Lightroom :: Can Configure It To Use All Cores In Case Of Actions Like Imports

Sep 22, 2013

I've a CPU with four cores and also enabled hyperthreading.
But if I do an import by Lightroom it uses at best 25 % of my overall CPU performance.
If it would start many low prio threads, it would speed up my import a lot, as I've import very often 2,000 up to 8,000 pictures.
In my case it could speed up the process by factor 4. And that would be great, as also an Intel i7 with 3.4 GHz has a lot of work to do, so the import of 2,000 images takes in my case perhaps 15 or 20 minutes. I did not watch the time.
Is there any chance, to tell Lightroom to use more threads and spread them over all the (virtual) CPUs?

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Revit :: Change Lower Case Word Of Shared Parameters To Upper Case

Apr 2, 2013

I want to change the lower case words in shared parameters to upper case. Is there any way to make such a change in .rfa/.rte/.rvt file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use All Caps On Drawing Or Upper Case / Lower Case

Dec 14, 2011

do you use all caps or do you use upper case/lower case in your drawing title block, bom, and notes?

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Lightroom :: Configure A New Catalog In LR

Jan 19, 2013

I want to configure a new catalog in LR, but it is saying Light Room catalogs cannot be on network volumes or read-only folders

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Lightroom :: 3 - Imports Appear As Grey Tiles?

Nov 28, 2011

Recently upgraded and am trying to Import Raw photos.  The are imported into Lightroom but show up as grey tiles and will not open.  When I go to Photoshop CS-5, they open fine.  I had this problem when I first opened the program and it was a monitor problem.  I got it corrected with tech support then and as I remember it was sRGB problem. 

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Lightroom :: Keywords Not Sticky Between Imports?

Dec 16, 2012

When importing images, the filename prefix, image number, directory, and other attributes are "sticky" between imports (they're remembered so you don't have to enter them again for the subsequent import), however the keywords aren't remembered.  I'd suggest they should, just as the other attributes are.  Wandering through the discussions, it appears the import dialog keyword field was sticky in 2009.  Did it change or is there an options setting somewhere I can't find that would toggle this behavior?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Configure As Default Program For Photos

Feb 21, 2013

I need configuring Lightroom as my default program for my photos. It was until I downloaded the 4.3 update and now it wont show up in my list of programs.

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Lightroom :: Configure To Always Delete Master File?

Sep 22, 2013

If I want to delete a file, I don't just remove it from the cataloge, but to delete the master file, too.
If I use the remove key, I get the (annoying) pop up, what I want to do: Delete from hard diskRemove (default selected)Cancel Is there any chance to avoid this dialog? Or at least to chance the preselected button, so I've just to use the enter key?
Actually I've to press deletepress left arrow keypress enter.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Adding Yellow To Lightroom Imports?

Jan 23, 2013

I use Lightroom 4 and CS6 on a win7/64 PC. When I edit a Lightroom photo in CS6 and save it back to Lightroom as a PSD, I notice that the PSD is slightly more yellow than the original Lightroom image. This is verified in the PSD histogram, where the yellow portion is a little larger and uniform than the RAW version histogram.

This happens whether I export in 16 bit AdobeRGB (1998), and Photoshop is also set to edit in 16 bit AdobeRGB (1998), or both are set to ProphotoRGB. The yellow shift can be seen when comparing a photo prior to and after Photoshop  adjustment (no tonal adjustment made in Photoshop) in Lightroom and also when comparing the Lightroom photo and the picture in Photoshop as soon as it is imported.  My monitor was calibrated about a month ago, so that is unlikely to be the problem.

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Lightroom :: 3 - Fail To Save All Imports / Files Not Available

Sep 20, 2013

Sometimes it claims to have imported but the files are not available.  Sometimes it imports some but not all the files selected.

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Lightroom :: 3 Stopped Saving Imports In Folders?

Sep 9, 2013

LR 3 just recently stopped saving my imports into the folders.  Luckily, I exported the edits as jpgs so at least have the edited images saved elsewhere, but only my most recent imports show up in the LR catalog.  I'm a relatively experienced LR user, and don't know what suddenly went wrong.

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Lightroom :: Imports Duplicates When Shooting Tethered?

Dec 4, 2012

Yesterday I did a tethered portrait shoot into LR and at one point LR failed to capture some images. Therefore, after the shoot, I imported the CF-card using my card reader and ticked the "don't import suspected duplicates". Still LR imported all images and whenever it found a duplicate, instead of ignoring it, LR just renamed the file with "-2" at the end of the file name. This doesn't look right to me.
Is this a bug, should LR function like this or is there something that I've missed? Shouldn't LR at least ask me if I want to rename, overwrite or ignore?What can I do to avoid this issue in the future?  System Windows 7 Professional 64-bitLightroom 4.2 Canon EOS 5D Mark III firmware 1.1.3USB 2 card readerDell Preecision M4700 (Core i7 2.6GHz, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 128GB SSD, 750 GB 7200rpm HD, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Nvidia Quadro K1000M)Freshly re-installed system on clean system drive a week ago, with all the latest drivers, as far as I'm aware. 

