I'm working on recreating my uncles Marketing Campaign, Vinyl Decals, business cards the lot! So I'm looking for the recreation of the logo itself.
It's attached so how I can recreate the shadow all around "patco". It's really sharp on the edges of the shadow and I'm just not able to recreate it. I tried drop shadows and that didn't work. How to do a wrap without the top bending either.
I am VERY new to Adobe Illustrator and I am trying to recreate my company logo so as to save it in a higher res file type.The font is Melanie BT Roman, but I cannot figure out how to create the shadow / outline effect.
To make a long story short, is photoshop what I should use to create it? I'd like it to be scalable, vector I believe it's called, but wouldn't Illustrator be a better choice for this? The logo will probably be some fancy text, with a bit of a effect, and a very simple identification mark.
I am trying to outline my text so that I can apply a gradient color fill and when I go to TYPE > CREATE OUTLINES it is greyed out. I try to expand the appearance and then create outlines. When I try to expand the appearance of the font, it is also greyed out.
I created a .png file from our organization logo. I used the magic wand to select and "delete" the backgound, leaving it transparent. However, when placed on our web site, the logo edges have a slight line. What must I do to not have the lines (to make the background truly transparent)?
I have created a logo. I did it with black fill and white lines. This works well for a white background, like in print; but for the web the white needs to be transparent so the background colors show through and where lines cross you can see the background.
I have tried making the lines with out fill, but of course, that gives no defination of the small spaces that I want not to be black.
I'm trying to come up with a Logo for our small engineering company. The company name is (CHJ Incorporated). We do soils related work in southern california. We are looking for something very simple, professional, and something to focus on the CHJ letters. Perhaps just a great new font, etc. So far, our internal ideas have all been focused on just the CHJ letters with font changes and shading.
I am trying to transfer my company logo in DWG format to Inventor to put on my custom border I am currently making. I tried copying and pasting but it doesnt work.
How can I get the company logo onto my title block. The image I am trying to use is a .tif file. Is this the correct file type? The image is simple and shouln't be very big in size. I've tried using insert command.
I need to make a few basic yet elegant templates that use my company logo. However, my logo is on backgrounds of white or black and I can't figure out how to place the logo on colored backgrounds without the back drop the logo is on showing up?
I followed the steps to create a font outline, manipulated the selected font, then moved to a new page-project - I inserted new type - it looks fine at 11 pt, but when I enlarged it, it still has the outline effect - also, the font becomes nothing but a black blob the more I increase the size - seems like the create outline command is still working on a new page.
How do I turn off the create outline command so I can return to regular fonts on new pages?
I've seen in previous thread's how to add a company logo to your title block/plot frame using a jpg file. Plus i've set the image parameters to 0 to remove the line around the image that appears. I've also set the transparency to "ON" - not sure if this is correct but did it anyway - i think.
My problem is that when I come to print it off - the logo appears with a slight background (very faint grey) when it should be just white. The logo is made up of black and red shapes with black text on a white background.
We are trying to update our company logo on hundreds of autocad drawings, any lisp routine or a better way to get this updated. We are trying to update our title blocks that have company logo in it and want to change the logos to the new one.
AI 6. Here is what I have. A background shape that is a gradient. Type on top of the shape. Chiller font. I need to punch a hole into the background in the shape of the font. I created outline with the font. Ungrouped the outlines. I go to pathfinder and select exclude. My gradient which was red to black is now black only. It excluded the font, (punched the hole) but ruined my gradient because the gradient no longer exist. Just black.
The reason I need to exclude the font is because it does not print well. I'm using cmyk doc color mode. But the white font and the reddish background where the font is located kind of blend making the font kind of hard to read. I figured punching a hole in the shape of the fonts would solve that problem.
I have a script font that i need to resize. Most all the font is 144pt one of the letters needs to be 96pt. When i move just this one letter down in size the stroke on that letter looks puny and noticeably smaller.
I need a good way of maintaining the stroke thickness and moving the height and wide down to 96pt.
im after creating an outline around some text basically as a background prepared ready for cutting two layer vinyl..I so far can create text, create outlines, i can add a stroke giving a nice outline around the text,
next stage when i send to winplot and send to cutter it seems to cut numerous lines within the vinyl...What im want i just one line around the whole text following the profile of the main text.
I'm new to illustrator and I'm trying to achieve something I hoped would be quite simple. I want to take a bitmap, live trace it, then create an outline of 2px wide only around the outside limits of the shape. I want to then get rid of all of the live trace vectors and be left with my very simple outline of the original image. Eg.
I've tried image expand, I've tried outline, but nothing seems to work as I need it to.
I'm working on an illustration of headphones and I need to make it look as thought the wire coming out of the headphones is sitting on a table and the light source is above and casting the shadow slightly to the left.I did the below test but it looks more like you are looking at the wire from an x/y axis.
In the link below you will find a jpeg of a sew on patch, then a pdf of just the logo. I am wanting to learn how to create the outline look of the patch around the group of objects that form the logo. I have tried the appearance, outline trick but for thsi project it does not even come close. [URL]
I have tried the offset path, however it gets too large. I am looking to keep things simple but need a bit more definition that just a simple outline will give. On this particular image I am looking to create an outline or fill shape behind the words and pistol but wanting to keep roughly the same shape.
I'm trying to create a very high quality crips website logo using Photoshop or Illustrator, but everytime I export the design into PNG, the text borders are not as crip compared with Google logo. How do I create a very crips and sharp logo using Adobe software? What software, how to export, what the size of the document should be, what resolution, any detailed tricks, designs and pointers..I know I can create a logo, but it is blurry and it shows. When I put my logo on a gray background for instance, the text becomes more blurrier.
I want to create a small custom set of extended uppercase characters for a company logo.
I am starting with H&FJ's Idle wild and then extending it even further. I'm initially squashing it vertically to 75%. This looks as bad as you'd imagine - the contrast of the letter forms is distorted (the horizontal lines look too thin compared to the vertical lines). However my earlier rough attempt to mimic the original contrast (ratio of width of vertical lines to horizontal lines is approximately 7:6) created something that I'm fairly happy with.
(Note that whilst I have now purchased Idle wild, I initially copied sample text from the H&FJ website and used Illustrator's trace function to create what is shown below, which explains the rather random bezier point placement. Incidentally I actually quite like some of the quirks this introduced to the letter forms - in particular the terminals of the S and the top of the A)
The word has only seven characters - ACHORST
Some of these (HT) are easy to fix manually. But in particular the round letters (COS) require a bit more thought.
I'm pretty sure back 15 years ago I could have got most of the way there quickly with CorelDRAW. From memory there was an option to use strokes ('outlines' in Corel terminology) which weren't uniform height and width. So in this instance I'd create a 'nib shape' for the stroke which was much taller than it was wide, and applying this to the letterforms would restore the contrast to roughly that of the original. (I know that typographers don't simply do something like this to create different weights of a typeface, but for my purposes I suspect it would get me most of the way there and then I could tweak it visually.)
The only wasy I can see to alter the stroke shape in Illustrator is via the Profile dropdown in the stroke dialog options, but this seems to be purely for 'artisitc' effect and entirely inappropriate for my purposes.