Xara :: Joining 2 Lines Together And Retain Original Paths
Sep 6, 2011
I wanted to join 2 lines together (i.e. end up with a single line). I know that you can join lines by selecting both then using any of the shape / line / brush tools to drag one node from line A over to the a node on line B (you get a little + symbol next to the mouse cursor once the lines can join).
This is fine is you want the final line shape to differ from the original 2, but what if you want to join 2 lines and retain the original paths?
I can do it by postioning the target nodes on eash of the lines almost but not quite touching then using the above technique but its a bit awkward and I suspect this isn't the best way to go about it.
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Feb 23, 2014
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:
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Jan 16, 2014
When you create shapes that fits together, there appeares a thin line that also shows when you make a jpeg from it. I'm a vector contributor at iStock and making a preview jpg with all those white lines looks really ugly (see attachment).
Here is a simple solution. Copy your shapes on top of each other and the lines are gone. This way your work stays 100% vector. For work that hasn't to be 100% vector, you could make a bitmap copy and place it under your vector image.
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Nov 13, 2013
How can I retain clipping paths in Photoshop CS6 when saving the file as jpg or png?
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Feb 3, 2012
All I am trying to do is cut out small portions of a video just to get rid of the parts I don't want. However, when I use the multi-trim feature, it strips the original audio. I know it does this so you can create your own video and then overlay your own audio. However, all I want to do is just cut out a few portions of the video while retaining the original audio minus the parts I cut out (i.e. I don't want to have to overlay any audio for this project, I just want a simple way to cut a few parts out and be done).
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May 17, 2013
I am using PSE 11 on a MacBook Pro, OS X (10.3). I have a lot of old pictures to edit, and they are in date order, which is how I want them.
However, when I edit a picture and save it, it moves it to the bottom, with today's date instead of the original date. I have them set to save with the original as a version set.
Is there any way to retain the orignal dates, short of having to go in and reset the date on every picture after I save it? I really want them to be in date order under their original dates.
BTW, I used earlier versions that were Windows-based, and this didn't happen. When I saved them, the version sets stayed where they were.
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Oct 18, 2011
Joining lines into polylines in autocad 2007. Basically, I got stuck when joining several lines together using PEDIT and then Join. At the start, it was very smooth process with no drama. Then, I came across two polylines and wanted to join them together, it just did not work. It works most of the time. Why I can't join certain lines together or two polylines together. This is a 2D drawing CAD.
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Mar 9, 2012
im after to join two lines into one line. ive got a rad of 10mm then a straight line.
dxf as shown, im using Lt
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Oct 6, 2013
Sometimes when I am filleting lines they end up joining together like a Polyline. Is there a setting I can turn off that will not allow lines to join when filleting?
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Apr 23, 2013
How do I join two line endpoint together, which terminate at the same anchor point and are at a 90 degree angle, to form a corner instead of a stair step? My problem is on the left, and I want it to look like the right corner.
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Apr 17, 2012
When I join 2 lines that are dashed (or dotted, I don't know which is the correct name) there's no "corner". See picture below. In one of the corners the lines doesn't meet. In the other there's a "cut-out".
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Mar 20, 2012
Normally i Join lines and fillets to become a polyline and no problems
But sometimes when i Join them it turns them into a Spline which i dont want.
Then i have to convert it into a polyline and it then it adds load of points/grips on the line which i dont want.
Is there a setting that stops the lines converting to a spline
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Mar 11, 2005
Is there a way to join two lines through anchor points and not endpoints? Simple example would be to create a 'T' object by joining two lines.
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Feb 6, 2012
Im creating plans for a new entryway and so that I have some perspective on how it will all join together i'm also creating a 3d model of my entry idea. In order to move things around to get a better view of how im planning on building this entry, I joined studs together so that I can move things around in the viewport without having to select each object. I know I can grab all the objects at the same time to move but I was wondering IF there is a way to union objects so that they dont lose the lines between joining objects. For example if 2 - 2x8 studs are next to each other and I were to union them, then they would plot as a 4 x 8 instead of 2 - 2 x 8's OR is there a way to maintain lines after union?
