I discovered this "new" function on my camera today (just bought it recently and I'm still just playing around with it). A thingy called Multi-Shot where the camera takes 16 pictures in about 2 or 3 seconds and then makes it into a single image. Where you can see all the frames, which end up at a resolution of about 400*300 on the 7mp total resolution.
Is there any way possible to make photoshop automatically take my 16-pic multishot picture, take every single frame, crop it and save it as a separate image file? So I end up with 16 different pictures instead of one containing all the frames?
I want to make a mug shot of myself, but in black and white. and not black and white like b&w photography, but REALLY black and white, like this text.. that's as far as i've gotten w/ it. but i have no idea how to accomplish this. I got a book on photoshop "Photoshop WOW book" and so far i've learned a few things from it.. but would rather bypass some of the stuff in the book and jump right into what it is I'm wanting to do...
Photoshop CS3 won't let me paste in a screen shot anymore. I hit PrtScn, open Photoshop, create a new file (the file IS created at the size of the screen, which is a start), and hit paste and nothing happens. Edit/Paste is greyed out in the menu.
I can however, paste a screen shot into Word, and then copy and paste that into Photoshop, but Word does something to the colors in addition to creating an extra step in the process.
If I have two exposures of the same shot, i.e over and under exposed, how to combine the two so as to get most dynamic image possible. I have elements 2.
I created a thread asking for someone to make a logo for my band because I don't know very much about photoshop. Because I didn't read the rules the thread was closed. So I would like to show the logo I came up with,
Does anyone have any advice on how to warp a logo to fit on a shot glass? I can't seem to get it so that it will curve and the writing still look straight on the glass.
I shot in RAW and opened with PSe 10. Did my edits and went to save in jpeg and the option was not available; only photoshop and tiff options were available. How can I save in jpeg? what about the file I am trying to save prevents a jpeg option?
I have product shots that require me to get a perfect white background whilst retaining the hair outline of the product. I have look at curves and levels but can't seem to get the right masking or layers that keeps the products properties.The main problem i think is because the product itself is a light colour against a background of what should be white.
I have also tried using photomerge in CS5, and the same results occur. I used a stable tripod and made sure that both the camera and the tripod was level.
I am using Photoshop CS6 to prepare images for use in online Help and a print / pdf user guide for the company's newest software / Web app. What do you do to remove blank space from a screen capture? I am specifically curious if you add some type of indicator that tells the user that the actual image will be larger.
The first screen shot (left to right) is a typical screen shot that I've not edited. In the second one, I've cut the bottom button bar and moved it up to reduce the white space in the image. In the third image, I added a quick and dirty little "wave" to tell everyone that I've cut out some of the white space.
After being able to complete several Photomerge Group Shot projects before, the program is no longer saving them. It allows me to open all photos (I've tried merging group shots from 2 pictures to 5 pictures in an effort to find the error) and to go through all the motions but when I click 'Done' nothing happens. No error. No lag. One of my open files just sits there untouched.
I read somewhere that I should delete my preferences, but I haven't made any changes. This is the only feature I've ever even used on my new Elements program.
I tried opening the program under my husband's user name (new settings / preferences), but the same thing occurs. It just doesn't save - even when the computer has just been booted up and I'm only trying to merge two photos.
My machine is a Dell Inspiron 530S running WinXP 32-bit SP3 with 2GB RAM. I just clean installed WinXP and all windows updates. The only programs I have installed are Office and PSE10.
I just got Lightroom as a Christmas gift that is incompatible with this computer. If this is a RAM issue...or if I should upgrade to 64-bit...what should my minimum system requirements be to optimally run both Elements and Lightroom?
In Photoshop, how do I keep the shot/creation date after editing/adjusting a photograph in order to keep hundreds of images in a chronological order? I am combining files with a second shooter on an event an the timeline is essential.
Why is the file so large when I have not made any changes? 1..is there any thing that can reset to keep the original file size? I am using CS6 and Lightroom 4
I want to click the grey card photo in ACR 7.3. of Elements, an then apply it to multiple Photos there.Is that possible in Elemements or only in Photoshop's ACR?
Is it possible to display the 'shot date' of photos witin a Slideshow. In showing a slideshow, I'm being asked; "when was that pix taken?". It would answer these questions by having the shot date shown.
I don't know how to crop specific clips that the camera may have shot off-balance, something I did very easily in Elements 9. Plus once that gets taken care off, how do I transfer it to dvd? The setup is completely different from Elements 9.
I am trying to crop a coach out of an individual shot & crop her into a team photo so we can turn in to a state director.... I've done the crop/cut/paste part but the image is so much larger than the other people in the shot. How can I bring her down to size?
For Nikon D50 cameras Adobe Creative Suite 6 does not read "As Shot" white balance data whether it's specified or not. It defaults to "Automatic". We have the problem only for Nikon D50 and only in Photoshop CS6, Adobe Camera Raw 7.3 and Photoshop Lightroom 4. (Not in CS5. Not for Nikon D5100 or D7000 or Canon S95) .
There is a more detailed posting at photoshop.com.[URL]...
Photoshop Elements 10 - Group Shot Crashes after I select the option from the menu. I am using Windows XP. Is there a workaround or is there a way to fix this?
Will I have problems editing video if some of the video is shot at 30 fps and action shots are recorded at 60fps? Do I need to import the video shot at 60 fps in a separate folder and or keep them separate from the 30 fps segments for editing purposes? How do you get the final project properties to match the inputed video if they are different? I am planning on shooting most of the video at 30 fps but would like the action shots at a higher frame rate for slow motion etc. How is this accomplished, or is it no big deal? I want to know before I shoot all the video so I don't have a problem later.
In the Crop tool dailogue box, in general terms, what is the difference between ORIGINAL and AS SHOT aspect ratio. My understanding is, "ORIGINAL" is the imported image aspect ratio from a camera without any cropping being performed in LR. AS SHOT to me, means the same thing i.e. the image is "AS SHOT" from the camera.
I have a situation with LR4, where I have copies of the same photo in multiple folders. If I want to remove the shot from a particular folder, is the correct response delete from disk or remove? If I delete from disk wouldn't that remove not only that particular copy but all other copies that reside elsewhere in LR?
I just shot in raw+jpg for the first time. Lightroom 4 won't import the raw file but will import the jpg. It says something like "lightroom doesn't support this raw file format". I don't get it though because if I shoot in just raw it will import fine.
If I work in CFX on a shot in, say, a 60" commercial and then want to drop it into the 30" cutdown. I need to trim a couple of frames from the head to match the cutdown, if I do this gesturally, it un-renders and when I re-render, all the source material has been slipped inside CFX.