Photoshop :: CS6 Photomerge Panorama - Shot In Landscape Comes Out Portrait
Sep 24, 2012
I have also tried using photomerge in CS5, and the same results occur. I used a stable tripod and made sure that both the camera and the tripod was level.
I have a document with two pages, and each page is two pages wide.
The document needs to be four pages on top of one another, but I don't know how to convert the original. I know how to change landscape/portrait views in Preferences, but the document itself is two pages wide.
if I have a portrait photo and want to change it to a landscape photo. I used resize to change the the dimensions of the photo but the results make the photo a bit distored.
i have a lovely picture that is taken in landscape and i want to change it to portrait so i can print it and hang it. how do i do this with out losing qualtiy in the print.
After installing Elements 12 on the MAC (10.8.5) the menu for Photomerge Panorama is greyed out, so Photomerge Panorama cannot be started. Any other Photomerge function is available and can be used.
Is the panorama one of the missing function on MACs?
Import and Exoirt from the File menu are also greyed out.
Photoshop is opening my landscape shots from my digital camera in portrait format. The thumbnail is landscape and Illustrator and all my other programs open it landscape.
I have 5 images I select to make a panorama. Usiing PS CC 64 bit on Windows 7 OS, File/Automate/Photomerge works fine. But when I try to select the photos in LR 5 and Edit in/Merge to Panorama in PS, it opens PS CC and loads the 5 images and opens the Photomerge dialog box as I would expect, but when I click OK it begins the merge process and hangs up and PS stops working. So I can get "photomerge" to work if I choose the images directly from PS, but not when I send the images to PS from LR.
I've never had a problem with this process with CS 5 or CS6.
I have just purchased and installed PSE11. The photomerge options don't appear under File New. I have tried resetting preferences as suggested in the forum with no effect. I have PSE 6 installed on the same computer.
I cannot make the photomerge panorama function work in elements 11. It simplygenerates the standard Window 7 error message and when it can't find a solution the program closes. In previous versions ( 9 and 10) it always worked and never caused a problem.
Attempting to rebuild the preferences file as suggested for a similar problem affecting earlier versions was also done but to no avail. Its a function I use quite frequently so until it is resolved I will keep using version 10.
I just downloaded Elements 11 and the Photomerge Panorama function is not available, even though the other photomerge functions are. How can I fix this?
After being able to complete several Photomerge Group Shot projects before, the program is no longer saving them. It allows me to open all photos (I've tried merging group shots from 2 pictures to 5 pictures in an effort to find the error) and to go through all the motions but when I click 'Done' nothing happens. No error. No lag. One of my open files just sits there untouched.
I read somewhere that I should delete my preferences, but I haven't made any changes. This is the only feature I've ever even used on my new Elements program.
I tried opening the program under my husband's user name (new settings / preferences), but the same thing occurs. It just doesn't save - even when the computer has just been booted up and I'm only trying to merge two photos.
My machine is a Dell Inspiron 530S running WinXP 32-bit SP3 with 2GB RAM. I just clean installed WinXP and all windows updates. The only programs I have installed are Office and PSE10.
I just got Lightroom as a Christmas gift that is incompatible with this computer. If this is a RAM issue...or if I should upgrade to 64-bit...what should my minimum system requirements be to optimally run both Elements and Lightroom?
I have a PC with Windows 7 Pro. I have had Photoshop Elements 9 installed for awhile now but find I am unable to use the photomerge landscape feature anymore. When I click on file, new, the photomerge landscape option is greyed out.
I am trying to figure out a way to automatically crop a photo to say 4x6 INDEPENDENT of whether it is landscape or portrait while running a batch script. This is after I have done all my editing on the file (the first thing being that I turn the portraits the correct way).
I can sort (using windows) the file size and that tells me which are portraits and which are landscapes. I then create two directories, move the files to the appropriate directory and then run the crop script (making sure the horizontal and vertical crop dimensions are set correctly). This is a pain and wanted to see if there is some way to automate it without having to parse the files into two directories to start.
