Lightroom :: How Does Changing Folder Structure In LR Affect Folders On OS

Nov 17, 2012

i have made changes to folder structure in lightroom 4.  basically condensed folders, merged, deleted, etc.  the only corresponding changes that i can see when i look at folders in My Pictures on my mac is that some of the folders are deleted.  otherwise all the folders look the same as before i made my changes.

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Lightroom :: Folder Structure Display

Dec 6, 2013

I have been using Lightroom 3 for a number of years quite happily. My folders in Lightroom nicely reflected the folder names for their respective photo folders on my external drive. The top level folders were the years (e.g. 2012, 2013, etc) with subfolder names which reflected various photos taken that year e.g. Christmas 2013, Johnny's birthday, etc.
my last photo import my folder structure has changed in Lightroom and instead of showing the folder names it shows the number of photos in the folders. So instead of showing Christmas 2013 the folder name displays as 45 if there are 45 photos in the Christmas 2013 folder. The structure and hierarchy of the folders are still correct but the names have turned into numbers which is nonsensical and makes navigation between folders a headache.

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Lightroom :: Folder / File Structure

Mar 30, 2012

This happened in LR3.7 and continued when catalog was imported into LR4.I import by date in these folders:  year/month/date..So imports today would go into the 2012 folder - March subfolder - March 30 subfolder
But recently this happens:  At the import screen, the correct sub-folder (March 30) is chosen on the right side with the correct number of images. But when the import is executed and I look at my folder structure on the left side in Library mode, the March 30 subfolder has appeared twice--once where it should be as as a subfolder to March, and once above March, and sometimes above all of 2012.  The March 30 subfolder of March is listed as empty. The folder in the wrong place has the images.  If I try to move the images to the proper folder, it says the images are already there!  If I look at the system finder, indeed the image files are where they are supposed to be, and the phantom folder does not exist.

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Lightroom :: 3 Import Folder Structure

Apr 30, 2013

I'm keeping my photos in a "sort of" date based structure, i.e 2013.04.28_EVENT NAME
Previously I'd just copy the photos from the camera card into the folder on the hard drive and then run a catalog "import in place" to get LR to find the files. I have now upgraded to a Canon 7D and thought I'd try the "Import from card" function after this weekend's shoot. I had too folders to import to, but in each case LR created sub folders under each of these as "2013" and "2013.4.28". I see from other posts that this may be a default folder structure that LR imposes. Is it possible to turn this function off and just import from the card directly into the folder of my choice.
Failing this I'm faced with the prospect of moving all the files back to the "root" sub-folder and then re-cataloging, or going back to my previous method of copy first (in explorer) and then cataloging.

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Recover Folder Structure

Apr 11, 2012

While managing my folder structure I inadvertently hit the button of the parent folder on my Folder Navigator box.  As a result ALL of the time dated folders were deleted in the navigator tool. the Catalog file is still solid  and the original source photos on my hard drive are in tact.  No lost source data other than I no longer have a date structure for the folders to navigate.When I try to retrieve the folders and their accompanying structure by just clicking the button it doesn't allow me to retrieve, or reestablish, the links to the hard drive folder source files.  I assume it is because they already are imported in my catalog so there is nothing to import?

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Lightroom :: Lost Folder Structure After Move Within 5

Mar 19, 2014

 I had folders on my internal drive that used the same structure as the populated folder structure on my external hard drive.  I just went through and keyworded all the internal drive photos (which happened to be iphone photos), then, on the internal drive, I selected the 2013 folder, selected all the images in that folder and dragged them to the 2013 folder on my external drive.  (all steps were done within LR5) Now, on the ext drive, when I choose 2013, I see all of the photos, but most of the subfolders now say 0. How can I get my images back into the folders they were already in? 

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Lightroom :: Export Photos Preserving Folder Structure?

Mar 22, 2012

I need to export a large number of photos as jpegs (about 5000). I also need to preserve the original folder structure to burn them onto DVD (as the folder names say what the photos are whereas the filenames are meaningless as generated by the camera)
How do I do this - I am using the trial version of LR4 - Doing it individually for each folder one at a time is getting tedious.

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Lightroom :: Preserve Folder Structure When Exporting JPGs?

