After Effects :: Move An Object's Anchor While Keeping Object In Same Position Relative To Screen?
Sep 7, 2013
I'm want to drag an objects anchor and have the position co-ordinates offset by opposite amounts so it doesn't appear to move postioin on screen. IS there a tool for that?
How do I set the position (i.e. move) and object relative to another object?
Specifically, I am using Architecture 2013. I have two parallel walls. How do I set the distance of one relative to the other? I know I can measure the distance, calculate an offset, and move one by that offset. But there must be an easier way?
Is there any way to locate exact center of a circle in after effects? I made a perfect circle in photo editing program and since layer's boundaries corresponded to circle's edges, i thought that anchor point in after effects will be exactly at the center. but it's not the case - the anchor point is at the center of a composition!
I imported the circle .psd layer together with other layers as a composition, does this have any importance? As i said,the circle layer boundaries corresond with circles edges, not with canvas' edges in my photo editing program. But whe i solo the circle layer, i see that the anchor point is at the center of a composition, not the layer.
So now i have to place anchor point at the center manualy, and it's pretty difficult to do it perfectly. when i rotate the circle, it wobbles and wobbles.
I'm trying to get text to scroll across the screen full height coming from the right to left, scroll across the screen at certain times of the video. I saw some animation presets there for text but not what I'm looking for. What I'm trying to do: along with a song, every time the name of the song comes up in the chorus, I'd like to scroll those words across the full height of the video as an overlay. And if it was just a graphic instead of text going across, what would I use to achieve that?
I know it is possible to precisely position an object in space and on top of another object by entering coordinates. However I prefer to work "relative" with snapping. I used to work with Rhino 5 in 3D. I liked the possibility to constrain the vertical movement of the object being moved. I could then place my object an the same height as an existing one by dragging the cursor over the desired part (notice the white line in enclosure 1). It's like an invisible (snapping) plane stopping the vertically moved object.
Is there a way to achieve the same thing with ease in Autocad by using snapping, ortho-mode, 3D-Move Gizmo or any other kind of technique. I managed to constrain the vertical movement with the Gizmo but I'm unable to achieve the desired effect mentioned above.
Enclosure 1 : Screenshot from Rhino 5, yellow block being moved vertically. Command: Move, vertical=Yes, Snap: End 002.jpg
Enclosure 2: Autocad Architecture 2014 (Autocad modelling commands should apply here too) 001.jpg
What controls origon (x,y = 0,0) of a objects coordinates? I'm not refering to which the "Reference Point".I use a bunch of artboards and sometimes origon originates from the newest artboard i have created, which is great for my workflow. I place a lot of objects using the top coordination tool.
But often the origon fixes it's position to the first artboard. Is there a way to control the origon?Specs: Win7, 64bit, Illustrator CS6 16.0.3.
If I drag an effect from the target circle of one object to anther in the layer's panel it replaces the effect along with all appearance. But I want just to add the effect. For example, a layer has a drop shadow and a path, round corners. I want to move the drop shadow from the layer to the path so that the path now has the round corners and the drop shadow. To do this I have to open the shadow effect of the layer wright down its parameters, then create a shadow effect for the path with the same parameters which is a lot of work.
In PS you can drag the center anchor point of an object anywhere within the object or canvas, allowing you to rotate around that custom location versus the dead-center of the object.
I have a shape I made with the pen tool, and now I want to align one anchor point of the shape with the middle of a rectangle. How can I do this? It doesn't seem like I can do what I do for objects, which is select both objects, click the object I want to align to, and hit align. If I'm not describing this properly let me know and I can try to clarify.
I select an object, then I select the Relative to object button:in the Property Bar, the X and Y aren't in 0.0 ".I have to deselect and reselect again the object and after that X and Y are ok.Same thing if I deactivate the Relative to object button:the X and Y show me 0.0 ".I have to deselect and reselect again the object and after that X and Y show me the real page's coordinate.
how to align an object 90 degrees relative to the ground.Also how can draw a 350x350mm rectangle without using the dimension tool to check the size of the rectangle every time I resize it?
