Lightroom :: Folders Preset To Save Photos By Date?
Aug 22, 2013
I've imported my first set of photos, but it looks like the folders are automatically saving them into ones by date. I need to customize my folder structure, but I cannot figure out how to do that once the photos have been imported.
I have scanned a bunch of photographs and imported them into lightroom. I then went and changed all the capture dates to represent when the photos were actually taken. Now I would like to put the photo's in a folder structure based on the capture date (as all my other photo's are). How is it best to do this?
I'm trying to build some export presets with a naming convention to include the current system date, eg: YYYYMMM-Title-Custom Text. This convention is oftened required for photo club, local, national & international photo competitions. The only date function I can find is the 'capture date'. Is there a way to modify the Export Filename Template Editor to include 'current system date' ??
I'm wondering if it's possible to delete the develop preset folders that come pre-installed with LR 4. I don't see them in the Develop Presets folder in Application Support/Adobe, and right-clicking on the folders themselves in LR doesn't provide the option to delete.
I've imported scanned photos into LR4 and have changed the capture dates to reflect the original capture date of each photo imported. My LR Library is sorted by Date folders. How do I automatically get these photos sorted into their respective date folders?
In the thumbnail view the newest pics are at the bottom, the oldest at the top. But in my list of folders on the left panel, they're sorted by name, and I get figure out how to sort that list of folders so the newest ones are at the top. Like it is in Picasa basically.How do I perform this elementary sorting operation?
Is it possible to use LR5's Preset and Plugin folders in a location other than in the default ones? I'd like my live Prest and Plugin folders to be in a Dropbox folder so that they would be synced in the cloud but the folders would also be synced between my desktop and my laptop so that I would have a consistent work environment wether I was using my laptop when travelling or my desktop.
I typically import my photo's from my camera and reorganize the photos by date.
However I just had several thousand old printed photographs scanned.
I have: 1. Imported the photographs into a seperate new catalog2. Labeled all the photographs with keywords 3. Metadata->Edit Capture Time so that the capture time is now the correct date
Now I would like to reorganize the photo's into folders by date the usaual yyyy/yyyy-mm/yyyy-mm-dd by the capture time date.
I have tried to import them into another catalog either by either "Import Photo's and Video" or by "Import from another catalog" either way the new catalog has the folders by date that the photographs were scanned not by the capture time that I changed.
How do I do this change the folders to be by capture date?
how to change one of the entries in TranslatedStrings.txt in order to provide a different/custom destination folder naming scheme for importing.
This definitely worked in some previous versions (a while since I tried it) but in 4.1 it doesn't seem to work -- there is no such file in /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom or in the en.lproj subfolder (which seems to be where the non English TranslatedStrings.txt files live).
I won't go into why I need to do this, suffice to say if I can't do it, I'm going to face a tedious process of importing a load of stuff year by year and choosing the destination base folder manually for each year. Which is do-able, it's just a big pain.
I have Lightroom place images in folders on import according to date taken, e.g. 2011 -> 12 -> 31 -> 2011 12 31_001.jpg.
Since importing a lot of images, I have changed their metadata dates due timezone issues or camera dates set wrong. So a photo imported in 2011->12->31 actually now belongs in 2012->01->01. How do I get Lightroom to automatically go through my whole catalogue and move them? I don't mind if all my files get renamed. I though of removing them all from my catalogue and the re-imprting, but won't that lose all my edits?
I accidentally combined my Canon 30D 2011-12 folder with my Hp 850 2011-12 folder, now one camera's images show missing, and so does the folder for the missing images. Since they have all been keyworded and developed, how can I recover the appropriate ones back into the right missing folder?
I have imported a preset and want to use it on several photos in the same folder. How do I do this? I cant seem to see the option when I try to sync them.
I just finished editing 300 photos and im not sure how but selected apply all on a preset to all my photos, I try hitting cancel and undo but it wont stop changing all my weeks worth of editing.
I've got some 500 photos in a folder which were imported on two different dates. I've created a new album on the right hand side under "Organize" and just the photos I want are in there. When I look at the folder on the right, all the pictures are there. But I can't call up just that folder; instead what I get on my screen is all 2500 photos in all my photo albums! Not what I want! What I want to get is all the photos in the order in which they were taken on the actual day as all 500 photos were taken at the same day. And I want to be able to view just the 500 photos in that folder by the time those pictures were taken. But, when I imported the second batch of photos it showed the date the file was created rather than the date the photo was taken so, basically, I've got one batch of photos showing the date they were taken (which I downloaded via a link a few days later), and one showing the date they were copied!
I recently set up Elements 12. Prior to this I used elements 11. In that catalog I have more photos that I don't want. So I decided to export the ones I want then import into PSE 12. As I do this many of the dates on the pictures change from the date taken to the current date. I have tried several different ways and can't stop the dates changing. I am putting them into mobile albums in PSE 12 if that makes a difference.
A client has asked me to re-size all their photos to a 4:3 aspect. How can I add this to an existing pre-set I have for this client? I know I can choose the 4:3 aspect each time and then sync but that's 3 or 4 clicks and whereas if I can add it to an existing preset, it's no extra clicks.
All of a sudden I notice that when I open a file in Autocad Architecture, it shows the file creation date and not the actual last save date. Only thing I can think of is I reinstalled 3dsmax Design and I wonder if that changed something. I attached a screenshot for reference.
Building Suite Premium Win 7, ultimate i7 1.86ghz, 4meg ram ATI 5730
I'm wanting to create a photobook of the last few years and need to order my photos by the date I took them. I am looking at all my photos in the Libaray but they are not in order of the date I took them. I presume it's under Library filters somewhere but I can't find it. I've checked date under attribute but they're not right.
I have a file on my computer that contains photos from two cameras that took photos over the same three week timespan. I have sorted them by date and time. When I import the file the photos from one camera show first followed by the photos from the other camera. How can I import or resort in LR3 to have photos in date/time sequence?
Is there a way of applying a Text Style Preset globally to all photos in your Book? I changed my background color to near black globally and since the default font is also black, all of my captions need to change to white. I'd also like them a little larger. It seems the only way of doing this is by selecting each caption individually, then changing its preset. That's ok for a few photos, but not very appealing for 100.
I import photos direct from camera (5DII) into Lightroom 4.3 the folder automatically created in Lightroom is one day out from the date photo created. Camera, computer and metadata info of file all have correct date. Windows 8 OS.
All photographs collection contains more photos than in folders - (Using LR 4) There are about 6k more photos that are in my catalog (All Photographs) than what is showing up in my folders below. All of my photos are located on an external hard drive. I have them organized by year. So for example, if in LR I click on 'All Photographs' in the library module, I can see hundreds of photos from 2009. I can also see all these photos on my external hard drive under the 2009 folder. However , these photos do not show up under the folders in LR. I've tried 'synchronizing' my folder in LR, but it thinks all of the photos are duplicates, since they are indeed already in the catalog (just not the folder)
I have three weeks of photos from a trip abroad. How can I import several hundred photos and organize them into one file instead of separate files for each date they were taken?