Illustrator :: CMYK Color Not Showing Correctly On Screen
Jul 6, 2013
I am working on iphone case packaging that will be printed so my project is in CMYK, all settings in CMYK. The colors on my screen look correct in CMYK but when I send it to the manufacturer it is then printing in a different (similiar) color. Can this be from my screens not being calibrated to CMYK?
I did a few searches for rgb to cmyk converters and I put in the rgb color that looks correct and it spits out a CMYK color that looks far different that the CMYK colors in illustrator. I am using CS6, I could use the converter for now but I would like to see the correct colors in the future if at all possible.
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Oct 16, 2013
If I have only pantone colour, can I find the CMYK in ai?
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Feb 25, 2014
I am editing a file for a Realestate customer of mine. For some reason her previous designer didn't understand to make print material in cmyk ( I cant believe how many "designers" dont understand the difference.). I am now going back and correcting that issue so they will print accuratly. Usually I can do this in Illustrator and just go to the edit menu and then go to edit colors and choose convert to cmyk. That option is greyed out in this situation. I am attaching a screen shot. I am using illustrator cs6 on a mac running 10.7.5.
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Jun 6, 2012
Every time I try to choose a color in CMYK it always gives me the exclamation mark with a color that isn't even close to what I'm trying to use. When I click on the color below the exclamation, it still won't give it to me. What is the purpose of this and how can I get it to give me the proper color?
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Apr 19, 2013
I need to find a way to convert YS color code to either CMYK or RGB (doesn't matter which).
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Jun 24, 2013
I have an AI CS6 file (CMYK) which I can not print in color. When I save as a PDF file and print it using Reader it prints out in color. My other AI files print in color without a problem.
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Mar 7, 2014
I inherited a color from someone who has departed my company. It's a lovely, bright blue. He has rolled out this blue in all of our UI...that rebranding is complete. Now I come in to update the other corporate materials around this shade of blue only to find that it is out of gamut. When I click to correct it, I end up with a totally dull and lifeless shade of blue. The contrast between these two blues is really quite severe. No one except a color-blind person or maybe just a blind person would think they were the same. I am at my wit's end. One thing I am thinking of doing is getting one of those Pantone books and try to find a suitable blue using my own eyeballs because all of this has occurred on my computer monitor. Do you think I will find a better match that way or do you think Illustrator is tops at finding the right substitute?
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Sep 26, 2013
Whenever I try to create a new CMYK color swatch it automatically opens pattern swatch name panel. Why won't it let me create a color swatch?
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Oct 25, 2012
Having a bit of trouble as Illustrator CS6 (that I've set to a default color mode of CMYK) is opening CS5 CMYK files as RGB color profile. I don't get a choice. And so it is messing with my color palettes when I convert back to a CMYK color profile.
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Jul 25, 2012
I have over 900 barcodes provided in EPS format. When I open them in illustrator, they are coming in as an RGB color space file. I need them gray scale solid black in CMYK color mode. I can batch using actions to convert the artwork using "Edit Colors > Convert to Grayscale". However, the document color mode remains RGB. It appears, even after using "Convert to Grayscale", that the RGB color mode goofs up the placed .ai file in InDesign, treating it as RGB and seeing it as a mix of CMYK rather than the 100% black only it needs to be for proper sharp printing.
The actions pallet doesn't record converting the document color mode. Is there a way to automate that file conversion so they are all saved as CMYK rather than RGB, or am I stuck opening each of the 900+ files manually?
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Jun 18, 2013
I am a lifetime user of Adobe products, everything always updated to the latest, but a little stumped by this one... I opened a new document for print, specifying cmyk color and now, when I try to choose a color and apply to an object it only comes out in grayscale. What am I not understanding? as this is a first for me. I've looked back into document set up but am missing what ever it is that will not allow me to display or show color in my document.
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May 7, 2009
I'm using CS2 on Mac OSX 10.4. Recently I tried importing a Photoshop image into Illustrator and then matching a color in Illustrator to a color in the Photoshop document. But Illustrator changed the CMYK values of the color in the Photoshop document even though I have "Preserve CMYK colors" checked in the color setup window. Both applications and files are set to SWOP v2.
I don't have the same problem when placing either Photoshop or Illustrator files into InDesign.
I ended up recreating the project in InDesign to get consistent color, but I need to know how to make Illustrator preserve color numbers for the project that will come up for which I need Illustrator features.
