Illustrator :: Create A Shape With Pantone Color And Then Decrease Opacity In Color Swatch Palette
May 30, 2013
When I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors" it highlights the pantone color being used in the file. In previous version, it never did this. This is for CS6. Any know fix for this?
we have a website concept in Illustrator CS3, with named swatches for all colors. I'm wondering if there is an easy or 'semi-automated' way to generate a chart of the swatches we are using, showing there hex values?
I know I could draw out a bunch of boxes, fill them with the swatch colors, and manually look up and type in the hex values for each. But this would take a LONG time, as there are a number of color variations.
I made a pattern in illustrator c6 (lets say simple dots in rows) and I want to color this dots with a swatch (which means a specific color that changes automatically when I change this particular swatch). It does change the color but it also causes a lot of troubles, it makes weird compound paths and illustrator gets very slow...
Working in Illustrator CS5 on a Mac. When choosing a color in the palette, the preview showing up is different than what is in the palette. If I hit "OK" the actual color chosen is the one in the palette, not the preview window... Including some pics for reference. In my 10+ years of using Illustrator, i have never seen this.I am using a Dell monitor on a mac... not sure if that would make a difference.
How do I create the swatch set and I can't get the logo layers colored in?
Choose the Magic Wand tool , making sure "contiguous" is checked in the Options bar. Select the rectangle under "Monochromatic (Single Hue)". Press Alt+Backspace (Windows) or Option+Delete (Mac OS) to fill the selection with the foreground color.Â
#Open the Color Picker and select two values of your base color. Apply your color selections to the "Values" swatches.
Next, select two intensities, and apply to the "Intensities" swatches.
Now that you've got your color palette, combine the colors into a swatch set. Use the Rectangular Marquee tool to draw stripes and fill with the colors you've selected above. This is a space to experiment with how the colors look next to each other.
Ready for the fun part? Make a selection around the client logo using the Rectangular Marquee tool. The logo has been separated into layers to make color application easy. First, apply color to the "bg" layer. Sample a color swatch using the Eyedropper tool , then press Alt/Option-Backspace to fill with color.
Keeping the selection active, click the "top curves" layer. Sample a color with the Eyedropper tool, then press Alt / Option-Backspace. Move on to the "middle curves" layer. Select a color, and fill.
Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
I have a series of Illustrator documents created over 2 - 3 years. They are artwork for labels of multiple sizes of the same product. It is important that the colour is consistent. In the period concerned I will have used CS5, CS5.5 and CS6.
I have just added to the range and the client came back to me saying that the "blue has changed”. Sure enough it has. When I compare, Pantone 652 on one it is darker than Pantone 652 on a newer one. Apparently it prints differently as well. When I copy and paste blue items from one document to another (either way) they change colour. In other words PMS 652 is not consistent from one document to another.
When I check the CMYK numbers on the two documents they are very different: 50/25/0/10 and 47/24/7/0.
I have read that Pantone wished to 'improve' some things, and I know I can change the colour book in CS6, or just work some projects in older Illustrator versions. But they all seem to me to be cumbersome work arounds. Surely Pantone 652 should always be Pantone 652.
I created a logo in Illustrator CS5 made of several overlapping parts, all parts have the same Pantone color, but with different intensity (I'm not sure it's called intensity, is the bar, inside the Color Palette by which you can adjust the color from white to 100% of the Pantone color of your choice). What I'm looking for is a way to change the color of all the parts at once with another Pantone with a simple click, without having to manually adjust all the intensity of every single parts again. Now, when I try, all parts changes in the new Pantone color but all are at 100%. If i change only one part at a time the percentage of intensity is observed. I know that i can do it manualy, changing every single part, but i wonder if there is a faster way that i don't know.
I am working in Illustrator CC and was trying to find the Pantone Process Coated and it has now been replaced by Pantone + CMYK Coated. I don't have these new swatches, wondering if there is anyway to load all the old swatch pallets into my system?
i have an requirement to extact pantone color from PDF. So i had decided will go for acrobat.dll or illustrator library to get pantone and other color from the PDF. how to proceed and get pantone color from PDF using c#.
My workplace works with both Digital and Print work and I wanted to know if how we're adding Pantone swatches is correct.
I'm using CS6 and I open the Pantone+ Swatchbook and add the Swatch from there. The Swatch is in the LAB Colour mode and I have "Use Lab values..." selected in the Spot Color Options Dialog.
My colleague, using CS5, opens her Swatches panel and selects New Swatch > inputs the CMYK Colour values from the Pantone+ printed book > selects Spot Color from the drop-down.
