If I shoot RAW + JPEG, and I add EXIF data to the JPEG files outside of Lightroom, when I import the RAW + JPEG pairs will the metadata I added to the JPEG files still be there?
I'd try it myself, but I don't actually have the equipment to do this right now.
I want to shoot tethered in studio, and shoot RAW + JPEG, but I want Lightroom to only import the JPEGS so as to improve the speed. I shoot a Canon 7D.
duplicate folders being created with Lightroom 4.3 on import?
When I import photos, they go to a folder with a name "XXX" for example.
The folder is in a hierarchy of "2013, March, XXX".
Lightroom creates a folder here and above 2013! It is making a mess of my library.
Also, when I import using Photo Mechanic (great software that just works!) and then do a "synchronize folder" in Lightroom, only 1 photo is transferred.
Lightroom creates new duplicate folders when I import photos.
My directory structure is:
~/Pictures /Lightroom /2012 /2012-1 /2012-2 etc. /2013 /2013-1 /2013-2 etc.
When I import, Lightroom creates a duplicate "Lightroom" folder, which it places into the 2013 folder. Inside that folder it places a duplicate 2013-12 folder and inside that the photos.
Alternatively, it sometimes places the new folder (this time named "lightroom" [lower-case "l"] at the same directory level as the "Lightroom" folder.
When I attempt to import photos into an existing folder LR creates a duplicate folder with the same name. The original folder (orange) does not show the imported photos, when I try to move the photos from the duplicate folder (red) over I receive the error message "files already exist in this destination." My lightroom hardrive folder appears correctly, no duplicate folder. Also, on import I am only renaming the files, a sub-folder is not created.
I tend to keep adding images to my memory card until it is nearly full. I then reformat the card for future use. I do this for a couple of reasons, firstly if any of my image or backup file fails, I've got the option of downloading the image from the card again. Secondly, I like to ensure that all the storage locations on the card are used equally, to even out "wear."
I download using a Sandisk 'Extreme' USB2 card reader. Opening the Lightroom Import dialog, I have the box marked "Don't import suspected duplicates" ticked. I'm downloading a card which has a lot of previously imported images, plus a number of new images. Previously, the suspected duplicate images have been greyed out and only the new images are highlighted and only the new images download.
Just recently, despite the "Don't import suspected duplicates" box still being ticked, none of the already downloaded images is greyed out and ALL the images will download. I haven't made any other changes to the program or preferences, so I'm a bit puzzled as to exactly what is going on. I now have clear the check box for ALL the images and then just select the new images for import.
I am using LR 4.4 with Windows Home Premium 64-bit.
I'm attempting to import a sequence of JPEG files as a composition into After Effects. The files were exported from Lightoom (Import/File). I select the first file in sequence and select JPEG Sequence but the Import as Footage is greyed out. Only the first file is imported. I'm attempting a timelapse from files taken with GoPro Hero3.
Suddenly, after 3 months of easy use, LR5 says it can't import standard JPEG files form my Olympus OMD because it can't read them. But iphoto has no problem and imports them easily. This just started happening out of the blue.
i just bought canon d70 i have camera set for raw and jpeg, lightroom 4 updated and set to treat jpegs seperatly, but it isnt seeing my cr2, it knows its there but says preview not available unable to import this file type
In LR3 is there a way to import JPEG's only when I am shooting RAW + JPEG -- say in the case of being on-location and I want to create a quick slideshow without importing the large, slow RAW images? (Shooting only in JPEG is not an option -- wedding photography.)
Way to import the raw file when I shoot jpeg and raw at the same time.. and then develop those files ? Also did there used to be a setting during development for "lights" ?
I have a Nikon D7100 with the card slots allocated for Raw (Slot 1) and JPEG (slot 2). When Importing I would like to convert the raw images in slot 1 to the Adobe DNG format and to have the JPEG images simply imported as JPEGs. I cannot find the correct combinations of preferences/options to make this happen. What happens today is the both images import with the second labeled as a -2 copy of the first image.
