Illustrator :: Corporate Color Is Out Of Gamut For CMYK
Mar 7, 2014
I inherited a color from someone who has departed my company. It's a lovely, bright blue. He has rolled out this blue in all of our UI...that rebranding is complete. Now I come in to update the other corporate materials around this shade of blue only to find that it is out of gamut. When I click to correct it, I end up with a totally dull and lifeless shade of blue. The contrast between these two blues is really quite severe. No one except a color-blind person or maybe just a blind person would think they were the same. I am at my wit's end. One thing I am thinking of doing is getting one of those Pantone books and try to find a suitable blue using my own eyeballs because all of this has occurred on my computer monitor. Do you think I will find a better match that way or do you think Illustrator is tops at finding the right substitute?
I'm editing an sRGB image. My custom proof condition is set to sRGB IEC, preserve numbers unchecked, intent PER or RC, BPC. Gamut warning is turned on.
I add some text and color it using the text color selector tool. I enable gamut warning in that and choose an out of gamut color such as #ff0000. I return to the image and the the text is *not* flagged as being out of gamut.
In fact *no* color flagged as OOG in the selector seems to be considered OOG once I return to the image with sRGB IEC selected, though they are when I select other devices to simulate.
Why the disparity between the image OOG warning and the selector tool? Is the tool using a different simulated device to that I've selected?
So I've been having this issue with Photoshop ever since I started using it on my Windows machine. On my Mac. I could set something to any color and it would appear that way on the screen in RGB mode. However, when I try and do that with the same exact color on my Windows machine it appears in black. I don't have Gamut Warnings on either. However, when I switch the mode to CMYK the color appears. The problem with this is I use photoshop for GUI's and such, not print materiel so if I have it show in CMYK Mode it will give me an inacurate look at how the colors will look.
I am working on a corporate logo consisting of two different shapes, and I want to combine them into one. The end result has to be a vector image.
One of the shapes is slightly bigger than the other one, and I want to remove the parts that are at the outside of the other shape. It's a little tricky to explain, but what I want to do, is equal to the "Paste into"-option in Photoshop where an inserted object is placed within the borders of another.
Is this possible in Illustrator?
I'm not that familiar with paths, so I don't know what to do...
I am editing a file for a Realestate customer of mine. For some reason her previous designer didn't understand to make print material in cmyk ( I cant believe how many "designers" dont understand the difference.). I am now going back and correcting that issue so they will print accuratly. Usually I can do this in Illustrator and just go to the edit menu and then go to edit colors and choose convert to cmyk. That option is greyed out in this situation. I am attaching a screen shot. I am using illustrator cs6 on a mac running 10.7.5.
Every time I try to choose a color in CMYK it always gives me the exclamation mark with a color that isn't even close to what I'm trying to use. When I click on the color below the exclamation, it still won't give it to me. What is the purpose of this and how can I get it to give me the proper color?
I have an AI CS6 file (CMYK) which I can not print in color. When I save as a PDF file and print it using Reader it prints out in color. My other AI files print in color without a problem.
Having a bit of trouble as Illustrator CS6 (that I've set to a default color mode of CMYK) is opening CS5 CMYK files as RGB color profile. I don't get a choice. And so it is messing with my color palettes when I convert back to a CMYK color profile.
I have over 900 barcodes provided in EPS format. When I open them in illustrator, they are coming in as an RGB color space file. I need them gray scale solid black in CMYK color mode. I can batch using actions to convert the artwork using "Edit Colors > Convert to Grayscale". However, the document color mode remains RGB. It appears, even after using "Convert to Grayscale", that the RGB color mode goofs up the placed .ai file in InDesign, treating it as RGB and seeing it as a mix of CMYK rather than the 100% black only it needs to be for proper sharp printing.
The actions pallet doesn't record converting the document color mode. Is there a way to automate that file conversion so they are all saved as CMYK rather than RGB, or am I stuck opening each of the 900+ files manually?
I am a lifetime user of Adobe products, everything always updated to the latest, but a little stumped by this one... I opened a new document for print, specifying cmyk color and now, when I try to choose a color and apply to an object it only comes out in grayscale. What am I not understanding? as this is a first for me. I've looked back into document set up but am missing what ever it is that will not allow me to display or show color in my document.
I'm using CS2 on Mac OSX 10.4. Recently I tried importing a Photoshop image into Illustrator and then matching a color in Illustrator to a color in the Photoshop document. But Illustrator changed the CMYK values of the color in the Photoshop document even though I have "Preserve CMYK colors" checked in the color setup window. Both applications and files are set to SWOP v2.
I don't have the same problem when placing either Photoshop or Illustrator files into InDesign.
I ended up recreating the project in InDesign to get consistent color, but I need to know how to make Illustrator preserve color numbers for the project that will come up for which I need Illustrator features.
I have a complex pattern, that looks brilliant with a color layer. However, it was originally created RGB.
I converted the color to CMYK for print, and all the color disappears! Not that the layer is deleted, but the color layer appears Grayscale. The only area where color shows up are in the pieces that are at 50% transparency (see purple diamond). I have all my color areas set to CMYK including the color pallet.
The color will show if I set the layer to multiply, but it doesn't look the same way as it does when its in RGB mode.
I am working on iphone case packaging that will be printed so my project is in CMYK, all settings in CMYK. The colors on my screen look correct in CMYK but when I send it to the manufacturer it is then printing in a different (similiar) color. Can this be from my screens not being calibrated to CMYK?
I did a few searches for rgb to cmyk converters and I put in the rgb color that looks correct and it spits out a CMYK color that looks far different that the CMYK colors in illustrator. I am using CS6, I could use the converter for now but I would like to see the correct colors in the future if at all possible.
