Lightroom :: 5.2 (Mac) Is Creating Duplicate Folders When Import Photos
Dec 10, 2013
Lightroom creates new duplicate folders when I import photos.
My directory structure is:
When I import, Lightroom creates a duplicate "Lightroom" folder, which it places into the 2013 folder. Inside that folder it places a duplicate 2013-12 folder and inside that the photos.
Alternatively, it sometimes places the new folder (this time named "lightroom" [lower-case "l"] at the same directory level as the "Lightroom" folder.
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Mar 10, 2013
duplicate folders being created with Lightroom 4.3 on import?
When I import photos, they go to a folder with a name "XXX" for example.
The folder is in a hierarchy of "2013, March, XXX".
Lightroom creates a folder here and above 2013! It is making a mess of my library.
Also, when I import using Photo Mechanic (great software that just works!) and then do a "synchronize folder" in Lightroom, only 1 photo is transferred.
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Nov 5, 2012
When I import pictures from a memory card LR4.2 creates a new folder every day in the backup location.
Is there any way to stop this? I want all of the pictures to be copied to the directory I chose on the main and backup drives, it's a pain going to the backup and moving my pictures.
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Mar 3, 2014
is there any way to import photos and videos into seperate folders?
I use lightroom to manage my photos and videos, but the videos are much larger so I prefer they are stored in a different location.
I can import them together and drag the photos to a new folder, but this does not create the same folder heirarchy as importing them would.
Currently I import once for photos and onece for videos, but I'd prefer to just "import"
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Mar 28, 2013
when i import all my photos from an external hard drive LR4.4 will not include all the sub folders and some folders .. there are about 38,000 photos and the size of all the photos is 350 GB
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Sep 11, 2012
why content center creates duplicates of existing folders?. Some of the folders have 6 or 8 versions and there is also a duplicate EN-US folder within the EN-US folder with nested folders. So bottom line i have multiple locations and nested files within the content center. Needless to say there is a lot of time spent pointing inventor to the parts necessary to open an assembly.
We are working on a network and are all pointing to the same content center location. We are all using the same project files. Sometimes it works as you would expect, other times not.
Windows 7 64 bit
Inventor 2012 Professional
Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz
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Jul 6, 2012
How do I delete sub-folders in Lightroom without deleting the photos in those sub-folders?
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Jan 30, 2012
how I ended up with a shared network drive duplicated under the folders area of Lightroom 3.6. Maybe it was a user error but now my network drive where I have 15,000 pictures appears twice in the folder area and it is constantly updating (since there are quite a few pictures).
How can I delete the duplicated drive? I have "removed" all the folders under the duplicated drive (and made it disappear) but the drive keeps coming back as the synchronization process will add all the folders that exist on that drive.
The two drives with "Volume_1" in the name are actually one shared network drive (I only have one). I actually removed my network drive mapping (N:) to fix the problem but that did not even work; LR still found a duplicate name for the same network drive and started to synchronize (again).
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Feb 27, 2013
I just upgraded my external hard drive and named the new drive with the exact same name as the original, lets call this HD-1. My entire LR gallery is on this drive. After doing a complete backup to the new drive I opened LR and all Folders and Collects were in their place as they should be.
The Problem -
When I imputed new photos, a new duplicate hard drive appeared with the exact same name HD-1 and holding the newly imported images (which were placed in a subfolder at time of import)
- So now my Catalog shows two hard drives called HD-1. For sake of this discussion I will label them HD-1a and HD-1b. HD-1a has the original photos and HD-1b has the newly imported photos.
- I tried draging the new subfolder of photos for HD-1b to HD-1a but I get a message that the folder already exists, even though it doesn't show in the HD-1a folder structure.
- I created a new sub-folder in HD-1a and was able to drag the photos into it. I then deleted the empty folder on HD-1b. As soon as this was done the duplicate hard drive, HD-1b disapeared.
- I thought this solved the problem but as I was working on images by opening them from LR into Photoshop, the HD-1b drive reappered in my catalog with the PS created files in them.
- So it looks like LR will put any newly created or improted photo file into HD-1b. I can't seem to find a way around this. For some reason LR doesn't want to write new files into HD-1a even though it recognizes it and has no problem reading the existing files.
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Sep 1, 2013
Have used previous versions for years but not on this PC. Each time I try to import, it goes through some number of photos, up through 2,00 plus sometimes and then says import failed and I get nothing. It claims the file is the wrong type (only jpgs and psds). I don't know what the stumbling block is or why elements doesn't jut ignore files it can't read and go on to the next.