I'm trying to import some photos into LR from a camera and I know that there are many photos on the camera that have already been imported. Usually if I choose New Photos LR sees them and doesn't import them, but now it isn't. I started importing them and it started giving the duplicate file names -2 extensions.
Recently upgraded to LR5, and today noticed when importing a job that half the images I wanted to import were greyed out and hovering over one a pop-up stated "This photo has already been imported" - but that's ridiculous because I just took it and have NOT imported it yet.
A search on my system shows that the file 0L2A9857.CR2 does exist - But yesterday's job just won't import - the only way I can add it is to manually copy the files in Finder and then perform an Add import in LR5.
Surely it's not a setting issue, right? I'm using LR5 just as I used LR4, and even toggling the Don't Import Suspected Duplicates checkbox doesn't achieve anything.
Print to JPEG in LR5.2 produces a corrupt JPEG file that cannot be opened.
Lightroom is running on MacPro. When printing I am attaching an ICC profile provided by the bureau that is going to produce the prtins. Having said this the file cannot be opened neither on a Mac nor on a Windows PC.
Up until now, i used to exported as TIFFs but after reading Jeff Schewe book The Digital Print i have become convinced that printing through LR to a file is much more efficient.
I'm trying to export a JPEG so that the file size is smaller, for use on the web. So the file I have is 1.1 MB. I try to export via LR4 using the percentage slider, but no matter what percentage I use, the file size is always GREATER than 1.1 MB! And if I try to limit the size by inputing a value, say 1000 kb, I get an error message saying I can't do that for some reason:
Also, this is not the case with just one file, it is numerous files.
I tried to use the "import" under file, but it didn't see the jpegs that I want to import. In fact, it didn't see anything that's in the file. It said "file empty".
I caption my football photos with each player's two digit jersey number, ie. 01-99. I then upload them to SmugMug with the intent of allowing viewers to use the "search" function to view photos of only their player. Unfortunately, the SmugMug search engine ignores any caption that has 2 or less characters. I would like to append all my football captions in Lightroom 3 with an additional identifier to lengthen the caption so it will become searchable, for example append the "01" to "Titans01". I don't care if identifier is at beginning or end. I just want to be able to append an entire album at one time, not just one at a time.
have a new Nikon Camera. using flash taking photos inside. For some reason the Histogram on the back of the camera is short of any light pixels, ie they're all grouped in the dark to centre of the histogram, ie the photos are dark. Thing is they look great on the back of the LCD screen and it seems the photos are correctly exposed.
Okay here is the question, does Photoshop have any settings at all, anywhere, which could give the user flexibility in altering any brightness settings when files from a digi camera are imported? I'm thinking a setting for import in photoshophas may have been set too low, hence a dark photo, because the difference between the back of the camera and the image popping up in Photoshop is massively different. I'm assuming that it's no, so I can rule it out and concentrate on what Nikon have to say.
I would like to know if its possible to import a jpeg or bmp picture as a layer so I can take dimensions from to build a proper drawing. I am trying to follow some instructions in creating plans for boats and it says I can, but I cant.
I have just recently started seeing something strange in my lightroom 5 library. There are two copies of some of my CR2 files. One copy is the original import, such as flower.cr2. This file has none of my edits, just the import. The second copy is called flower-2.cr2. This file has import and all of my edits.
When I originally edited the flower file, there was only the original. Most of my photos are as they should be, with just one CR2 file that includes the import and all of my edits.what could be going on with my library/catalog?
Before downloading GIMP I just want to double check that I can import a satellite image, in pdf or jpeg format, as a background which I can draw over with all the available tools.
I also would like to use a grid over the drawing for scale.
What to do when trying to import a jpeg photo through the media brower and PPCS6 crashes? It all started when the program crashed while I was editing. I installed an upgrade to CS6 and rebooted. After that I could not import photos into the project.
The new ability to allow duplication of an adjustment brush marker is great, but I can't seem to find a way to place/move the duplicate. It seems to just get dropped right overtop of the original which makes it completely indistinguishable. Seems the only way to access the original marker(s) underneath is to delete the one(s) on top. Am I missing something?