Photoshop :: Joining Lines In Illustrator, Not Through Endpoints
Mar 11, 2005Is there a way to join two lines through anchor points and not endpoints? Simple example would be to create a 'T' object by joining two lines.
View 2 RepliesIs there a way to join two lines through anchor points and not endpoints? Simple example would be to create a 'T' object by joining two lines.
View 2 RepliesHow do I join two line endpoint together, which terminate at the same anchor point and are at a 90 degree angle, to form a corner instead of a stair step? My problem is on the left, and I want it to look like the right corner.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe green line is parallel with the blue line. I want to move the green line upwards until its endpoints intersect with the two red lines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedJoining lines into polylines in autocad 2007. Basically, I got stuck when joining several lines together using PEDIT and then Join. At the start, it was very smooth process with no drama. Then, I came across two polylines and wanted to join them together, it just did not work. It works most of the time. Why I can't join certain lines together or two polylines together. This is a 2D drawing CAD.
View 3 Replies View Relatedim after to join two lines into one line. ive got a rad of 10mm then a straight line.
dxf as shown, im using Lt
Sometimes when I am filleting lines they end up joining together like a Polyline. Is there a setting I can turn off that will not allow lines to join when filleting?
View 3 Replies View Related kept getting the following error when I try to join two end points.
To join, you must select two open endpoints. If they are not on the same path, they cannot be on text paths nor inside graphs, and if both of them are grouped, they must be in the same group.
Here's what I have. Both paths are in the same group. I zoom to max and both ends are on top of each other. So, why am I kept getting this error message when trying to join them? I tried to Average and there is no error but yet the path is not closed.
I have been using the line tool rather frequently as of late and have found it to be quite useful. More to the point, midway through lining over something my lines stopped showing endpoints to snap to when I wished to place another, resulting in some rather unpleasantly rough shapes. My question is: what did I press / change to do this, and how can I go about un-doing it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I join 2 lines that are dashed (or dotted, I don't know which is the correct name) there's no "corner". See picture below. In one of the corners the lines doesn't meet. In the other there's a "cut-out".
View 14 Replies View RelatedNormally i Join lines and fillets to become a polyline and no problems
But sometimes when i Join them it turns them into a Spline which i dont want.
Then i have to convert it into a polyline and it then it adds load of points/grips on the line which i dont want.
Is there a setting that stops the lines converting to a spline
Im creating plans for a new entryway and so that I have some perspective on how it will all join together i'm also creating a 3d model of my entry idea. In order to move things around to get a better view of how im planning on building this entry, I joined studs together so that I can move things around in the viewport without having to select each object. I know I can grab all the objects at the same time to move but I was wondering IF there is a way to union objects so that they dont lose the lines between joining objects. For example if 2 - 2x8 studs are next to each other and I were to union them, then they would plot as a 4 x 8 instead of 2 - 2 x 8's OR is there a way to maintain lines after union?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI made a silhouette of buildings and I"m wanting to connect the bottom open endpoints into one straight line. The reason I'm doing this is because I want to add a fill to the silhouette as a whole instead of doing them one by one.
I tried joining paths but it can only be two open endpoints at a time. I have many open endpoints.
The pen tool only joins two open endpoints. If I try to continue to try to add another endpoint to the same line, the pen tool becomes a "minus anchor point" tool and messes up the shape of the buildings.
Of course, I thought of just making each building separate and grouping them together. However, if I do that, a issue occurs because I have certain buildings that are "in front" of each other (not in the sense of layers, but the image as a whole). I purposely made the sihlouette look like some buildlings are in front of each other and some are behind each other.
I was going for something like this
So I built this
The endpoints indicated here will not connect - the connect selected endpoints tool is greyed out
I have searched the discussion groep and have not came up with any usefull information.
I have an inside web plate sketch that i want to offset but my offset does only do one line at a time.
So my problem basicly is that I want it to do the whole sketch in one click. Is it possible to join all the lines? or is there another function that I do not know of that will do this for me.
Attached is photos of the problem I have
1 picture - How do I join these lines
2 picture - How the whole sketch looks
3 picture - The offset does only do one line at a time (i want it to do the whole sketch)
I wanted to join 2 lines together (i.e. end up with a single line). I know that you can join lines by selecting both then using any of the shape / line / brush tools to drag one node from line A over to the a node on line B (you get a little + symbol next to the mouse cursor once the lines can join).
This is fine is you want the final line shape to differ from the original 2, but what if you want to join 2 lines and retain the original paths?
I can do it by postioning the target nodes on eash of the lines almost but not quite touching then using the above technique but its a bit awkward and I suspect this isn't the best way to go about it.
how to join line or polylines with ellipse arcs or circle arcs and now.. I give up! Here is my problem: What I would like to draw can be compared with a pear: a succession of circle arcs ellipse arcs and maybe polylines. Once the profile done, I was planning to use REVOLVE or (EXTRUDE + FLLET) to finish my drawing... the problem is that I can't join 2 ellipse arcs from different ellipses (which means neither with a circle arc. How would you proceed to draw a pear?
