bottom openings of the cone when the Refold feature is added. The behaviour is the same whether using Contour Roll or Revolve. The surfaces dissappear when the cone is revolved to a lesser degree, such as 200 degrees instead of 359. The cone can be revolved to 360 degrees and ripped but that raises a whole nother problem because Inventor does not correctly refold a 360 ripped cone. File attached. By the way, the surface artifacts show up in the flat pattern as well.
I am using the keyway generator to place a keyway in a hub and shaft, but the depth of the keyway (and the height of the associated key) is not right.
I am using an 18mm and a 20mm dia shaft, both of which should use a 6mm wide by 6mm high key according to the ISO standard. [URL]
But Inventor gives me a 6mm wide x 4mm high key and the keyways to fit; so if I use a standard 6mm high key in real life it won't fit. There doesn't seem to be any way to change to a custom key height.
Or is Inventor using a different set of standards? It's pretty good at matching standards in other places, for example the gear and fastener generators, so this seems strange to me.
I have a client that is having difficulty with Design View Representations. He has approximately 15 view representations, each having items in different states of visibility. The icons display the modes of visibility correctly, however, there are no objects visible in the graphics window at all. Additionally, the option, "Find in Window" is missing when right-clicking on visible objects. Only when he copies the View Representation over to a LOD, and then saves that back out to a VR, do the graphics in the window appear correctly. Then the Option, Find in Window shows up and is available.
I have an assembly file in which I have created several levels of detail. My intent was to suppress specific parts in the assembly (for views in the idw and to calculate the weight of the assembly).
I have noticed that the mass is incorrect for the level of detail that I want calculated. I determined this after creating a new assembly and deleting all parts that were not used in this level of detail. And, by viewing all parts individually and adding them up by hand.
All parts in the assembly have the correct density. I have selected to calculate the mass properties of the active level of detail when updating.
My questions: Am I correct in assuming that the assembly will caculate only the parts that are not suppressed? Or, am I thinking of it wrong? Is this particular assembly messed up? I haven't noticed this before and am now concerned that my weights have been incorrect.
My solution to use right now is to create a new assembly just for figuring out the weight. I think there is a better way.
"The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect. The database in K;lah/blahlah.widget.ipt* could not be saved".It's nothing to do with an improper name; even saving as the default 'Part 3' doesn't work.
At the moment I'm limping by using Save Copy As. Neither Save not Save As work at all.
After having a formed sheet metal part finish the wrong size (.100" long on all sides), I discovered a glitch with the sheet metal flat patterns sizes being.
I created two identical parts, one in IV2013 and one in IVP2014, and came up with two different flat patterns. The two parts are 100% identical. The volume is identical for both, and I did an assembly overlay to double check (everything lined up perfect). However, the flat pattern on the IV2014 part was 0.130" shy of what it should be (total length in both directions).
I haven't been able to recreate this (happened with this part and with a different part that we had formed), but you shouldn't ever have to worry about something like this. I created the same part in 2014 for a second time from scratch and it then came out to the correct dimensions, which worries me even more that this is an intermittent problem.
The JUNK file is the one with the incorrect length.
Also, another IVP2014 issue I have been having is when saving a drawing as an AutoCAD drawing it saves it as a 2013 AutoCAD in a zip file instead of a 2007 as a normal file like I have it set up to. If I click "Options" when saving, then click cancel without selecting anything, it saves it correctly.
I created a Multi Sheet drawing file.(.idw)While the file to DWF format with WriteDataToFile, the Title Block shows wrong Sheet number.For a 5 Sheet drawing, the output DWF files contain following Titles:
1 of 2 2 of 3 3 of 4 4 of 5 5 of 5
Whereas expected titles should be:
1 of 5 2 of 5 3 of 5 4 of 5 5 of 5
Interestingly, if I create a multisheet Drawing and Activate all sheets one by one before saving it.The DWF files outputted show correct Titles.Hence in the first case, I used Activate() on all sheets before writing them with WriteDataToFile. But could not get correct Titles.
I can't remember when I first saw the recently-opened-document-list in which you can preview the documents; you hover your mouse above one of the documents listed there, a preview of the document pops up, and if you wait a second longer, underneath the preview some dates are displayed (modified date, Version info etc.). For as long I CAN remember, these dates have always been set to 1-1-0001 0:00:00, see picture below. I hoped that the release of Inventor 2011 solved this issue, but after installing Inventor 2012 this year, this issue has still not been solved. Is this an Inventor issue, or is it Microsofts responsibility?
Product Design Suite 2014 Inventor 2014, Vault 2014 HP Workstation Z220 Intel Xeon 3.4GHz 16GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 4000 Windows 7 Professional (64bit)