Illustrator :: How To Create New CMYK Color Swatch
Sep 26, 2013Whenever I try to create a new CMYK color swatch it automatically opens pattern swatch name panel. Why won't it let me create a color swatch?
View 4 RepliesWhenever I try to create a new CMYK color swatch it automatically opens pattern swatch name panel. Why won't it let me create a color swatch?
View 4 RepliesWhen I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors" it highlights the pantone color being used in the file. In previous version, it never did this. This is for CS6. Any know fix for this?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwe have a website concept in Illustrator CS3, with named swatches for all colors. I'm wondering if there is an easy or 'semi-automated' way to generate a chart of the swatches we are using, showing there hex values?
I know I could draw out a bunch of boxes, fill them with the swatch colors, and manually look up and type in the hex values for each. But this would take a LONG time, as there are a number of color variations.
I am working in Adobe Illustrator CS6 and InDesign CS6.
When I create a swatch using Pantone colour books (solid coated) and then convert the swatch to CMYK the values differ between programs and also differ to my hard copy of Pantone Colour Bridge.
I have followed the Workaround 1 on [URL]...which was useful - now the CMYK values produced in Illustrator and InDesign match HOWEVER they still differ from my hard copy of Pantone Colour Bridge.
I copied the leagacy files from CS4 - is it possible the CMYK values embedded in these files are out of date or is it possible that the CMYK values in the Colour Bridge book have since changed?
How do I create the swatch set and I can't get the logo layers colored in?
Choose the Magic Wand tool , making sure "contiguous" is checked in the Options bar. Select the rectangle under "Monochromatic (Single Hue)". Press Alt+Backspace (Windows) or Option+Delete (Mac OS) to fill the selection with the foreground color.Â
#Open the Color Picker and select two values of your base color. Apply your color selections to the "Values" swatches.
Next, select two intensities, and apply to the "Intensities" swatches.
Now that you've got your color palette, combine the colors into a swatch set. Use the Rectangular Marquee tool to draw stripes and fill with the colors you've selected above. This is a space to experiment with how the colors look next to each other.
Ready for the fun part? Make a selection around the client logo using the Rectangular Marquee tool. The logo has been separated into layers to make color application easy. First, apply color to the "bg" layer. Sample a color swatch using the Eyedropper tool , then press Alt/Option-Backspace to fill with color.
Keeping the selection active, click the "top curves" layer. Sample a color with the Eyedropper tool, then press Alt / Option-Backspace. Move on to the "middle curves" layer. Select a color, and fill.
Next up, "bottom curves":
I made a pattern in illustrator c6 (lets say simple dots in rows) and I want to color this dots with a swatch (which means a specific color that changes automatically when I change this particular swatch). It does change the color but it also causes a lot of troubles, it makes weird compound paths and illustrator gets very slow...
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I redefine a swatch color?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe just got illustrator cs6 in our office. I was given a book and told to learn it, but WOW, it is not easy.
I feel like an idiot asking a question that should be basic, but I swear I have been seaching all over the place and can't find the answer.
Is it possible to make changes to the default color swatch and have those changes appear as the default color swatch whenever you open Illustrator CC?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn Illustrator CS4. I want to create a repeating pattern, using a swatch. I've done this before succesfully but not sure why this one isn't working as planned.
The small image at the bottom (just the area inside the artboard) is the spacing I want between the characters, but the pattern at the top is what I get.
When I drop a swatch color on a gradient, it doesn't link to the swatch color like in a solid fill.Nevermind the UI inconsistency with this behavior, since Adobe probably doesn't care, but how do I get around this?
Creating a Swatch from the gradient is not a solution for me, as I use the same base color in different gradients.
I'm trying to challenge myself here, I want to create a copy of every gradient in the active document and give it an assigned name like "Batman 1" "Batman 2" ect.
I can add new gradients and set their stop colors ect but I can't figure out how to create a perfect copy of the gradient in the swatch library.
I've been looking and the only thing I found that comes close was an older script that's only compatibale with CS. In this they're copying EVERYTHING I just wanna stick to gradients at the moment. Here's the link: [URL]
I looked to this as an example of how to do something like this but since it wont work with CS6 I cant really experiment or tinker to figure out how it works.
Illustrator CC
I am having a difficult time trying to create a new swatch libray of patterns from multiple png files. The way I am doing this is very slow and repetitive and seems silly for a tool as advanced as the latest CC suite including illustrator.
What it seems I must do is open all the png files in Illustrator, creating multiple workspaces, drag one png file into the swatch window, then save that window as a library, close the existing window to reveal the next png file, open the user library I just created, drag the next image into the currently active swatch window, then drag the previous swatch/s from the user library into the current active swatch window, resave and replace the user defined swatch library (now with two images in there)fromthe updated current active swatch panel/window, close the existing workspace to reveal the next image file, and then repeat the process again, slowly building the user defined swatch library up by adding one image at a time and then adding back into the Swatch panel the previously built up library of swatches again one at at time. (you can select all from the existing user defined library and drag over into swatch panel, but this creates at least one duplicate on each cycle for as soon as you click on the first swatch in the library, it adds itto the current swatch panel and then when you select all swatches to drag across it includes the first swatch and copies it again)
This is a very slow process to build up a swatch library. For some reason you cannot drag swatches directly into the user defined library you have created, only into the active swatch window for each workspace. I searched the web and forums for answers but could find none. There must be an easier way, just can't find it.
