Lightroom :: 4.1 Creating Duplicate Directory References
Jul 28, 2012
I keep recreating my directory tree to fix this, but LR keeps recreating a folder with the same name as my import folder. So imagine my overall structure is:
Mac Hard Drive
LR Photos
Many folders, including ...
LR will create a new directory reference at the top of the list of directories, in lowercase. So at the top of the directory list, you'll see, after an import ...
lr photos (note lowercase)
I'm attaching a screenshot ... (with lots of folder names deleted obviously)
It seems like it's related to the import process, but i never manually type or change during imports -- i leave it alone, and yet it makes this new lowercase reference. (it does not actually create new folders on the hard drive.)
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Dec 10, 2013
Lightroom creates new duplicate folders when I import photos.
My directory structure is:
When I import, Lightroom creates a duplicate "Lightroom" folder, which it places into the 2013 folder. Inside that folder it places a duplicate 2013-12 folder and inside that the photos.
Alternatively, it sometimes places the new folder (this time named "lightroom" [lower-case "l"] at the same directory level as the "Lightroom" folder.
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Oct 25, 2013
I am using Light room 5..upgraded from 3.Discovered Light room had been sending images into my music folder called 2013 as well as the picture folder I chose as export destination.Editing was showing in both.
I thought this was just virtual copy, not to worry.. until I tried to delete it in my music folder..and the recycle bin found the folder too large and only the option was to delete permanently? Seriously a huge file! (in a very short time) So I did delete folder 2013 ..and another folder was recreated in my music folder (2013) with the very next edit.
I created a new catalogue “going in the back door of Light room”.. and moved this "music folder" into pictures folder within Light room as well and then clicked the option of always load this new catalogue on start up. Tried another edit this morning.
If I import a whole folder of mixed RAW and jpeg images, but only edit one. The whole imported selection will be sent to my music folder..and where Lightroom can only find the images.
If I delete this folder and go back to the original RAW file in Light room..a preview of the image cannot be shown in develop module...although the image can be developed.
Plus...the original RAW file is still in the original folder within the picture folder as well...and the edited picture is in a separate correct picture folder where I intended it to go. So It seems I am duplicating the RAW files into this very mysterious folder as soon as I import them.
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Mar 11, 2014
When I am importing photos into LR5 and sending them to my hard drive at the same time LR is creating a duplicate folder of the same size on my external hard drive. It creates the folder I tell it to create then it create a duplicate folder called "imported on, date, year" Questions: Why is this happening? Is there a setting in LR I am missing. Most important question, can I delete this folder, I want to make sure it holds not important information.
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Feb 9, 2013
Is it possible to create more than one data reference at a time?
I have approximately 30 alignments with over 100 profiles in my profile design drawing. The interface to create the data shortcuts allows me to do so by selecting multiple alignments and profiles. This works well and is efficient. To create the data references I have to create the reference for each alignment and profile one at time. I estimate this will take at least 30 minutes.
I am using Civil 3D 2012.
Civil 3D 2012 SP3 | Win 7 64-bit SP1
Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.60GHz, 16GB Ram | NVidia Quadro 600
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Jan 15, 2008
I have created a 12" X 36" photograph that I want to print. To print it I will have to pay for a 24" X 36" print so I want to duplicate or tile the same picture (one on top of the other) so that I get two prints for the price of one. I can't figure out how to do this in photoshop.
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Nov 11, 2013
I have setup a command within an action to "merge visible (with duplicate)"... and sometimes this action runs perferctly well and does what its supposed to, but other times it simply performs "merge visible" without creating a duplicate, and thereafter the action has been changed to "merge visible" forever, until I re-record it that is.
Is this behaviour normal? Can it be fixed?
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Sep 11, 2012
why content center creates duplicates of existing folders?. Some of the folders have 6 or 8 versions and there is also a duplicate EN-US folder within the EN-US folder with nested folders. So bottom line i have multiple locations and nested files within the content center. Needless to say there is a lot of time spent pointing inventor to the parts necessary to open an assembly.
We are working on a network and are all pointing to the same content center location. We are all using the same project files. Sometimes it works as you would expect, other times not.
