discovered the pleasures of Edit>Convert to Profile command. When I convert to a new profile (I have belatedly discovered paper profiles) from adobe RGB to Hahnelmule Photorag to be precise there is a loss of saturation I am having trouble recovering. I will avoid this problem by starting with the correct profile however I have a lot of work in the wrong profile. To keep things simple I have flattened the image.
1. Do you ideally want to go through and adjust Reds, Yellows, greens, Cyans, Magentas individually? Are final results not as good if you just adjust the Master by itself? 2. Looking at my imgage, I do not see any blues, however, when I adjust the hue slide while having blue selected, I see some slight changes to my image. I'm guessing that this means that there are some slight blues in the image.
Would you just leave the blues alone in a situation like this, or is there some graph that you use to make changes even if you do not see the colors in the actual image?
Usually we talk about the details of the image is mostly lightness or grayscale detail, but there's another image detail type-saturation detail which we can take for use in the image manipulation,the usage of saturation detail depends on our careful observation and blend mode knowledge which give us more control of the image correction.
I'd like know how can I discover a color saturation in an image? For example, I open an image in photoshop CS6 and I'd like to know what a color is more saturated for after to do a treatment with color balance. I tried to use a Color Sample Tool in Photoshop but without success.
I have been trying to convert images to appear lijke B&W pen&ink drawings. I followed some instructions found on You Tube - (1) Duplicate Layer (2) Colour Dodeg (3) Invert (4) Gussian Blur and (5) Reduce Saturation.... However, when a layer is in "Colour Dodge" and I slide the saturation to -100, it appears to contain colour. Even though the opacity of that layer is 100%, the layer below seems to show through. The only way I can get it to go B&W is by also changing the layer below to B&W (or no saturation).
i have around a hundred images, all of which need the same treatment in that the saturation needs lifting a little.
if i set up an action to do this with one of them, is it possible to do a batch type process with the rest with one click to do all, rather than opening up each one individually? if so, could someone please point me in the right direction of how to do it?
The first image of the star I created on a black background. It uses the artistic > plastic wrap filter and hue/saturation effects. I was able to get this image the way I wanted.
The second image for the lighting effect, I created on a transparent background because I wanted to be able to apply the image over the star and give it the effect of running through the star. I also wanted to add its own hue/saturation effect separate from the star.
I was unable to apply any hue/saturation effect to the lighting effect image. I tried adding placing this image on top of the first (the star) and adding an adjustment layer for hue/saturation, however, when I added the colorization both images took the effect. I have the effect I want for the star, I want to be able to add the same effect, yet different coloring to the lighting waves.
preferences -> perfomance as follows: use graphics processor: ticked advanced settings: drawing mode: advanced everything else in advanced is also ticked
problem:if i drag an image on my secondary (image editing) monitor the images saturation/color changes while i drag it. on mouse release it goes back to normal.this doesnt happen on my primary (system etc) monitor.yes i could probably workaround making my editing monitor my primary monitor, but i don't want to, because i want it free of windows bars and similar rubbish.
How do I get the handles to appear on the actual image for adjusting a colour and transparency gradient?
I know how to adjust a gradient in the gradient editor, but I need to adjust the position of the colours and the transparency bands on the actual image. what I clicked in the tools pallette to get the handles to appear.
If I go on adjusting a psd-file which has been flattened, will the file´s image quality go worse?
Meaning that I´ve had a TIFF-file (made from a RAW-file) that I have adjusted with plenty of layers. After all the adjustments, I´ve made a copy of it, flattened the copied file, cropped it to the wanted size (no interpolation), and made some changes again with cloning tools and gaussian blur.
But after this, I find I still have to make another version of the image with different adjustments of lightness (curves) and colors (color balance, saturation) and I´m pondering if I have to go back to the file with layers, or can I continue with the cropped file and make new adjustment layers on this flattened image. Would be better for the work flow and my nerves...
If I have an image that's too big to fit on the printer page, how do I set my printer settings to adjust the image to the right size (i.e. without scaling the image manually)?
There is a touchscreen monitor in my car.It allows custom background wallpapers to be loaded via USB.The touchscreen automatically adds what would appear to be about a 25% alpha black layer in FRONT of the image so the touchscreen controls and icons are clearly visible.The problem is, I don't know what values I'm supposed to adjust on my image in order to get it to look the same way it does on my computer screen.Would you adjust the brightness? Contrast?Or is this simply not possible because the ~25% alpha black tint is placed OVER the wallpaper?
