Lightroom :: Remove All Old Folders And Keep Just One Cleaned Up Folder

Sep 1, 2013

I have imported all photos and removed duplicates or useless photos. Can LR copy all the photos in the catalog to a new folder on the harddrive, so I can remove all old folders and keep just one cleaned up folder.

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Lightroom :: How Does Changing Folder Structure In LR Affect Folders On OS

Nov 17, 2012

i have made changes to folder structure in lightroom 4.  basically condensed folders, merged, deleted, etc.  the only corresponding changes that i can see when i look at folders in My Pictures on my mac is that some of the folders are deleted.  otherwise all the folders look the same as before i made my changes.

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Lightroom :: Search For A Folder (or Folders) Whose Name Contains Trip Or Location Name

Nov 12, 2013

My catalog folders are organized by YYYY-MM_TRIPNAME and contain subfolders by YYYY-MM-DD_LOCATIONNAME. Often I want to find a specific image that I took on a trip. I do remember the trip name and often the location name but not the date.  How in LR can I search for a folder (or folders) whose name contains the trip or location name? I haven't tagged the image files (I should have but never did). Is there a solution without having to leave LR and go to the OS?

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Lightroom :: Displays No Photos In Selected Folder For All Folders

Nov 6, 2013

All of a sudden Lightroom stopped displaying all of the installed photos. The catalog folders display the correct number of photos, but every folder in the catalog displays the same messags.No Photos in Selected Folder. The photos are all in the correct folders on the hard drives but they don't even show up as not found just non-existent. When I hover over a folder an image appears in the Navigator, but nothing show in the Grid or Loupe view.
I tried a Sync, and the import dialog came up, saying there were no photos to import. If I go to Import and navigate to photos that have not been imported they appear, but if I go to a folder that contains previously imported photos Lightroom says No Photos Found. The photos themselves are not damaged and will open in Photoshop with no problem. The only change made recently is an upgrade to Maverick on my MacBook Pro Retina laptop.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Folder With All Thousands Of Previews Folders In It

Aug 1, 2012

Instead of "removing" a folder with thousands of photos I went in to Windows Explorer deleted the catalog, the locked file and a few other folders. However, when I try to delete the folder with all the thousands of previews folders in it I get a message telling me that I can't delete them because they are being used by another program. I don't have Lightroom open when I try to do this so my question is: how can I simply delete those folders from my hard drive?

Do I have to un-install Lightroom to do this? Hopefully not.

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Lightroom :: Found Multiple Folders Of Catalogue In Master Folder?

Jan 8, 2014

I have been forced to check under the hood in LR due to the fact that I have lost a big chuck of my keywords, and I'm contemplanting if its worth importing a copy of my backup copy. I am debating if I should just go back and re-enter all the missing keywords, or retrieving a backup copy. However, I read somewhere that its wise to change the name of the master catalog before retrieving a backup copy.
However, I found multiple folders of my catalog in my master folder. I'd like to know which one should I delete without causing any major collateral damage.
1- folder 176-2.lrcat                   created 3-26-11            2:51  PM    289 MB
2- folder 176-2-2.lrcat                created 2-12-13          10:32 PM     363 MB
3- folder 176-2-3.lrcat                created 2-24-13            5:24 PM     287 MB
4- folder  176-2 copy.lrca           created 3-26-11            2:31 PM     179 MB
In addition, there are corresponding Previews.lrdata for each folder.

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Lightroom :: Publish Parent Folder With Multiple Children Folders To Smugmug?

Jan 27, 2014

Imported a parent folder with multiple children (20-40) folders.   I've adjusted the photos and now want to publish easily to smugmug.  

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Lightroom :: Ignore Camera Generated Folder Names When Naming Folders Option

Jul 11, 2013

There is "Ignore camera generated folder names when naming folders" on preferences tab, but I couldn't find a usage for this option. With a camera card including different folders, I can not see the folder names in my card on the import panel.

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Lightroom :: How To Remove The Shot From A Particular Folder

Jan 1, 2013

I have a situation with LR4, where I have copies of the same photo in multiple folders. If I want to remove the shot from a particular folder, is the correct response delete from disk or remove? If I delete from disk wouldn't that remove not only that particular copy but all other copies that reside elsewhere in LR?

