Revit :: Roof Soffit Tag - Missing Family Tag Template
May 19, 2011
I need to tag my roof soffits, exactly the same way I tag my ceilings to show the height. At present, I have tried to use a ceiling, roof, and multicategory tag to tag a roof soffit and it does not work!!!
Autodesk, how do you tag a roof soffit? send me a roof soffit tag.rfa to start from? The category does not exist in the OOTB family templates.
I've made a few roof hosted families, and they've all been fine in the past. For some reason, with this one, when you load it into a project it appears to be one 'ref level' too high for the roof host, hence revit errors, displaying that it can't cut the roof void.
I assume this is something really simple I should (or not!) have done with the family when I started it, can it be saved?
Just Starting with new Revit LT 2013(The Comparison chart from Autodesk lists the differences between LT and Full Revit as no Massing, Rendering and no multi user collaboration) Everything else should be the same!
I'm using 'LT_USI_Residential-Default' Template for my project.In the Stair Family, I have a few options, but not the '7"max riser 11" tread' stair that is available in other Templates.Is there a way to bring that Stair Family into the Template?
Maybe I don't know the 'workarounds', but none of the Stairs available in the above Template have changeable 'width' parameter under 'Dimensions' in the properties window.No matter what I do, all Stairs are first drawn 4' wide, and then I have to edit the width, but it's a pain since I get bunch of error messages and Landings often can't complete and needed to be manually added later.Even though the Type Properties list all stairs widths as 3' min., they still all draw as 4'.What's wrong with these Stairs?
I am creating a fireplace family in Revit Architecture 2012 with wall host (Speciality equipment with Wall host). I selected the template created the family, but in mean time i can't understand the wall is having delete option.(i.e it is released from host). I am surprised to see that in the family type, the wall host is missing.
I need a file called Curtain Wall Dbl Glass.rfa. It's missing in the Doors folder in my UK Fmaily Library in my software. I've found one on the web. I've copy/pasted it onto my Desktop. How do I now load it into my Revit project ?
I have created a door family that has a concrete fill that replaces the insulation in an insulated precast wall. When I cut a section through the jambs looking down it looks correct but when the section is looking up the concrete fill pattern is not visible.
I would typically cut my sections looking up so that the exterior face is down in the view as it will be cast.
I am currently working on a home where i need to have a single slanted roof go across the perimeter of the home to form a roof. But, i have run into the issue of not being able to connect the circled area(see attached) Is it possible to connect those separate roofs and if so how?
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
I have a problem where I am unsure if my upgraded template is incompatible with Revit 2013 or is there something else at play.
If I create a precast stair in default template I get "end with riser" turned on automaticaly. If I copy that stair to my template and create new stair, "end with riser" is turned off and I manually have to adjust stair afterwards.
Problem is "end with riser" is now an instance parameter of stairs and I can't find where to change the default value.
Why is the stair type that works in default template stuffed when copied to my template?
I am using inventor 2010 sp1. I have a content center part that I want to replace the family template. I am having problems doing so on random components. Sometimes it lets me and sometimes not. I cannot pinpoint any differences or irregularities between the different library parts.
I am recieving the message indicating..."Import Part Invalid"
Here is my process
Open from content center and save to another folder with or without the same name. Open Content Editor right click and replace family template Recieve this message. "Import Part Invalid"
I need to change the Base Quantity of family templates in CC from GL = ... to Each. (I know there are several different qty, but I need this to Each because of ERP-system).
I use open from CC and place a tube in an iam, and changing BOM-settings to Each on that tube. Then I replace template in the family in CC editor with this file. And everything seems OK.
When I use "Place from CC" and place a tube from this family, everything is in perfect order. The ipt has Base Quantity set to Each just like I wanted.
I use Frame Generator and insert tubes from this family, then the Base Quantity "bounce" back from Each of GL = ...
I have two roofs that I am trying to join. It consists of two Gables. The eaves and type of cuts are the same, but it still says they can't be joined. Attached is an example of what is happening. The shown highlighted image is actually what I am trying to achieve.
