Paint.NET :: Move To Exact Position By Entering Numbers Exactly
Aug 21, 2011
Is there a way to change the selection position and size by entering the numbers exactly? I find it difficult to make pixel perfect movements and it is tiresome to use the keyboard arrows to do this.
When something is selected, the position and size appear in the bottom left corner. Perhaps clicking on this could bring up a window that would let the user enter exact values.
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Jan 10, 2013
When I try entering a X/Y coordinate or enter the opacity number, when I try to type example 58, I type the 5 first then the 8 but it types it in as 85 putting the text infront
Also, when I type in the coordinates and want to delete the decimal place example, 23.756 to 24, I try clicking in the place and hitting backspace or highlighting the 3.756 and entering 4, it will hurry and highlight everything so when I backspace it delets all or when I enter the 4 it will highlight all and put the 4 so my object flys to another part of the art board.
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Jul 9, 2012
I'm currently running AI CS6. In previous releases, when I wanted to start entering text at a certain point (with the regular type tool) I would position the I-beam at the vertical line where I wanted to start, and with the little horizonal line of the I-beam on the horizontal line where I wanted to start, and click. But in CS6, that click seems to position the text on the left-most dotted line surrounding the I-beam, rather on the I-beam itself. Is there some parameter I can set so that the I-beam determines the starting point of text? Or do I just need to adjust my thinking to a different way?
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Jan 20, 2009
Have 2 files open with same dimensions. I have a little number on the first file I would like to copy & paste to the second. I want it in the same exact position on the second file as it appears on the first.
I thought if you dragged the layer from the first file onto the second while holding shift key would do it, but it only places the number on the center of the page.
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Aug 25, 2012
Is there any way to enter exact position coordinates ( x, y) and dimensions for objects in P'shop? For example, putting a photo in an exact position and sizing it by other than dragging handles with the mouse?
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Jul 8, 2012
I hereby have a school note report from my little brother. He told me he had some bad notes in his last period and I would like to make a fake copy of it.
Basically, I scanned his 3th period notes and I would like to change some and add some
How you can remove numbers and add new ones over it and add numbers with the same digital code used on the old ones to put those in empty notes
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Mar 2, 2012
In Transform controls I have write exact distance X: 1240.00 pixels (1. Picture)When I click ok, the object remains in its previous location by the guide .1240 .50 pixels (2. Picture). URL....
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Aug 7, 2012
1) Is there any way in Photoshop to know the exact location of an existing guide like you can easily do in Illustrator and Indesign by watching the info box?
2) Besides that, can i move a previous guide to an exact parameter like i do in Illustrator and Indesign? those are very useful tips to the workflow.
Maybe there is a plugin to do it more efficiently. Nowdays, i have to always Create New Guide. If i like the New Guide 20 px from another guide and have to always remember the previous location or do the too much time consuming. It would be great to have a box where i could put the value and move guides around like Illustrator.
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Jul 20, 2012
How do I add text on an opaque background, similar to the text box created in MS Paint (example attached)
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Jul 12, 2013
I'm in Photoshop CC 3D, and I have a simple scene with one complex object. I can't find any way to move the position of the camera beyond the default positions, like top, front, back. I can do it CS6, but I can't do it in CC. I can rotate the object, but I want to keep the object where it is. I want to move the camera.
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May 4, 2011
I have these problems.
1. when I creat a new object he stays at position 0,0,0 and I only can move when I transform in some editable.
2.this happend when I try to construct bones TOO, and I can create whitohou the zeros point, when I click the bones are creating in same point in viewport.
I all ready try to press x, see the snap toogle, dont like to be an Axis constrain, try to restar to default config.
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Aug 13, 2013
I'm trying to line up two images one on top of the other with opacity set so I can see Liquefy (CS4). One is background, the other is Layer 1. How do I move either one roughly in place over the other so I can start adjusting edges so the two profiles match? Hand doesn't move anything.
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Dec 13, 2013
I'm creating a sprite sheet and I need to move my sprites to a specific location.
For example my sprite is 120x120, so I need to place the 5th animated frame at EXACTLY 120x5=600 pixels from zero or at 600, 0. I can't seem to find a way of doing this in GIMP, it shows me a mouse delta position from where I first clicked?
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Jan 21, 2014
So I have a lot of 2D drawings (a couple thousand roughly) that I need to go through and shift the objects within to the absolute 0,0 position. That way, when we insert them into a new drawing, everything is centered appropriately and not way off the screen.
Instead of:
Open File > Select Objects > "MOVE" > Specify Basepoint > " * 0 , 0 " > Center View on Newly position Objects > Save File > Close File
... Repeat ...
By way of a LISP routine, or a script that could automatically do the above steps on it's own. Even something that doesn't require me to hit *, then tab, then 0, then tab, then 0 again.
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Jul 30, 2013
I'm using the trial version of Elements 11 to see if I should downgrade from an old version of Photoshop. I'm running into two problems:
1) when I re-size an image, it doesn't show pixels in the drop-down box under Document Size, and
2) if I manually re-size an image, I can't get the move tool to nudge it into position.
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Jul 17, 2012
With an object selected and the Selection tool active, I press Return to get the Move dialog box.
For some reason, there seem to be random values entered in the Horizontal and Vertical fields. Instead, I just want the boxes to always start at 0 so that I can decide where it moves, instead of having to clear these fields manually.
how to get this box to behave as I want it to?