I have a wide gamut monitor (HP LP2475w) which has already been calibrated. My question isn't so much about that, but the settings I should be using inside of Photoshop (CS5). As far as color settings (ctrl+shift+k) goes, what am I supposed to use? I have sRGB as the rgb working space right now. (never use CMYK), Gray % Spot = dot gain 20%, and preserve profiles are ticked on for all 3. Am I supposed to be using Adobe RGB in RGB working space to get the most out of my monitor? I'm asking because it would be embarrassing if I had a wide gamut monitor and am working within a sRGB color cap. What are the proper photoshop color settings, so that it works well across the board (browser compatibility, etc)
I am a professional digital artist who specialize in illustrations for print campaigns. So far from what I've seen, whatever's been printed out of what I produce from this monitor has come out pretty much looking the same, so I'm not worried about that. Again, I just want to make sure I'm not careless and am using settings which doesn't make use of a wide gamut monitor.
I have decided to put an DDR5 ATI card in my new Win7-64 build for editing photographs, compositing, etc. As I have used nVidia up to now I am unfamiliar with the ATI lines.
I have looked at both discussions here and the ATI site, but it isn't clear which cards will best drive my ASUS higher-gamut monitor. I have to build a new system right now. (Willl not overclock a i7-3770 or use two GPU cards linked with Crossfire. No plans for any gaming.) I would also like to keep this part of the build at a couple hundred or less. I saw that FirePro boards range a lot higher than Radeon, which I realize is gaming-oriented.
I hope to get DVI and Displayport as outputs. I use two 24" monitors, and the older unit can accept only DVI (or VGA, which I would avoid.)Any thoughts about the current ATI line for higher gamut?
When I make my text red (standard CMYK red) on a black background, it looks rasterized. (See image below)
I tried using different standard fonts, but result is the same. Aslo when I export it for high quality printing, the resulting pdf document also show the red text somewhat rasterized. (Does not appear smooth red).
When a mixed RGB/CMYK PDF is opened in Illustrator CS6, Illustrator forces a conversion to one color space or the other. See this screenshot: [URL]
I assume this is a limitation of Illustrator and there's no way to keep both color spaces. Under that assumption, Is it possible to choose the profiles used for the conversion from RGB to CMYK? Can Illustrator be made to use the RGB and CMYK profiles defined in its Color Settings to make this conversion?
I'm making a simple template to laser cut. The laser cutter acts as a printer and you choose the power, speed, etc. for each color that is in the document. I only want to cut, so I only have RGB red lines at 0.001 pt thickness. Or at least that was the plan. One of the shapes in my template has come out a different red (the swatches were CMYK despite the document colour mode being RGB). I would now like to select all the paths in the document and make them all RGB red. However, when I open the color panel from the dock the sliders are CMYK, again this is despite the document color mode being RGB:
How do I change all the paths to be RGB red?How do I stop Illustrator offering me CMYK options and swatches and offering RGB instead?
I work with a large number of Illustrator files daily that all use the Pantone Solid Coated library for their swatch color scheme. This color library will be used whether customers provide the art pieces or if I design the pieces for them.
However, I have found that in order to best match our digital press we must to convert the inks to the Pantone Color Bridge CMYK PC library before printing.
Basically the same color number just the different library (eg PMS 200C would convert to PMS 200PC if outputing in-house to the digital press).
My question - is it possible to create a script that would swap out all the colors in a document (that are in a specific library) with the same colors from a different library?
*More specifically what I am wanting to do is if I have a document that has a dozen solid coated colors swap them for their same numerical equivelant in the Color Bridge CMYK PC library.
I am looking at an image which has some red areas that are out-of-gamut in the soft proof profile I'm using. It's difficult to preview the areas as red is used to highlight those areas. How can I change the red to be some other color?
I am working on something that will only be seen on a computer screen, and I want to use out-of-gamut colors, but I can't find a color profile that will allow it. Is there any setting I can use that will allow me to use out-of-gamut colors?
I did some battery wraps for a company and they are being printed in China. The background is the default cmyk gradient "copper" and one is "silver" in AI. They are asking me to provide the Pantone or CMYK color code for these colors. Since they are a gradient I am not sure what to tell them.
"Your current color settings discard CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be honored when this document was created."
every time I open an Illustrator document. How this setting was set and how to turn it off. I am just using the standard N America Prepress color setting in Bridge.
I have tried opening new documents using the supplied Ai CS4 new document profiles, no luck. So I am assuming it's a pref that is set in the app itself, yet how to change this setting? I don't even see anything referring to a setting like this.
I found this archived discussion: [URL] .... which had no resolution.
I've had this problem before, and it randomly popped up again today.
This time restarting Ai fixed the issue the first time. I just don't know if this was human-error/setting on my end, or a minor bug to report.
So I create a CMYK Ai doc. Create some black text and/or shapes. Then decide to change color to rich black by manually entering CMYK values (in this case, 60, 40, 40, 90), select ok. However, the colors revert back to original percentages (75, 68, 67, 90).
In past versions, it's happened once or twice, and restarting Ai didn't solve the first time.
Is there a way to export a document @ a different resolution than 72DPI? I know I can set the horizontal/vertical scale to save it at a larger dimension at 72DPI, but I need the file to be actual size and 300DPI.
This is part of a larger process, and I'd prefer to do the entire process from Illustrator, and not have to open the files in Photoshop to change the size/resolution.
Also, is it possible to change the color mode to CMYK or Greyscale for the exported Jpeg?