The RGB values of the Border color added in the Lightroom 5.3 Print Module does match the RGB values of a selected spot on the image as seen in the Develop Module. How can one get a correct color from the image itself to become the Print Module Border color? Why do these not match? How can a matching result be obtained other than the very imprecise appoach of visually trying to match the color?
How to ADD (almost) white Border around photo(s) to print in print module (not for creating a JPEG) WITHOUT TRIMMING the photo?
I dont understand why I'm so stupid not to be able to acheeve this simple task with Lightroom WITHOUT TRIMMING the image (altering it's proportion and cutting away photo-content)
(on light-gray backgrownd for instance, to use as cutting indications. I know how to use cutting-indications for images i print without a border)
(i do not whant to use workarounds, the kind of preparing "identity plates", a new one each for infinite variations of proportions to use as fullblown-up backgrounds..)
I need to get a print out today for Christmas and cannot find a way to layout an 8x10 with a white border on a 8 1/2 x11 photo paper.
I know I have to trim the sheet to make it an exact 8x10 but I cannot find a way to end up with an 8x10 with border all around from 8 1/2 x 11 photo paper.
I created a photo with text in CS6 and imported it into LR 4.4 as a jpg but the black border on the left and right does not show, only the top and bottom? I need the overall image to be landscape 9.45 W by 7.45 T to fit into a specific presentation folder.
Why is the thumbnail border for some images a different color in grid view? Please see the attached image. I can't figure out why the image on the left is a lighter gray than the two in the middle. The far right image is lighter because it is selected.
I Use Macbook Pro OSX 10.8.2 Lightoom 4 Canon Pixma MG 8250 Profile MG series 8200 GL3/SG3 for Glossy paper.
It is stated that "remember to turn off color management in the print dialog" when using custom profile (I assume the Profile MG...) is regarded as a custom profile...
I have been lookoing in the print dialogue and I can not find any way to turn off colour management... Is this only valid for Microsoft Windows of Is there something I do not understand ?
I am trying to create a border around my drawings but I'm not sure how to start. I create A3 progress drawings on a muck shift site, they are very basic but serve the purpose they have to. I would like to insert a page border to appear 10mm inside the perimeter of the page to improve the appearance.
I work with use autocad 2012, and am trying to create a pdf of a plane containing several aerial photos. I have set ImageFrame to 0. And I use Export to Pdf from output tab. When it creates pdf, images have a gray border or white, so I can see the connection between them.
I have ensured that there is no space between the images. I export from a layout with rotated UCS. The images are Tiff format.
I have an HP 6500A Plus, and it should be capable of printing edge to edge, even on custom sizes. After contacting both Apple (I am running MacOS 10.8 Mountain Lion) and HP for answers, I burned a lot of time with Adobe either just plain not getting an answer because I didn't buy it or being given the run-around. I need to know what Photoshop is doing to block the available capabilities from working.
I have 4 layouts all from the same drawing that I need desperately to print now. But for some reason only the border and Title block will print for me. What have I done to cause this? And how can I rectify it? I need to print these tonight
I'm printing a letter size document from illustrator at 50% size. All pages have a white background so I would like to have the document print with a black rule/ border around it so I can tell what it will look like. Is there a way to do this without manually putting a rule around all 25 existing artboards? Or is there a way to do this in the Acrobat pdf I'm outputting from this doc?(CS5)
I'm having an issue with Autocad LT 2010 where when I xref in my title block which has our company logo in color, the logo will only print in black and white. If i open just the title block and print it, it will then print in color. I only seem to have this problem when the title block is xref'd in. I downloaded the 2012 demo version of AutoCadLT and it prints just fine?This has just started happening when my computer was upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit.
I have CS4. I want to do something that's really easy in most inexpensive graphics programs - make text with one color and put a border around the text with a second color. I made the text with Padres blue. Now I want to have a white border around the text.
I have CS4. I want to do something that's really easy in most inexpensive graphics programs - make text with one color and put a border around the text with a second color. I made the text with Padres blue. Now I want to have a white border around the text.
Between the black blurred shadow and the magenta corner, there is a very little "blank stroke" surrounding the dark-magenta corner of the round square.The darker is the blurred shadow, the greater the contrast and the visibility of this blank stroke is. If I rasterize the objects it still appears (even if it's not that visible).
I've created a round rectangle. I want the shape to be black with a white border. However whenever I finalize and save, my white border disappears and I'm just left with a black shape. Edit > Stroke is'nt highlighted.
Whenever I change the colors from black and white I dont seem to have this problem. How can I change/modify the BORDER COLOR of my shapes?
A while ago, I wanted to add a border in the background color around a layer. So, I increase Layer Boundary Size using the corresponding tool. So far so good. I even wrote into a script, combined with adding drop shadow, see [URL].......
Then, I bought a new computer. I knew it. Never update or upgrade.
Now, when I increase the layer boundary size, it does increase the size of the layer, but the "border" is now transparent. I know, I know, I can fill it up using the bucket fill tool, but first of all this is annoying, and second of all, I am really wondering: what happened? Why did it work before, and doesn't it work now anymore? I am baffled. I see three possibilities:
- The GIMP installation on my new computer has some global setting differently which I am missing - GIMP was updated and this has changed - this is a bug, or at least a quirk, having something to do with old computer running on Win7 and new computer running on Win8
I was wondering what is the best way to save a photoshop file such as a business card or stationary labels so they "KEEP" their color you see on screen.
I am already building in CMYK mode. My Client has a nice gray scale scheme but I am worried that the print shop will mess up the colors.
How do I create a custom set of colors and adhere to that scheme throughout the clients stationary and media. ie. Cards, Labels, Signs, etc.
Is there an option to print a color scale along with the image, sorta like when you calibrate your printer?