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Sep 24, 2013
I currently have thousands of photos that are organized into folders (for the year) and then into albums (for the month and day within the year folder) I want to import this structure with the photos into Elements 12 and maintain the same structure. How would this be done.
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Jul 28, 2012
I keep recreating my directory tree to fix this, but LR keeps recreating a folder with the same name as my import folder. So imagine my overall structure is:
Mac Hard Drive
LR Photos
Many folders, including ...
LR will create a new directory reference at the top of the list of directories, in lowercase. So at the top of the directory list, you'll see, after an import ...
lr photos (note lowercase)
I'm attaching a screenshot ... (with lots of folder names deleted obviously)
It seems like it's related to the import process, but i never manually type or change during imports -- i leave it alone, and yet it makes this new lowercase reference. (it does not actually create new folders on the hard drive.)
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Oct 25, 2013
I am using Light room 5..upgraded from 3.Discovered Light room had been sending images into my music folder called 2013 as well as the picture folder I chose as export destination.Editing was showing in both.
I thought this was just virtual copy, not to worry.. until I tried to delete it in my music folder..and the recycle bin found the folder too large and only the option was to delete permanently? Seriously a huge file! (in a very short time) So I did delete folder 2013 ..and another folder was recreated in my music folder (2013) with the very next edit.
I created a new catalogue “going in the back door of Light room”.. and moved this "music folder" into pictures folder within Light room as well and then clicked the option of always load this new catalogue on start up. Tried another edit this morning.
If I import a whole folder of mixed RAW and jpeg images, but only edit one. The whole imported selection will be sent to my music folder..and where Lightroom can only find the images.
If I delete this folder and go back to the original RAW file in Light room..a preview of the image cannot be shown in develop module...although the image can be developed.
Plus...the original RAW file is still in the original folder within the picture folder as well...and the edited picture is in a separate correct picture folder where I intended it to go. So It seems I am duplicating the RAW files into this very mysterious folder as soon as I import them.
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Jan 6, 2012
Does the latest version of Lightroom have the capability to find duplicate photos? I have a bunch of JPGs and no desire to go through all of them to find duplicates. If Lightroom can not find duplicated, any app that is good at finding duplicate photos or near duplicate photos.
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Oct 8, 2012
How do I sort duplicate photos so they can be deleted in Lightroom 3
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Dec 5, 2011
I want to import in LR3 a bunch of pictures, some are in JPEG, some in RAW and many in both format duplicates.
How to instruct LR to import the RAW files only if JPEG duplicates exist and to import JPEG if there is no RAW?
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Mar 11, 2014
When I am importing photos into LR5 and sending them to my hard drive at the same time LR is creating a duplicate folder of the same size on my external hard drive. It creates the folder I tell it to create then it create a duplicate folder called "imported on, date, year" Questions: Why is this happening? Is there a setting in LR I am missing. Most important question, can I delete this folder, I want to make sure it holds not important information.
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May 28, 2013
when I import photos they show up in the All Photographs section but the individual folders are empty. How do I get my photos into the folders
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Jan 15, 2013
When I attempt to import photos into an existing folder LR creates a duplicate folder with the same name. The original folder (orange) does not show the imported photos, when I try to move the photos from the duplicate folder (red) over I receive the error message "files already exist in this destination." My lightroom hardrive folder appears correctly, no duplicate folder. Also, on import I am only renaming the files, a sub-folder is not created.
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Oct 29, 2013
I tend to keep adding images to my memory card until it is nearly full. I then reformat the card for future use. I do this for a couple of reasons, firstly if any of my image or backup file fails, I've got the option of downloading the image from the card again. Secondly, I like to ensure that all the storage locations on the card are used equally, to even out "wear."
I download using a Sandisk 'Extreme' USB2 card reader. Opening the Lightroom Import dialog, I have the box marked "Don't import suspected duplicates" ticked. I'm downloading a card which has a lot of previously imported images, plus a number of new images. Previously, the suspected duplicate images have been greyed out and only the new images are highlighted and only the new images download.
Just recently, despite the "Don't import suspected duplicates" box still being ticked, none of the already downloaded images is greyed out and ALL the images will download. I haven't made any other changes to the program or preferences, so I'm a bit puzzled as to exactly what is going on. I now have clear the check box for ALL the images and then just select the new images for import.
