I created a thread asking for someone to make a logo for my band because I don't know very much about photoshop. Because I didn't read the rules the thread was closed. So I would like to show the logo I came up with,
new file and I wonder what options I have to choose.
I would like to create a logo for a website that can also be used for printing. The logo for the website has to have a transparant background so that what is now white in the first attached image will be the color of the website.
I would also like to be able to later change the colors in the logo. (like the second version with a black background and white text)
Is what I want possible ?
So what mode do I best choose ?
CYMK for printing or RGB for web ? or doesn't it matter ?
I have a few pictures of a logo that I would like to scan onto the back of a t-shirt. However, I only have the logo in a picture of someone else wearing it. So I've realized that I need to re-create the logo all together and make it the appropriate size so that it fits on the back of the t-shirt.
I have PS 7.0 and I need to make a logo for my company. I work for a branch of a national company and I have examples of what I need but those examples have other addresses on them. How do I get rid of the other branches' address and put mine in?
I am looking to begin designing a logo for my band, and I would like to create one similar to the one that Ensiferum uses. Now I know I would need to create it using the pen tool, how do I make all the letters without making them look like I did them in paint,
I'm trying to create a simple but memorable and unique logo for my daughter's daycare center. The owner wanted to put this logo on tshirts, so it's gotta be able to be silkscreen or easy to print for iron on transfers. It's a Christian Organization, but the logo can't state that, or it can but very subtle.
With that this is what we came up with and what i created using PSCS2. Please tell me if there is anything else it could use or take away from. I appreciate the feedback. I'm not a graphic designer at all, so I'm still learning a lot. I have made a couple of signature jpg for a couple of forums but that's it.
She now tells me she wants it in different sizes without pixel issues. The only way I know to do this is through vectorizing the file. Is there any way at all possible to save this file as a vector without re-creating it?
The file is a multi-layered product which I felt was a bad idea for a logo, but it's what they wanted.
I've read through googling, there are programs to do this for me. I also read somewhere where I could export the file out as a PDF and CorelDraw could do it. But does this mean tracing out the file -- and basically recreating it?
To make a long story short, is photoshop what I should use to create it? I'd like it to be scalable, vector I believe it's called, but wouldn't Illustrator be a better choice for this? The logo will probably be some fancy text, with a bit of a effect, and a very simple identification mark.
where I can find a vector download like the base of this classic surfboard logo? I am working on a simular logo and really like the curved diamond outline. I'm pretty sure I can accomplish the fill, text and such, but I'm having a great deal of trouble trying to create the basic diamond.Â
I am trying to create a hi res version of a logo for someone. Â If I copy and place the logo as a smart object into a photoshop file and then save it as a .tif with 300 dpi resolution and CMYK should that make it a hi res version?
I'm trying to create a very high quality crips website logo using Photoshop or Illustrator, but everytime I export the design into PNG, the text borders are not as crip compared with Google logo. How do I create a very crips and sharp logo using Adobe software? What software, how to export, what the size of the document should be, what resolution, any detailed tricks, designs and pointers..I know I can create a logo, but it is blurry and it shows. When I put my logo on a gray background for instance, the text becomes more blurrier.
I created a .png file from our organization logo. I used the magic wand to select and "delete" the backgound, leaving it transparent. However, when placed on our web site, the logo edges have a slight line. What must I do to not have the lines (to make the background truly transparent)?
So I've created a few different blocks of text, which appear as different layers in the layers dialog box.
The area I've created them in 640x400. The various words placed together is much smaller though. So I want to crop the image to just be their size. However, attempting to select all the text bits fails, as I seem to be confined to whatever layer I last clicked on the layers dialog box. e.g. The word "shop" is selected, and highlighting all words using results in only the word "shop" being active to work with.
How do I unselect a layer, or choose all of them??