I decided to take a panorama of the beach I was on, and as a general the photo's came out well and all have around 20% overlap, however when I put the photos into Photomerge in Photoshop CC or CS6 it results in this:
As you can see part of the image decides to float above another part and there's even one below the lower segment. The panorama itself is 22 images, but I only used eight to try and find out if the problem was the number of images, it appears it isn't. I've tried both the "auto" and "perspective" options under the Photomerge dialogue, neither works. It should be noted that before it "blends the images", under the layers section, all of the images do line up.
I'm using the images in their RAW format (.NEF), although I did try in the .jpeg as well, neither worked.I'm running Photoshop under a VM as I'm running Ubuntu, although I did try on my Windows 8 laptop as well, again neither had a good result.
elements11 always crashes when starting photomerge panorama. i had the same problem in elements 10. thought in the new version it will be ok. failed. i am using win7 with 16 gb
I would like to create a new panorama in PSE11, but the option to do so seems to be missing. If I choose Enhance -> Photomerge, the Panorama-option is greyed out.
Update: a bit later: All of a sudden it seems to work under Enhange -> Photomerge and then Panorama isn't greyed out anymore.
Host computer is an Intel Macbook Pro, 2.4G Core 2 duo preocessor, running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) with a 128GB solid state drive and 8GB of 1067 Mhz DDR3 memory installed.
It happened more than a few times while attempting to merge six Tiff files, each with a file size of almost 12MB. The result was the same even after trying the photomerge with just three of the almost 12MB Tiff files.
I checked preferences to determine what the program's system memory requirements were, but discovered that I could not allocate more than 3GB of memory to PSE; it is recognizing not the 8GB which are installed but only 3GB.
I wasn't able to detect how to include a text file attachment here. Hang reports were saved and can be submitted.
1) resize a Portrait orientation image to a height of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24% 2) resize a Landscape orientation image to a width of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24%
How can I create one Action that will work for both Landscape and Portrait images (setting the longest dimension to 800 pixels keeping the other dimension in proportion)?
I am using Photoshop CS5 v12.0.4x32 and Windows XP Pro SP3.
I make regular use of a Flash image gallery that requires me to provide small square 50 x 50px thumbnails whatever the shape of the original images. The only solution I have found so far is to first manually sort my original images into landscape and portrait folders and then run a different action on each folder to create the thumbnails.
Is there any way to design an action that would work equally well on both landscape and portrait images?
When i shoot " portrait " mode photos with my Nikon D70, PS shows them " upright", although the windows explorer shows them " landscape style ". I guess that PS reads te exif info from the jpg's, and uses this to show me the photos in a usable way. I want PS to show me the photos just like the windows explorer does, so i know wich one to " turn upright ".
It used to be that photo merge would take the top image in a stack of files and make it the left side of a panorama. How do I do this in PS6? It seems to want to make the middle of the stack the left end of the panorama.
Our company is setting up the Publish command to utilize the different title blocks within the Layout Tabs so we can create one file PDF(Multisheet). Our title blocks vary from sometimes been all portrait to on other occasions been a mix of both portrait and landscape layouts.
The issue that has arisen is the following example:
When creating the PDF using the publish command it doesn't not recognise the Landscape format therefore is not creating the Multisheet function or creating this function but the rotation of Layout 2 in the example is portrait. Where as when they are all Portrait sheets it creates 1 file which is what we are after.
I have a 5" x 7" (landscape style) image that I want to crop in Elements 9. I'm using the Guided mode on the Edit tab of the program. When I use the pulldown menu and I see the 5 x 7 crop box size that I want to use, I click it. But the crop window that appears, is 7 x 5 (portrait mode) rather than 5 x 7 landscape mode. I can work around this by changing my crop box size selection on the pulldown menu to No Restriction, but I'm then just guessing that I'll get precisely the 5 x 7 ratio that I want. How can I change the crop box from portrait style to landscape style so that I can crop my image 5 x 7 rather than 7 x 5?