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Lightroom :: Old External Drives Stored In Folder - How To Remove

Dec 5, 2012

I have a number of old external drives in "My Folders" lightroom thinks are still active mostly because the computer has assigned a new drive letter to the same drive several times. I would like to delete these from Lightroom and assign a new letter to the current drive I am using, how to remove the old drives?

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Lightroom :: Deleting All Folder Files For LR And Still Couldn't Remove Program

Jun 28, 2012

Every-time I try either of these I get windows cannot locate Adobe_lightroom_x64.msi...I copied that file from the installation but lightroom refuses to use it!I tried deleting all the fold files for lightroom and still couldn't remove the program!!!
I'm photographer and this problem is killing me! I really need this program working!I tried disabling my antivirus real time protection(avira) and tried some of the forum methods but nothing still works! I'm using administrator for installing and set permissions correctly nothing works!
What's the best way to wipe a previous adobe installation?When I try to uninstall I get error 1714. Lightroom 3.6 installs fines. If I try to install regular lightroom 4, it only immediately converts to lightroom 4.1 installation?!??!?! I already converted my catalog folder to lightroom 4...

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Photoshop :: Create A Basic Script To Gather Folder Paths And Then Remove Path Of That Folder

Mar 2, 2012

I am new to PS scripting and trying to create a basic script to gather folder paths and then remove the path of that folder. I have created a basic array and while trying to

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Lightroom :: How To Recover Missing Folders After Merging Two Annual Folders

May 25, 2013

I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).

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Lightroom :: Sync LR4 Photo Folders With Explore Folders That Has Been Renamed

Jan 24, 2013

I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.

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Lightroom :: Restore Missing Sub-folders Into Folders Panel

Dec 10, 2011

I am using LR3. I appear to be digging a massive hole for myself trying to sort out the catalog. When I first got LR, I had initially added just a small number of files just to see how LR worked. At this time I was still completing sorting out my full photo collection in 'my pictures' which were also copied to two external hard drives. Once that work was completed, I imported a complete folder (some 4000 images) into LR. The folder/subfolders appeared in the folders panel but the sub folders I had initially imported were displayed with a ? and a message 'file is missing or offline' Going down the road of 'find missing folder' eventually led to my problems.
About 6 sub folders are involved so I eventually took the decision that it could be easier just to remove them so I could then re-import them from 'my pictures'. That hasn't worked out as planned.   When I go into 'file' to import photos from 'my pictures' the missing sub folders are there but the images are 'greyed' as well as the import button. When I put the cursor onto one of the greyed-out images the message 'appears to be a duplicate of another photo already in catalog' appears.
how I can restore the 'missing' sub folders into the folders panel.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Sub Folders Without Deleting Photos In Sub Folders

Jul 6, 2012

How do I delete sub-folders in Lightroom without deleting the photos in those sub-folders?

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VideoStudio :: Automatic Add Folder To The List Of Folders?

Jun 12, 2011

I want to create a movie using video studio x4 I have around 20 folders with pictures and videos I want to add all of them to the list of folders in the Video studio x4 folder list so i will have all the media organized there for editing I dont know how to add all the folders automatically, is there an easy way to do it? I tryed to drag and drop but it wont let me, how to do it without creating each folder on its own (it will be lots of work)

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Edge Animate CC :: Missing Folders In Folder?

Feb 5, 2013

i'm trying to get an animatie in a wordpress site..using the plugin edge suit

But looking to this lesson, is see he gets a folder called "publish" when i'm publishing, i aint seeing this folder..i see only a few files and 2 folder (edge_includes) and (images) but no publish folder..

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VideoStudio :: Dozens Of Files In Sub-folders But Nothing In Main Folder

Jul 20, 2011

I have failed on 6 attempts to install VS x4. I've tried:

1. running vs_cleaner first
2. installing the visual basic 2005 x86 & 64-bit runtimes manually
3. running in a different profile.

Installation states that it is successful but here's what is installed.

C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel VideoStudio Pro X4>dir
Volume in drive C is Home-PC-C
Volume Serial Number is 94FE-65EC

Directory of C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel VideoStudio Pro X4

2011.07.20 01:48 PM <DIR> .
2011.07.20 01:48 PM <DIR> ..
2011.07.20 01:49 PM <DIR> AVControl
2011.07.20 01:49 PM <DIR> profiles
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 438,264,254,464 bytes free

there are dozens of files in the sub-folders but nothing in the main folder.I also looked at the events viewer and found 1 error; that v. of Quicktime was newer so installation would not proceed (but I presume this refers only to QT installation, not overall).I'm running W7 -64-bit on quad-core intel with 3 gigs RAM & 1.5 TB hard drive. Nvideo 8500GT video.