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Lightroom :: Error Message Blocking Imports With LR4?

Aug 15, 2013

When I try ti import I get this error message: 'Error loading toolkit script 'ImportCompactDataSource (not enough memory)' And I can't import anything. I can't seem to fid a common error online, either.
I've already tried purging the cache in preferences. Didn't seem to work.

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Lightroom :: Imports Photos To Wrong Folder?

Jan 22, 2014

I've been importing lots of photos from my hard drive into lightroom and been moving/renaming them in the process. I only got lightroom a few weeks ago.
This has worked fine but i've recently imported a few hundred photos off my iphone and doing the same thing - move and rename. The trouble is, these photos keep going into the 2009 folder, instead of the 2012 or 2013 folders that they should be. When i look at the photos, they have the correct name, and the capture date seems to be correct, its just lightroom keeps wanting to put them in the wrong folder by year.
naturally I want all my photos sorted into the right date folders as this is the way ive decided to organise my photos...

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Lightroom :: Photos Are Showing Up In Previous Imports But Not In Their Folder

Oct 9, 2013

My photos are showing up in previous imports but not in their folder.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Still Imports Duplicate Files But Adds -2 Or -3 Into Filename

Jan 21, 2014

On import lightroom 5.3 still does not recognize previous imports of the same file name.  I have the "do not import suspected" checked, but LR5 does not exclude the old files. Import has Copy, New Photos and Do not import suspected duplicates checked. No problem with LR4.4 on imports

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Lightroom :: Why LR5 Not Automatically Save Original RAW Imports From Nikon D7100

Jan 30, 2014

Why won't LR5 save my original RAW imports from D7100. I can import them and process them but the originals are then lost. What am I doing wrong? With every other camera the original RAW image is saved in the library.

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Lightroom :: Lost Previous Set Up Collections And Imports After Backing Up A Catalog?

Jul 25, 2012

I must preface this by saying that I am new to LR4 and I have been trying to follow instructions in a popular book as to creating collections, etc.  I have been trying to create collections and organize photos.  I recently shot a wedding and went through about 900 photos and whittled it down to 350 and now today for some reason I decided to back up a previous catalog and now everything I did yesterday appears to be gone and the only photos that I see in LR are those bridal photos in that catalog. 
I know that this is the most amateaur of questions, but what in the world have I done, and can I recover that previous import and the changes I made to them?

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Lightroom :: How To Configure Double Click To Open Picture In Default Editor

Sep 20, 2013

I wanted to ask, if it is possible to open an image in my default editor, if I do a double click on the image?In my case, I want to open the image in Photoshop CC for further manipulation.

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Photoshop :: How Many Cores?

Apr 3, 2008

I recall reading an adobe post a while back that PS can run on Quadcore or more machines, but that it can only use 2 cores. The others don't really factor in. Now I can only find references to "Multiprocessor" usage, without stating whether that means 2, 4. or 8. Has anyone found specific info on this with regard to PSCS3?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Imports Into One Folder But Display Sub-folder Incorrectly

Jan 2, 2014

I have recently upgraded to LR5.3 and have now noticed an issue when importing photos.  When importing in to one folder (as a sub folder), the photos are imported correctly, - on disk they appear in the correct place, howevr in the folder panel, the sub-folder is shown outside of the main folder.
Imort settings are:

Note , on disk the folder '20131226 - Boxing Day' appears correctly (These are all under a root folder 'Photos - LR Masters')

However, in the LR Folder Panel, the folder '20131226 - Boxong Day' appears outside of the 'Photos - LR Masters'
If I attempt to move the folder by dragging, I get an error that the folder already exists.

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Photoshop :: Can CS6 Use All 12 Cores Of Processor

Oct 6, 2012

I'm purchasing a new Mac Pro 12 Core Desktop and I was wondering can Cs6 use all 12 cores of the processor  ? Also, How much real ram can Photoshop use ?

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Photoshop :: Multi-cores

Apr 2, 2008

If i like to resize (no transformation) my textarea in Photoshop CS3 on my Q6600 Quadcore I always get a font size of --21474836,, Px ... seems that there goes something wrong while calulating... But for what.. Text size should stay as is...

Also I get some strange image resizing errors... If I resize an image I get some kind of grid in it where are only transparent pixels... (changing transformation method to smooth solved the problem for now) What is wrong with PS ... Kind of strange things also happen in ID and Acrobat...?

Ok I thought it could be a float problem with my multicore so I opened the taskmanager and set Photoshop to only use CPU 2, 3 and 4... And everything seems to be ok...

Always setting the CPU cores in the taskmanager wouldn't be the best i can imagine.

