Lightroom :: How To Delete Duplicate Drive In Folders Area

Jan 30, 2012

how I ended up with a shared network drive duplicated under the folders area of Lightroom 3.6.  Maybe it was a user error but now my network drive where I have 15,000 pictures appears twice in the folder area and it is constantly updating (since there are quite a few pictures).
How can I delete the duplicated drive?  I have "removed" all the folders under the duplicated drive (and made it disappear) but the drive keeps coming back as the synchronization process will add all the folders that exist on that drive.
The two drives with "Volume_1" in the name are actually one shared network drive (I only have one). I actually removed my network drive mapping (N:) to fix the problem but that did not even work; LR still found a duplicate name for the same network drive and started to synchronize (again).

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Lightroom :: Duplicate Hard Drive In Catalog Folders

Feb 27, 2013

I just upgraded my external hard drive and named the new drive with the exact same name as the original, lets call this HD-1. My entire LR gallery is on this drive. After doing a complete backup to the new drive I opened LR and all Folders and Collects were in their place as they should be.
The Problem -

When I imputed new photos, a new duplicate hard drive appeared with the exact same name HD-1 and holding the newly imported images (which were placed in a subfolder at time of import)

- So now my Catalog shows two hard drives called HD-1. For sake of this discussion I will label them HD-1a and HD-1b. HD-1a has the original photos and HD-1b has the newly imported photos.

- I tried draging the new subfolder of photos for HD-1b to HD-1a but I get a message that the folder already exists, even though it doesn't show in the HD-1a folder structure.

- I created a new sub-folder in HD-1a and was able to drag the photos into it. I then deleted the empty folder on HD-1b. As soon as this was done the duplicate hard drive, HD-1b disapeared.

- I thought this solved the problem but as I was working on images by opening them from LR into Photoshop, the HD-1b drive reappered in my catalog with the PS created files in them.

- So it looks like LR will put any newly created or improted photo file into HD-1b. I can't seem to find a way around this. For some reason LR doesn't want to write new files into HD-1a even though it recognizes it and has no problem reading the existing files.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Sub Folders Without Deleting Photos In Sub Folders

Jul 6, 2012

How do I delete sub-folders in Lightroom without deleting the photos in those sub-folders?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Duplicate Folders Being Created On Import?

Mar 10, 2013

duplicate folders being created with Lightroom 4.3 on import?
When I import photos, they go to a folder with a name "XXX" for example.
The folder is in a hierarchy of "2013, March, XXX".
Lightroom creates a folder  here and above 2013! It is making a mess of my library.
Also, when I import using Photo Mechanic (great software that just works!) and then do a "synchronize folder" in Lightroom, only 1 photo is transferred.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 (Mac) Is Creating Duplicate Folders When Import Photos

Dec 10, 2013

Lightroom creates new duplicate folders when I import photos.
My directory structure is:
When I import, Lightroom creates a duplicate "Lightroom" folder, which it places into the 2013 folder. Inside that folder it places a duplicate 2013-12 folder and inside that the photos.
Alternatively, it sometimes places the new folder (this time named "lightroom" [lower-case "l"] at the same directory level as the "Lightroom" folder.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 - External Drive And Duplicate Files

Nov 1, 2013

I moved my images to an external drive through LR5.2.  Everything is working great except there are 6 files (organized by date) that LR says already exist on the external drive.  They are not on the external drive and I can't seem to get LR to move them.  Everything is in date order, so it's easy to see thay they are not there. How to move these files?  BTW this has happened with more than one batch move... now I have a few dates from each move that remain on my computer leaving holes in the file dates on the external drive.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Duplicate Files

Mar 25, 2011

I see I have some Files with a little notice on top saying 1of2. Now when I click the delete option, it only offer the usual way to delete from catalog or move from disk, but where do I choose to just delete one of the duplicates?

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Lightroom :: 4 Will Not Move Some Folders To New Drive?

Jan 5, 2013

I successfully moved most of my Lightroom photos from one external drive which was nearly full to a new 1 TB drive.  However, 95 photos out of over 16,000 would not move.  I figured out it was because I had originally copied them to the old drive from a CD and the permissions were read only.  So I went into Finder-Get Info and changed the permissions on all 95 files to read and write.  Now, however, Lightroom will not transfer the folders containing the files to the new drive.  It says "A Folder Named . . . already exists at this location."  However, the folder doesn't show up in Lightroom.  Lightroom did create the folder, and it shows in Finder, but it does not show in the LR catalog and I can't import files into it. 

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Lightroom :: Folders In L/R But Not On Hard Drive

Oct 30, 2012

L/R 4 shows my folders and subfolders but oddly, when I go to folder 2012 on my hard drive, it shows 25,000 images loose in the folder, no subfolders. I did move these folders to an external drive and then put them back. Maybe that messed things up.

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Lightroom :: Exporting To Same Folders On New Drive?

