Xara :: Changing Color Of Bullets Without Changing Text Color
Sep 28, 2013
I am having trouble in changing the color of the bullets without changing the text color. Problem is I cannot select/highlight just the bullet so any new color selected applies to the whole line including bullet and text. I am using DP v 7.
I have the attached image. It is the letters A & D combined, I'm trying to change the shadow color. I selected the shadow in the Layer Gallery and used the Color editor to change the color with no luck. Is there some other approach? I'm just playing around with the image to try to stylize it a little, so it would stand out on a black or white background. The creative part is not a strength.
Have a look on the attached picture, in Extrude tool is there possibility to change the color of the depth dimension? My target would be just a simple brown, however also good question can be added bitmap fill on the sides? But if that would be brown instead of the current gray, that is absolutely okay for my targets, as I can see sure there is no line applied on the object so that should be controlled somewhere else
it's been a bit tough going getting up to speed with WD6. I find myself running into snags just using the interface and trying to get things done.
At any rate, what I am running into currently is that I have a working toolbar from a template, but I need to change it's colors for both mouse off and mouse over. I saw the video and it makes it look very easy by going into the navbar->properties->menu style and simply select the colors you want. This is having no visible effect for me..
How can I change the colors of my existing navbar? I hope I won't have to recreate it each time I want to change the colors, etc.
I am a web designer and regularly get sent logos etc from clients. More recently I have been sent a jpg image black and white of a girl with a wedding veil on. There is some handwriting text to the left which is a white colour.
As I dont have access to the original psd file I am trying to find an easy way to change the text colour to a pink the client has chosen.
I am using adobe photoshop cs6 and have tried using the colour swap option under image tab but it just seems to change the colour to gray and not the pink i have selected.
I write a line of text. I would now like to select the text field to change the color of the text rather than highlighting the actual text itself. This is because highlighting the text changes the bg color to black over the text you highlight and alters the color of the text (I think it inverts it). Is this possible?
Any easy way to change text color, making each letter of a word or words a different color.My text changes, but I need the same color combination available.
So I am attempting to use a black theme on my windows pc. My Creative Suite 2 products use black text in the menus and pop-up dialogues (such as canvas size). Of course, I can no longer read the options. Is there a way to get Adobe products to use the menu fonts defined by windows, or at least to change it within the software?
I am trying to produce a new logo for our business that has a solid Blue cloud image on a transparent background. I need to add text over this but ideally it will show as white over the cloud background but blue when its over the transparent background.
Cant simply change the color of text as its a curved edge its going over. I assume I will need to do some form of punch out but not sure how to start this.
I' have an image that I've created using layers. I want to add text to the picture. But the text comes up grey and there seems to be no box for selecting the text color as there is say in word or other windows programs. I can only see a choice for font and size. I can't make a color window appear to give me a choice of colors. The only thing on the left of my window is the tools panel with the 22 tools in it. I don't seem to be able to use the color picker tool because I want white text and there is no white in my photo to pick on.
I have some text icons on my phone size 48x48.. i am trying to get them chrome / metallic . Is there an easy way 9well easy for me way ) to do it . i have followed this
[URL]........ and all the other ones are the same but am stuck i just cant seem to do it .
What is the best way to change the color of two pieces of specific text in lisp? I want to change where it says (strcase ln6) & (strcase ln7) to the color of green. I tried it a couple of different ways but I'm having some trouble. First I am setting the current layer with a color of blue. I am then running the text command a couple of times. I want to run the mtext command a couple of times but I want the text to be green & I want the width factor to be .85
The following snippit of code is changeing the color of text in a cell of an AcadTable. It will set the color to an RGB value and works great. But what if the color is a normal color 1 through 255 from autocad's pen table. How would I set the cell text color?
(setq objColor (vla-getcellcontentcolor eVLAMT R C)) ;sets a Color Object, whatever that is (vla-setrgb objColor RED GRN BLU) ;sets the new color of the Color Object (vla-setcellcontentcolor eVLAMT R C objColor) ;sets that new color object to the cell
I am using the Color Exchange feature in Gimp 2. I am trying to change a red background to black. The Color Exchange feature allows me to do that, however, it comes out with only part of the color changed and it all very blotchy.
Here is a screenshot of what happens after I select the red square and do a Color Exchange from red to black.
I take pictures of my fountain pens and mechanical pencils using a light box and a digital camera. Naturally, the backround is white. I would like to be able to change this white color to something else on occasion but don't know how to go about it in Photoshop. I am NOT a power user. I use Photoshop CS5 64 bit.
Keep in mind that sometimes there is also white in the pen in places and I do not want to change anything at all on the color of the pen.
to change many of the colors on these rugs to new colors she has provided me on a color sample sheet. The Magic Wand tool is not the answer as it gives a very rough selection and I need the kind of lines the polygonal Lasso Tool would make.
way to take a color in a picture, and automatically make it another.
Let me explain,
If I were to have 50 different BMPs of the American flag, and what I needed to do, was to open them up and change all the "red" stripes to "green," It would be terribly time consuming to open up every single bmp, and use the paint bucket to click on each "red" area individually, making it green.
It would be nice, if, say, I could open up one of the bmps, and perform some type of function that basically says "Take all of the "red" in this picture and make it "green" immedietly" or something of that nature.
And it would be even nicer, to open up all 50 bmps simutaneously and perform a function that says "See all of these bmps? I want to turn any red, in ALL of them, to green, now"
I am trying to change a color scheme of PS GUI. My 3ds max colors, mayas ... all programs color is "sand color" such as the ms windows color. HOW can i change menus, toolbars...
to change the color of a car is to use the Lasso tool, then use Hue and Saturation to find the color to use. But the Lasso tool is difficult to use it accurately. Whats a better method?
I searched under keyword "eye" and shifted through 12 pages of posts and found nothing.I also used numerous tutorials on eye color,But all of these were used on a blue eye to begin with,and it already had the color shifts and speckles of different colors.
I want to change brown to blue and I want it to look realistic.
So I was wondering if there are any good techniques OR photoshop plugins designed specificaly for this.
Whenever I try to change eye color(following the directions of numerious tutorials.)It always ends up looking fake and unrealistic.
One reason is because the majority of blue eye's have numerous other colors in them like white and other shades of blue,while brown eyes are completly solid brown.
I have an example here of what I did,I took a photo of a brown eye It's the top left,and tried using all of what I know to make it blue.The result is the top right,It does not look realistic as I want it to look.I spent about 10 minutes on it and it's the best I can do.I even went and speckled it with numerous other colors to give it the "blue eye effect".But it still looks photoshoped.
The ones labled no.1,no.2 and no.3 are all examples of what real blue eye's should look like.1 being solid blue,2 being solid blue with a glaze on it and 3 being blue speckled with white and other shades of blue.
I want to be able to convert solid brown eyes to a realistic blue.
I have some color film images that I want to convert to b&w but can't seem to match the same quality that my b&w film images produce. When I desaturate the image it just looks flat.
Also, I just purchased a Nikon D70s and will be using it to take headshots of actors & actresses. Some will want color pictures, but some will also want b&w pictures. Will the process be the same when converting the images from color to b&w as it was for film? Will the quality be better?
Please be as detailed as possible. I'm using Photoshop CS to do all my photo editing, and I'm still not sure of the techniques. I haven't played around with it enough, but if I can get some suggestions I know they will lead me in the right direction.
can somebody help me with my problem. i have a black color tool set and i want to change the color from black to green or red. but i am not able to do it properly.