Lightroom :: How To Find Edited Un-watermarked Images In The Library
Jun 6, 2012
I exported LR3 edited files as web files with a watermark on them. However, I can't seem to find the edited un-watermarked images in the Library, ony the original unedited RAW files and the watermarked web files. I need the edited files prior to my exporting them as watermarked web files.
I'm interested in identifying a set of pictures in a large catalog which have been edited. There's 44K images in the catalog.
Is there some way to make a collection of only the images that were modified in Lightroom? And conversely, only those images which were imported with no changes?
I have done but I am using lightroom 1.4. Previously, any pictures I edited would show as an edited file in the library now all that happens is the original image shows as the edited image.
I love LRs ability to create great watermarks. Only thing, they seem to come out (from DNGs) at about 3 mb apiece (quality setting at 79) - super large. So I clicked the box to limit file size, and I chose 300k (for web), and it says "could not create a jpeg that met your limit".
I was wondering if it was possible to set a setting in Lightroom such that when looking through my images in the Library module, I only see the final edited image. For example, if I send the image to Photoshop to do any retouches, it creates a copy of the file. When I save the file in Photoshop, I then have two images in the Library module. However, I would like to keep all the history, but when browsing through my images I would only like to see the final image.
I have a lot of images in my library. Last night I was working on a picture, I had to force restart the computer this morning.Just wondering if there is a way like "previous import" to show the images "Developed"
I don't use smart collections much. Could that be set up as an attribute? Like the way Itunes has last played in decending order.
I'll have to scroll through 5,000 images now to find it and export to PS for some final work.
Adobe informed me that web gallery creation is no longer available in Bridge CC. I was told to download Lightroom for this capability. When I tried to do that, I was told that my operating system 10.6.8 is not compatible. I use 10.6.8 to use third party software. Will Adobe return this feature to Bridge?
If so, add a watermark feature (such as the one that Dr. Russell Brown created for CS6) Also, include more html5 galleries or galleries that will appear on multiple kinds of devices.
If I use the Develop module in LR to edit CR2(Raw) images and want to complete the editing it in CS5 there is no option to 'edit a copy with lightroom adjustments'. I get the option with Jpeg images but not Raw. If I choose Edit in CS5 I just get the original file and not the one I have been working on. How do I ask LR to edit my developed image in CS5? I am usung CS5 and LR4.
I am not sure how, but I ended up with duplicates in my library - probably a couple of hundred. I know there is a checkbox for not importing duplicates. Why is there not a duplicate finder for those already in the library? Or is there? Lightroom 4
Before I upgraded to CS6 and ACR 8.1, LR would properly catalog the externally edited file and it would stack next to the original file.
But now, when I save the file in Photoshop, I would see that the filename change from RAW to Tiff, and the image would save into the source folder. However, there is no file of it in my LR catalog. I would have manually import the externally edited file into the catalog, which I'm sure this is not how it's supposed to work.
System: OSX 10.8.4 2.8 GHz i7 8GB RAM
Software Versions:
LR 5.0 CS 6.0.13 ACR
LR 5 External Editing Settings: Edit in Photoshop CS6 Format: TIFF Color Space: ProPhoto RGB Bit: 16 Res: 300 Compression: none (I keep choosing LZW, but it apparently never remembers my pref)
I would edit some light work on my images and then export it into a folder. It would look fine and have all the features that I edited. Whenever I upload it to other places, it wouldn't take the edits I made and it shows up as the orginal image or maybe a darkened version of it (I'm not sure). The only place that actually takes my edited images as edited, is 500px. For facebook, there were times when I uploaded and it didn't take my edits, but when I exported the image again to a higher resolution of Jpeg, facebook would take the edits.
I wanted to print some photos so I uploaded them to costco or shutterfly, but the images are not the way I edited in Lightroom.
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
Why can’t I find the color profile info in the library ? It’s sometimes necessary to convert to sRGB for some applications ( internet, some beamers in clubs,…). I convert them but afterwards it is nice to have the possibility to check this out and should be possible in lightroom, the info is present why not showing it ( it is not so easy to go in finder and look at it in info for every image)? Since I’m always working in Adobe profile for printing and so this is important to know !
I have been exporting photos into a folder called edited in my originals folder. then i delete the originals and dump the edited into the main folder. but then i can no longer access the photos in lightroom because it says the file is missing. what am i doing wrong? do i have to keep originals and edited photos in my folders? i try to export to replace originals but that doesnt work and it will only work if i put in sub folder. i dont want to keep a copy of originals and edited, but i also dont want to not be able to make more edits in the future.
I have been using Lightroom 4 with a subscription on my personal computer. I am now taking a class at a college where they have Lightroom 2 on the computer lab's computers. Can I use/convert a lightroom 4 catelog or .dng picture from 4 to 2 without losing my editing work?