Aug 12, 2012

How can I export Photos to a similar fold structure on a ned drive?  I don't want to simply copy the photos over I want to create a new but identical folder structure with processed versions of the photos to hand over on an external drive.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 From PC To Mac Via Ext Drive - Can't Move Folders

Jul 19, 2013

I'm in the process of migrating from Windows (7) to an iMac which has been a partial success re Lightroom but I'm having problems with moving folders / files within LR (4.4).
On the Windows PC I had all of my photos on the hard-drive (with duplicate back-ups) and my intention was to move only a proportion of these onto the iMac, leaving older folders on an external drive - again with backups. To migrate to the iMac I had initial success as follows:
1. Installed LR 4.4 on the iMac.

2. Moved all photos onto an external drive from within LR.

3. Copied across the lrcat and lrdta files and the presets to the iMac

4. Started LR and loaded the copied catalogue - worked fine - see all my folders plus their question marks as expected.

5. Was able to re-linked the folders (still on the external drive) within LR - question marks disappeared, able to access & develop folders/files on the ext drive within LR - good.

6. Then the problems occurred when within LR I tried to move folders from the external drive to the iMac (into a top-level 'Lightroom Photos'  folder I created within Pictures) but the following then happens:
When I drag a folder up from the ext to the main drive I get the usual 'moving files on disk warning' box, click 'Move' to confirm but then I get an error message 'Could not complete the folder move. An unknown error occurred', click OK and the folder has remained on the external drive. Oddly, when I check via Finder the folder has been created within my 'Lightroom Photos' folder although it doesn't show there in LR and no photos are included in it - they're still on the hard-drive.
I did think this might be something to do with the format of the ext drive - it is shows as read only and is NFTS and I now understand this can be a problem when writing to it from an iMac - but I appear to be able to 'develop' photos on the external drive.
I did find a 'workaround' - in Finder I copied a folder directly into the 'Lightroom Photos' folder on the hard-drive and managed to link to it by clicking on the question mark originally created by the lrcat copy. Seems a bit cumbersome and I would then have to delete the originals from the ext drive but does this sound okay? Why I can't move them from the ext drive from within LR but can work on them whilst still on that drive?

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Lightroom :: Duplicate Volume Headers Of Single External Drive?

Jan 8, 2013

Thier external hard drive is showing up twice in the Folder panel.  Two volume headers are displayed, but again there's only one drive.  At first glance it looked as though they were dupicate lists.  But, upon further clicking, we found that they are not the same.  One header shows 9 folders less and 2000 images less.  One shows some LR modifications of the images, but the other header doesn't of the same images.  All new imports go header #2, though all previous imports are in both headers.  There are missing images in one header, but they are not missing in the other.
Using the comand Show in Finder shows of course the same folder (again there's only one drive).  Trying to move a folder or image from one volume header to the other gives an expected error of "there's already and item of that name..."  Syncronizing the same folder in each volume header gives different results (we aborted of course).
It's almost as if there are two catalogs running simulatiously.  Each showing something different for the same volume.
Oh, I was just informed that this occured just after an upgrade from LR 3.6 to LR 4.3.  Mac OS 10.7.

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Lightroom :: Creating Duplicate Folder On External Hard Drive?

Mar 11, 2014

When I am importing photos into LR5 and sending them to my hard drive at the same time LR is creating  a duplicate folder of the same size on my external hard drive. It creates the folder I tell it to create then it create a duplicate folder called "imported on, date, year"  Questions: Why is this happening? Is there a setting in LR I am missing. Most important question, can I delete this folder,  I want to make sure it holds not important information.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Duplicate Presets In Bulk

Feb 2, 2014

By mistake I have imported presets twice and as they are huge in numbers, I would like to know a method to delete those duplicate presets using an easy method.
Note: I don't want to find every duplicate preset one by one and thus asking for a solution to find all the duplicate presets at once and then delete it.

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Lightroom :: Delete Duplicate Pictures In Catalog?

Jan 14, 2014

In Lightroom how do I delete duplicate pictures in my catalog? I accidently imported twice.

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Lightroom :: Changing Drive Letter In Folders In V5

Jan 10, 2014

I moved my photos to another drive ( folder structure is the same, but drive letter is diferent).

How can I change drive letter for all my folders at once?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Unable To See All The Folders On External Drive

Jan 22, 2013

Computer (laptop) shut down while viewing images on ent drive, After restarting the computer, LR in not picking up the primary folders on the drive, only the latest sub folders.

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Lightroom :: Best Way To Fix Folders In V4 Catalogue And On Hard Drive?

Mar 27, 2012

only have 200 photos in V4.  I made the mistake of moving and deleting folders on my hard drive and not in LR, now my folder organization is a mess and doesn't match.  Can I delete the catalogue and reorganize my hard drive the way I want it then re - import it all to LR?  If so how do I do this. Does this remove the folder organization in LR, as it is not correct either. My catalogue has not been backed up yet.    I have HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook and Win 7.?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Can't See Folders On External Hard Drive

Jan 18, 2013

When I go to import to select the device from which to import in, it doesn't show me the folders in that device. So I click show subfolders and then it shows me my thousands of photosI want to be able to select the folders to look at from my External Hard drive but there is no drop down menu.

