Photoshop :: Image Saturation / Color Changes While Dragging Window?
Feb 7, 2013
ps cs 6
win 7 64
dual monitor setup
preferences -> perfomance as follows:
use graphics processor: ticked
advanced settings:
drawing mode: advanced
everything else in advanced is also ticked
problem:if i drag an image on my secondary (image editing) monitor the images saturation/color changes while i drag it. on mouse release it goes back to normal.this doesnt happen on my primary (system etc) monitor.yes i could probably workaround making my editing monitor my primary monitor, but i don't want to, because i want it free of windows bars and similar rubbish.
I'd like know how can I discover a color saturation in an image? For example, I open an image in photoshop CS6 and I'd like to know what a color is more saturated for after to do a treatment with color balance. I tried to use a Color Sample Tool in Photoshop but without success.
I am having issues with the color warper in Autodesk Smoke Prerelease 6. As soon as you change any values (ie changing the saturation to 99.9%) in the color warper the image glitches out and you see weird inverted colours and other artifacts. It is completely unusable.
The workstation I am currently using is a 12 Core Mac Pro 5,1, 16GB Ram, GTX285.
I do not have the issue with the latest version Smoke 2012.
I drop multiple photos into Photoshop then drag one at a time away from the tab bar in order to place these photos onto one layered image. I can do this but the photo I have dragged down remains positioned where i dragged it to and cant be freely moved to another part of the screen. It springs back like its on a rubber band. This is a problem when I wish to close the floating window and don't have the top right close button visible.
I have to return it to the tab top bar in order to open it then close the window. I previous versions of PS this was not a problem and now requires all these extra steps to solve. Its very frustrating when I have to work like this all day. I have PS CS6 on MS WIN7. Is there a preference selection I can make. I want to make photoshop windows behave like MS windows and remain where I drag them to.
I made a complex sketch, and want to extrude.When i want to select the whole sketch, i position the mouse on the upper left of the screen and drag down and right, but no window is created.
And i cannot add segments to the selection, even with pressing SHIFT, because immediately after the first is selected, it is see on the picture i attached that some segments (in red) are connected. how can i connect all the sketch together, so when i will select it everything is selected.
My Vista system has developed a few bugs which are not cured by Norton 360.Dragging a window causes it to maximize in a few programs PASTE does not work in some programs -- including X4 . The CROP tool stopped working in X4 but is OK in X5 High-lighting is erratic in WORD etc.
I can only run a "clean" install from my OEM disk which means reloading all applications.I was wondering if I should give up and install Windows 7.
What has been your experience with Windows 7/Did you do a "clean" install or just the update.
 While making selection by drawing a selection window, the objects often get seelected and get dragged. These objects lie on the starting vertex of the selection window. Therefore I have to find the desired bjects to be selected in object manager lying in haphazard order. Is there a way , the objects don’t get dragged while making a selection window from left to right. That means, the objects get selected which are present in the selection window only.Â
Id like to know if its possible to make own hue/saturaiton colour. What I mean by this is we get an option for red,yellow,greens etc etc.
But lets say we have an image over clusted with brown, and we would like to have that option to reduce the browness in an image. so Is there a way
we can make our custom colour? Like the example below this guys face has a brownish colour to it, and with the colour picker I get a #b56b3e which seems related to the brown colour Id like to make that #b56b3e into a colour of my Hue / Saturation. so I have the option in the drop down menu.
I'm in class and the teacher just showed us Selective Color. I usually use Hue Saturation to enhance colors or color correction. Is there a diffence between the two tools?
I have a full colour photo that i want to use on my website...but i dont want all the colurs in there... i only really want blueish colours....
How do i edit the existing colours OR apply a kinda blue wash to the image while still maintaining all the lighting/shading aspecst of the original image?
For the Replace Color Command (not the Replace Color Tool), the meaning of the Saturation slider is clear only when the slider value is negative (reducing saturation). In that case the slider reading is the percent by which the (H-L) gap is to be reduced, where H and L are the highest and lowest RGB channel values. A reading of -100 means the gap is to be completely closed. Whatever the percentage closure, it is effected by decreasing H and increasing L in equal increments proportional to the slider setting.
When the saturation slider is set to a positive number (increasing saturation), however, the meaning is not easily unearthed. The incremental changes in H and L, although still equal and opposite in algebraic sign, are now a non-linear function of the slider and the initial H and L values, but I have not been able to nail it.
The middle RGB channel plays no role in either case. With H and L set, it is adjusted to keep hue constant.
