Lightroom :: How To Remove The Shot From A Particular Folder
Jan 1, 2013
I have a situation with LR4, where I have copies of the same photo in multiple folders. If I want to remove the shot from a particular folder, is the correct response delete from disk or remove? If I delete from disk wouldn't that remove not only that particular copy but all other copies that reside elsewhere in LR?
I have imported all photos and removed duplicates or useless photos. Can LR copy all the photos in the catalog to a new folder on the harddrive, so I can remove all old folders and keep just one cleaned up folder.
I have a number of old external drives in "My Folders" lightroom thinks are still active mostly because the computer has assigned a new drive letter to the same drive several times. I would like to delete these from Lightroom and assign a new letter to the current drive I am using, how to remove the old drives?
Every-time I try either of these I get windows cannot locate Adobe_lightroom_x64.msi...I copied that file from the installation but lightroom refuses to use it!I tried deleting all the fold files for lightroom and still couldn't remove the program!!!
I'm photographer and this problem is killing me! I really need this program working!I tried disabling my antivirus real time protection(avira) and tried some of the forum methods but nothing still works! I'm using administrator for installing and set permissions correctly nothing works!
What's the best way to wipe a previous adobe installation?When I try to uninstall I get error 1714. Lightroom 3.6 installs fines. If I try to install regular lightroom 4, it only immediately converts to lightroom 4.1 installation?!??!?! I already converted my catalog folder to lightroom 4...
I am new to PS scripting and trying to create a basic script to gather folder paths and then remove the path of that folder. I have created a basic array and while trying to
In the Crop tool dailogue box, in general terms, what is the difference between ORIGINAL and AS SHOT aspect ratio. My understanding is, "ORIGINAL" is the imported image aspect ratio from a camera without any cropping being performed in LR. AS SHOT to me, means the same thing i.e. the image is "AS SHOT" from the camera.
I just shot in raw+jpg for the first time. Lightroom 4 won't import the raw file but will import the jpg. It says something like "lightroom doesn't support this raw file format". I don't get it though because if I shoot in just raw it will import fine.
I just shot a wedding. Half the images were shot in color, the other half were shot in monochrome(black and white). upon importing into lightroom only the color images would import. With the black and white files I got the error message saying that the files could not be read. I was shooting with a canon rebel t2i (550D), importing into lightroom 3.2 on a mac OS X.
I can't seem to import all my raw images from D800 in a single shot. It imports a few and displays a box saying some of the images were not imported (gives me a range). Re-importing fetches a few more before the msg is displayed again. I have to repeat this several times (7-10) before all images (250) are imported.
I use LR3 extensively for tethered capture and think that Adobe did a great job for the first release of this feature but one critical option is missing.
I use tethered capture with the 'shot name' option selected which is great becasue it puts the different shots into their own folder in the catalog but it would be even more useful if there was a way to have the shot name included in the filename that is saved. I have played around with the custom filename options, which are extensive, but the shot name option isnt available. Is there a way to do this?
I'm trying to import RAW files shot from a friend's Canon 5D Mark III, but have been unsuccessful. It gives me the message "the file is from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format support in lightroom"
I normally import RAW files from my Canon 7D, but for some reason it's not recognizing these files.
When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.
When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.
I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.
I've got about 10,000 photos that I've moved in lightroom by creating a folder called 'pictures' on the external drive using the left folders panel. I then selected all the images in the root drive on my computer and dragged them onto the 'pictures' folder on the external drive, and I expected the folder structure to come with it. Only after I realised that they had all moved into one folder. Is there a way of moving the images back into a structure without manually doing it? Here's a screenshot.....
Im using the most recent version of Lightroom 5.3 (updated through CC - even though this has shown up on previous version) on Windows 7 and all the folders in my library are showing up with the directory path in front of my folder names. How can I get rid of this? I do not see any options in preferences to turn this off. I have also turned off preferences in Windows > Folder Options Control Panel "Display full Path in Title bar" option.
I have Lightroom on several computers and have set up preferences the same on each workstation, and this only shows up on one workstation.
I am new to shooting RAW NEF and then sharing them in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4. How do you share (e-mail) NEF files shot with a Nikon D5100 that have been downloaded into Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4.? Isn't there someway to convert to JPEG for sharing. I have 50th wedding anniversary photos taken and want to share with family and can't.
I am trying to import photographs from a SD card shot on Nikon D600. LR keeps saying "Preview unavailable", and that it doesn't recognise the raw format.
I have tried downloading images from card via a recovery programme and filed them on desktop in separate folder, then tried to import from the folder. Still no success.
Issue I have of 'As Shot' WB value being lost when I import images into LR 5.2
Set-up: Leica M9-P (firmware v1.194); Summicron f2 50mm; LR 5.2;
Image capture WB value set to 5000k; ISO 160; DNG file capture
Everytime I import the DNG files it sets the WB value to the last value I had the slider set to and not the value I have set on my camera.
I have tried reloading the firmware on the camera just in case it wasn't saving the value in the file but this has not worked.
I use LR on two separate MacBook Pro laptops using a common catalogue and image library stored on a single external hard drive. The problem occurs on both computers.
It's hugely frustrating. I want to be able to adjust the value on the camera depending on the local light situation at the time of taking the shot and have this setting transfer into LR5.2 at time of imort. At the moment I am having to keep a manual note of the image number and setting so that I can recreate it in LR once imported.
I just copied around 30GB of photos from my Mac laptop to a secondary internal drive that I placed in my Mac desktop. I then copied the Catalog from my laptop and put it in my primary drive on my Mac desktop. I double-clicked on the Catalog and it seemed to open everything up. I clicked on some keywords and it is finding the images. I never used LR for anything other than adding multiple keywords to all of my images.
1. However, the folder section on the left has question marks next to each and every folder that displays in that section. Why does it have the question marks and what do I need to do to remove them?
2. Do I need to do anything else to ensure the transfer is complete?
I set lightroom 3 to monitor the folder that my Eye Fi card feeds to but I couldn't see how to do this without also setting the "move to" there a way to do this to just have Light room recognize when new pics come in and not move them?
I have recently upgraded to LR5.3 and have now noticed an issue when importing photos. When importing in to one folder (as a sub folder), the photos are imported correctly, - on disk they appear in the correct place, howevr in the folder panel, the sub-folder is shown outside of the main folder.
Imort settings are:
Note , on disk the folder '20131226 - Boxing Day' appears correctly (These are all under a root folder 'Photos - LR Masters')
However, in the LR Folder Panel, the folder '20131226 - Boxong Day' appears outside of the 'Photos - LR Masters'
If I attempt to move the folder by dragging, I get an error that the folder already exists.
There is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
I'm importing pictures from different cameras into the same catalog. I set the world time on both cameras so they could seamlessly integrate into one catalog by time. What setting do i need to choose in the catalog to make the pictures from the 2 different cameras integrate by time shot?