If i like to resize (no transformation) my textarea in Photoshop CS3 on my Q6600 Quadcore I always get a font size of --21474836,, Px ... seems that there goes something wrong while calulating... But for what.. Text size should stay as is...
Also I get some strange image resizing errors... If I resize an image I get some kind of grid in it where are only transparent pixels... (changing transformation method to smooth solved the problem for now) What is wrong with PS ... Kind of strange things also happen in ID and Acrobat...?
Ok I thought it could be a float problem with my multicore so I opened the taskmanager and set Photoshop to only use CPU 2, 3 and 4... And everything seems to be ok...
Always setting the CPU cores in the taskmanager wouldn't be the best i can imagine.
I recall reading an adobe post a while back that PS can run on Quadcore or more machines, but that it can only use 2 cores. The others don't really factor in. Now I can only find references to "Multiprocessor" usage, without stating whether that means 2, 4. or 8. Has anyone found specific info on this with regard to PSCS3?
I'm purchasing a new Mac Pro 12 Core Desktop and I was wondering can Cs6 use all 12 cores of the processor ? Also, How much real ram can Photoshop use ?
I have a model, 3 meshes from realflow I've imported into 3ds to render. now, rendering with quicksilver is crazy stupid fast, it's awesome. But in my viewport, it can take as much as a minute to view the next frame in my animation. I read in the release notes for 2012: [URL] ..... that the Nitrous would use multiple cores for rendering the viewports, but, when I use taskmanager and look at what is being used, only one is being used to update the viewport. My meshes are averaging about 3 million faces each, for a total of about 9 million faces. I do realize that that is fairly huge, but I thought that 3dsmax could handle 20 to 25 million...I'll give you my pc specs as well. This is on my Desktop in my sig. I have tried the nitrous and direct3d drivers.
Laptop: HP Pavilion Quad Core 1.60Ghz with Hyperthreading, 8Gigs Ram, Windows 7 64, Nvidia Geforce GT 230m, 3DS Max 2011 Desktop: Custom Dual Intel Xeon 6 Core CPU's @ 2.4GHz each, 48GB Ram, Windows 7 64Bit, Dual AMD FirePro V7900 2048MB Ram
I have a NVidea Quadro FX 1800 card. The NVidea Control Panel information shows 64 CUDA cores(screen grab attached). Yet the iRay message window shows 0 CUDA cores (screen grab attached).
how I can get the iRay Renderer to use the CUDA cores on my machine?
Is there a way to limit the number of cores which are used by MR during rendering ? I know that I can switch from multi-core to single-core rendering in max configuration but can I ask MR to use only 6 of the 8 cores available in my CPU ?
The purpose is to be able to use the same computer for other tasks waiting for MR rendering to complete (during some test rendering for example), because when all cores are used it's quite impossible to do something else on the same computer.
I am studying Graphic Design at Uni and buying my first mac as well as Adobe Phtotoshop and Illustrator (CS6). I have decided to purchase the 13" MacBook Pro however I am unsure whether there is any advantage of having the Core i7 instead of the Core i5. Can CS6 take advantage of the extra cores?
I heard that AutoCAD use Mental Ray render. How many maximum parallel threads can use this algorithm? I want buy new graphic station based on dual-socket Intel Xeon (each CPU has 6 cores with Hyper Threading technology). Thereby a computer will be equipped with 24 logical CPUs.
Can AutoCAD 2012 fully utilize such a performance for parallel computing when render?
However my machine is not using all cores and is rendering very slowly.I have a mac pro running os 10.9, 2 x 2.4 GHz 6-Core, 64GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVidia Quadro 4000 with Cuda version 5.5.28. I've looked for updates, but everything seems to be current. Not sure what I should do?
Fast Draft:Available Texture Memory:1515.00 MBRay-tracing:GPU
We have repeated crashing on a scene that uses Light Tracer... if we remove Light Tracer it doesn't crash the nodes. It's particularly annoying that our other nodes are 24 cores and they work fine.
So, the spec of the crashing nodes with 32 cores are AMD Opteron 6276 2.30 ghz 4 processors (8 cores each). 64GB RAM, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
I've a CPU with four cores and also enabled hyperthreading.
But if I do an import by Lightroom it uses at best 25 % of my overall CPU performance.
If it would start many low prio threads, it would speed up my import a lot, as I've import very often 2,000 up to 8,000 pictures.
In my case it could speed up the process by factor 4. And that would be great, as also an Intel i7 with 3.4 GHz has a lot of work to do, so the import of 2,000 images takes in my case perhaps 15 or 20 minutes. I did not watch the time.
Is there any chance, to tell Lightroom to use more threads and spread them over all the (virtual) CPUs?
I need to get a multi-layered image into another multi-layered image keeping all the layers/effects of both images. Can't seem to just copy/paste and I don't seen import function.