Nov 12, 2011

Is there a way to preserve the folder structure of a catalog when exporting JPGs of everything to a new location? I know there is an option to save the export into the same folder as the original file, but i am talking about a completely new location.

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Lightroom :: Change Folder Structure - Keep Labels / Collections

Jan 2, 2012

I just merged two catalogs from my work laptop and my home desktop.
One has this folder structure:
One has this:
I'd like to get them together into one unified YY/MM/DD set of folders, preserving labels and collections from both catalogs.
If I delete images out of the catalog and re-import (to get LR to automagically move/create folders) I lose labels and collections.
If I export as catalog then import as catalog (to keep labels) the folder structure doesn't change.
Creating folders manually in the finder or Lightroom would take foooorever. Is there a way to get Lightroom to move everything into the structure I want, keeping labels, etc?

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Lightroom :: Changed Folder Structure Without Backing Up Catalog

Mar 20, 2014

I have managed to have to re-load my Lightroom 5 catalog which unfortunately is a month out of date. During that month I changed my folder structure and whilst I can see the folders and images on my hard drive, my Lightroom 5 catalog is as it was a month ago without the new folder structure and with a lot of photos missing. Obviously the link between the images and Lightroom has been lost because I changed the folder structure without backing up the catalog. re-link my photos and album structure to Lightroom ?

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Lightroom :: Moving From Folder Structure (EXIF / IPTC)?

Jul 18, 2013

I have +25k images organized in a folder structure today. This structure has served me well for many years, but I realize that it has it limits.Testing Lightroom made me decide to go for a new approach, but having some 'nightmares' of how to include my images from my old folder structure (25k images....)

I know I can keep my folders intact in Lightroom, and I have done this. But I also want to have some kind of description on EXIF/IPTC. Today this description is in the folder name, and only there.

How can I automatic include the images current folder name into the image file IPTC Caption or any other EXIF/IPTC field? I want to do this for all images and folders in one batch, and not select each folder manually.

The old images will be more in line with images I import from now on, and they will at least be universal searchable based on the old folder name.

Is there any software that's ready to go for this? Could it be a task for Automator?

I have access to both PC and MAC for this kind of batch operation.

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Lightroom :: Rebuilding A Folder Structure Lost After Restoring From Backup

Aug 20, 2013

The external hard drive I was storing four years worth of photos on crashed the other day, and I learned the hard way that they weren't on the backup drive like I thought they were. Luckily I was able to recover at least most of them using FileSalvage. Unfurtunately, my ~15,000 images are now in three folders based on file type (JPG, TIF, DNG/NEF), don't have their original file names, and aren't in any particular order.
Is there any way short of manually sifting through the files for me to rebuild the year/month/day chronological folder structure I was storing them in? I'm running Lightroom 4.0 on a OS X 10.8.4.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 - Pipe Structure Editing - Changing Preset Lists For Structure Sizing

Nov 4, 2011

We use C3D 2012 (metric only) - We are attempting to customize our list of structures for Sanitary Sewers.  The structure list shows sizes we do not use and we would like to modify them.  However, when we try to select the "Inner Diameter" it displays a list of sizes that we can not seem to modify or add to.

I have looked at some of the XML files to try and modify or add new sizes (example: AeccStructConcentricCylinder_Metric.xml) , but they do not seem to be recognized even after I restart the program.

Here is what the file looks like:

<ColumnConstList desc="Inner Structure Diameter" dataType="float" unit="mm" name="SID" id="CCL1" visible="1" context="StructInnerDiameter" index="0">

<Item id="i0">1200.0000</Item>
<Item id="i1">1350.0000</Item>
<Item id="i2">1500.0000</Item>
<Item id="i3">1800.0000</Item>
<Item id="i4">2050.0000</Item>
<Item id="i5">2300.0000</Item>
<Item id="i6">2550.0000</Item>

I tried modifying the last line replacing 2550 with 3600.

I also tried adding a line  <Item id="i7">3600.0000</Item>

I saved the XML file and restarted the program with nothing changing that I can see.

Looking for correct file(s) to edit so I can modify the LISTS that come up in the piping modules.

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Lightroom :: Remove All Old Folders And Keep Just One Cleaned Up Folder

Sep 1, 2013

I have imported all photos and removed duplicates or useless photos. Can LR copy all the photos in the catalog to a new folder on the harddrive, so I can remove all old folders and keep just one cleaned up folder.