I want to create a small custom set of extended uppercase characters for a company logo.  I am starting with H&FJ's Idle wild and then extending it even further. I'm initially squashing it vertically to 75%. This looks as bad as you'd imagine - the contrast of the letter forms is distorted (the horizontal lines look too thin compared to the vertical lines). However my earlier rough attempt to mimic the original contrast (ratio of width of vertical lines to horizontal lines is approximately 7:6) created something that I'm fairly happy with.  (Note that whilst I have now purchased Idle wild, I initially copied sample text from the H&FJ website and used Illustrator's trace function to create what is shown below, which explains the rather random bezier point placement. Incidentally I actually quite like some of the quirks this introduced to the letter forms - in particular the terminals of the S and the top of the A)  The word has only seven characters - ACHORST  Some of these (HT) are easy to fix manually. But in particular the round letters (COS) require a bit more thought.  I'm pretty sure back 15 years ago I could have got most of the way there quickly with CorelDRAW. From memory there was an option to use strokes ('outlines' in Corel terminology) which weren't uniform height and width. So in this instance I'd create a 'nib shape' for the stroke which was much taller than it was wide, and applying this to the letterforms would restore the contrast to roughly that of the original. (I know that typographers don't simply do something like this to create different weights of a typeface, but for my purposes I suspect it would get me most of the way there and then I could tweak it visually.)  The only wasy I can see to alter the stroke shape in Illustrator is via the Profile dropdown in the stroke dialog options, but this seems to be purely for 'artisitc' effect and entirely inappropriate for my purposes.
I am VERY new to Adobe Illustrator and I am trying to recreate my company logo so as to save it in a higher res file type. Â See attached. Â The font is Melanie BT Roman, but I cannot figure out how to create the shadow / outline effect.
I'm trying to rebuild a logo in CorelDraw, and I'm having troubles with it creating a hole when the object is folded over itself.Â
The curve is closed, and it's one object that loops around like a figure 8. I've attached a photo for you to see what I mean. The top is the original logo, and the bottom is what's happening when I try to fountain fill the curve. How can I layer an object over itself without it doing that?
Our company logo exists as an outlined .eps file. Wouldn't I simply send the logo to the printer and have them resize it as needed? How do you set up a file with no height designation?
I'm trying to create a logo for a portfolio webpage for a 3D artist friend. His Ben, so got attracted to the idea of modifying the "Ben Hur" logo for his website logo. For those who aren't familiar,
I've tried text in Photoshop 7, but can't even get off the mark it's so limited. Does CS2 offer much more, or should I be using another package altogether? The easy option of downloading a "Ben Hur" font seems like a non-starter.
when I browse image files I find that the Photoshop/Adobe logo has been replaced by the Netscape logo. When I attach a file in email the N-scape logo is there by file name/number not Photoshop logo. Anyone know why or have this issue?
I discovered this "new" function on my camera today (just bought it recently and I'm still just playing around with it). A thingy called Multi-Shot where the camera takes 16 pictures in about 2 or 3 seconds and then makes it into a single image. Where you can see all the frames, which end up at a resolution of about 400*300 on the 7mp total resolution.
Is there any way possible to make photoshop automatically take my 16-pic multishot picture, take every single frame, crop it and save it as a separate image file? So I end up with 16 different pictures instead of one containing all the frames?
I want to make a mug shot of myself, but in black and white. and not black and white like b&w photography, but REALLY black and white, like this text.. that's as far as i've gotten w/ it. but i have no idea how to accomplish this. I got a book on photoshop "Photoshop WOW book" and so far i've learned a few things from it.. but would rather bypass some of the stuff in the book and jump right into what it is I'm wanting to do...
I have a .pdf that I want to use in a presentation next week. The problem is, since we last used this .pdf, we have changed our logo. How does one switch out one image out for another?
Photoshop CS3 won't let me paste in a screen shot anymore. I hit PrtScn, open Photoshop, create a new file (the file IS created at the size of the screen, which is a start), and hit paste and nothing happens. Edit/Paste is greyed out in the menu.
I can however, paste a screen shot into Word, and then copy and paste that into Photoshop, but Word does something to the colors in addition to creating an extra step in the process.
If I have two exposures of the same shot, i.e over and under exposed, how to combine the two so as to get most dynamic image possible. I have elements 2.
Does anyone have any advice on how to warp a logo to fit on a shot glass? I can't seem to get it so that it will curve and the writing still look straight on the glass.