I am having issues with the color warper in Autodesk Smoke Prerelease 6. As soon as you change any values (ie changing the saturation to 99.9%) in the color warper the image glitches out and you see weird inverted colours and other artifacts. It is completely unusable.
The workstation I am currently using is a 12 Core Mac Pro 5,1, 16GB Ram, GTX285.
I do not have the issue with the latest version Smoke 2012.
When i import my RAW files into LR 4 from my Nikon D90 the images appear to have decent color saturation and contrast. Once i actually click on the individual files, it says loading and the image becomes very flat and dull looking (bad contrast, saturation). I turned off the option to auto adjust for camera specs but I am still having the issue. Does this have something to do with the color space? How can I get it to stop auto adjusting my files?
I created a image (with blank background) with dimensions 640 x 480 (its my default working image).
I have copied photograph with dimensions 7300 x 4200 and pasted as new layer on the image (640 x 480). Obviously, the pasted photograph is bigger and it couldn't be showed totally. I am adjusting the size of the photograph manually, dragging and dropping its corner lots of time.
I tried to use "image => resize" / "image => canvas size". But it just act on my default image (640 x 480), not the photograph (even when its layer is selected).
So, is there any way of resize the photograph automatically to fit in the default image (640 x 480)?
I'm trying to adjust a JPG image so that I can imprint it onto a tapered shot glass. So far nothing I've tried has worked, is there anyway to accomplish this in either Corel Draw or Photo Paint? I'm using version X5.
I have designed a brochure for a friend but the Printers say there is an issue with the saturation on the black.
The saturation I have done is apparently 400% but should be under 300%. I assume the brochures are being digitally printed as opposed to traditional methods.
My questions are:
How do I find out what the saturation of the black is ? ....and how do I change the black saturation without changing the saturartion on the rest of the colours ?
I go to use the Hue/Saturation Editor thing, Photoshop messes up on me. It goes to the eyedropper tool, the "X" in the top right corner goes faded, so that I can't click on it, but I can select colors on the picture (with the eyedropper) and on the little 2 color pallete thing in the bottom left corner, where it displays the foreground and background color. I can switch them, with the arrow, but nothing else, i can't switch layers, I can't select any other tools, or anything. Can someone help me with this? Also, this might help, I was following a tutorial that required me to change some sort of properties... a link to the tutorial is below; If you download the .PSD file, a warning box pops up on photoshop when you try and open it...
When I modify a jpeg and save it as Save for web and devices, the next time I open the same document, it gives an extra (15-17) saturation to it.I can't figure out why. I watched Lynda's Photoshop videos and probably we saved something there,
I made myself a graphic, currently it is black and white, and I would like to add colour to it. Now when I want to go to (Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation) it is inactive, meaning I can't click on it. Well I can click but nothing comes up of course.
I usually use FW for my styles-based graphics (menubars, text effects), but have recently begun to experiment with PS.
However, I've noticed that when applying a style to text (Baltic Sea Ice, for example), even after I rasterize the text layer, I am still unable to alter the color by changing the hue / saturation in order to match a precise color scheme. Is there another way to do this?
I have an image that I want to lighten one color. I choose "color range" and select the color and it has dotted lines around it. Then, I want to play with that color or area of the image and try different saturations or colors. BUT, when I try that, the main layer with the image is not selected. So no changes are registered..... just the layer for hue/saturation is highlighted so I can't do anything to change this color. Seems that, automatically, the NON IMAGE layer becomes the only one I can work with when I select hue/saturation...
When I save for web, I get a weird de-saturation in my image and I have never come across this before. This weekend I tried to save an image to be optimized, and it came out all digitized and looking like crap. So I wanted to go back and save it at the higher setting.
Now, there is no pixilation, but my colors are muted.
The bottom image is what it SHOULD look like, and the top image is what saves when I save for web.
way to get a gradient effect similar to the hue/saturation effect, so if i wanted to use an eye to do this, i can have 2 different colours fading into eachother to make say a blueish green eye.
i would just kind of like a gradient colour overlay of it