Lightroom :: How To Restore References To Images In Library
Feb 21, 2012
Just noticed that all photos that I had imported since last July have disappeared from the library. I've checked that I'm not using the backup library. I'm not sure what is the cause or even really if it just happened. I've imported photos last week, and those are present. But those added between end of July and end of December (the last import before the one last week) are gone. The files itself are still present, but they are not part of the library anymore. Though, I'm happy the originals are intact, I'm frustrated at the thought of redoing all the keywords, ratings and develop settings.
My setup: mbp with 2 drives (one contains all applications, the other has lightroom library). The raw files are on an external drive. Until today I've been using version 3.5. I upgraded to 3.6, hoping that maybe this will fix this, but no luck.
How I can restore references to the images in my library?
Change to the grid view and resize the LR window by double-clicking the frame title - the window will be resized but the grid view is not updated -
maximing the windows --> blank area to the right of the thumbnails (the images in the grid view)press tab two times to if fix the problemrestore the window--> some thumbnails are only half visible or not visisble at all because there is no horizontal scrollbar and the thumbnails have not been wrappedpress tab two times to if fix the problem
I think I did not have this issue with LR 3.5 - or same problem with LR 3.6?
While editing an image in LR4, I accidentally deleted it from develpment module. I have a problem with restoring it. But I see the same image file by opening Explorer or navigating the original folder of image source. I could not re-import the same deleted image in Library module. ?
I seem to have a corrupted version of LR4 and the Adobe tech in India got on my computer remotely and really screwed me up even worse. He seemed to reset the default system and removed the plist (which I have on my desktop) but the LR version now is showing up as it was 6 months ago and I am missing many images, collections etc. His answer was " Well just re import the images and sorry I don't know MAC".
I have a mac and am not sure where to restore them from in Time Machine or if I put the plist back that will fix the problem. I do not back up in LR since is creates duplicate files which take up way too much space when you have over 50k images.
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
I had to do a new install of Lightroom 3 due to a malware attack on Windows 7. When I attempt to restore the catalog, I get empty images with keywords and flags. How do I fix it?
by mistake I imported (moved) several AVI and MPEG videos into a specific folder that I inteded to use as backup for one of my relatives.
Problem is that my original folders, where I stored these videos, along with specific names regarding genre and/or subject were left intact, with nothing inside them.
I am trying to find a way to "revert" the import process and send those files back to where they belong.
When I used LR3.6 The Library option listed all my files on the left hand side under 'Folder' and showed a sub-folder for each year 2009-2012. I have now upgraded to LR4, and all I can see is 2011. During the install process of LR$ it asked me if I wanted to upgrade the process model, which I said yes and it did. Then, because I had read that 4.1 fixed a lot of issues, I downloaded and installed RC4.1 which I am running now.
How do I make LR4 show me all my Folders? I don't think I should be re-importing them all.
I have a folder with no images in it that were there. I right click and synchronize the folder and grayed out images appear. Mousing over an image produces a message that says this image is alread in library. How do I recover to see images?
For no reason I can think of, sometimes the photo I see is different from the one that should be there. The correct one shows up in Develop, but I don't understand why Library shows a different one. Sometimes all the images in a folder get shifted over by one, or sometimes one is a duplicate view of another. And then for no reason it seems to resolve. But meanwhile I'm afraid to export the catalog to copy on another computer for fear that I'm exporting incorrect data.
I have Just upgraded my LR3 catalogs to LR4. I am able to view my images in Library mode but when I switch to Develop it says no photo selected and there are no images in my film strip. What is going on ?
I am ruhnning Windows &7 Pro, 64 bit and I'm experiencing inconsistent behavior in Lightroom 3.5 with regard to moving images within collections. When I try to move an image, to place it in the order in which I would like view the sequence, the image is placed at the end of the sequence no matter where I place it initially. I've tried the filmstrip view and the grid view and it happens in both. I recall doing this without problems previously however it was in the imported Library not a collection, but why would this be different?? One still needs to reorder images in collections. I've made certian to change the "sort" option to user each time I've tried to do this.
IN Lightroom 5. I am in the Library Module, in grid view. If I select an image, after a short pause a second image is selected with no input from me and the sync setting buttons become live. I don't think that I have changed my settings anywhere.
I occasionaly edit nudes on my home computer, where my kids have access. Is there a way to keep these images hidden, their location hidden or have them not show in the library thumbnails?
