Photoshop :: Product Shot Making A White Background?
Oct 1, 2013
I have product shots that require me to get a perfect white background whilst retaining the hair outline of the product. I have look at curves and levels but can't seem to get the right masking or layers that keeps the products properties.The main problem i think is because the product itself is a light colour against a background of what should be white.
I have an image of a girl on a white background. I need to remove the white background perfectly, so that her image is on top of a teal one. I tried masking and using the magic wand tool and deleteing, but she has all this hair. Is there a quick way to make the background transparent, so that the white just disapears?
I have an image of a dog that I'm editing. I took the photo in a studio with a white backdrop. I want to remove a shadow that is behind the dog so the whole background is white. I do not want to lose the detail in the fur of the dog. I've tried doing a mask layer with making the background white. I've also tried the dodge tool. I've tried the selection tool but it look out?
I am currently running Gimp 2.8 and am a new user. How to make an image's background white. I have a watercolor painting that I have scanned into my computer, however you can see some shadows from the grain and edges of the paper. I have tried some different ways to change the background completely to white, but I feel like maybe I'm missing out on a quicker method. So far, the one I've been working on is taking me longer than it took to even draw and paint the picture in the first place. That method was to use the fuzzy (lasso) tool, make a rough outline of my painting, use the quick mask button in the bottom left hand corner and follow up by using the pencil tool to make a more precise line around the image.
Another tutorial I found showed I should use the Select by color tool, select an area that should be white in my image and press Ctrl+x. However, when I pushed ctrl+x, I saw no change in my background and my image remained outlined in the shifting lines that the select by color tool causes.
Is there a way to achieve a plain white background with out going through the long process of tracing around the detailed image?
It should be noted that I'm not hugely familiar with Gimp as I've only used it a couple of times with tutorials. So, the more basic you can describe something, the better. I am also running Windows 7.
see the same image is used in all color variations of this product. I would imagine they shot something with contrasting dual colors since it would be harder to mask the solid white or black but my question is how do they change the color from black to white or visa versa without loosing any shadow integrity in the process?
For Nikon D50 cameras Adobe Creative Suite 6 does not read "As Shot" white balance data whether it's specified or not. It defaults to "Automatic". We have the problem only for Nikon D50 and only in Photoshop CS6, Adobe Camera Raw 7.3 and Photoshop Lightroom 4. (Not in CS5. Not for Nikon D5100 or D7000 or Canon S95) . Â There is a more detailed posting at[URL]...
What I need to do is find an easy way to remove the white spacing around an item and have the item displayed tight to the edges.  For example: I need a quick and easy way to turn this into this  With the intention of then being able to resize the image to the exact dimensions I require before then resizing the canvas size to create the exact amount of white spacing between the tops and bottom of the image.
Issue I have of 'As Shot' WB value being lost when I import images into LR 5.2 Â Set-up: Leica M9-P (firmware v1.194); Summicron f2 50mm; LR 5.2;
Image capture WB value set to 5000k; ISO 160; DNG file capture  Everytime I import the DNG files it sets the WB value to the last value I had the slider set to and not the value I have set on my camera.
I have tried reloading the firmware on the camera just in case it wasn't saving the value in the file but this has not worked.
I use LR on two separate MacBook Pro laptops using a common catalogue and image library stored on a single external hard drive. The problem occurs on both computers. Â It's hugely frustrating. I want to be able to adjust the value on the camera depending on the local light situation at the time of taking the shot and have this setting transfer into LR5.2 at time of imort. At the moment I am having to keep a manual note of the image number and setting so that I can recreate it in LR once imported.
Thought I might upgrade my PS to CC under the discount for existing owners scheme However, it won't accept that I have a suitible product despite having CS5 on my system. It is not on my products list. Six others are just not my PS products. Â Â Put in serial number - says it is already registered - I know that - just not associated with me I guess. Deactived PS and tried again - same.
To update serial number it's in the abot dialog box. But how about product key? Is there a way to change it without reinstalling the product? Â Situation: Autodesk Revit MEP Suite 2013 to Autocad MEP 2013.
I seem to be having problems when I lasso round a specific part of a photo taken with a white background and then try to add that part of the image to a plain #000000 black background.
I always seem to get a white outline around the image when I place it on the black background, even when its on ZERO feathered. I don't like using feathered as it adds a smudge round the outside of the image.
I have some text documents in PDF format and would like to edit it in photoshop CS5, but each time I open them up in photoshop, the background seems to be transparent (tiny grey and white tiles), which is very eye tiring when editing/annotating with a wacom pen, how to fill the background total white?
I am using a pdf underlay to trace over and whenever the crosshair or pickbox enters a white area it does not shift color to black to remain visible. This leaves me picking randomly trying to guess where the crosshair or pickbox is. If I change the 3dconfig to disable hardware acceleration, the color shifts, but the pdf is whited out. Not to mention the fact that by disabling hardware acceleration, I'm wasting the expensive video card on the machine. Is there a workaround? updated driver? service pack?
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
I created a logo and then opened it as a layer so that I can make a website header image. It is shown here [URL] and as you can see the background is an off-white colour. It is probably unnoticeable to many, but I would prefer to get it right. How can I make the background a pure white so that it blends in with the white of the wordpress theme?
I have a mac with Adobe Illustrator and I am just learning how to use this stuff. How to accomplish what you see below - white text that has shading/shadow and is on a white background?
Ok so i have this image (Attached) im trying to remove the blue rectangle and the white rectangle leaving the blue swirl on the white back ground, iv tried using content aware but it comes out really bad, maybe im doing it wrong will some one be able to look at this for me, maybe it came out wrong because i have the blue swirl and content aware doesn't work correctly with it .
I organize a gaming event several times a year. We get sponsors for every event and put their logos on t-shirts. Because of the color though, making dark t-shirts has been kind of out of our price range.
My question:
Is there an easy way to convert images to white? If we could convert our sponsor logos to white somehow, it would allow us to buy black shirts. Here's an example of a couple logos I need to make white: [URL] .... (quixby, corsair, coolermaster, sapphire).
I have a photo of the sky with telephone wires crisscrossing it. The "sky" is pure white", the wires are black. How can I make the white transparent.. as in, gone completely. I'm not talking about opacity. I want to convert the white to be transparent, ie: gone!
I have a scanned image that was drawn in black, i cut it all out and pasted on a transparent background, but now I would like to make the lines of the drawin themselves, white. I thought it was flip to negative or something but im not sure and I couldnt evebn find that option.
I have a picture of a red velour colored recliner type chair that i want to make white instead of red. I've been messing with the hue/saturation but cant really get it. The thing is that there are parts of the picture where the velvet texture is naturally darker than the rest of the spots, and to keep the chair looking real and 3d, they have to stay a darker color than the white color I want to make it. but when i use the hue options, it just lightens everything on the chair.
Is there some good way to do this when there are subjects that have many small features, sure as leaves or bird feathers? I have tried different selection methods and feathering, but always wind up with halos or sudden changes at the boundary, that necessite huge amount of detail work to get rid of,Â
I have a picture that I would like to make black and white but with some colour. From what I can gather, I've to make the picture black and white and then add the colour to the bits I need after, however, the bit I want to remain in colour is a flower and the way the light hits it, the red is in different shades, making it impossible for me to colour it back exactly how it is.
Is there a simpler select the parts I want to go black and white?