Photoshop Elements :: Photos Organized Into Folders - Import Structure
Sep 24, 2013
I currently have thousands of photos that are organized into folders (for the year) and then into albums (for the month and day within the year folder) I want to import this structure with the photos into Elements 12 and maintain the same structure. How would this be done.
Have used previous versions for years but not on this PC. Each time I try to import, it goes through some number of photos, up through 2,00 plus sometimes and then says import failed and I get nothing. It claims the file is the wrong type (only jpgs and psds). I don't know what the stumbling block is or why elements doesn't jut ignore files it can't read and go on to the next.
Had to reinstall PS elements 8. I used the menu feature "File - Get Photos & Videos" to reload my previously tagged photos. The photos reloaded but absent the tags - can I recover photos with the tags attached?
how to play my own actions and stack them on top of each other without getting the individual layers in each file jumbled up. Each action is several layers that I select, the press CMD G to put into a folder and rename it. When I play another action on top-the layers are no longer in their rightful folders but moved around-some in one folder, some in another, some by themselves without a folder. How can I keep my actions in their own folders and play them on top of each other while keeping them in their own individual folders?
Old PC Windows XP with PSE8. New PC Windows 8 with PSE11.I did a backup and restore operation. After the restore, there was a large list of files that could not be restored. I also noticed that there were a large number of thumbnails with a question mark attached.
I did a reconnect using FindAll missing files. Instead of placing the recovered files in their original path and folder location, they ended up in an entirely different path in the Folders View. I tried to drag the folders back to their original location, but got the message: folder with that name already exists at the requested location, even though it wasn't visible. In addition some of the folders involved were no longer visible in either path structure.
I checked in the My Folders View, and it showed that the folders involved in the reconnect were still intact. I opened one or two and found they contained the original missing images.How can I get the folders and their images back to their correct places in the original path structure?
New user to PSE11. Is it recommended that ALL photos be in albums or is the idea that photos in albums are a subset of the photos in folders? With all the sort and search functionality, I don't understand the benefit of albums.I name my image folders using a standard naming convention with the date embedded so it makes them rather easy to manage.
Lightroom creates new duplicate folders when I import photos.
My directory structure is:
~/Pictures /Lightroom /2012 /2012-1 /2012-2 etc. /2013 /2013-1 /2013-2 etc.
When I import, Lightroom creates a duplicate "Lightroom" folder, which it places into the 2013 folder. Inside that folder it places a duplicate 2013-12 folder and inside that the photos.
Alternatively, it sometimes places the new folder (this time named "lightroom" [lower-case "l"] at the same directory level as the "Lightroom" folder.
when i import all my photos from an external hard drive LR4.4 will not include all the sub folders and some folders .. there are about 38,000 photos and the size of all the photos is 350 GB
I can organize photos into collections in Lightroom 4 and publish them to Revel, but I can't access them as collections or albums in Revel. Is there a way to publish from Lightroom as a collection or album and have the organization transfer to Revel?
Also the correct file name does not appear on the top line when I display photos. It's like something just came in and mixed it all up. It seems to have only happened to recent photos and the older ones I think are ok. I am using PSE 9. I recently had to switch external hard drives and reconnect my catalog to the new hard drive. But that seemed to be OK except for losing most of the tags on my photos. When I tried to import missing files (because they are still on the harddrive) I get the message that the files already exist. However they are not showing in the files they are supposed to be in. I don't know what to do, I have a very large catalog which includes lots of digital scrapbook downloaded files.
How do I import 3500 photos in 12 folders to stay in their 12 folders when imported so I don't have to do that work all over again? I am not familiar with PSE at all so haven't imported my photos (with thumb drive) not knowing what will happen when I do!
I have a few folders that show no evidence of photos. When I Add Unmanaged Files it says that they are already catalogged or the file format is not recognized. When I open these files in the Editor and save the dited version, they show up in the Organizer, but I cannot get any of the others in this folder to show up. It seems to be working in the other folders with pictures. These are jpg files BTW
I have just purchased PS Elements 11. I have a memory card full of photos and I want to download certain photos into different folders. How do I make a selection of photos to download, rather than downloading them all into one folder and then having to move them into different folders afterwards?
i have made changes to folder structure in lightroom 4. basically condensed folders, merged, deleted, etc. the only corresponding changes that i can see when i look at folders in My Pictures on my mac is that some of the folders are deleted. otherwise all the folders look the same as before i made my changes.
I just installed Photoshop Elements 11 and want to use the PSE 11 Organizer to manage my photos. I currently have about 45,000 photos on my harddrive organized in folders. The filenames of the photos in these folders are whatever the default naming convention is for my camera - IMG_00001.jpg etc. So you can imagine that the possibility of having the same filename for different photos is quite high.
My problem is that when I want to import all these photos into PSE 11 I get an error saying there are duplicate photos and the duplicates are not being imported. I have a lot of these conflicts and I can't seem to find any option to allow the files to be imported. Are there any workarounds to this issue that don't involve manually renaming all the conflicting files? What are my options here?
I am creating a new catalog for my photos in the Photoshop Elements 11 Organizer. When I choose "File Get Photos and Videos From Files and Folders...", the only option I have to import my photos is "Media Files". "Media Files" includes all picture and movie formats. I do not want to import my home movies, only my family photos. I do not see a filter to import only photo formats (e.g. *.jpeg and not *.mts). "File Get Photos and Videos By Searching..." does not proivide this option either. It's a problem because my photos and videos are stored along side each other in the same folders, and I have nearly 2 TB of data.
How can I import only my photos in to a new catalog in Photoshop Elements 11?
I've got Photoshop Elements 6 on my iMac desktop running OS X 10.7.4. When I click on File>Open in PE6, my iMac Finder opens. I then select Photos and all my iPhoto and Photo Booth files open. But I cannot click on (well, I can click on them but nothing happens) any photo to pull it into PE6. It seems a simple operation, but apparently not for me!