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Lightroom :: Search For A Folder (or Folders) Whose Name Contains Trip Or Location Name

Nov 12, 2013

My catalog folders are organized by YYYY-MM_TRIPNAME and contain subfolders by YYYY-MM-DD_LOCATIONNAME. Often I want to find a specific image that I took on a trip. I do remember the trip name and often the location name but not the date.  How in LR can I search for a folder (or folders) whose name contains the trip or location name? I haven't tagged the image files (I should have but never did). Is there a solution without having to leave LR and go to the OS?

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Lightroom :: Displays No Photos In Selected Folder For All Folders

Nov 6, 2013

All of a sudden Lightroom stopped displaying all of the installed photos. The catalog folders display the correct number of photos, but every folder in the catalog displays the same messags.No Photos in Selected Folder. The photos are all in the correct folders on the hard drives but they don't even show up as not found just non-existent. When I hover over a folder an image appears in the Navigator, but nothing show in the Grid or Loupe view.
I tried a Sync, and the import dialog came up, saying there were no photos to import. If I go to Import and navigate to photos that have not been imported they appear, but if I go to a folder that contains previously imported photos Lightroom says No Photos Found. The photos themselves are not damaged and will open in Photoshop with no problem. The only change made recently is an upgrade to Maverick on my MacBook Pro Retina laptop.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Folder With All Thousands Of Previews Folders In It

Aug 1, 2012

Instead of "removing" a folder with thousands of photos I went in to Windows Explorer deleted the catalog, the locked file and a few other folders. However, when I try to delete the folder with all the thousands of previews folders in it I get a message telling me that I can't delete them because they are being used by another program. I don't have Lightroom open when I try to do this so my question is: how can I simply delete those folders from my hard drive?

Do I have to un-install Lightroom to do this? Hopefully not.

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Lightroom :: Found Multiple Folders Of Catalogue In Master Folder?

Jan 8, 2014

I have been forced to check under the hood in LR due to the fact that I have lost a big chuck of my keywords, and I'm contemplanting if its worth importing a copy of my backup copy. I am debating if I should just go back and re-enter all the missing keywords, or retrieving a backup copy. However, I read somewhere that its wise to change the name of the master catalog before retrieving a backup copy.
However, I found multiple folders of my catalog in my master folder. I'd like to know which one should I delete without causing any major collateral damage.
1- folder 176-2.lrcat                   created 3-26-11            2:51  PM    289 MB
2- folder 176-2-2.lrcat                created 2-12-13          10:32 PM     363 MB
3- folder 176-2-3.lrcat                created 2-24-13            5:24 PM     287 MB
4- folder  176-2 copy.lrca           created 3-26-11            2:31 PM     179 MB
In addition, there are corresponding Previews.lrdata for each folder.

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Lightroom :: Publish Parent Folder With Multiple Children Folders To Smugmug?

Jan 27, 2014

Imported a parent folder with multiple children (20-40) folders.   I've adjusted the photos and now want to publish easily to smugmug.  

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Lightroom :: Changing Drive Letter In Folders In V5

Jan 10, 2014

I moved my photos to another drive ( folder structure is the same, but drive letter is diferent).

How can I change drive letter for all my folders at once?

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Lightroom :: Ignore Camera Generated Folder Names When Naming Folders Option

Jul 11, 2013

There is "Ignore camera generated folder names when naming folders" on preferences tab, but I couldn't find a usage for this option. With a camera card including different folders, I can not see the folder names in my card on the import panel.

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Illustrator :: Changing Reference Point Affect Transformation?

Feb 27, 2013

I change the reference point in the transform panel to the lower left corner and scale a shape down, however, it does not seem to make a difference when scaling the square. What exactly is it doing?

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AutoCAD LT :: Changing Scale On Menu Bar Does Not Affect Sheet Scaling

Dec 6, 2012

I use AC 2013 LT.

1)When switching between the Drawing and Annotate option to the AC Classic option a menu would appear with options to use the civil menu, mechanical or architectual.  This has now dissappeared and I do not know how to acces it again.

