Illustrator :: Correct Method To Add A Pantone Swatch?
Sep 13, 2012
My workplace works with both Digital and Print work and I wanted to know if how we're adding Pantone swatches is correct.
I'm using CS6 and I open the Pantone+ Swatchbook and add the Swatch from there. The Swatch is in the LAB Colour mode and I have "Use Lab values..." selected in the Spot Color Options Dialog.
My colleague, using CS5, opens her Swatches panel and selects New Swatch > inputs the CMYK Colour values from the Pantone+ printed book > selects Spot Color from the drop-down.
We're both working on the same documents, so when I open up her file, her colours look off to me. Specifically, Pantone 497 C - my brown is looking a red compared to her brown which is darker. When I open up my Swatch and change my Colour mode to CMYK, the values are completely different.
We'd like to understand which one of us is doing it wrong and which way we should go to streamline the colours to ensure that we're using the correct Pantone?
I've made a design in Ai CS6 (with colorspace) and have used several Pantone swatches. From a few Pantone colors I have used only a percentage of the color, for example the design consists of: 75% of Pantone 485 C, 32% of Pantone 1345 C and 100% of Pantone 154 C.
In the process of the design I have used several other Pantone colors which are not used in the final design, but they are still in the Swatch tab/list. So when you click on the triangle (upper right corner) > "Select All Unused..", the Pantone colors that are only used as percentages (Pantone 485 C & Pantone 1345 C in the example) are being selected as "Unused" ?!
I have been using Ai CS4 before this version and in that version this wasn't a problem.I could you percentages of Pantone colors without the swatch being selected as "Unused".
I really don't want to manual delete every unused swatch by dragging it into the trash bin.It would be such a time wasting handling.This is really inconvenient as I am working for a print and design company and need to save the Pantone colors that are used in the design, even if they are only a percentage of the Pantone swatch.
When I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors" it highlights the pantone color being used in the file. In previous version, it never did this. This is for CS6. Any know fix for this?
How can I quickly find a Pantone Swatch number? The swatches are, for all intents and purposes, in random order... Typing a umber does not jump to the swatch.
I'm trying to create a swatch in Illustrator with our company's colors. I already succeedid in creating a palet with the RGB and CMYK colors, but I also want to do this with the PMS colors.However, I can't seem to find the correct color book in which to locate the correct PMS color.
I only have the number of the PMS color, I don't know which color book to choose?
I have a series of Illustrator documents created over 2 - 3 years. They are artwork for labels of multiple sizes of the same product. It is important that the colour is consistent. In the period concerned I will have used CS5, CS5.5 and CS6.
I have just added to the range and the client came back to me saying that the "blue has changed”. Sure enough it has. When I compare, Pantone 652 on one it is darker than Pantone 652 on a newer one. Apparently it prints differently as well. When I copy and paste blue items from one document to another (either way) they change colour. In other words PMS 652 is not consistent from one document to another.
When I check the CMYK numbers on the two documents they are very different: 50/25/0/10 and 47/24/7/0.
I have read that Pantone wished to 'improve' some things, and I know I can change the colour book in CS6, or just work some projects in older Illustrator versions. But they all seem to me to be cumbersome work arounds. Surely Pantone 652 should always be Pantone 652.
I opened a PDF in Illustrator and it has 4 Spot color swatches. Two of them will not delete or let me alter them and I need to change them to CMYK. I've tried reopening the document, restarting my computer and copying and pasting everything into a new document. Nothing has worked for me. I've also tried selecting everything, and going to Edit > Edit Colors > Convert to CMYK ... and then making a new color group (with global checked.) Still won't let me edit the two problem swatches. I then went to "Select all unused" from the swatch panel (thinking they would at least get selected because all of the colors should link to my new global color group) and the two problem swatches did NOT get selected. I've tried deleting all the links (thinking maybe the spot color was tucked in an eps file or something.) No objects are locked and none of the layers are locked.
I have downloaded some of Ian symbols which is a zip file and Safety Nut 10° thru 55°. How do I place these files in Illustrators Swatch Libraries. The Safty Nut file has installed itself somewhere?? If I double click on the folder Illustrator starts up an the nuts are there in a window but when I close Illustator and restart Illustratior and look for it in the swatch folders it dose not show up?
I'm using illustrator CS6 but now there are only pantone+ colors in the swatchbook to select. And these are different from the pantone colors. How i will get back the pantone colors?
I've just installed the pantone colour management software which is supposed to update CS with all the new pantone palettes including the + colours amongst other things. Although installation seemingly went fine, my CS palettes are unchanged and have not been updated. Have contacted pantone but no joy yet.