This is my original drawing in Photoshop CS5 for Windows:My goal is to quickly center two objects while keeping one of them (blue rectangle in my example) in place:
If I follow the standard procedure (select both objects, align vertical and horizontal centers), both objects are moved to the center of the drawing:So the blue square has lost it's original position which is not good.
I have a Tiff file and it is constantly trying to jump from the background to the foreground… I have tried putting it on layer and locking the layer in 2012 but this is no longer working in 2013.
Is there an anchor tool that will do this? The aec object is actually a Autocad MEP pipeobject but should fall under the AEC umbrella. I am inserting some blocks at specific pipe locations through dotnet and would like to anchor the blocks to the pipes in case the pipes have to move.
I'm trying to move specific anchor points on a path a few pixels up from their current position, while keeping everything else where it is, so it'll transform the figure's shape. I'm trying to do it precise by changing it's dimensions, rather than clicking and dragging. does- work when I direct select the points I want and drag them. Problems with that:
1) I have very little control. If I want the point moved up by whole pixels, I pretty much have to get lucky because it's always in decimal points.
2) With shapes bordering each other (parts of a complex shape), if I want to move their location to scrunch something (Half circle in a larger half circle, wanting to flatten out the base), if I lift those points up, they leave a gap. As if the top border of the outer circle has another anchor point under the lower of the one above that, and I can't click on it to move everything while they're still touching. I can take screenshots if needed. I'm following a tutorial to get used to the program.
Alternately, I suppose if you have a shortcut for constraining the drag to whole pixels instead of fractions, that's great too. In Photoshop and the like, holding Shift would give me precision, but that's not the case in this tool or perhaps program.
What happened to the option/enter command in the move object dialog that has been around since the early days of Illustrator??? Instead of having to mouse click the "copy" button in the move object window, one could just hold down option with Return or Enter and the Copy command would happen rather than a simple move. Immensely useful for prepress work!
My image is in grayscale though it's recognised as RGB. It contains structures in white which I would like to fill with a colour. So basically, I'd like for all the white in the image to show up as e.g. red.
How do I do that? I'm guessing it must be possible to have a red layer and somehow this will then fill the white, but I'm getting confused with background and foreground filling options and I don't know which transparency options I have to choose.
I am trying to center objects in the page but for some reason the Object Position is not working. I am doing a 24x36 poster and when I type 12 in to center the object it is not working.
is there a way to get position of any selected object? It seems like normally you have to dive into specific item like textFrames to get position, but was curious if there was a generic way of doing this for selected objects.
Im trying to wire an object's Z position to a custom attribute. I've frozen transforms, but whenever i wire the zero euler Z position to the attribute, when i control the attribute, i notice that my object is moving relative to world, and not to its position.
I want to move it along its own Z axis, not world axis.
i am trying to add CV curves to a scene that I already created.
whenever I draw the curve in side view, it is actually nowhere near the object that I wanted it to be near. Its like super far away and im not sure how to move it to the right spot.
Is there some method to add the curve based on a position of an object?
I have a 2D plan and a 3D plan. The data is essentially the same on both, the only difference being that the 2D plan has several hundred points on it (all at elevation/z coordinate of 0, of which can easily be copied to the 3D plan).
I want to move those 2D points to their respective 3D positions. I.e. if point X is at coordinates 15213.321, 51646.632, 0 I would like to search in the Z direction above (or below; although in this data set it would always be above) for any object (line, polyline, 3dpolyline or an arc only I think) that crosses or is on this coordinate and then move the point (or place a new point) to that z coordinate. So if there is a line whose z value is 895.265 at coordinate 15213.321, 51646.632, then the point (that was originally 2D) would become 15213.321, 51646.632, 895.265.
Any lisp or other method in AutoCad that could accomplish this (ideally without having to select each point individually)? Surely this must have come up a few times before although I'm not too sure what search words to be using to look for info.
I have attached it (AutoCAD R2014). I have placed several object fields in this drawing (for blocks, even a node), and asked for an x position. I got one, but they are all slightly off.
How do i darken and maybe thicken all lines in a line drawing?
I need to darken the grey lines in a two color (grey & green) line drawing since they are hard to see.
One way is a fill but there maybe some quick method that proportionately darkens just the grey pixels while preserving the relative grey gradient between grey pixels.