[URL] would like to know if i can create an saturation mask action based on a range of colors that i can select with hue/saturation or color range / can i do it? and how?
discovered the pleasures of Edit>Convert to Profile command. When I convert to a new profile (I have belatedly discovered paper profiles) from adobe RGB to Hahnelmule Photorag to be precise there is a loss of saturation I am having trouble recovering. I will avoid this problem by starting with the correct profile however I have a lot of work in the wrong profile. To keep things simple I have flattened the image.
Usually we talk about the details of the image is mostly lightness or grayscale detail, but there's another image detail type-saturation detail which we can take for use in the image manipulation,the usage of saturation detail depends on our careful observation and blend mode knowledge which give us more control of the image correction.
I have been trying to convert images to appear lijke B&W pen&ink drawings. I followed some instructions found on You Tube - (1) Duplicate Layer (2) Colour Dodeg (3) Invert (4) Gussian Blur and (5) Reduce Saturation.... However, when a layer is in "Colour Dodge" and I slide the saturation to -100, it appears to contain colour. Even though the opacity of that layer is 100%, the layer below seems to show through. The only way I can get it to go B&W is by also changing the layer below to B&W (or no saturation).
i have around a hundred images, all of which need the same treatment in that the saturation needs lifting a little.
if i set up an action to do this with one of them, is it possible to do a batch type process with the rest with one click to do all, rather than opening up each one individually? if so, could someone please point me in the right direction of how to do it?
The first image of the star I created on a black background. It uses the artistic > plastic wrap filter and hue/saturation effects. I was able to get this image the way I wanted.
The second image for the lighting effect, I created on a transparent background because I wanted to be able to apply the image over the star and give it the effect of running through the star. I also wanted to add its own hue/saturation effect separate from the star.
I was unable to apply any hue/saturation effect to the lighting effect image. I tried adding placing this image on top of the first (the star) and adding an adjustment layer for hue/saturation, however, when I added the colorization both images took the effect. I have the effect I want for the star, I want to be able to add the same effect, yet different coloring to the lighting waves.
in cs5 to drag a 3d shape or object into a new document or another image was done by the move tool.what tool in cs6 extended replaces the move tool to drag images into another file or image.
I have got a GIF image of a push pin that I'm trying to drag onto a JPEG photo. I 've got both images open, and when I select the move tool for the push pin GIF, it starts to drag, but won't move across to the JPEG photo.
There's a section of my video that needs a bit more saturation, especially with an effect, but applying it just "jumps" it in. Is it possible to keyframe the saturation? Or is there an effect that has a saturation control so I can add it as an effect and keyframe it's levels from there?
I use my Ligthroom 3 for over 2 yeasr now and I had never such problem before. During exportin my pictures to HD I loose saturaion for orange. Whatever format I use problem remains the same. Both my monitors I use are calibrated so there is no colors distortion, especialy that it happen to orange only.
I've been working in Lightroom 4 on a photo that I took and I have everything the way I want it (these adjustments include increasing the saturation on some colors under the HSL tab). Now I am trying to make the top half of the picture just black and white, but when I chose the Adjustment Brush and sturn the Saturation down on it to -100 and start going over the top half of the picutre, some of the colors (the ones I turned the Saturation up on under the HSL tab) dull a little but do not go completely Black & White.
When I drag an image into Photoshop, it is TINY. It doesn't matter the resolution of the image. It could be the biggest image in the universe and it shows up so small to where I have to use Free Transform every single time. Even the eraser is so small that I can't see it. It can be on 2500 but the eraser is a dot.  Is my Photoshop on a certain setting that I can change? This is my first time using the software on my new Macbook.
Just for clarification, are there any drawbacks to just dragging an image from my desktop onto an artboard instead of placing it? The image will not be autotraced, and will become part of a layout in my AI file.
Using Lightroom 4.1 final, I see greatly different color saturation between the Library (very saturated) and the Develop (seems OK) module if I start the program on my sRGB monitor and drag the window to the wide gamut screen. It seems like the Library preview is rendered as if the monitor was sRGB. Â This seems very similar to the problem that was fixed from 4.1 RC2 to 4.1 final, but more specific to particular circumstances. And the problem does not exist if LR starts on the wide gamut monitor. Â I'm using LR 4.1 final 64 bit on Windows 7 64 bit and I always use LR with a single window despite having two monitors.
Before, whilst in Google Inspect on any webpage I could drag an image onto the Photoshop application icon on the dock = opens up in Photoshop + with PNG transparency. Â Now this has stopped working for an unknown reason about 2-3 months ago after updating. I'll drag the image over the application icon on the dock as before, but then nothing opens. As a result, my workflow is now more inefficient and inconvenient. Â