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Dec 4, 2012
I have a complex pattern, that looks brilliant with a color layer. However, it was originally created RGB.
I converted the color to CMYK for print, and all the color disappears! Not that the layer is deleted, but the color layer appears Grayscale. The only area where color shows up are in the pieces that are at 50% transparency (see purple diamond). I have all my color areas set to CMYK including the color pallet.
The color will show if I set the layer to multiply, but it doesn't look the same way as it does when its in RGB mode.
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Apr 20, 2013
1. Open Color menu and work with color in CMYK.
2. Do "Add to switches" (or "Создать новый образец" in Russian)
3. See that new color was added like RGB not like CMYK.
4. When I open parameters it show me HSB options.
5. I switch it to CMYK and push OK
6. Nothing cange - RGB in name and HSB in options.
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Jan 10, 2013
When I make my text red (standard CMYK red) on a black background, it looks rasterized. (See image below)
I tried using different standard fonts, but result is the same. Aslo when I export it for high quality printing, the resulting pdf document also show the red text somewhat rasterized. (Does not appear smooth red).
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Apr 25, 2013
When a mixed RGB/CMYK PDF is opened in Illustrator CS6, Illustrator forces a conversion to one color space or the other. See this screenshot: [URL]
I assume this is a limitation of Illustrator and there's no way to keep both color spaces. Under that assumption, Is it possible to choose the profiles used for the conversion from RGB to CMYK? Can Illustrator be made to use the RGB and CMYK profiles defined in its Color Settings to make this conversion?
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Sep 12, 2013
I'm making a simple template to laser cut. The laser cutter acts as a printer and you choose the power, speed, etc. for each color that is in the document. I only want to cut, so I only have RGB red lines at 0.001 pt thickness. Or at least that was the plan. One of the shapes in my template has come out a different red (the swatches were CMYK despite the document colour mode being RGB). I would now like to select all the paths in the document and make them all RGB red. However, when I open the color panel from the dock the sliders are CMYK, again this is despite the document color mode being RGB:
How do I change all the paths to be RGB red?How do I stop Illustrator offering me CMYK options and swatches and offering RGB instead?
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Nov 11, 2011
I work with a large number of Illustrator files daily that all use the Pantone Solid Coated library for their swatch color scheme. This color library will be used whether customers provide the art pieces or if I design the pieces for them.
However, I have found that in order to best match our digital press we must to convert the inks to the Pantone Color Bridge CMYK PC library before printing.
Basically the same color number just the different library (eg PMS 200C would convert to PMS 200PC if outputing in-house to the digital press).
My question - is it possible to create a script that would swap out all the colors in a document (that are in a specific library) with the same colors from a different library?
*More specifically what I am wanting to do is if I have a document that has a dozen solid coated colors swap them for their same numerical equivelant in the Color Bridge CMYK PC library.
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Jun 2, 2012
I did some battery wraps for a company and they are being printed in China. The background is the default cmyk gradient "copper" and one is "silver" in AI. They are asking me to provide the Pantone or CMYK color code for these colors. Since they are a gradient I am not sure what to tell them.
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Mar 7, 2009
I keep getting the following error message:
"Your current color settings discard CMYK profiles in linked content but profiles were set to be honored when this document was created."
every time I open an Illustrator document. How this setting was set and how to turn it off. I am just using the standard N America Prepress color setting in Bridge.
I have tried opening new documents using the supplied Ai CS4 new document profiles, no luck. So I am assuming it's a pref that is set in the app itself, yet how to change this setting? I don't even see anything referring to a setting like this.
I found this archived discussion: [URL] .... which had no resolution.
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Jan 18, 2014
I've had this problem before, and it randomly popped up again today.
This time restarting Ai fixed the issue the first time. I just don't know if this was human-error/setting on my end, or a minor bug to report.
So I create a CMYK Ai doc. Create some black text and/or shapes. Then decide to change color to rich black by manually entering CMYK values (in this case, 60, 40, 40, 90), select ok. However, the colors revert back to original percentages (75, 68, 67, 90).
In past versions, it's happened once or twice, and restarting Ai didn't solve the first time.
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Jun 6, 2013
Is there a way to export a document @ a different resolution than 72DPI? I know I can set the horizontal/vertical scale to save it at a larger dimension at 72DPI, but I need the file to be actual size and 300DPI.