Okay, well I'm not really new to photoshop, like I can put pictures together and whatnot, but I was wondering how to separate Multi Burst photos. When I take them on my camera it's like they're all separate pictures, but on the computer it ends up becoming one big picture.
I had no significant problem of creating a panorama picture by stitching HORIZONTALLY many (up to 35) pictures. Is PS capable of automatically stitching vertically too? The idea is to accomplish multi-raw panorama. That is, if in addition to a wide view, I want also the panoramic picture cover significant hight. The idea is to sweep the horizon at a certain vertical angle.
Then, sweep at a lower level and creating a panoramic view of both sweeps. If not fully automatic, then create a photomerge and create 2 panoramic picture. Then automatically stitch the two panoramas vertically.
if there is a way to apply an image resize to multiple images, so i don't have to select each pic past it into a smaller canvas and then resize it to fit,
I'm printing 10 same things on A4. But now I'm printing them 10 times plus back side, then it's 20 times, annoying much. How can I set photoshop(or what else?) to copy my one image like 10 times vertically automatically when printing. If I edit the one original image, I could just print it 10x once?
I discovered this "new" function on my camera today (just bought it recently and I'm still just playing around with it). A thingy called Multi-Shot where the camera takes 16 pictures in about 2 or 3 seconds and then makes it into a single image. Where you can see all the frames, which end up at a resolution of about 400*300 on the 7mp total resolution.
Is there any way possible to make photoshop automatically take my 16-pic multishot picture, take every single frame, crop it and save it as a separate image file? So I end up with 16 different pictures instead of one containing all the frames?
I am trying to create an action that would open a muli-page PDF file, select all the pages and place each page on its own layer, in the same Photoshop document.
Right now, it makes a new document in Photoshop of each page? Is there anyway to do this? With or without making an action?
I brought acer t232hl bmidz for Photoshop CC, so I can use my finger on canvas.. Find out that I cannot paint on canvas at all... Weird that adobe in design and illustrate working fine with multi touchscreen.. I am use window 8.
Is there any plug in or bug fixed for this problem?
I have an image that uses about 20 different colors (there are 2 colors that dominate the image). I want to reduce the image to just those 2 main colors. How can I do that in Photoshop CS2 or Illustrator CS2?
how to configure more than one monitor on my system for use with photoshop? I am presently working on a laptop and would like to add a large widescreen to view pixel information (keeping palettes on my laptop display).
I add one ore two duplicate layers to the background layer. Then I add multiple adjustment layers (e.g., Hue/Sat; Brightness, Cotrast,etc.). Then I want to use the Clone Stamp to take something off of the background. The only way I am able to remove an item with the clone stamp is to remove it from the background and the duplicate layers ONE LAYER AT A TIME. Of course, I could always remove the object before I make the dups, but is there anyway to do this by going to any ONE layer and removing the object (using the Clone Stamp or any other tool)?
When I select multiple fonts and try to change the font size from let's say 14pt to 24pt, it doesn't change them all to the same point size.
It says it did, but when you select the text individually and check the point size, they'll be arbitrary numbers like 15.6, 18.2, 24.1, etc. The only way I can change font size – accurately - is to individually select each text layer one-by-one.
I like to crop a scan of newspaper article to a multi edge shape (or a big rectangular on the left next to a small one right bottom). Or I want to get ride of the left upper rectangular. How do I do that in CS6?
I recently purchased a dual Xeon 3.0Ghz Quad-core Dell T7400 Precision Workstation (used) with 32GB of RAM.
I ran some testing before moving all of my software to the new machine, and it very quickly became clear that the system had some stability issues which I eventually attributed to the discovery that the 2 processors were not a matched pair (different builds and stepping levels). My first thought was to remove the older one and use the system with a single processor before finding a match for that remaining processor and installing it.
But then it occurred to me that I might also have to reinstall my OS (Windows 7 Ultimate), Creative Suite DP5 and all (or some) of my other software after installing that second processor, since both Windows and Photoshop check for the number of processors at installation and so will origianlly be set up to run on a single processor machine, not a dual.
I like to run as clean a system as possible (NO unnecessary software, etc.), so besides the unpleasant prospect of the double investment of time (installation, uninstallation and then reinstallation of the OS and 10 -15 other applications), I'm also concerned about junk that might be left over, either in the registry or elsewhere, after all of that installing, uninstalling and reinstalling.
for optimal future use (and Photoshop CS5 is probably 80+% of what I'll do on this workstation) should I: Go ahead and install the OS, CS5 and other software and start to use the new (single processor) computer now and then just add the second processor when I find one at a decent price, orKeep using my current workstation until I have a matched pair of processors for the new machine. Then, AFTER installing that matched pair, install the OS and application software and begin to use the new machine.
I am anxious to switch to the new machine and jump from 4GB of RAM to 32GB, but if starting with a single processor and then adding a second one in a week or a month will cost me either stability or performance down the road, it's not worth it.