Windows 7 64 bit
Inventor 2012 Professional
Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz
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Feb 21, 2012
Just noticed that all photos that I had imported since last July have disappeared from the library. I've checked that I'm not using the backup library. I'm not sure what is the cause or even really if it just happened. I've imported photos last week, and those are present. But those added between end of July and end of December (the last import before the one last week) are gone. The files itself are still present, but they are not part of the library anymore. Though, I'm happy the originals are intact, I'm frustrated at the thought of redoing all the keywords, ratings and develop settings.
My setup: mbp with 2 drives (one contains all applications, the other has lightroom library). The raw files are on an external drive. Until today I've been using version 3.5. I upgraded to 3.6, hoping that maybe this will fix this, but no luck.
How I can restore references to the images in my library?
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Oct 3, 2012
I would like to export this to use as visual references for a client to see.
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Jul 12, 2013
I merged two databases and renamed the merged database. I renamed both the Ircat file and the Previews file. The database opens and displays correctly with my history displayed in the Develop module. However when I close Lightroom with the Backup option, the backup directory is not created.I have Lightroom 5 installed on a Windows 7 desktop computer.
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Sep 22, 2013
I tried the HOME key, but nothing happend.
How can I go to the first or last image without pressing for several minutes left or right arrow?
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Apr 8, 2012
I have Lightroom 3.6. I also have a lot of images. So I got a READYNAS RNDU4000 disk array (RAID) with 4 disks each of 2 TB. My computer is running Windows XP Professional SP3. It mounts the RAID array as a network drive just fine. Now suppose I have some new images. I make a new folder on the RAID array, lets say it is called "WildAnimalPark" and copy the images in there. I start up Lightroom, and choose Import Files, and point it at WildAniamalPark, and it imports the images just fine, and lets me make adjustments. (The Lightroom catalog is in my F drive, a hard drive on my computer.) Now I want to export smaller jpegs suitable for web or e-mail. So I go to File->Export. I tell it to export the images to "Same folder as original photo", and check "Put in Subfolder" and name the subfolder "email". Farther down I ask for the images to be scaled to 800 pixels on the long edge and to limit the file size to 125K. (I doubt these details matter.) When I click "export", it appears like it is going to work. You can see the progress bar move across as it makes the files. But then I get an dialog box that says, "Some export operations were not performed. The file could not be written," followed by a list of off the files it should have written. When I look it the original directory, I see that it has created the subfolder "email" (so it really can write to the RAID array), but it is empty.
I should add that it works perfectly if I put the directory on a local hard drive.
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Mar 13, 2012
I like LR4, the best are the RGB curves :-)
But there are some little things which would make the handling a lot better:
1) Import Dialog
If I want to import a directory from the harddrive and I navigate to it using the dialog it will start scanning the whole drive including subfolders for images. That locks up the application so I can either wait for 15 minutes or use the task manager to close it.
I found no way to enable/disable the setting "include subfolders" from case to case.
2) Import Dialog
The setting "handle JPEG with RAW" is burried in the general property dialog, but it should be part of the import dialog - logically.
3) Import Dialog
I would like to sort by file TYPE - this way I can easily select the RAWs only, and only pick the JPPE I really like.
4) Library View
There are all sorts for X:Y and Y:X zoom setting, but no setting to view the images at a certain output size. How am I supposed to check images if they are ok to be printed ok at 10 x 16 '' for example if my images have a different size?
I dearly miss a possibilty to view at a certain dpi rate, or certain pixel width or inch or cm - the pixel based 1:x zoom rates look a bit dated and not of practical use.
5) Automatic stacks
There is a function to create stacks by time, but not by filename. It would be so practical to stack RAW and JPEG if that would be possible.
6) Print Module
How can I select´the page size in the otherwise very useful print module?
Esspecially when I need to create JPEG - I want to set a desired size.
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May 30, 2012
having backed up my pictures, I usually used "search for missing directory" in the library, browsed to the new drive, chose the directory, and finished.
What's new is, that I can't browse to my harddrives anymore in the dialogue. Only "Desktop" and my username show up, nothing else!