2) Coming from a manual drafting background scaling appeared to be easier. I want to change the template scale shown in the title block from 1:1 to 1:5.  This seems to be able to be done as it is highlighted.  All my efforts save to enter it hard does not work, but this does not change the sheet scale. Changing the scale on the menu bar does not affet the sheet scaling

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Lightroom :: Batch Changing Of Folder Location?

May 30, 2012

I'm getting ready to build a new PC, and I'm trying to plan out how to move my LR catalog/images.
The problem is that since I've been upgrading my current PC for years and moving user data since XP.  The result is that my LR catalog expects some older images to be in c:documents and settings... XP-style, others in c:usersxxx when I moved to Vista, and others in d:usersxxx when I moved my user data to a bigger hard drive.  The images are actually all in one location, and there are various OS mappings that make it all work.
I'd like to avoid all this mess with my new setup.  Is there a way to essentially do "update folder location" on many folders at once?  Unfortunately, they are top-level and don't have a parent folder I could do that to.
Oh yeah, using x64 Lightroom 4 on Win7.

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Photoshop Elements :: Photos Organized Into Folders - Import Structure

Sep 24, 2013

I currently have thousands of photos that are organized into folders (for the year) and then into albums (for the month and day  within the year folder) I want to import this structure with the photos into Elements 12 and maintain the same structure. How would this be done.

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Lightroom :: Changing Image Color Temperature And Tint When Synchronize A Folder

Dec 5, 2012

I am having this problem whenever I synchronize a folder that images have been added into.
Example: I have a folder of images in LR; I export all those images with a watermark, resized, etc. into a separate folder of proofs; even though I performed that batch process using LR, for some reason the app still won't see those images until I synchronize; when I do synchronize, it is shifting the color temp to +8 and the tint to -11; I then have to go back and undo that color temp shift.
How do I get LR to stop changing the color temp of images when synchronizing?

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Photoshop Elements :: Get Folders And Images Back To Correct Places In Original Path Structure

Sep 5, 2013

Old PC Windows XP with PSE8. New PC Windows 8 with PSE11.I did a backup and restore operation. After the restore, there was a large list of files that could not be restored. I also noticed that there were a large number of thumbnails with a question mark attached.
I did a reconnect  using FindAll missing files. Instead of placing the recovered files in their original path and folder location, they ended up in an entirely different path in the Folders View. I tried to drag the folders back to their original location, but got the message: folder with that name already exists at the requested location, even though it wasn't visible. In addition some of the folders involved were no longer visible in either path structure.
I checked in the My Folders View, and it showed that the folders involved in the reconnect were still intact. I opened one or two and found they contained the original missing images.How can I get the folders and their images back to their correct places in the original path structure?

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AutoCad :: Changing Of Units In Model Space Does Not Affect Length Of Line In Paper Space

Dec 26, 2012

Wile using acad2011...

In model space I set the units form my dwg (cm), draw a line (100units). Next i go to paper space, create a viewport. When the viewport scale is set to 1:1 the ploted line is 100mm in length (not 100cm). Why is this so? How should I correct this? Changing of units in model space does not effect the length of the line in paper space.

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Lightroom :: How To Recover Missing Folders After Merging Two Annual Folders

May 25, 2013

I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).

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Lightroom :: Sync LR4 Photo Folders With Explore Folders That Has Been Renamed

Jan 24, 2013

I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.

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Lightroom :: Restore Missing Sub-folders Into Folders Panel

Dec 10, 2011

I am using LR3. I appear to be digging a massive hole for myself trying to sort out the catalog. When I first got LR, I had initially added just a small number of files just to see how LR worked. At this time I was still completing sorting out my full photo collection in 'my pictures' which were also copied to two external hard drives. Once that work was completed, I imported a complete folder (some 4000 images) into LR. The folder/subfolders appeared in the folders panel but the sub folders I had initially imported were displayed with a ? and a message 'file is missing or offline' Going down the road of 'find missing folder' eventually led to my problems.
About 6 sub folders are involved so I eventually took the decision that it could be easier just to remove them so I could then re-import them from 'my pictures'. That hasn't worked out as planned.   When I go into 'file' to import photos from 'my pictures' the missing sub folders are there but the images are 'greyed' as well as the import button. When I put the cursor onto one of the greyed-out images the message 'appears to be a duplicate of another photo already in catalog' appears.
how I can restore the 'missing' sub folders into the folders panel.

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