This is part of a larger process, and I'd prefer to do the entire process from Illustrator, and not have to open the files in Photoshop to change the size/resolution.
Also, is it possible to change the color mode to CMYK or Greyscale for the exported Jpeg?
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Nov 24, 2012
I have a background texture which was create in photoshop which I'm trying to display to iOS. I'm converting it to a PNG-24, and when I put it on the phone, the colors don't come out right (it's suppose to be yellow, instead comes our orangey). I've tried following the instructions here [URL]... changing some of the color settings and I still can't get it to work. The file is only 600kb large and is shown below:
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Jul 8, 2012
In CS4 when I zoomed in on an image, the bar at the bottom would show the size of the image now on screen relative to the full size. i.e. if I go from 50% to 100% the bar would be half the size indicating that I am only seeing half the image. At least I think that was the case in CS4.
Here's and example from CS6.
Open an image, choose "Command-0" to make it fill the window, and the percentage is 48.16%. The bar at the bottom is not there, but if it was I assume it would fill the width of the window.I select "Command-+" to zoom in, and the percentage goes to 50%. The bar now fills about 30% of the window width indicating that I have zoomed in a whole lot, but I haven't. There is only a little bit of image on either side not visible, the rest is a huge grey area extending left right, and up and down. How do I make the bar indicate the true amount of zoom, and how do I get rid of that grey area?
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Sep 4, 2012
Some of the images I have taken with my Olympus 7010 still camera, when opened up in PSPro X, are not showing correctly.A portion of the image is sectioned and the smaller part of the image has moved along horizontally, the effect being that for instance, a person's head is not on the body but further along the image. This only happens now and again but is annoying, the last time 2 out of 24 images were like this.They were loaded on to my pc via the camera's card,in a card reader.
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Feb 10, 2013
My printer told me to add 5% C 5% M and 5%Y to my 100%k channels as without it I can see the black comes out a little/touch fury on things like small thin text.
Is this the same on all other colors too? Eg. say 100% Cyan color, should I add 5% M, Y and K?
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Apr 11, 2013
When using the gradient mesh tool or paintbrush in Illustrator - the technique is not reflected ACCURATELY on the screen. For example when painting with a red brush - the screen shows a different color. Sometimes a different magnification will resolve the issue other times it will not.
Running MAC OS6 10.7.5 This is currently happening in Illustrator CS6 Illustrator 5.5 is also on the machine too.
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Aug 13, 2012
I've been searching for this for over a week & finally thought I'd better go to the experts!
I have a 2 page document that has CMYK on one side and 100% Gayscale (with 2 Grayscaled bitmaps) on the other side. My problem is that when I go to print preview it shows the Grayscale as CMYK Separations. My printer is counting it as color instead of grayscale so we are being charged much more than the grayscale would be. I haven't changed anything in my color profile and actually deleted my ColorSettings.xml and rebooted Corel Draw to reset the color profile default. Still no change.
What I am used to (& what I need) is for the print preview to show my page 1 as CMYK separations and my page 2 as black like it used to. I do a lot of ads and need to be able to determine if there is any color in my document when there shouldn't be.
Problem number 2 is that around my grayscaled bitmaps when my document is printed there are thin black lines showing up where the edge of the photo is. None of which shows up in print preview.
I am using Corel Draw X5, Windows 7 - 64 Bit
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Oct 25, 2012
I am running Photoshop CS5, and when I am use cmd-0 (fir to screen) the window reduces to the tiniest speck
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Apr 18, 2013
FontNav is still not showing all fonts correctly. My screen grab shows FN displaying Cambria without regular which as you can see from the CDraw window behind is definitely there on my system. At least now FN isn't preventing the font styles it can't see being used.
I have the latest update 3 of x6 and have deleted and remade FN's font database. The problem appears both on my Win7 64bit desktop and Win7 32bit laptop.
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Apr 18, 2012
I have an assembly drawing that one of the components in the drawing views is not displaying properly.
What I mean by this is other component that are in front of portions of this said part the said part is not showing line segments as hidden or just removed (preferred).
If you look at the image below I have highlighted the portions that are not displaying properly.
I have tried changing the display section under the edit view. The other weird thing is this said part is showing up in the view as phantom lines when the properties clearly show it as a continuous line per the "By Layer" setting.
I am not sure if the LOD's involved speak to this, but this hasn't always been like this and I am not sure what changed it.
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