How can I get my pictures back to Lr? Using Lr 3.6
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Jan 4, 2013
I am using Lightroom 4.3 on Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1).
I am unable to import files from an NFS-mounted directory because the folders lack rocker nodes, so I can't navigate through the tree to my existing Photos directory. It isn't practical or desirable to import the entire NFS filesystem.
I originally had the filesystem mounted with these options:
freenas:/mnt/vol_home/nfs_home on /Volumes/home (nfs, nodev, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
And while I can see the root of the filesystem in the left side of the import window, and while the directories have little folder icons next to them, the little triangular rockers next to them are greyed out. If I picked a directory, and checked "include subfolders", then Lightroom would recurse through the tree and show me all of the pictures. But I don't want to import my entire filesystem. I need to navigate down the tree to my photo directory, but the rockers are "greyed out". It's difficult to see them greyed out when the background is grey too, but they are there, faint as they are.
So, I thought maybe the "nobrowse" option had something to do with the inability to navigate. I used "NFS Utility" to remove the "nobrowse"option, and remounted the filesystem. It is now mounted with these options:
freenas:/mnt/vol_home/nfs_home on /Volumes/home (nfs, nodev, nosuid, noatime)
And while I can see the root of the filesystem in the left side of the import window, and while the directories have little folder icons next to them, [most of] the rockers next to them are still greyed out. Here is a screenshot of the import window, alongside a Finder window, which of course lets me open the rockers and navigate just fine. The fact that Finder works implies to me that it isn't a permissions problem. Of course I can also "cd" using the terminal commandline. The navigation problem appears to be limited to the Lightroom application.
only the "rbrown" folder has a working rocker. The other rockers are greyed out (which is really difficult to see). I need to navigate below "rbrown", but cannot. Finder can open the "family" rocker, and can open the subfolders under "rbrown" just fine.
Why does lightroom refuse to let me open these folders?
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Aug 26, 2013
We are attempting to run Lightroom in our photo journalism classes and we are unable to setup the application because it will not create the Catalog file.
All of the users in Open Directory have their OSX 10.8 home folder stored on our Apple Server. This enabled them to log into any of the computers in the lab and have access to their data/documents.
Lightroom refuses to create the Catalog file because it treats the home folder as a network folder.
My predecessor found some way around this in the past but he didn't document it and I can't find any evidence of it either.
Surely there are other people out there trying to use Adobe Products who also utilize Apple's "Open Directory" (its like apple's version of Active Directory).
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Mar 31, 2011
Is it possible to change the default import directory from "My Pictures" to a different directory? It gets tedious to have to specify the directory I want to use every single time I import and I have not found a way to make this change sticky.
That seems like it should be a preference but I can find no way to make this change.
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Feb 9, 2012
Using Lightroom 3 - I am importing photos into folders and subfolders with titles created in the destination panel -
the titles display in the destination panel as well as in the hard drive root directory under pictures - Lightroom - my Lightroom photos - title of folder of subfolder etc. as expected.
After the photos are imported and I go back into the library to review them - clicking on Macintosh HD (I am using OS X version 10.7.3) reveals only dates the photos were taken and no root directory folder or subfolder titles. Using catalog I can see that all of the photos have been imported into the library.
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Nov 13, 2012
Why is the Nikon P7700 not listed in the camera profile dirctory of Lightroom 4.2, and not selectable in calibration menu?
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Aug 4, 2011
Using an external Raid0 drive for the working files directory with LR3+ and Windows 7 64? The raw files are mainly from a Canon 5D2 making them in excess of 20Meg after conversion to dng.
My workflow means files are moved over to other drives within a week or so and will be backed up from the external RAID daily as well but this isn't about backup but rather a fast and flexible system that allows me to work on the files on several different PCs easily.
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Mar 11, 2012
My system:
- AMD 6 core CPU
- 8GB Ram
- Win 7 64bit
- AMD Radeon HD5770 graphic card.
LR4 takes 10 minutes or more to import 3 pictures. Importing these pictures in LR3 takes a few seconds.I did some checks: Using a new catalog (and not the converted one) and importing a sub folder of my picture directory has no effect. It takes also very long.