I exported LR3 edited files as web files with a watermark on them. However, I can't seem to find the edited un-watermarked images in the Library, ony the original unedited RAW files and the watermarked web files. I need the edited files prior to my exporting them as watermarked web files.
I have just returned froma trip where I processed images on Lightroom 5 on my laptop. I now want to move the collections to my main library on another drive and computer that uses Lightroom 4. What would be the best way to do this and will I need to upgrade the Lightroom 4 to 5?
I used to be able to highlight several images in the Library Grid mode, type in a Metadata Label, and that label would be applied to all of the images. Doesn't work any longer. What am I missing? Doesn't work for Keywords either.
I am having trouble with the Raw fies that have been adjusted in the Develop Module loosing all of their luster and pop when switching back to Library and exporting. In other words, my adjustments are generally flattened out and colors muted when going from Develop to Library. I see that the Camera Calibration shows only ONE profile option: Matrix. However, the same single option for my 7D is also Matrix but the Raw files appear to hold my adjustments after being made in the Develop module.
I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade. Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.
Our problem with Lightroom is this: After inporting images, they do not show in the library mode. The tree view shows first image of the folder, but the library preview does not open.- Probllem is persistant and any new images after 3 weeks are not showing up.- problem is resistant, we upgraded from 5.0 to 5.3, but problem is consistant.
System specs: Generic computer, 8gb memory, windows 7 ultimate 64bits.c: (SSD) houses lightroom, windows & catalogue files.d: houses inport with Picasa files.p: Container of accepted and to be edited image f
General process of images: Import with picasa of images, verification of image quality and rejecting failures.After all images are done, use of syncredibles program to copy new files not yet on the picasa library folder. This basicly checks and moves pictures that are currently on drive D: but are not yet on drive P. After new files are transferred, then picasa will re-import with add function on import from its own folders.
The divasion of d: and P: driwe is so that picasa will not see images that arte on Lightroom and vice versa.are on D: & P started to get "read obn
We have tried to study this problem, and first we notised that folders that houses images on both driwes, started to receve "read only" atrribute. Even tho we cleared this with user restrictions (folder security) the imported images still refuse to load the previews.Catalogue contains over 30 000 raw images.
We are starting to shoot blanks here. In short, the tree view shows first image of the folder, images are present in the system, but when you click the tree view to open up the folder, no images will refresh to center view of the screen. If pressed couple of times screen will go white, and crash LR.We have tried to "find missing files" and "folder synchronication.
When I open The Lightroom, I do see the Tabs such as: Library Develop and other Tabs on the Top of page.
When I click on Import and I choose a folder I do see all the pictures of that folder in the middle of the page,,But The Tabs such as Library ,Develop, and other Tabs disappear. I am watching a Video Tutorial and I think I am doing some thing wrong.
The library module in the version 4.3 of Lightroom does not show all the images. They are marked with gray boxes instead of images. This is especially true of the images which I tried to import to Lightroom since I downloaded 4.3 a few weeks ago. If I want to seen an image, I have to go to the develop module to see it.
I have just moved from v3.6 to v4.3. When using the library window, grid view, I use the filter bu selecting a specific date but images are being returned incorrectly. For example: When I select a date i.e. 25/05/2011, I have images being shown for that date but also others with a capture date of 06/02/2012. How can this issue be corrected? I have over 60,000 images to review.
I've been having problems with LR 5.2 when I do sharpening (and sometimes spot removal) in the develop module. It looks fine in the develop pane, but when I move to library module the sharpening and spot removal disappear (and reappear when I switch back to develop). The exported images are the same as the view in Library mode. How do I get the exported images to have the sharpening and spot removal that I've done in develop?
Images opening from LR to PS6 are opened as CR2 files (canon) and then saved in PS - the resulting saved images are PSD files. These files are not added to the LR catalog without re-importing them. This behavior is different than it was in CS5 - in CS5 they are opened as PSD and immediately added to the LR catalog. I want the same bahavior in CS6. In LR I have set preferences to open files as PSD but they are not PSD until they are saved in PS.
I would like to use the Library Filter to show images that have a keyword of "Wildflowers" and an empty title. I can do one or the other, but I can't figure out how to have two text filters ANDed together.
I have done but I am using lightroom 1.4. Previously, any pictures I edited would show as an edited file in the library now all that happens is the original image shows as the edited image.