I am using LR 4.4 with Windows Home Premium 64-bit.
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Feb 17, 2012
Is there a way to have side-by-side two images from different folders? Say, one from 2008 and one recent? Lightroom 3.6...
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Jan 25, 2014
All photographs collection contains more photos than in folders - (Using LR 4) There are about 6k more photos that are in my catalog (All Photographs) than what is showing up in my folders below. All of my photos are located on an external hard drive. I have them organized by year. So for example, if in LR I click on 'All Photographs' in the library module, I can see hundreds of photos from 2009. I can also see all these photos on my external hard drive under the 2009 folder. However , these photos do not show up under the folders in LR. I've tried 'synchronizing' my folder in LR, but it thinks all of the photos are duplicates, since they are indeed already in the catalog (just not the folder)
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Jun 4, 2013
I use Lightroom 3 and recently it has started making multiple duplicates of recent imported (and exported) photos without me doing anything.... what happens is I import a batch of photos, make adjustments to them, export them... close lightroom.
Then when I reopen lightroom, the previous imported set of photos have all been duplicated and sometimes there is more than one copy of each photo.
Is there anything I can do to stop this? I'm pretty sure I didn't change any settings to make this happen.
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Nov 7, 2013
I'm trying to import some photos but when I tried to find them LR doesn't allow me to see the sub-folders where I put them. I shows all the 1,000s of photos in the top level folder but when I click the triangle, it turns on its side but it doesn't reveal the sub-folders (see screen grab, Samsung is the folder I'm trying to access).
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Mar 29, 2012
I updated from LR 3 to LR4 on Win 7 64 bit. I am no longer able to move photos from one folder on LR to a different folder.
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Sep 14, 2012
For some reason I'm unable to move photos or folders from within lightroom 4. The drag and drop system from the library module does nothing for me. I'm pretty sure I just watched an AdobeTV demonstration where the presenter had no problem moving files inside the "Folders" panel in the Library. I've even tried highlighting the photos I want to move from the grid view, control+clicking on the folder where I want them to go, selecting "Move Selected Photos to this Folder" from the flyout, and nothing happens.
My cursor shows a green plus(+) icon when I mouse over the destination folder when dragging the photos, as if LR were going to add the files to the folder.... but then nothing happens.
Am I losing it, shouldn't this be a completely intuiative process? Is it possible I've locked my files/photos?
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May 26, 2013
In the import or sync dialog I see my photos, but after starting the import or sync the progress bar hangs at 100% and no new photos are in my katalog. I have tried to import from HDD and SD-Card reader, both end in the same problem. Import in a new katalog does not work either. No error message comes up and I have free storage space.
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Oct 15, 2013
LR 5.2 Windows 7 Pro
How do I move numerous folders and subfolders of photos to a different hard drive?
The hard drive I want to move to shows up in the LR Library Left Panel under Folders, but I can't drag and drop the photos from the C Drive to this D drive.
I have been working with LR for about a month; and I've uploaded about 2000 photos I have taken since about a year ago; organized by folders for year and date. I just realized LR has been putting almost all my photos on my C Drive. There is one folder of photos in LR on the D Drive. I don't recall how I got that folder to go on the D Drive while the rest are on the C Drive.
I don't want any data on my C Drive. I use my C Drive primarily for my Operating Systems and applications.
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Sep 24, 2012
My problem is that when I'm importing photos from my folders on the computer to my catalog in Lightroom 4, Lightroom doesn't import all photos from my folders. It imports the first 3-4 photos rom my folder.
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Aug 22, 2013
I've imported my first set of photos, but it looks like the folders are automatically saving them into ones by date. I need to customize my folder structure, but I cannot figure out how to do that once the photos have been imported.
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Nov 6, 2013
All of a sudden Lightroom stopped displaying all of the installed photos. The catalog folders display the correct number of photos, but every folder in the catalog displays the same messags.No Photos in Selected Folder. The photos are all in the correct folders on the hard drives but they don't even show up as not found just non-existent. When I hover over a folder an image appears in the Navigator, but nothing show in the Grid or Loupe view.
I tried a Sync, and the import dialog came up, saying there were no photos to import. If I go to Import and navigate to photos that have not been imported they appear, but if I go to a folder that contains previously imported photos Lightroom says No Photos Found. The photos themselves are not damaged and will open in Photoshop with no problem. The only change made recently is an upgrade to Maverick on my MacBook Pro Retina laptop.
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