Ideally, the best option would be a swatch window option that allows the import directly from a list of selected files in the finder.
Is there a way to save an lllustrator color group as an ASE swatch library? When I try to do this, the entire library, including all the default swatches, are saved, when all I want are the particular swatches I've added to a new colour group. I want to be able to save swatch libraries for various clients, then be able to access them in InDesign and Photoshop as well. Or alternatively, is there a way to remove unwanted swatches from a swatch library once it's been saved? (Using CS6 on a Mac running 10.8.4)
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a Hexadecimal Swatch Palate or Color Picker for Illustrator CS5? If not -- in CS6 - as I'm thinking of upgrading.But it seems like such a thing is so basic, surely I'm just missing it?
View 11 Replies View Relatedi want to get the swatch color of active document . i use 3 to 4 colors both cmyk and pantone which is in swatches now i want to get their values using script.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for scripts online that would create a color swatch legend to list the colors used in my illustrator file. I found this (see below) and tweaked it to place properly on my particular page, but it adds everything in my swatches panel to the legend. Ideally, I'm looking for a piece of script to add that would only add used swatches to the legend, or a script that would only add spot colors to the legend.
var docRef=app.activeDocument;
var SwatchBoxSize=24;
var swatchBoxSize=parseFloat(SwatchBoxSize);
var swatchBoxTop=swatchBoxSize+314;
[Code] ......
I can't figure out how to create outlines (vector lines) for my patterns , as I need to laser cut the pattern, and all the lines have to be seen I use Illustrator CS6.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a couple thousand AI authored EPS files with a specific swatch name (SpotBlack) that I would like to rename (black) -- is there any method to do this en masse, preferrably outside of Illy using a text editor?
View 7 Replies View Relatedi regularly have to print out colours for sublimating fabric, and use illustrator to create a panel of blends to print out.
I put four colours in the corners, make an 18 step blend or the top two, then the bottom two, expand them then ungroup them, and then change the blend options to 8 steps and blend them vertically one by one.
all in all it's several minutes work, but i thought i could change the values of the four corners, and then use actions to blend the grid.
initially it stopped and told me ungroup was unavailable, so i created smaller steps, but still can't get it to work.
is this possible, or do i carry on manually crating grids? or is there another way?
Is there a way to read the swatch used for fill color of a page item?
I can read the fill color but I can't read if the color is a global swatch.
I have an AI file containing seamless pattern swatches.I'd like to get each swatch vectors (ie : access the swatch groupItem). It's doable when clicking on the swatch panel and dragging the swatch on the document, or even double clicking the swatch in the swatches panel, I'd like to do it with javascript.
how to access swatch patterns properties.
How to access the swatch properties, like when double clicking on the swatch in the swatches panel, how to "simulate" a drag & drop of the swatch to the document, I'll take it too, though I think it is not the most convenient way to do.
I have a large list of custom colors in Excel that has the color name and CMYK breakdown of each color. I'm looking for a way to import this information to create a custom Color Swatch Library. That will have the name of the color and the CMYK breakdown. So that I can easily use in Illustrator and Photoshop. Is there any way or application in doing this with out manually entering the information and creating a new library?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have created polka dots or even more complicated pattern in previous version illustrator. They are perfect. When i migrated to the CS5, the exactly same pattern always have a fine line in between the pattern swatches. After i export the artwork to jpg in 300dpi, they are still there.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to write a script that applies a single swatch to a single path item and repeat for every swatch that is currently contained in the swatch library. This script that I have written is only applying the last swatch in the swatch library to every path item on the page. Currently I'm more concered with getting each swatch that is currently in the swatch library to be applied at least once before worrying about applying the same patch to any extra number of patch items compared to the swatches.length.
// Apply every swatch library color to path items on a page
if ( app.documents.length > 0 && app.activeDocument.pathItems.length > 0 ) {
doc = app.activeDocument;
If I have only pantone colour, can I find the CMYK in ai?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am editing a file for a Realestate customer of mine. For some reason her previous designer didn't understand to make print material in cmyk ( I cant believe how many "designers" dont understand the difference.). I am now going back and correcting that issue so they will print accuratly. Usually I can do this in Illustrator and just go to the edit menu and then go to edit colors and choose convert to cmyk. That option is greyed out in this situation. I am attaching a screen shot. I am using illustrator cs6 on a mac running 10.7.5.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to choose a color in CMYK it always gives me the exclamation mark with a color that isn't even close to what I'm trying to use. When I click on the color below the exclamation, it still won't give it to me. What is the purpose of this and how can I get it to give me the proper color?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to find a way to convert YS color code to either CMYK or RGB (doesn't matter which).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an AI CS6 file (CMYK) which I can not print in color. When I save as a PDF file and print it using Reader it prints out in color. My other AI files print in color without a problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI inherited a color from someone who has departed my company. It's a lovely, bright blue. He has rolled out this blue in all of our UI...that rebranding is complete. Now I come in to update the other corporate materials around this shade of blue only to find that it is out of gamut. When I click to correct it, I end up with a totally dull and lifeless shade of blue. The contrast between these two blues is really quite severe. No one except a color-blind person or maybe just a blind person would think they were the same. I am at my wit's end. One thing I am thinking of doing is getting one of those Pantone books and try to find a suitable blue using my own eyeballs because all of this has occurred on my computer monitor. Do you think I will find a better match that way or do you think Illustrator is tops at finding the right substitute?
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