I've created a round rectangle. I want the shape to be black with a white border. However whenever I finalize and save, my white border disappears and I'm just left with a black shape. Edit > Stroke is'nt highlighted.
Whenever I change the colors from black and white I dont seem to have this problem. How can I change/modify the BORDER COLOR of my shapes?
I have a logo that was designed for a white background. The colors and shape work well with white. I want to use it against a darker background and would like to surround it with a white border so that it will be readable against the darker background. I don't want to put a border around the rectagular box in which the logo is currently sitting. That box is already white. I want to lift it from the white box, surround it in white and then paste onto the darker background.
I am working on a file. I have a background layer. I draw a shape layer, in this case a box, and when I do this layer has what almost looks like a drop shadow on two sides, ie the two edges have darker pixels than the shape color. I see the same sort of behavior on an image layer, in this case a photo, where the pixels on two edges, not the same edges, have different looking pixels. There are no effects on these layers.
I used Photoshop CS3 to create a coupe of boxes in black, nothing fancy, just pure black boxes as for background stuff for a web page, and then saved it for Web through photoshop whereby the html and images are created. Opening the html in dreamweaver appears ok until i add a dark background and white "strokes" appear on my boxes drawn using PS.
I am having trouble in changing the color of the bullets without changing the text color. Problem is I cannot select/highlight just the bullet so any new color selected applies to the whole line including bullet and text. I am using DP v 7.
I have been creating a drawing of a Assembly and realized that I had drawn it on a Company "D" size border by mistake. How do I change it to a "B" size border without starting over?
I made this in paint.net and specifically the border in the "effect" "Borders N' Shapes.' I was using the 'move selected pixels' tool to get my text centered just right and then after I would make the adjustment, a big rectangle (basically right around the entire image) would show up on the screen, and I would use "deselect" to get rid of it, but the corners got permanently messed up. I tried to do a new border wit "Borders N' Shapes' but it didn't work.
I even--I know, not the brightest thing, but I tried using the rectangle tool and getting as close to the inside of the borders, cropping and selecting, and then re-sizing it to my original 1600x2400 but paint.net crashed when I tried that.
I'd really rather do it the right way anyway. I can go back and basically re-set everything, but I have changed fonts and font sizes and like I said I have the spacing just the way I want it, so it would be a fair amount of work to go through again.
any way of restoring the border without changing the 1600x2400 dimensions? I had a 3 pixel light gray border. You'll see how it's goofy on the left upper and lower corners.And how do I avoid those rectangles that show up (that I used the deslect to get rid of) when I use the move selected pixels tool to adjust individual text in the layers?
I'm trying to alter this photo of a mango to make it cube-shaped (sort of like this) without changing the image's background too drastically. I've been doing the occasional Photoshop here and How can I cube this mango?
I can't seem to figure out how to change a custom shape. Shape: 35px H x 700px W rectangle with vertical gradient. What I want to do: I am wanting to reshape the left 100 or so pixels so that the left side curls up and comes to a point approx 50px above. Best way to describe would be the shape would look like a candy cane laid on its side.
NOTE: I don't have a problem creating the shape. I have a problem with getting the gradient to follow through with the shape - the gradient wants to change according to the heigth of the curl. So far the only "attempted" way was using the liquify feature but I can never draw a good circular shape by hand.
I have CS4. I want to do something that's really easy in most inexpensive graphics programs - make text with one color and put a border around the text with a second color. I made the text with Padres blue. Now I want to have a white border around the text.
I have CS4. I want to do something that's really easy in most inexpensive graphics programs - make text with one color and put a border around the text with a second color. I made the text with Padres blue. Now I want to have a white border around the text.
this is a stroke of a path of a bicycle sprocket with 32 teeth,after removing 4 teeth from 4 different parts(there is a pair of 2 different type of teeth after every 6 standard teeth,i want to remove 1 of these 6 in each of the 4 parts).
I do not know how to join up the open ends of the path to maintain the circular shape to produce a 28 tooth sprocket,the teeth size are not to change just the circle.
If I type in something like "Book" then highlight it with the selector tool. Then go to Arrange> Convert to Editable Shapes and go back and unclick/click it has not changed into an editable shape.
When I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors" it highlights the pantone color being used in the file. In previous version, it never did this. This is for CS6. Any know fix for this?
I have been working on a book cover for a client and was asked to modify a capital letter in the chosen font. The letter "S" had a curly q at the top that needed to be removed. I converted the letter to an editable shape and deleted the offending nodes. Along the way I had to break the points and then reconnect. When I broke the points, Xara split the shape into 2 layers for some reason so I could not rejoin the points later. I ended up combining the layers and was able to rejoin the nodes that way.
The problem I had was that when everything was reconnected, I could only color the outline, the shape would not fill. I ended up having to export as a PNG to Photoshop, created an adjustment layer and painted it in. Everything looks great BUT I would have preferred to just reconnect the nodes and fill the letter in Xara.
When I choose the Four-Part Fill, I get a rectangle. I want to change the shape of the fill by moving each of the four corner control points independently. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows one to select each control point and then move it independently?
Setting a stroke profile (variable line width) on a closed shape changes the stroke width from narrow to wide. I would like to have the "wide" width in a different place and a "narrow" width somewhere else. I guess a way to do this would be to change the node orders of the closed shape?
I got this error many different times and the problem still continues.
When I change the stroke weight from the Strokes menu arrows or by scroll, this action changes my path's shape and distorts it. You can see the problem below:
I got similar errors when scaling a couple of times. But this one looks just impossible to me.
I've created a 2-point persective grid on top of a cube (see image below). I'm tyring to recreate the cube and have started by inserting some purple squares into the right side of the perspective grid. I've drawn an ellipse at the corner of the original cube that I'm trying to copy, to indicate where I need my squares to stretch to.
How I can stretch my purple squares in perspective so that they match the end of the orignal cube as indicated in the image below? I've tried skewing but this doesn't skew in perspective.
Between the black blurred shadow and the magenta corner, there is a very little "blank stroke" surrounding the dark-magenta corner of the round square.The darker is the blurred shadow, the greater the contrast and the visibility of this blank stroke is. If I rasterize the objects it still appears (even if it's not that visible).
The RGB values of the Border color added in the Lightroom 5.3 Print Module does match the RGB values of a selected spot on the image as seen in the Develop Module. How can one get a correct color from the image itself to become the Print Module Border color? Why do these not match? How can a matching result be obtained other than the very imprecise appoach of visually trying to match the color?
I have a scene with an object with multiple blend shape targets. I'm not using custom attributes to control these targets (since doing that makes the Blend Shape Editor nonfunctional). I'm just directly changing the value in the channel box's 'Input' section, under 'blendShape1'. By typing in the number directly, I can get it to work with any number I want, but if I try the Maya Cntrl-drag method to interactively change the number, I'm stuck between values of 0 and 1. Is there any way to change the min and max of these attributes? Its strange that I can type in whatever I want and it will work, but cntrl-dragging does not work that way.