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Apr 16, 2013
I have searched the discussion groep and have not came up with any usefull information.
I have an inside web plate sketch that i want to offset but my offset does only do one line at a time.
So my problem basicly is that I want it to do the whole sketch in one click. Is it possible to join all the lines? or is there another function that I do not know of that will do this for me.
Attached is photos of the problem I have
1 picture - How do I join these lines
2 picture - How the whole sketch looks
3 picture - The offset does only do one line at a time (i want it to do the whole sketch)
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Jul 13, 2007
how to join line or polylines with ellipse arcs or circle arcs and now.. I give up! Here is my problem: What I would like to draw can be compared with a pear: a succession of circle arcs ellipse arcs and maybe polylines. Once the profile done, I was planning to use REVOLVE or (EXTRUDE + FLLET) to finish my drawing... the problem is that I can't join 2 ellipse arcs from different ellipses (which means neither with a circle arc. How would you proceed to draw a pear?
PS: I'm using autoCAD 2006 z.54.10 version
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Mar 30, 2012
I used the "break" command to split some lines into segments, but now I can not join them again using PEDIT. They are all on the same elevation. What is preventing me from joining them? I've attached the file in question, I'm trying to join the red (metal layer) lines.
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Oct 6, 2013
what is the difference btwn using the join icon and joining lines using the pedit command?
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Dec 6, 2011
Total buffoon when it comes to getting GIMP to do what I want to do. I'm just practicing with making maps, black lines on a white background, and I've run into some issues I'm wondering if I can get rectified.
1) For whatever reason, the line weight of everything has shifted throughout the file, ending with some lines lighter and grayer than others. Is there a way I can get GIMP to trace all the lines in a uniform black, with uniform thickness?
2) I have tried locking the white background, but often when I select and move my black lines, if I don't click in just the right spot it moves the white background instead, which is really, reeeaaaly aggravating. How Do I get that background to be completely untouchable?
3) In trying to colour the image, I've run into problems with their being a white outline between the colour and the black lines. I think I need to sharpen the image or somesuch? How can one correct this issue?
4) Is there anyway to convert the black dotted lines of the paths tools into straight black lines, in regards to an older file? If not, is there an easy way to trace them?
5) I find the scale too tends to make my image too jagged. I want to take a section of my map, move it too another file and enlarge it to do detail work - what's the best way to do this in order to have a clear image?
6) Any way to translate an image from a MErcator Projection ot a Winkell-Trippel projection, one that works on a Mac?
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May 25, 2013
Should be a simple question. Using Designer Pro X I load a PNG file. I then do nothing except "save as" also in PNG format.
My expectation was I would get the same file. Instead it seems to have changed the resolution and now looks terrible.
An ordinary graphic program like paint.net or photoshop would save the same file back to disk.
There must be something I am failing to understand about Xara. How do I edit a bitmap and have it save back in its original resolution?
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Aug 16, 2007
Is there any "view" that enables you to see the path/shape lines (not the fill, just the lines) that you have done in different layers?
I hate to keep switching opacity on and off to see where the other lines end and stuff.. I know you can turn of and on the paths with CTRL ALT H, but that is only for one layer.. and I want to see them for all the layers while Im working on one.
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Jan 26, 2011
I am having problems trying to produce an image with reflections. I have been doing it in the past with Xara4. My procedure is to take a number of images, create copies of them, flip them then add transparency once they are in place as refelctions. These are all placed onto a dark background; reflections are stretching beyond the background at this stage. And in the past if I select all, then Arrange>Combine Shapes>Intersect Shapes then I can have the whole image without the transparent regions of the reflections. My plan is to have the background transparent and save all as a png to preserve the transparency on web. But it doesn't seem to happen in my latest attempts. Instead at the Intersect Shapes stage I get a tiny part of the background as my final image....