I'm using LR 4.4 on an iMac with OsX 10.8.3. As suggested in the following link [URL]...I created a Filename Preset with this format: Myname-YYYY-MM-DD-Filename Number Suffix. This preset works as expected when I export files that haven't been edited in Photoshop CS5. However, when I save a file after editing in PS and return to LR the file name look like this: Myname-YYYY-MM-DD-4369-Edit.tif. When I then use my Filename Preset when exporting, LR strips off the "-4369-Edit". I don't care about loosing the "-Edit" but I want to retain the Filename Number Suffix. How can I retain my filename number suffix?
Recently my hard drive took a (hike) and crashed - data may or may not be recoverable (Geeks are working on that), and I needed to reinstall my CS5 and Lightroom software to a new hard drive (I had to buy a new one). All of my RAW photos are stored on an external drive and were not harmed. Here is my dilemma. Most of the presets I used also went crashing with that hard drive, (yes I believe they were backed up but also on that hard drive...stupid I know-trust me I know!!) but most of them were the free ones from the adobe recommended users on this site. I actually found many of my favorites still posted on the Adobe site and re-downloaded and installed the presets I'd been using the past year and a half, and imade sure those presets were housed properly in their folder via Preferences in Lightroom. Great. I can continue on with my work. WRONG! When I went to go import a recent shoot that I had already edited, it imported the RAW files but none of the previous edits I had worked on for these photos were showing was as if I didn't even touch them and they came right from my camera. What in the world is going on? I'm baffled...and freaking out as I have thousands upon thousands of edited shoots in RAW, and I fear that none of the edits and enhancements made to those photos are going to be present and I'll have to start over. that all of my last 2 years of editing photos are still with the RAW files?!!!
I found a deal on a an HP Intell Core i7 processor) 2 TB hard drive tower, so I ended up needing to install the 64 bit versions of CS5 and Lightroom 3.6. I did test out the RAW (.NEF) file in Photoshop CS5 and my edited RAW image came up "correctly" - so I know that the information is still with the RAW image...I just need it to work and show in lightroom, as it is easier to export the files to the sizes I need them to be.
When I used LR3.6 The Library option listed all my files on the left hand side under 'Folder' and showed a sub-folder for each year 2009-2012. I have now upgraded to LR4, and all I can see is 2011. During the install process of LR$ it asked me if I wanted to upgrade the process model, which I said yes and it did. Then, because I had read that 4.1 fixed a lot of issues, I downloaded and installed RC4.1 which I am running now.
How do I make LR4 show me all my Folders? I don't think I should be re-importing them all.
I have a folder with no images in it that were there. I right click and synchronize the folder and grayed out images appear. Mousing over an image produces a message that says this image is alread in library. How do I recover to see images?
Just noticed that all photos that I had imported since last July have disappeared from the library. I've checked that I'm not using the backup library. I'm not sure what is the cause or even really if it just happened. I've imported photos last week, and those are present. But those added between end of July and end of December (the last import before the one last week) are gone. The files itself are still present, but they are not part of the library anymore. Though, I'm happy the originals are intact, I'm frustrated at the thought of redoing all the keywords, ratings and develop settings.
My setup: mbp with 2 drives (one contains all applications, the other has lightroom library). The raw files are on an external drive. Until today I've been using version 3.5. I upgraded to 3.6, hoping that maybe this will fix this, but no luck.
How I can restore references to the images in my library?
For no reason I can think of, sometimes the photo I see is different from the one that should be there. The correct one shows up in Develop, but I don't understand why Library shows a different one. Sometimes all the images in a folder get shifted over by one, or sometimes one is a duplicate view of another. And then for no reason it seems to resolve. But meanwhile I'm afraid to export the catalog to copy on another computer for fear that I'm exporting incorrect data.
I have Just upgraded my LR3 catalogs to LR4. I am able to view my images in Library mode but when I switch to Develop it says no photo selected and there are no images in my film strip. What is going on ?
I am ruhnning Windows &7 Pro, 64 bit and I'm experiencing inconsistent behavior in Lightroom 3.5 with regard to moving images within collections. When I try to move an image, to place it in the order in which I would like view the sequence, the image is placed at the end of the sequence no matter where I place it initially. I've tried the filmstrip view and the grid view and it happens in both. I recall doing this without problems previously however it was in the imported Library not a collection, but why would this be different?? One still needs to reorder images in collections. I've made certian to change the "sort" option to user each time I've tried to do this.
IN Lightroom 5. I am in the Library Module, in grid view. If I select an image, after a short pause a second image is selected with no input from me and the sync setting buttons become live. I don't think that I have changed my settings anywhere.
I occasionaly edit nudes on my home computer, where my kids have access. Is there a way to keep these images hidden, their location hidden or have them not show in the library thumbnails?
I have just returned froma trip where I processed images on Lightroom 5 on my laptop. I now want to move the collections to my main library on another drive and computer that uses Lightroom 4. What would be the best way to do this and will I need to upgrade the Lightroom 4 to 5?