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Dec 6, 2012
I want to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6" to use as masters to make 4" x 6" borderless photo prints. I use Resize > Canvas Size > Absolute Size > 4.00 width > 6.00 height. When I save a print the resulting images are not exactly 4" X 6" so they do not produce useful borderless photos. Different photos have produced different size images using those same settings. The only way I have been able to learn that they are not the exact size that I need is to print and measure them.
Is it realistic to expect to produce images that are exactly 4" x 6"?
Is there a better way than printing and measuring them to determine that the images are the desired size?
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May 23, 2011
I have a picture of text (non-latin characters) that is multicolored. Most of the text is black but certain words/letters are purple, red, blue, etc. and I want to get rid of them. The black and white tool works but the previously colored text is now a shade of gray instead of being pure black. I also played with the contrast and brightness but it the text bleeds and becomes unreadable. The background is also pure white.
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Feb 27, 2012
Is there a way to do a pixel-exact (rectangular) selection when zoomed out?
e.g. I have an image that is 3000x2000, I have zoomed out to see the whole image and like to select a section that is 1280x1024 out of that image. When I use the mouse, I can't select it exactly (expected behavior as one pixel in my view is 2.3 pixel in reality) but even when I use the mouse combined with the arrow keys I get the same behavior (which I did not expect, I would have thought I could change the selection's size pixel by pixel).
Currently I'm solving the problem through selecting the next bigger size (e.g. 1283x1025), copy/paste it into a new image, then crop it to 1280x1024 and copy/paste it again to a new image where I save it. Is there a more efficient way of doing it?
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Jan 7, 2011
My current goal is to specify the rotation and translation of an object using a text file full of numbers. I have been told that I should import a "move" file. However, I can't seem to find any kind of reference about the move file format or how to use it. I see in the import dialog box that there is a file type called "move" but I don't know how to format the data that I put into the "move" file.
Also, I tried to export a "move" file so I could take a look at what Maya generates, but I keep getting the error "// Error: Could not save file "C:/My Documents/maya/projects/body_in_ocean/scenes/".
I created a group with my object in one file, referenced it in my working file, moved the group around and set some keys in the working file, but I can't seem to export any move data. How to get this to work?
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Feb 5, 2013
When in CS6 I want to be able to move my image where ever I want it, by default it's centered on the workspace. Because my palettes are on the right and I use quit a bit of them it's better when I can move the image moire to the left.
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Nov 14, 2013
I wanted to make a walk cycle animation, How to move a character up and down without affecting the feet position?
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a two layer image:
layer 1. background
layer 2. A transparent vector layer with text
I have a second image, the same exact size and resolution as the first two layer image. I would like to paste layer 2 from the first image, into the same exact position on image 2. Every time I paste. it centers the text, whether it is just a ctrl-v, or a paste layer. I've even tried promoting the layer 2 in the first image then pasting as new layer into image two, with no luck. Everything I've done pastes layer 2 from image one, into the center of image 2.
I have PSP Photo X2
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Jan 17, 2014
I was hoping to create a JS script to move objects away from common center based upon their current position. I was thinking to use a single selected path item as the center based on its position x/y and width/height. Using this reference point the script would then move away all other path items from this center point based on a desired amount and with uniform increments given their current location from this center. I was thinking cos and sin would be my friend in this case, however they seem to have become my foe instead. ;-)
Does this sound doable? What am I missing, doing wrong, misinterpreting? Below is a non-working attempt, I can't seem to sort things out, perhaps I was close and missed it or maybe I am super way off and its more complex than I thought. However at this point I am confused across my various failed attempts this only being one of them.
// Example failed code, nonworking concept
var docID = app.activeDocument;
var s0 = docID.selection[0];
pID = docID.pathItems;
var xn, yn;
var stepNum = 20;
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Dec 30, 2012
Is it possible to automatically add numbers to faces in a picture?Next step is to insert the picture in a Word file where I can create a legend which tells which number in the picture is who.I understand that I need to insert the picture twice in the Word doment, 1: the original without numbers, 2: the numbered version with the legend.
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Apr 29, 2012
I had my first contact with and I didn't succeed to see how can we change the colours of the numbers and of the background.
How can we do that?
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Jul 18, 2013
I have subroutine that retrieves a list of detail numbers in a drawing. Sometimes there are missing numbers. I am looking to find a list of any missing numbers.
Example -
(setq List_DN (list 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 17))
Missing numbers are - 4,8,9,13,14,15,16
I would like a subroutine to take the List_DN are return the following missing numbers as text
(Get_Missing List_DN)
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Feb 20, 2012
I am trying to link my parts list to a drawing however all balloons have different numbers.
I open the assembly and check everything out from vault I open my bom and change item numbers. When I get back to my drawing and apply for auto balloon I get completely different item numbers in my balloons. We just updated our software to a new 2012 version so it's maybe something with set up.
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Jun 20, 2011
Is there a way to sync callout numbers to correspond with note numbers. When I add or delete notes in my drawings it takes to much time to update the callout number in the drawings. I need to figure out a way for the note and corresponding callout to change at the same time.
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Sep 7, 2013
I'm want to drag an objects anchor and have the position co-ordinates offset by opposite amounts so it doesn't appear to move postioin on screen. IS there a tool for that?
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Oct 14, 2013
I'm looking to make the jump from Photoshop. Is there a way to position elements/objects/text by coordinates? This is my single biggest gripe with PDN.
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