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Lightroom :: Folders - Cannot Scroll Down To Access Other Folders?

Jun 5, 2013

I am using LR 4.4. I have a long list of folders but can not scroll down to access other folders in LR. how to access other folders so I can Render 1:

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Photoshop Elements :: Folders And Subfolders In Digital Camera Photos Folder

Jan 20, 2013

I have numerous subfolders that contain "Thumbs.db folders or are empty;" can I safely delete them?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - How To Remove Folders Created On Load

May 21, 2013

I have an issue with PSP X4; on load the program creates folders in the root of my network drive ( M: ) including:

[*]Bump maps
[*]CMYK profiles
[*]Deformation maps
[*Displacement maps
[*]and so on...

I have deleted these folders manually and they are recreated each time PSP launches. I have changed the settings in File -> Preferences -> File Locations to remove references to these folder locations, and then tried deleting them, but they are recreated again on load. how to remove them? They are littering my network drive...

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Photoshop Elements :: Remove Deleted Folders From Catalog?

Dec 22, 2012

PSE users have posted questions about removing deleted folders from the PSE catalog since version 5 or 6. Back in 2009, the recommendation was to delete only in PSE. However, I manage my folders, backups, and archives in Windows, because I prefer the interface and use other tools. This causes me to have many grayed-out folders in the PSE catalog. As each new version comes out, I hope this will get fixed, with no luck so far. Are there any new features in version 11 that make this possible? Is there any hope that a future versions will allow the user to clean up the catalog, or synchronize automatically to the real folder structure?

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Photoshop Elements :: Remove Multiple Folders From Organizer 12?

Feb 8, 2014

How do I remove multiple folders from Elements Organizer 12, without deleteing the folders?
I imported all my pictures into Organizer. As it turns out, that included dozens of subfolders containing near-duplicate images, which now all show up in Organizer. That is because I previously used Google Picasa, which backs up the unprocessed original images into a subfolder called .picasaoriginals. I want to remove all these .picasaoriginals folders, but the only wny I can find to do it is to right-click each one individually, click Delete Folder, then confirm in the dialog box. I can't find any way to multi-select the folders.
Also, I have two of these folders that appear shaded in the folder list, where the option to delete is greyed-out. The contents report as not found, and my guess is that the folders have been deleted from the disk. How do I get rid of these from the folder list in Organizer?

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Photoshop Elements :: Remove Copies Of The Same Pics In Folders?

Feb 10, 2013

Is there a way to remove copies of the same pics in folders?

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Photoshop Elements :: Remove Bulk Duplicates From Folders In 11 Organizer?

Sep 12, 2013

I have just transferred all my files from my computer to the Organiser and I notice that there are quite a few duplicates appearing in the folders. Is there a quick way to delete the duplicates?

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Lightroom :: Importing Images From Specific Folders Including Images From Outside Selected Folders

Mar 19, 2013

Importing images from specific folders is including images from outside selected folders. 

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Lightroom :: How To Copy Imported Images Or Folder To A Specific Folder On Hard Drive

Dec 3, 2013

When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.

When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Install Program To Special Folder And Not Custom Folder On Drive C?

Jun 10, 2013

I have another question about installing LR5. How do I manage to install the program to a special folder and not the custom folder on drive c:?
I just run the installation through application manager. I set the installation folder within my presets to d:adobe...

But anyway it was installed on hard drive c:
A direct download of  the installer from adobe is not possible unfortunately.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Locate Folder / Images After Failed To Move Folder

Feb 24, 2014

I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.

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Lightroom :: Moved All Photos From Structured Folder System Into One Unorganised Folder On External Drive

Jul 17, 2013

I've got about 10,000 photos that I've moved in lightroom by creating a folder called 'pictures' on the external drive using the left folders panel. I then selected all the images in the root drive on my computer and dragged them onto the 'pictures' folder on the external drive, and I expected the folder structure to come with it. Only after I realised that they had all moved into one folder. Is there a way of moving the images back into a structure without manually doing it? Here's a screenshot.....

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