PS: I'm using autoCAD 2006 z.54.10 version
I used the "break" command to split some lines into segments, but now I can not join them again using PEDIT. They are all on the same elevation. What is preventing me from joining them? I've attached the file in question, I'm trying to join the red (metal layer) lines.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhat is the difference btwn using the join icon and joining lines using the pedit command?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am having problems trying to join some objects. I have a smaller circle in a larger circle. and an arrow (just two lines) pointing right. I would like to join these objects, so that each end of the arrow will join to each the circles and make it one object.
The effect Im looking for is that the center circle is gone/transparent, and I can fill inbetween the two circles with a color (with the arrow head included). Ive included the file (or an image, whichever it takes incase my description is confusing.
I'm using CS4 on a mac.
Here's what I want: a filled rectangle in which the top and bottom line segments are straight, and the two side line segments are zigzag. I can't seem to find a good way to do that.
First thing I tried: Make a rectangle, then Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. That turns all segments of the rectangle zig zag, and I want the top and bottom to be straight.
Next: Draw four separate lines and join them to make a shape that I can fill. I can do that, right? Anyway, the problem: I draw a zigzag line, and a straight line and right angles. I select the endpoints with the pen tool (right?) to join them. When they join, either they both become straight or they both become zigzag. Which is not what I want either. Here's a picture of what I'm trying to do.
The other thing I noticed is that the Zig Zag effect doesn't give me additional anchor points (at least from what I can see), and doesn't give me anchor points where I want them. See in the above picture, where I have the left-hand line segment selected, the path is still straight so the anchor points don't line up with the zigzag line that is visible to me. Which means when I try to join the segments, they make funny shapes at the corner. Which is also annoying. This thread seemed to indicate that Zig Zag should give me additional anchor points at each corner: [URL]. Why don't I get that? Is it a CS4/CS5 issue?
I am drawing a simple diamond shape made with one rectanlge shape and multiple line segments. As I drew the design, I made sure to connect all the segments at the anchors. When I select all of the segments and try to join the paths, the end points or corners are not smooth. In other words, some of the line segment ends hang over the edges...
The image below shows the left side of the diamond, where the top portion meets the bottom...
How can I draw a line from the endpoint of an existing line (snap to grid is on), without the lines being joined? Joining causes two problems for me:
1. The arrowhead at the end of the existing line moves to the end of the joined line, whereas I want the arrowhead in the middle of the combined line.
2. Even without entering isolation mode the new line gets joined to a line which belong to a group, thus becoming part of that group as well. This defies the use of grouping to create logically connected units.
when I comand to draw the polyline like: 0,0 -> 10,0 -> 10,15 -> c
I can get the property of closed is True
but if I type : 0,0 -> 10,0 -> 10,15 ->0,0
I get the of closed is False becase 1st point and last point are overlaped.
so how to delete one of endpoints with VBA?
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:
View 6 Replies View RelatedI know there is a Spline command in the AutoCAD.
Can I create a B-spline which has two endpoints and two control points in AutoCAD similar as the one in the Solidworks?
If there's a way to make endpoints visible on selected lines / polylines while drawing new lines/polylines or running other routines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've been working with Civil 3D for a while and I've gotten the Profile View and Data Bands down.Whenever we create an alignment with only two vertices (at each endpoint) and make the Northings, Eastings, and Elevations show in the data bands, the start and end show no data. (As below) Now I'm sure the data band is set up correctly because if I add a vertex somewhere along the alignment, all the missing data shows up.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a .DWF underlay that I am tracing over an aerial. I need to create hatches for several areas, and tried to PEDIT the lines and arcs into a polyline. Several segments, however, were not "connected" to the adjacent segments even though I'd meticulously snapped to endpoints to draw the lines.
Is there a command or LISP routine to check for connectivity before I attempt PEDIT so I can fix the gaps first?
I have a contractor that created several families for us, and they left all the ref. planes full length, and I what them nearer to the objects. When I open the family all I see is ref. planes, I need to see them, I just want the closer to the parts not stick extremely far away. I can pick them one at a time, but sure would be nice to grab them at once.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to transform a lot of dashed (single) lines into separate lines... Who can tell me how to do this in a few clicks. I don't need an outline of the dashed line. So the black dashes I need, the white in between the dashes I want to loose.
See the example. I need the second lines.
how i can join two images toghether. both are protraits and have drastically different backgrounds. basicly I took a group photo and 1 person was missing. so I took a picture of her in a different setting with the correct pose. now I would like to add here to the rest of the group....
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