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Apr 21, 2013
I am working in Illustrator CS6 on a Mac (10.7.5) and on some (but not all) of the objects in my document, the paths (not strokes) are visible as light grey lines. This occurs in objects that are stroked, filled or both. I can make a stroke thicker, but the 'path' is still visible in the center of it. The Appearances panel gives no indication of what's going on.
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Dec 13, 2012
I am attempting to fillet plines to make rounded curbs at street intersections. Whenever I create the fillet, the 2 plines that were filleted remain as they were before the fillet.
This only happens on my computer and only in AutoCAD 2011, it works fine in Civil3D 2011. We only have a limited number of Civil3D licenses or I would just use that all the time.
The attached screenshot shows an example of what happens. The 2 red lines are what were filletted (the fillet is in white). Both lines are long enough to accomodate the radius of the fillet.
What is causing this problem?
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Jul 17, 2013
I am trying to teach myself how to use 3D and when trying to chamfer my objects, the chamfer works, but it leaves the original lines.
I have it set to TRIM under the CHAMFER command. My TRIMMODE is set to 1. I don't know what else to do.
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Aug 1, 2013
I've not used Xara in ages and can't remember how (or even if it's possible) to join two lines together. I was using the freehand tool with trace mode enabled to roughlty trace around an object in a jpeg image so I zoomed in on the object in the image I wanted to trace to get better precision. This meant the image was larger than my monitor and I had to trace a bit, press space bar, pan a bit, press space bar to get back to freehand tool, move over end of line to get little '+' sign to continue drawing existing line etc. But on one of the times I must have not got the '+' so was actually drawing a new line and not a continuation of the existing - hence need to get these 2 to join together.
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Dec 31, 2012
The very first thing any CAD program can do is be able to create a series of lines, connected end to end, on the fly, by starting each line snapped to the end of the last line.
I cannot see how to do this very basic procedure. Perhaps I'm missing something (). I can see how you can make 2 lines separately, then move one to snap to the other, but this seems awfully crude for a program like Xara.
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Feb 18, 2013
I have an OS plan with the 100 metres squares marked.I want the ruler to coincide with the known 100m length.Then I can mark on layers various lines of say 7m or 25m long.How can I set the ruler and guides to enable me to draw lines such as this.
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Jul 9, 2011
Is there an easy way that I am missing to create lines around a group? For example, when I want a rectangle with rounded corners on only one side, I usually just make 2 separate rectangles, one with rounded corners, one square, then group them together. However, when you put a line around it it also makes a lines where the two meet each other. I have always worked around it by adding another square rectangle between the 2 with no lines, to cover up the lines. Am I missing something obvious?
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Jan 26, 2011
When I apply simple flat transparency to a line, or a shape with an outline, it becomes translucent - as expected.
But when I apply a linear (or circular / elliptical / conical etc) transparency, only the fill is affected, and the line remains opaque
[Using Xara Designer Pro]
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Jun 12, 2013
I have looked everywhere at all sorts of photoshop and illustrator tutorials (because I couldn't find a Xara one) to accomplish this effect. I am creating a website for my client Jim and would like to incorporate a similar image to what he's using on his book cover, but with some different colors as the background to his site.
You can see what I'm trying to do in his blog header background here: [URL]......
I've found that this is a stock photo used in a lot of places, but I'm not really interested in getting the original image - I have that, but as a Jpeg on a black background. I'd prefer to learn how to create a similar effect in Xara.
I have tried all sorts of things that are kind of close, but just not there yet. I've tried using a line with pen pressure with a glow shadow. I've tried lines with a stained glass color overlay. I've tried creating a number of different brushes with a few levels of color, some with Gaussian blur applied, etc. but I just can't get this effect down. It always looks pretty good when I'm done, but then I look at the inspirational original and I'm not even in the ballpark for the amount of shine, glow, impact, etc.
In the end, this may not even work for the site since will be putting it on a light colored background, but I still want to know how to create this, as I'm sure I'll be able to use the technique elsewhere.
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