Importing a sub folder without videos is fast! But even if the videos are already imported (because of using the LR3 converted catalog), when adding new pictures to a subfolder it takes again 10 minutes. Importing videos in a fresh catalog does not work at all (they are only available if you convert the LR3 catalog) (Canon Powershot Ixus S95)
I have also a problem with playing (the LR3 catalog converted) videos. The video control bar does not react. After some minutes there is an error message that there was an error trying to work with the picture.
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Jan 8, 2012
I have created a hodge podge of directories with images in various locations. I want to re-organize all my images into the single location and organization in a logical directory structure. Now for my question. Would I be better off moving all my files into the new directory structure then create a new master catalog then import into the new catalog? I am wanting to develop and use import templates to better organize and document my images... btw, I am not opposed to upgrading v3 if this will make things easier... just haven't had a need as yet.
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May 9, 2012
I am trying to automate the sorting and movement of older photos into my preferred directory arrangement of capture year/day shown here:
From directories of older directories that were imported before I started using year/day:
This would be very tedious to do manually. My next idea is to re-import them with MOVE option, but I would lose all the editing. Is there any way to re-import these while preserving the edit steps?
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Nov 8, 2013
I have just recently started seeing something strange in my lightroom 5 library. There are two copies of some of my CR2 files. One copy is the original import, such as flower.cr2. This file has none of my edits, just the import. The second copy is called flower-2.cr2. This file has import and all of my edits.
When I originally edited the flower file, there was only the original. Most of my photos are as they should be, with just one CR2 file that includes the import and all of my edits.what could be going on with my library/catalog?
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Sep 17, 2013
The new ability to allow duplication of an adjustment brush marker is great, but I can't seem to find a way to place/move the duplicate. It seems to just get dropped right overtop of the original which makes it completely indistinguishable. Seems the only way to access the original marker(s) underneath is to delete the one(s) on top. Am I missing something?
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Nov 13, 2007
I have recently undertaken to run a serious test of LR 1.2--as I did with previous versions-- to see if it was at the stage of development where it would improve my workflow over my present applications. Most everything is much better than before, but I have discovered a killer bug.
I work in a group of four other photographers. We are constantly mixing and matching images from our various DBs/shots for client presentations, frequently mixing shots already in a DB with some that are recent and not yet DBed In the end, of course, we want one DB that incorporates all our collective images. This arrangement lends itself to imports that often will contain duplicates of given, uniquely identified, images.
I discovered that even with the box checked to not import duplicates, that LR is hopelessly inconsistent in stopping the import of absolutely identical files with absolutely identical names, extensions, metadata, etc.
As a test, I imported a set of 50 images--various formats, etc--all of which were in LR already. I ran the test three times. The first test resulted in LR identifying 3 dups, the second test 17 dups, and the third 13 dups. I also tried this test using images that were in two separate LR catalogues--identical in every respect. LR did not identify even one duplicate image of the fifty in this case.
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Mar 25, 2011
I see I have some Files with a little notice on top saying 1of2. Now when I click the delete option, it only offer the usual way to delete from catalog or move from disk, but where do I choose to just delete one of the duplicates?
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May 1, 2013
I am having an issue with moving or adding DNG's to lightroom after a conversion is performed by Adobe DNG converter ~ lightroom is creating a 2nd folder within the folder I created ~ each folder is having the new, converted images uploaded, therefore creating duplicates.
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Jun 27, 2013
I wish to remove the duplicate images and re-import the non-duplicates into Lightroom 5 but still keep the present collections with the appropriate images.
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Mar 25, 2014
When I go to import photos from my external drive into lightroom 5 i am unable to select any of the photos because it says that "this appears to be a duplicate of another photo in the catalog" . This means I may have imported them previously but I cannot find where i imported them to. Is there any way that i can find the photo in the catalog? When i click on Library and Find and search for any of the file names it none of them ever come up. I can uncheck "Don't import suspected duplicates" but i would rather make sure that i did my best to look for the previous import.
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