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3ds Max :: Viewport Not Using Multiple Cores?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a model, 3 meshes from realflow I've imported into 3ds to render. now, rendering with quicksilver is crazy stupid fast, it's awesome. But in my viewport, it can take as much as a minute to view the next frame in my animation. I read in the release notes for 2012: [URL] ..... that the Nitrous would use multiple cores for rendering the viewports, but, when I use taskmanager and look at what is being used, only one is being used to update the viewport. My meshes are averaging about 3 million faces each, for a total of about 9 million faces. I do realize that that is fairly huge, but I thought that 3dsmax could handle 20 to 25 million...I'll give you my pc specs as well. This is on my Desktop in my sig. I have tried the nitrous and direct3d drivers.

Laptop: HP Pavilion Quad Core 1.60Ghz with Hyperthreading, 8Gigs Ram, Windows 7 64, Nvidia Geforce GT 230m, 3DS Max 2011
Desktop: Custom Dual Intel Xeon 6 Core CPU's @ 2.4GHz each, 48GB Ram, Windows 7 64Bit, Dual AMD FirePro V7900 2048MB Ram

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3ds Max :: CUDA Cores Not Being Used By IRay Renderer

Apr 25, 2011

I have a NVidea Quadro FX 1800 card. The NVidea Control Panel information shows 64 CUDA cores(screen grab attached). Yet the iRay message window shows 0 CUDA cores (screen grab attached).

how I can get the iRay Renderer to use the CUDA cores on my machine?

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3ds Max :: Limiting Number Of Cores Which Are Used During Rendering

Oct 4, 2011

Is there a way to limit the number of cores which are used by MR during rendering ? I know that I can switch from multi-core to single-core rendering in max configuration but can I ask MR to use only 6 of the 8 cores available in my CPU ?

The purpose is to be able to use the same computer for other tasks waiting for MR rendering to complete (during some test rendering for example), because when all cores are used it's quite impossible to do something else on the same computer.

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Illustrator :: Can CS6 Take Advantage Of Extra Cores

Nov 24, 2012

I am studying Graphic Design at Uni and buying my first mac as well as Adobe Phtotoshop and Illustrator (CS6). I have decided to purchase the 13" MacBook Pro however I am unsure whether there is any advantage of having the Core i7 instead of the Core i5.  Can CS6 take advantage of the extra cores?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How Many CPU Cores (threads) Can Use When Render

Apr 26, 2012

I heard that AutoCAD use Mental Ray render. How many maximum parallel threads can use this algorithm? I want buy new graphic station based on dual-socket Intel Xeon (each CPU has 6 cores with Hyper Threading technology). Thereby a computer will be equipped with 24 logical CPUs.

Can AutoCAD 2012 fully utilize such a performance for parallel computing when render?

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After Effects :: GPU - Machine Is Not Using All Cores And Is Rendering Very Slowly?

Dec 9, 2013

However my machine is not using all cores and is rendering very slowly.I have a mac pro running os 10.9, 2 x 2.4 GHz 6-Core, 64GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVidia Quadro 4000 with Cuda version 5.5.28. I've looked for updates, but everything seems to be current.  Not sure what I should do?
Fast Draft:Available Texture Memory:1515.00 MBRay-tracing:GPU 

Vendor:NVIDIA CorporationDevice:NVIDIA Quadro 4000 OpenGL EngineVersion:2.1 NVIDIA-8.18.22 310.40.05f01Total Memory:2.00 GBShader Model:-CUDA

Driver Version:5.5Devices:1 (Quadro 4000)Current Usable Memory:691.00 MB (at application launch)Maximum Usable Memory:2.00 GB

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3ds Max :: Light Tracer Crashing Render Nodes With 32 Cores

Apr 5, 2013

We have repeated crashing on a scene that uses Light Tracer... if we remove Light Tracer it doesn't crash the nodes. It's particularly annoying that our other nodes are 24 cores and they work fine.

So, the spec of the crashing nodes with 32 cores are AMD Opteron 6276 2.30 ghz 4 processors (8 cores each). 64GB RAM, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

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Photoshop :: Actions Stopped Working After Downloading More Actions

Aug 31, 2004

I downloaded a couple of actions from the web to my actions palette and they worked fine, but then I got greedy and downloaded a few more and that’s when things went south. Now none of the actions work - by not working I mean when I mouse over the Play Selection icon at the bottom of the action palette I get that little circle with a line through it. This happens with the PS default actions as well (I also get the circle on the Stop Playing/Recording and Begin Recording icons).

Somewhere in the following is probably what messed things up.

I downloaded actions to my computer in zip files. Copied them over to the actions folder (or somewhere) and unzipped them. I went back to the actions palette and hit “load actions” and loaded them. On the second set of actions that I downloaded I remember thinking “why am I copying and pasting these files - I bet I should cut and paste them, so I did and that may have been the start of the great crumble of 2004. PhotoShop help says: (under Saving and loading actions) “Actions are automatically saved the the Actions Palette folder in PS7.0 Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost”.

I have searched for the settings folder and couldn’t find it, but the actions still show up on the actions palette - they just don’t run.

I’m a little fuzzy on the details on the above steps. In fact, I probably did something different on each download.

one more thing, I reloaded PhotoShop, but still nothing.

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