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Lightroom :: Where Did External Hard Drive Folders Go

Feb 17, 2014

I use lightoom everyday, editing images from multiple external hard drives. These hard drives appear as their own folders, but today they are gone. Only my Macintosh HD is listed under folders. I can get to all the images through the Mac HD folder, but I am wondering why my hard drives are no longer listed as folders. They are not offline or missing.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - External Hard Drive Not Appear In Folders Panel

Apr 4, 2014

My external hard drive does not appear in my folders panel in Lightroom 5.3. What should I do?

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Folders And Catalogs

Jan 9, 2014

Step by step on how to delete folders and catalogs in lightroom 5.

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Lightroom :: Delete Duplicate Entry From External Editor List (4.3)?

Mar 25, 2013

I just want to clean up some duplicate entries from the external editor drop down list. I know how to create them but how do you delete them?

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Lightroom :: How To Find Missing Folders / When Drive Letter Has Changed

Jan 18, 2012

I am using Windows Vista and Lightroom 3.The drive letter for my external hard drive has changed from "J"  to "L".  I changed my import preset to "L", so I can now import and access new files.  However, all of my previous imports are on this elusive "J"  drive, which no longer exists.  When I open J from the folders list in Lightroom it shows all my folders with the  dreaded giant "?".  I have tried to synchronize these folders by right clicking to "merge folders". This did not work. I can open all of these files from my back up folder, but I can't do anything with them in Lightroom.  Half of my catalog is un usable.

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Lightroom :: Folders Not Available On Removable Media When Assigned Different Drive Letter

Dec 26, 2013

I have LR 5.2 and I move files off onto a removable drive as a back-up and it allows me to share the pictures with them when they sometimes lose them.  Windows 7 routinely assigns the drive to the letter M:, N:, and sometime P: and apparently I cannot see the folders unless the drive is assigned the same letter as it was when I imported the pictures into the catalog.  The folders don’t even show up in the library, but if I do an import all of the folders appear as valid destinations within LR. How can I fix this?  The first picture is a screen shot of the library; notice that the year 2013 is missing.  The second screen shot is what appears when I go to import; note that 2013 appears.  The folders simply do not appear in LR except when I attempt import.
When I look at N: in my “working catalog” it shows it as having catalog “AUMC” but the folders in it belong to the part of my working catalog that I have moved to a different external drive since they’re old picture I don’t use much.  They all have question marks, but they are resolved with I attach the external drive with those folders on it.

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Lightroom :: Doesn't Recognize All Folders On External Hard Drive

Apr 4, 2013

I bachup with an external hard drive(ehd), itcotains folders fro 2007 to 2013 plus a "test"folder. when i plug it into my computer and open light room,in the left hand pannel where the ehd appears, it shows all the folders except 2009 ,2013 and the "test" folder. why doesn't L.R. read all of the ehd.,,

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Lightroom :: Best Way To Delete Folders And Collections From Library?

Jan 4, 2014

I have approximately 500 photographs in folders and collections. Want to delete them and start over. What is the best way to go back to Lightroom 5 cc as it was when initially downloaded?

Using Mac running Maverick.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Develop Preset Folders

May 11, 2012

I'm wondering if it's possible to delete the develop preset folders that come pre-installed with LR 4.  I don't see them in the Develop Presets folder in Application Support/Adobe, and right-clicking on the folders themselves in LR doesn't provide the option to delete.
The folders I'm talking about are:
Lightroom B&W Filter Presets
Lightroom B&W Presets
Lightroom B&W Toned Presets

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Folder With All Thousands Of Previews Folders In It

Aug 1, 2012

Instead of "removing" a folder with thousands of photos I went in to Windows Explorer deleted the catalog, the locked file and a few other folders. However, when I try to delete the folder with all the thousands of previews folders in it I get a message telling me that I can't delete them because they are being used by another program. I don't have Lightroom open when I try to do this so my question is: how can I simply delete those folders from my hard drive?

Do I have to un-install Lightroom to do this? Hopefully not.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete DNGs From Hard Drive

Aug 14, 2013

My start up disc is filling up and I have to delete a couple of thousand DNG's.  When I go to do so, I am told that metadata has to be changed before I can do so.  What do I actually have to do ? 

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Lightroom :: 4 - Can't Seem To Delete Files From External Drive?

Aug 18, 2013

I decided to use my external drive and imported my pics to lightroom 4.  I went through a few and flagged (rejected) several.  When I tried to delete them, I get the prompt that asks if I want to remove from the library or permanently delete from disk.  I choose the latter but then nothing happens. 

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