I have an existing roof with a new dormer.NEW dormer is created in a view with phase filter set to Show Existing+New Shouldn't the roof opening be shown as demo in the demo view??
When the opening is selected, the properties show the Phase Created=Existing and it is grayed out and not able to change to New Construction.
I'm using Revit Arch LT 2013. I do not need to know what Revit can and cannot do.
I am currently doing an MEP project and I am tidying up the model at present. I am having problems attaching the walls to the roofs. There could be a simple solution but I haven't found it yet !
I have tried attaching top base etc. but its not working. I only seem to be able to select one side of the roof when selecting where to attach the walls. I have attached 3d pics showing the walls that are extruding & also one of the walls that I am trying to attach.
I have included a picture of the roof I am working on. As you can see I have 2 different roofs set up here, which doesnt look very good. I was wondering if there is a way to create one roof with 2 different slopes like I have here? I would like it to start out at a 3/12 slope for the first 4 feet and then switch to a 6/12 for the rest of the roof. I have not been able to figure out how to get this to work.
I'm trying to create a simple shed roof attached to the sloping walls of a rectangular building. 4 walls, south wall 10' h, north wall 11" h, and the east/west walls joining them are therefore sloped.
I want to attach a simple shed roof to the top. Here's how I think I should do it:
1. create a new workplane aligned with the top of the walls.
2. switch to that workplane.
3. use "Roof" - Extrude" option to create the roof.
Assuming I'm correct in my steps above, I should be able to create the roof.
QUestion - How do I CREATE a new workplane where there is no object already to choose? Program won't let me create a workplane in workplane viewer by picking the tops of the four walls (in any of the tiled views). What am I missing?
I'm working on a blueprint and trying to get my roof to do something besides a straight slope, but it isn't going well. I need the roof to curve from the corners inward to the point, like the top of a Japanese pagoda.
I am trying to edit a roof assembly. My top layer is a roofing membrane. I give the roofing membrane a thickness and try to save and I get an error message saying that it needs to be 0" thickness. I set the thickness to 0" and I get an error message saying that it needs a thickness. How do I get pass this Catch 22?
I have this house Im trying to make on Revive and I can't get the roof to join together at all. I've had this problem for awhile now and I can't seem to get past it.
Determine the roof pitch, then it has the typical triangle with 1/2 pitch and 1/4, 1/3, 1/6 and so on. I know rise over run like 5/12, but don't understand the fractions. How do I get 4/12 or 5/12 and so on from the fractions?
I've attached a couple images of a visibility problem I'm having. The ROOF image shows the underlay view I'm using in the NO ROOF view in my revit project. I modeled all four of the dormer roofs the same, in place roof components, and they show up in the roof plan, but not when I use the roof plan as an underlay for my framing plan.
They don't show up when I toggle on the hidden elements tool either. I checked to make sure I didn't have coarse scale visibility turned off as well as if I had not visible in plan unchecked. These things seem fine, plus, as you can see, it shows up in it's own view. View range seems to be fine too. I can't figure out why these elements don't show up.
I had downloaded R.A 2012 last year and activated it. This past November, i had issues with my tower and reset it back to factory. Now I downloaded R.A 2013 first and now i can not download 2012 even when i go to "My Downloads" and try to reinstall it through Autodesk.
I have a project that requires 3 buildings and i am having a hard time making a roof for the second building. Some reason, I get "unable to create roof" when i get to the second building.
I am trying to make a unique roof but I have had many failed attempts for hours now. Attached is a photo of the roof overhang I am trying to mimic and a crappy sketch showing the same thing. The roof has a normal gable on one end, but on the other. I need the over hand to go out three feet, then into a point at six feet at the same slope as the entire roof. NOT a hip roof which seems to be the only they I can make it. I even tried making a separate roof piece and it still didnt work.
I am attempting to add fascia to a curved roof. The fascia is built as a wall type. The fascia follows the radius of the curved roof in plan view, but not in elevation view. How to get the fascia to follow the roof curve in elevation view?
I am trying to make my roof by footprint but everytime I try the footprint won't show up. Are there specific steps to connect the two? I am working off directions for Revit 2011 but with 2013 its not working the same.