We're both working on the same documents, so when I open up her file, her colours look off to me. Specifically, Pantone 497 C - my brown is looking a red compared to her brown which is darker. When I open up my Swatch and change my Colour mode to CMYK, the values are completely different.
We'd like to understand which one of us is doing it wrong and which way we should go to streamline the colours to ensure that we're using the correct Pantone?
Is there a way to search for a Pantone Color by color name instead of Pantone number in Illustrator CS6? Specifically the Pantone Home and Fashion TCX library?
I have an image which opens in illustrator and has an RGB preview.I need to print in CMYK, but when I convert the colours add strange percentages to the colour ie 17.65% etc.The image has a set colour Pantone in a separate sheet, but bares no resemblance to the breakdown color.If I put the Pantone colour into Photoshop and Illustrator I get slightly different CMYK breakdowns. How do I know which program is giving me the correct breakdown and is there a quick way of linking everything up so we are singing off the same hymn sheet?
For instance
Pantone Hexachrome Black M in PS CS5 is C74/M58/Y58/B57 Pantone Hexachrome Black M in iLL CS5 is C1/M1/Y/B100
i'm looking for a Pantone color, that has this code "PMS 583 C", i tried typing it in the Pantone Solid Coated library searchbar but i couldn't find it. does it have a different code or something, the color is greenish.
When I drop a swatch color on a gradient, it doesn't link to the swatch color like in a solid fill.Nevermind the UI inconsistency with this behavior, since Adobe probably doesn't care, but how do I get around this?
Creating a Swatch from the gradient is not a solution for me, as I use the same base color in different gradients.
To create a special effect (but not TOO garish!) I'd like to change this brownish meadow so that it looks much more like one of the swatches from my color swatches panel.
Do I need to create a new adjustment layer, or are there other approaches? Below is a screen shot.
I am doing a thermography project for a wedding in which the printer will only do two-color processing. the text will be black and a cherry blossom jpeg is illustrated in watercolor-y pinks. all will be raised printing. how do i transform the watercolor-y pinks to one pantone pink without losing the brush stroke quality of the image? do i select & replace color pixels varying the translucency of one pink pantone color? is there an easier way? i am using photoshop cs on a mac.
I have a colored object, and I have a specific swatch of color that I need to change the current color of the object to. The problem I'm having is that the specific color that I'm trying to apply to the object doesn't look integrated with the object itself, it just looks like I've applied a color film over it. It's milky-looking and there's not enough contrast. I've tried adjusting levels, using different blending modes, using the Match Color command ..I can't seem to keep the integrity of the color I'm applying to the object, while still keeping the integrity of the details of the object itself. How should I tackle this using multiple layers and blending modes, and so the new color looks integrated and believable?
I've made a design in Ai CS6 (with colorspace) and have used several Pantone swatches. From a few Pantone colors I have used only a percentage of the color, for example the design consists of: 75% of Pantone 485 C, 32% of Pantone 1345 C and 100% of Pantone 154 C.
In the process of the design I have used several other Pantone colors which are not used in the final design, but they are still in the Swatch tab/list. So when you click on the triangle (upper right corner) > "Select All Unused..", the Pantone colors that are only used as percentages (Pantone 485 C & Pantone 1345 C in the example) are being selected as "Unused" ?!
I have been using Ai CS4 before this version and in that version this wasn't a problem.I could you percentages of Pantone colors without the swatch being selected as "Unused".
I really don't want to manual delete every unused swatch by dragging it into the trash bin.It would be such a time wasting handling.This is really inconvenient as I am working for a print and design company and need to save the Pantone colors that are used in the design, even if they are only a percentage of the Pantone swatch.
I have 5 spot color ( Pantone) and CMYK color at my design. How can i export this 9 color ( seperate and with Pantone) to photoshop cs4? I want see 5 pantone color and cmyk at photoshop channel list!
Recently we have been having this issue at work, We have a line of packaging that uses the same pantone color (375 C). When we go to create a new document and use that same pantone the color onscreen looks more saturated then its predecessor. The only think I can think of is that I've upgrade to the pantone plus system but have since uninstalled and reinstalled the old color books. Both documents are in CMYK color space and both use the same ICC profile. I know it wont appear this way when printed but we make a lot of PDFs for approvals and the colors come out more saturated in the PDF as well. See sample image below.
I'm running Design and Web Premium CS6 on a Windows 7 machine. I was recently using Ai's Recolor Artwork dialogue for a CMYK document. I wanted to convert my 4 color artwork to Pantone solid coated. I decided to chose some different Pantones. In older versions of Illustrator I could easily open the Color Picker, click on a Pantone value and then just type in a new value to scroll to it. This is no longer the case with Ai CS6.