I created a logo in Illustrator CS5 made of several overlapping parts, all parts have the same Pantone color, but with different intensity (I'm not sure it's called intensity, is the bar, inside the Color Palette by which you can adjust the color from white to 100% of the Pantone color of your choice). What I'm looking for is a way to change the color of all the parts at once with another Pantone with a simple click, without having to manually adjust all the intensity of every single parts again. Now, when I try, all parts changes in the new Pantone color but all are at 100%. If i change only one part at a time the percentage of intensity is observed. I know that i can do it manualy, changing every single part, but i wonder if there is a faster way that i don't know.
Problem in AICS6 trying to find a certain Pantone color. Why Adobe, Pantone or both have never learned to count? Here is a sample of the Pantone list in the "Swatches" palette: PANTONE 133, PANTONE 1205, PANTONE 1215, etc. and it gets worse. Is there a way to tell them to go into numerical order? Why aren't they already in numerical order? That is the whole point of giving anything a number: order.
In the totally unrelated and incompatible application InDesign you at least have the option of typing in the number you want. In AI you have to scroll through the random swatches until you stumble on it. Now, they are in order. There are rules to this sort of thing just that there are rules for grammer and spelling. If Adobe claims they are in order that is the same as saying they have invented their own language and grammer. Worse, they have invented their own number system. Is there any way to make them go in numerical order using
I am working in Illustrator CC and was trying to find the Pantone Process Coated and it has now been replaced by Pantone + CMYK Coated. I don't have these new swatches, wondering if there is anyway to load all the old swatch pallets into my system?
i have an requirement to extact pantone color from PDF. So i had decided will go for acrobat.dll or illustrator library to get pantone and other color from the PDF. how to proceed and get pantone color from PDF using c#.
I am having trouble with the "find" in the Pantone Color books. For example, I type in 654, but it automatically goes to 7654, so I have to highlight the text and delete the 7 in order for it to show 654. CS 5 didn't have this search issue, but its a problem with several of the colors that I have to use.
I frequently use Pantone solid coated colors in my work, and have to open that palette anew each time Illustrator has been restarted. I know that in CS4 I could keep that palette available, but I haven't been successful doing the same in CS5. I have saved my workspace, but the Pantone palettes disappear when Illustrator quits.
Swatches Swatches Read-only. The swatches in this document.
Deletes a swatch from the current document Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application") Set documentSwatches = appRef.ActiveDocument.Swatches Set swatchToDelete = documentSwatches(5) swatchToDelete.delete
How am I supposed to be able to make changes to the swatches collection - it is read only...
Not supprisingly I have failed to implement this in C-sharp
I can not delete some of the swatches (PMS colours) from the dock. I've tried to search for any artwork that may contain the colour, but I could not find anything. When I open Swatch Options it only lets me change Color Mode. Swatch name and color type are greyed out no matter what color mode I choose. I've tried to copy and paste the artwork in a new document, restart Illustrator but the problem persist.
swatch that I have created in illustrator. Once the swatch is applied as a fill there is a white line surrounding the original pattern. I have read other blog posts about the issue that state that the lines are just on screen and dissapear when you export as a PDF and when you print. I printed the design today at three different scales (100%, 40%, 20%) and all showed a white line but only on the horizontal axis. Both horizontal and vertical lines are visible when exported as a PDF. The original design is vector.
Here is a screen shot of the design from my computer:
Here is a photo of what the design looked printed (notice that the white lines are ony visible on the vertical axis):
I'm creating a swatch group in my swatches panel and I can click and drag any color in the swatches panel to my new folder. But it won't let me click and drag the custom gradients into this folder. How do I add my new gradient swatches to the swatch group folder in the swatches panel?
I wanted to save a pattern swatch and not the whole swatch library so I deleted all the swatches until it was just the one pattern swatch. I saved it as an .ase and then opened it in another document. I noticed however that when I open the pattern in the other document it shows the default swatch library and no pattern swatch. When I save the swatch as an ai. it opens the default library as well as the pattern swatch. Is there a way to save just the pattern swatch?
I have an issue with Illustrator CS6, running on 10.6.8. I'll have an object selected, and I'll be using my Swatches panel to edit the colour of the object's fill, let's say. Then I will want to edit the colour of the stroke – as soon as I hit the stroke square in my toolbox, the Swatches panel disappears and the Color panel jumps out instead. I have to close the Color panel, and then reopen the Swatches every single time. Workspace: "Essentials" I don't have the Auto Collapse Iconic Panels on...